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Everything posted by Nekkyo

  1. Mattimeo. short for matthias methusela and mortimer :D. yeah i just finished reading it. i didnt think that they were going to make it until martin freed the slaves. i was jumping around dancing! btw, thanks for telling me about the last book
  2. gosh.. all of these are incredebly funny. although i never really had anything really embarassing. well.. i have something close. i was at the skating rink and my friend and i had traded shirts. she was wearing a tube top so i was wearing it after we switched. in the snack bar, one of my other friends pulled down my top. and i wasnt wearing anything under it. i was so mortified!!:nervous: i never wear tube tops anymore. they called me tube top girl for weeks and weeks after that!
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jabroni3:16 [/i] [B]Mushroom Samba is the name of the episode... [/B][/QUOTE] O forgive O jabroni. like i said in some other post, i cant spell. also i havent seen mushroom samba in a looong time. it was the first episode i saw of CB.. anywho.. its a dandy show whatever you call it.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Gah!! Stop spelling it wrong! It is getting my nerves. It is spelled Tal[b]e[/b]na with an [b][u][i]e[/i][/u][/b]. If you don't believe me, she even has an official website created by a fan who knows her a bit and got permission to call it "official". [url]http://officialtalena.cjb.net/[/url] ::deep breath:: .. Okay, I'm done now..[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yes thank you scary piro one. i realised that AFTER i typed that and i was too lazy to edit it. I CANT SPELL OK?! i can sometimes. but most of the times i'm just lazy. so lemme alone so blar.:nervous:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Vegeta [/i] [B] Yea, I saw that on "Mtv news on Mtv 2" a while back. This Talina, was the hot, red-headed, mexican one right? [/B][/QUOTE] i think your talking about Fallon. she quit a while while back. Talina was the bassist and she normally sported pink hair. :bawl: she was so hot! *stares at her picture on her wall and drools* ok enough of that.. :blush:
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B]Don't worry. I have weak ankles, too. But I've sprained them so many times, I lost count. [/B][/QUOTE] i'v twisted them and such, but i only sprained it REALLY BAD once.. i get my weak ankles from my mom who everyone on her side of the family has 'em and so on and so forth. but i also have arthritis in my ankles, knee, and i think i have it in my hips because of the fact i can dislocate my legs at the hips whenever i want and its really starting to hurt doing that and just walking. so yeah..:whoops:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]I've seen about 10 minutes of the cartoon...o.O I've read half of "Marlfox", it was good at first, but then got boring...I might read the rest of it soon. [/B][/QUOTE] you should Marlfox was a really good book especially when the.. nevermind i wont tell you. GAH i wish i had Pearls of Lutra now! i dont have it *tear* they were sold out when my grandmother bought them for me. my fav one would have to be *thinks* gosh.. i like them all. Salamondastron was GOOD. but then again Mossflower was really good.. and Mattimeo which i just finished. Mariel of Redwall was good too. STORM GULLWHACKER! muha. I'm reading Legend of Luke right now. the Queen of Nort just lend them the raft.. thats where i got too. all in all, its a great book. Now that i think of it, i'm not sure if i have the whole series besides Pearls of Lutra. what came out before Triss will? was it Lord Bocktree?:huh:
  8. i listen to j-rock and a lot of different types of american and foreign metal. MALICE MIZER, Gackt, and Dir en Grey are my fav Japanese band. R.I.P Kami ex-drummer of malice mizer :bawl:. any who ok.. so the Goo Goo Dolls arent metal, but i always loved them for american, i listen to SOAD, Drowning Pool, Ozzy, Linkin Park, Kittie (sidenote for Kittie, i heard that talina quit the band, can someone verify that for me?) Mudvayne, Godsmack, Slipknot, the OLDER koRn. the new stuff is horrible. cant forget Disturbed either *gasp* the other forgein stuff would prolly be Rammstein from my native home of Germany. and L'ame Imortelle. Frenchs name but they sing in German. in other words, i listen to weird music. i also have a thing for trance, techno, and the likes of that.
  9. STUPID PEOPLE! :drunk: i hate them! i'm mostly talking about arrogant and ignorant people... "oh yes. I hate arrogance. no, i ****ing hate people"- Dani Filth from Cradle of Filth. people with no common sense! i hate religion.. therefore i have none. i believe what i wanna believe.. which isnt some guy that died on a cross. no offence to any christians or anything. on a lighter note, peanut butter and dogs must burn in my toilet.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B]Ewe. I think that counts. If most of your injuries are caused by a trampoline, why do you still jump on it? [/B][/QUOTE] i dont really jump on it that more. i dont have good feeling in my toes anymore. so it doesnt really hurt anymore. :blackeye: but other than that and a butt-load of bruises.. i'm ok! plus i have weak ankles so i am REALLY suprised that i havent broken them yet. i sprained it pretty bad on my tampoline though. but the feelingless toes are a good thing because once i start pointe in ballet, my toes wont be so.. hurting.
  11. i'm like most people. i've watched anime without relising it. Speedracer, i saw Akira when i was like.. 9 but i wasn't interested in it. but eversince my uncle and some of my cousins watching Movie #7 of DBZ, i was hooked. the only bad part was that it was in french and it was black and white. but it was AWSOME. then i relized it was on CN so i watched it and Gundam Wing. Tenchi, i even watched Sailor Moon before all of this! i'm very lucky too, i seen 2 episodes of Pokemon, but i collected the cards. i have them all still and prolly around 1000 of them. then my mom bought Princess Mononoke and thats my favorite anime movie to date. Blue Seed, some other movie about some people in a contest and i dunno i cant explain. BIRDY THE MIGHTY
  12. wee nanna a girl.. but who said i was straight? anyways here's my list in no particular order Faye Valentine Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the Fourth :D Ryoko San or Princess Mononoke herself Toki Lunch Videl
  13. bet hardly anyone has heard who i like ^_^ Ashitaka from the Princess Mononoke movie. and Kuririn from DBZ oh he's so kawaii. anywho.. uh.. who else.. durn i wish Edward was a guy ^_^ she's cute. *thinks* uh..Quatra Rababa Winner from Gundam Wing is so cute! ok i'm done :P
  14. *goes and downloads rain and cats on mars* wee.. "mushroom mamba" and "jammin with edward" are my fav episodes. everytime i think about "mushroom mamba." i picture spike walking up 5 steps that seem like 5 million and faye like she's swimming in the bathroom! and then there's jet talking to his plants *giggles* but "jammin with edward" almost made me cry. that satallite thingy being all lonely.. it was sad *tear* oh well.. long live ed.. she's so cute!
  15. BUWAHAHAHAHAH what did i tell you james? i told you that hamtaro is scary, i actually made the mistake of watching it today. its scary! i have to admit.. they're cute. especialy the one with the book with him all the time. and maybe the one with the hats. but other than that.. its kinda.. scary! so uh.. i told ya so james :devil:
  16. Nekkyo


