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  1. I have stumbled across. The Most Ridiculous Thing. [quote] [img]http://www.shogungamer.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/Feature_News_Node/pokemon-live-action-movie-leaked.jpg[/img] Late last night we received an email via our site contact form including a link to a SendSpace.com account containing a password protected zip file. The password we were provided was "gottacatchemall" and the zip file was named "pokemon_live_action_screener.zip". From what we can see, this trailer is pretty well done. I'm sure hard core Poke-nuts will get their panties in a knot over a live adaption. But, I never liked the cartoon. I might go check this out. Let us know what you think. We have no idea who is behind it, if it's studio funded or just a pitch like the recent Mortal Kombat reboot. There's not really much else we can say, simply because we don't know yet. We'll keep you posted if we are contacted again. So with that being said, here's a world exclusive look at a mysterious Pokemon live action movie trailer. [/quote] [b]Source: [url="http://www.shogungamer.com/news/live-action-gritty-pokemon-movie-trailer-leaked-shogun-gamer-exclusive"]http://www.shogungam...gamer-exclusive[/url][/b]
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