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About supernamek111

  • Birthday 10/10/1989

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  1. [QUOTE]DBGT is Dragon Ball Grand Tour[/QUOTE] Correction DBGT stands for Dragon Ball Galactic Tour I think (My Japanese friend says it is but what does he know all he has is Rebirth Of Fusion and he thinks he knows all. :laugh::freak::demon::drunk:
  2. It looks more like a lion but in my picture, it has it with it's mouth open and staring at the sky... with some android looking thing a little far back behind him and I think it looks like it has green eyes.
  3. There found it I just can't really draw that good... here it is:flaming::demon: :naughty: :therock: :butthead:
  4. Of course it does SayiaDude (sorry if its not ur name) because I am wondering what is on this Japanese card (I have a pic of it but I have no scanner and my pic is too big so I cannot post it.)
  5. Hello Its me its me its... supernamek and I have wondered what is this I am describing... it is a blue animal, with a golden mane, and in dragonball gt it has a "DP of 3500" ( i dont know what that means) so if anyone knows just reply
  6. If you can make it a Namek vs. Sayians so be it. Just come here: [url]http://www.roninweb.net/vegita/SPIRITB.jpg[/url][URL=http://pub70.ezboard.com/banimealways75378]here[/URL] :flaming: :mad:
  7. who do u think the Hottest chick was in dragonballZ/GT?
  8. my fav moment was when Marin walked away from Krilin and went with tyat guy who would get her ice cream Krilin didn't deserve her she was too good for him
  9. [SIZE=4]New DragonBall on CARTOON NETWORK[/SIZE] [COLOR=firebrick]New DragonBall on CARTOONNETWORK[/COLOR] I just heard that Dragon ball will be shown on CARTOONNETWROK this Monday do u think they are just stalling while were waiting for Great Sayiaman saga???
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