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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. We must be pretty lucky down here in Australia, our main alternative/govt funded radio station Triple J is great at digging out new and awesome music and flogging it before any of the commercial stations get it. I've heard of most bands that have been mentioned on this page. Australia really is the home of a lot of great musicians though - Karnivool for instance. We are spoilt for choice. Despite this my music taste is a bit weird, so I can't add too much to this list except for [b]Devin Townsend[/b]. From Canada. The man is a genius. Very rarely do I meet anyone who has heard of him - even Canadians, and I have made a tonne of Canadian friends this year. That's metal for you, I guess.
  2. I watched this just the other day. Loved it! Hard to tell if it's because of my obsessive, claustrophobic cat fetish or because I have extreme faith in Miyazaki's delivery or because it was a good movie, but I loved it nonetheless. Very funny - especially the emperor! "I told them not to stand in a line!!!" And of course the 'romantic' flavour was not milked, which was nice. Bit creepy that she developed a crush on a cat at the end but what can I say... so had I, by that point. Hehe. I experienced a poignant sadness when the story was over, and thought to myself, 'When will they all see each other again?! How could you go back to normal life after that?' I generally enjoy a movie if it has at least one thing in it that I like, so this was a real winner for me. Only flaw - couldn't stand the main character's haircut. Not really a biggie, is it?
  3. [quote name='James' timestamp='1316481511' post='709512'] [font="Palatino Linotype"]I went to see a lecture at the University of Melbourne last night. It was Dr. Michael Shermer and the subject was [i]The Believing Brain[/i] - really fascinating stuff. And best of all, it was a free public lecture. This is the second one I've attended in as many months at UniMelb, and I'm really starting to love the presentations they host. They've had some really incredible people giving talks lately (the last one I saw was Dr. Lawrence Krauss, who is such a fascinating speaker).[/font] [/quote] Ahhh, great stuff. I've been really getting into the scepticism stuff of late. Well, I did a little bit at the end of last year but this year uni has knocked me off my feet. Great to hear Melbourne has a little community going - it's making information available that's the key. I'm so isolated in dusty academia these days I forget what the real world is like... so I am pleased to hear the real world seems to progressing just fine without me.
  4. I'm here. Where are you?

  5. I got in to med school, I got in to med school... tra la la...
  6. I have a lot of memories from way back when, but most of them are just of sitting in a dark room on my own. Woohoo. And making ten thousand cups of tea waiting for pages to load. However I can probably thank OB rpg-ing for my now-awesome typing speed, with which I landed a job as a medical transcriptionist when I moved to the big smoke. Who would have thought all those late school nights I was actually developing valuable skills? [url="http://www.ted.com/talks/jane_mcgonigal_gaming_can_make_a_better_world.html"]Well, apart from Jane McGonigal.[/url]
  7. [quote name='PiroMunkie' date='23 July 2010 - 01:52 PM' timestamp='1279860753' post='697677'] Hi guys. [/quote] IT'S YOU!
  8. I live in Brisbane, Australia. It's kind of small, only 2 million or something. It's also awesome here, because it's where I live. I've been to (south to north!) melbourne canberra sydney coffs hervey rockhampton singapore egypt greece england wales ireland n&s.
  9. Nice one, Raiha! I approve. And it reminds me of mine, too, which I also approve of.
  10. [quote name='Blue' date='15 July 2010 - 01:49 AM' timestamp='1279126176' post='697296'] College: St. John's University (NYC, queens campus) Major: Physician Assistant [/quote] Hey cool, our state is trialling the position of Physician's assistants as well - they've shipped a few hundred over from the states for the trial. However it's just a trial, and unsure as to whether the position will even be available, and my uni is running a two year physician's assistant course at the cost of an arm and a leg, without any guarantee at a job at the other end! Rather greedy, I would think.
  11. Saw it last night, definitely my favourite movie of the year so far! HILARIOUS! And extremely clever... who thinks of all of that stuff? The tortilla... the mrs potatohead eye wormhole... I recommend it to everyone but I'm not sure it's much of a kid's film... just that there's so much in there that would go over their heads. Like pretty much everything to do with Ken. Ken was the star of the film, I reckon... Spanish mode a close second.
  12. University of Queensland Bachelor of Science, Biomedicine major in Anatomy Live at home Best of luck James, journalism is going to be heaps of fun! Let us know how that open uni thing goes. Jesus Allamorph... variety much?
