Anime and Manga of course! But other interests include video games, the French and Japanese cultures, comedy movies, horror movies, technology, modding things, animals, music, playing instruments, etc.
I love Starcraft! I've been a fan for quite some time now. Anyone play Starcraft 2 online? Haven't played it much so I'm a noob but it's fun playing with people.
My first manga was one called "Yonen Buzz" but I never finished the series. The first manga series I read was Deathnote. I just recently got into manga/anime within the last 5-10 years just never got really big into it like I am now.
I'm watching Bleach as the English dubs premiere.
I'm also watching Rainbow every Tuesday on hulu with subs haha.
Those are the main 2 at the moment and I am watching several others on the side, but not on a schedule, such as One Piece.