[QUOTE]DBGT is Dragon Ball Grand Tour[/QUOTE] Correction DBGT stands for Dragon Ball Galactic Tour I think (My Japanese friend says it is but what does he know all he has is Rebirth Of Fusion and he thinks he knows all. :laugh::freak::demon::drunk:
It looks more like a lion but in my picture, it has it with it's mouth open and staring at the sky... with some android looking thing a little far back behind him and I think it looks like it has green eyes.
Of course it does SayiaDude (sorry if its not ur name) because I am wondering what is on this Japanese card (I have a pic of it but I have no scanner and my pic is too big so I cannot post it.)
Hello Its me its me its... supernamek and I have wondered what is this I am describing... it is a blue animal, with a golden mane, and in dragonball gt it has a "DP of 3500" ( i dont know what that means) so if anyone knows just reply
If you can make it a Namek vs. Sayians so be it. Just come here: [url]http://www.roninweb.net/vegita/SPIRITB.jpg[/url][URL=http://pub70.ezboard.com/banimealways75378]here[/URL] :flaming: :mad:
my fav moment was when Marin walked away from Krilin and went with tyat guy who would get her ice cream Krilin didn't deserve her she was too good for him
[SIZE=4]New DragonBall on CARTOON NETWORK[/SIZE] [COLOR=firebrick]New DragonBall on CARTOONNETWORK[/COLOR] I just heard that Dragon ball will be shown on CARTOONNETWROK this Monday do u think they are just stalling while were waiting for Great Sayiaman saga???