  13. [quote name='Japan' date='21 June 2010 - 01:09 AM' timestamp='1277050148' post='695686'] That is mostly doctor's orders. They don't know what is wrong with my digestive system so I have a strict diet plan that I must follow. [/quote] That sucks. Bread and pasta is a vital source of energy, and meat... well, meat is just awesome. Going without is better than being sick, though! So best of luck with that journey. Great advice, Eleanor! I have a friend who is a competitive body builder, his diet plan is very strict but his rule is on Sundays, he can eat anything at all and as much as he likes. It works, too!
  14. Man, so many people have problems with their nails! I stopped chewing my nails in year nine, not consciously... one day I just noticed they were getting really long, and I realised I'd stopped biting them for some reason. Now they are very long and lovely and strong. Today they are purple... I look like a ditzy receptionist. Of course you were kidding, CaNz... so was I. Man, does no one get my sense of humour around here?
  15. [quote name='CaNz' date='20 June 2010 - 08:47 PM' timestamp='1277034465' post='695681'] oh and this is totally a rip off of my drinking thread, you just made it vague... [/quote] I disagree! I do not drink alcohol and therefore was immediately excluded from your drinking thread. DISCRIMINATION!!!
  16. That's very admirable indeed. May I ask why you have decided to give up bread and pasta? Actually, I don't understand the red meat and citrus either.
  17. [quote name='Botar' date='20 June 2010 - 03:23 PM' timestamp='1277014989' post='695668'] Edit: *hand to face* Grammar NAZI. [/quote] Oh yeah... I don't even let people use the word 'like' inappropriately... which happens approximately once every three seconds. I'm much nicer to talk to on the internet
  18. [quote name='Botar' date='20 June 2010 - 02:17 PM' timestamp='1277011038' post='695661']So, what are some of you're bad habits? [/quote] Your, not you're. (that's my bad habit.)
  19. I like that photo, Stephanie! Flowers in the hair. Speaking of hair befores and afters... (Hmmm, haven't done this in a long time... let's see if it will work.) 2004: [img]http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af348/slitherdiddle/Picture73.jpg[/img] 2010 one morning: [img]http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af348/slitherdiddle/P1070235copy.jpg[/img] 2010 that afternoon: [img]http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af348/slitherdiddle/P1070241copy.jpg[/img]
  20. Just like people from [i]your [/i]part of the world don't know a joke when they see one! Tsk tsk. And I thought the bit about the goat would have made it obvious...
  21. [quote name='Raiha' date='18 June 2010 - 10:02 AM' timestamp='1276822944' post='695490'] [font="Times New Roman"][size="3"][color="#9932cc"]It's hard for her to hear down there in that barbaric wasteland. Anyway it's back to cold and windy up here. Which is nice, except again, with a broken car window, the temperature in my normally 90 degree car is now hovering around 50. At least my heater is effective. [/color][/size][/font] [/quote] 50?!! That's around the hottest temperature recorded in Os-trayl-yah! How are you still alive?! Oops, gotta go... it's lunch time! *runs off to kill a goat with my bare hands*
  22. Jesus, what a thread. I'm so sorry to hear about your house, DK; your cat, Pumpkin; and your grandma, nerdsy... and everything... everyone else. DWEA especially. Keep posting! You'll find nothing but love and support on these boards.... (if you find anything else, let me know... and I'll sort them out.) I had a lot to complain about five to ten years ago but I've stitched myself up and I'm having a great time right now. I am aware, however, that I am who I am today because of the hardships I faced previously, and I base a lot of my happiness on not taking things for granted any more. Even when the only thing left in life to count as a blessing is that I am still alive. Hey, DrixDZanth - I'm hoping to become a med student next year! I find out in August. Feel like this needs summing up with a corny phrase like, 'celebrate life!' or something. But I am not going to do that.
  23. Hey, how are you? (and what the hell is all this? I thought this used to be an internet forum... *feels old and out of date with technology*)

  24. [quote name='Allamorph' date='18 June 2010 - 12:28 AM' timestamp='1276788486' post='695471'] [FONT=Calibri]I am tempted to call copyright infringement on your avatar.[/FONT] [/quote] Call all you want, honey...
  25. I AM SO EXCITED! I'm a HUGE MK fan (ok so I'm about 60kg but I really like the brand, is what I'm getting at!) I saw the movie when it came out, the soundtrack was the first CD I ever bought, I played the games until my fingers bled, loved the second movie... somehow missed the third... but my heart leapt out of my mouth when I saw this trailer. And I like crappy movies (Not dragonball crappy, but like... XXX crappy) so I reckon this one will be up my alley. If they film it. This isn't a trailer, it's a short - the guys who did it are gauging interest to get some funding to film it. That's why it was 'leaked' onto the web, I reckon... so heaps of people demand for it to be filmed. Well, I'm demanding that it be filmed! http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=66904
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