    kittie rocks my everlasting socks. i swear i'm going to marry Talina Atfield:love: . in case you dunno who that is, she's the bassist. smashing pumkins are dandy dandy too, apc.. i heard a song or two from them and their dandy. but i like listen to j-rock. like MALICE MIZER and Dir en Grey. and the new Goo Goo Dolls album, Gutter Flower, is great too. i got it yesserday. Cradle of Filth rocks my socks:devil: . i have a thing for really really wierd music.:D i'm just an odd person weeee
  17. i guess in a way, i'v broken around 22 bones. my nose three times. first time i got hit the face the a bat, second time someone jumped on me, third time, my ex boyfriend hit my the face on an accident:bawl:. i've broken broken three ribs from skating. and ok.. this is kinda hard to explain. i've broken *counts* 4 toes 2 times each. i broke my... left pinky toe 3 times and the right one 4 times. the bulk of these breaks come from my trampoline and one or two of them comes from getting kicked. *thinks* i can also pop my legs out of socket at the hips. *counts* its 21 bones then.. i think. unless i forgot a bone. well.. i almost broke my arm.. does that count?
  18. woah lemme see. those are funny. mine are minor, like talking in my sleep. uh.. last night i was sleeping on my back in my legs in the air and then i rolled over and let my feet fall. my friend told me of this this morning. i snore. oh, this is funny. i was having a dream that i was walking and i fell off a cliff.. i woke up that instant on the floor :blackeye:. um, if a friend is sleeping in the same bed as me then i cuddle up to them. :blush: thats about it.
  19. Nekkyo


    i have necrophobia. the abnormal fear of death and dying, ect. i got it when i was 7 when i thought about when my grandparents would die. i thought of their cold, dead bodies in coffins. it scared me. i'm scared of death. i dont believe in god so to me there is no heaven or hell. i just have.. no emotion, no memory, no nothing. just a black void of nothingness. if i could just be depressed forever and ever, it would be a lot better than having nothing to feel. just the fact of not existing scares me. i want to be. thats prolly the only reason why i havent killed myself yet. i would have a long time ago if i wasnt scared of death...:nervous:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Uriel5 [/i] [B]Nowords are dirty. Only minds who think they are are. [/B][/QUOTE] hmm i never thought of it that way. yeah i have to agree with you on that one o.O and james be a goofball too!! BLAR BLAR BLAR BLAR das my word muhahahahahahahahaha
  21. this is just a sketchy thought. i think they went to the mountains to train for some extensive period of time like they normally do. after the cell saga they kinda dissapered. but as the other person said, they come back during the buu saga ^_^ i hope this answered your question.
  22. be prepared for an answer that wont amaze you. i agree with the whole thing about how the word is used. if someone means it in a negative and insulting way, then it is concidered a "bad word" but if it is used to classify something or to name something.. well.. thats not really explained right. say you call someone a "jacka**" then it concidered a bad word, but if you call a donkey an "a**" then its used to name the animal. normally when a donkey is called an "a**" really, their describing how stubborn they can be. and if someone says like "oh sh**" its still concidered a bad word because its being used in a crude matter when the person could have said something.. not as crude like "oh darn" or like what i would say "ah shishkabobs!" so really it is all how the word is used. and that thing about the middle finger, it was an insult to the french because the british could still shoot, so their were showing their middle fingers to insult the french. thank you for your time :D:
  23. Edward is the best! i know her full name and and her birthday. Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the Fourth. and her birthday is January 1 2058 :D
  24. oh yeah i so smart i got an 80 *hides head*:blush:
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