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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Meh, you guys will have no problem all driving into a venue. It only takes an hour to get anywhere over there! We were driving from Manchester to Wales and I looked out the window, looked out the other window, looked back and saw the "Welcome to Wales!" sign! Argh! It takes us three hours, AT LEAST, to get anywhere decent over here. It's a four hour flight from Brisbane to Perth, I think. Besides, don't you think it would be worth it to see Raiha, post strip-search Heathrow-style, swinging her lycra-coated a*ss for all to see? Hell, it's a twenty-three hour flight, but I'm there, baby.[/font][/color]
  2. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]There is nothing wrong with you. The world is an odd place if someone who deserves happiness as much as you do gets it taken away, and if people can empathise and comfort a person who may not even exist, hundreds of miles away, though an internet connection. This news shocked me because I was born under the same circumstances - c-section, two months premature, and I was about the same weight, a little more perhaps. I just hadn't considered the circumstances of my birth, I knew being premature was risky, but this throws the whole thing into perspective. Thank god you are with us still, Deb. Having never spoken to you before, and only having indirect contact, I find that this may be an odd thing to say... but I feel it, and I know the others will too. Thank god you are alive. It will be difficult, but if there are people out there who can live these things through, you are one of them. I apologise if anything here offends you... I'm not sure how to respond, but I feel that I must. [/color][/font]
  3. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]My sensei gave us the link [url]www.webjapanese.com[/url] to help us with our kanji. The kanji lessons there are quite well done - you can change the backgrounds on the Kanji Worksheets to test your stroke order, pronunciations and english translations etc. I agree with SadClown, though, a teacher is the way to go. There are so many questions that can't be answered on paper. [/font][/color]
  4. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, in my opinon, Tour De France is getting a bit dated. When are we going to see the Exercise Bike tour De France? Or the Winter Ice-Skate-Bike Tour? The ride-on lawnmower Tour? How about the Hills Hoist Tour De France? France isn't the only place allowed to have Tours, you know. We could have A Tour Dee Australia, hills hoist style. The lead person would have to hang yellow shirts on his line. (For those of you who don't know what a Hills Hoist is, or how to drive one, it is a type of washine line and you drive it by lifting the top off the ground and winding up the top so it sticks out, then lifting up the back end and winding it back in again. It's a painful process, but god damn, it's a worthwhile one.) Or in the warmer states, we could have Washing Machine races, where you ride the vibrations out for half the race, take the clothes out and hang them on the ol' Hoist for the last 100 metre sprint. Bicycles are boring - I say, come on France, they've been done. Where are the wheelcars? The chinese junks? Wheelbarrows? Tibetan Yaks? Musk oxen? Ice ships? Llamas? Canoes? Palanquins? Rafts? Stilts? Horse Sedans? Tocans? Goat Carriges? WHERE ARE THE FLYING MACHINES, PEOPLE? Donnez-moi une coupure, les gens. [/font][/color]
  5. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]HA! Dubbo... that's nearly as bad as Toowoomba. Tell me, Fall, how do you think creative, witty, enjoyable people like us get stuck in places like these? I've been to Dubbo. It was a mistake. Why, oh why couldn't I have been born in Florence? Or Vienna? How about Prague, that doesn't sound too unreasonable does it? But rural Australia? I want to be a writer, not a wheatfarmer! I want to go to Cambrige, not Gatton Campus! Strange thing about Dubbo though... my mother and I went to Greece a while back, and we met an Aussie. She was from Dubbo. Well, I found it interesting because Dubbo is only a while away from Toowoomba, and I found it odd that a person from a town such as that would be in Greece. But if that was the case, what were we doing there? Sorry to pay out Dubbo if you have some kind of affection for it, Fall. I know it has it's strong points... actually, I'm looking it up now and realising I had a wrong impression of it in the beginning... But I hate my town. I hate all backwater Australian towns. I've been to Sydney, and it's not that bad, but as soon as I've got a degree on my back, I'm outta here. Will miss the Hills Hoist, though. Man, if that ain't the finest mode of transport ever invented... well, call me an empty tin of Spam.[/color][/font]
  6. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Elairith stared out of the forest at the open plain she had just crossed, but had not noticed at the time. The hole and the consequent man... um, thing... had woken her out of her depressed state enough to note her surroundings. the manthing seemed cheery.[/i] Kris: Must you keep referring to me as manthing? I'm a manvahnati. And my name is Kris. Elairith: Sorry, I shouldn't do that I know. [i]A pause.[/i] Did I actually call you that to your face? Kris: Yes, you've been muttering to yourself for a while now. Are you alright? Elairith: As alright as a woman can be when her suicide attempt has been disrupted. Kris: Ah. I'd say sorry, but I'm not. So, what now? [i]Elairith thought hard, wondering where her life was aimed now. The world didn't seem like much of a bad place. And Kris was far from ugly.... she pushed the thought out of her mind. Never again. That kind of thinking had gotten her friend killed, and her exiled from her home. She would never walk that path again. Pulling her cloak around her, she realised she was crying.[/i] Kris: Are you alright? You don't need to tell me what's wrong, it's not my business, but if there's anything I can do... Elairith: And what were you doing? Were you following me? Just happened to be walking past when I leapt? What is it people do in forests, anyway? Kris: You don't know that much about the world, do you? Elairith: I've never been in it. Kris: Well... that explains a bit. I was walking through it to get to the other side, which is where we are now. Elairith: What's so special about here? [i]Kris sighed and began walking forward, waiting briefly to see if she would follow. She did.[/i] Kris: There is nothing [i]here,[/i] so much, as where I am going. Here is just a point along the way, as was the forest I found you in. Speaking of places to go, where are you going? Elairith: Down, I hoped. I thought I might have seen something interesting at the bottom, or I might have died... I didn't really care either way. Kris: I mean before that. Surely you weren't wandering around looking for a hole to leap into, where you? Elairith: No, I was just walking anywhere. I didn't think about where I was going. Kris: Where do you think you will go now? Elairith: I don't know. But I have heard of a place... Kris: Oh?[/font][/color]
  7. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I just got my report card back for thr first semester of year eleven, which is hard because it's such a jusm from year ten. In fact, our school reckons it's a bigger jump from year ten to eleven than from year twelve to highschool. I've never had to do any work before now, and it really shocked me that I did so well. My mother has moved to canberra, as I've mentioned somewhere else, and everyone I know save for about two people want me to go with her. Rather pressuring, but I'll cope. I'm not going down there, it's hell. "Greatest school system in Australia" my left pant-leg. They're only sucking us down there so we can all become politicians. I will resist the regime! I love my school, and I'm doing well. Having to suddenly work hard is not very nice at all. The transistion has forced me to number my days as a sergeant in the cadet corps, and I don't see my friend anymore (that's right, I only have one. Go ahead, laugh.) But I'm not going to Canberra. You hear me, Nan? I ain't goin! That's right! And you can't drag me there, either, because I've hidden my rollerblades and covered myself in petroleum jelly. So take that! [/font][/color]
  8. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Speaking of gutters, I should have cleaned mine today. I'm rather glad I didn't because it's not something I enjoy doing. Anyway.... my time as a newbie was pretty much washed away by the fact that my sixth post was the start of, and many of you will agree, one of the best RPGs of our Otakuian time. I'm rather proud of myself... I'd only learned what RPG stood for, and then I pulled out out of my ***. (By the way, if that's censored, it's meant to read h a t. James, you really should do something about that... it's not supposed to censor the word h a t. H a t is not a bad word James, and you and I know it.) Anyway, I remember my first (and last) OB tip - it was from you, Raiha. You told me to put actions in italics, and a couple of PMs later, you told me [i]how[/i] to put things in Italics. I've worked everything else out, except for the centreing tags, which I rather enjoy. All that writing coherent phrases and not spamming thing I thought was rather obvious, as I've never been to any other message board, and I didn't quite know how it worked. Or that it didn't. I assumed that people posted correctly anyway. Sitting in Harlequin's lap while he does his modding rounds has taught me otherwise. So there you go - I've always considered myself pretty good with the rules, I've never been told off, anyway, and I've NEVER READ THE RULES!!!!!!! Ahem, I'm not suggesting it's a bad idea to, though. In fact, wait a sec... there, now I've read them. I suggest everyone do so now, even if you already have, even if you're the one who [i]wrote [/i]them, because there may be somthing you missed. :) Hmmm. But I look down on newbies, simply because I am an evil and harsh person who enjoys making people feel inferior. Or, I enjoy having someone to hate. *moves into a defensive stance, notices no one is looking, and relaxes again* So if you are a newbie, let time prove yourself to me.[/font][/color]
  9. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, you know how kids get really annoyed with their parents when they get to the 16, seventeen age mark and just can't WAIT to move out? [b]My mother moved out ON ME the other month, [/b] she's a smart one. I certainly didn't see it coming. No, only joking... she did move out, but it was to take a job in Canberra, which is ages away. Before that it was just her and me because I'm an only child and mum and my father were never together. I only met my 'dad' once when I was twelve and I didn't like him much so we lost contact. No, don't do that whole, 'Oh, that's so sad!' thing on me, he's an ******* and I'm much better off with him out of my life. I love my mother, even more now that she has gone. It was enough with her and me... Hmmm.... but she is crazy. Very crazy. She's a nurse, has done anthropology, she bellydances, is an artist/sculptor, hippy, feminist, single mother, is doing her honours at uni and still has time to do crazy things to our garden and knock walls out of our house every now and then. Every time we walk past a store that's playing funky music, or if there is a beat around... anywhere... even in the superparket, the street, the doctor's clinic... she will dance. And by dance I don't mean clicking her fingers or tapping her feet - I mean figure of eights, shimmies, balanashka fingering... actual dancing stuff. I'm not very embarrased by it anymore, she's been doing it for years. I was in sydney last week, Kings Cross, and we were walking past all the strip joints with the techno music coming up out of the carpeted stairwells with the bouncers standing outside... sure enough, she slowed at every one of them, and danced. Bouncers smiling, laughing, joining in and a couple jokingly offering her a job... I just stood there and stared into the next shop window. But I don't take people out with her very often. She smiles and says hello to everyone, in the vain hope that there will still be a scrap of humanity out there in the world today. She hates Canberra because people don't smile back. She hates Toowoomba because people walk around staring at the ground, too scared to look you in the eye. One day, mum said hello to someone and they looked away. She stopped them, putting her hand on thier arm, looked them in the face and said, "Good morning!" And smiled. They ran away, I nearly choked laughing. My mother loves gay people, and transvestites, because she used to have alot as friends and now instills the belief that they are the nicest people in the world. After living with her my whole life, I agree. Or at least, the twenty or so homosexual/transvestites that are in our circle of friends (and one person who has gone the whole way... some people call her jenny, some people call her ken...) are the exceptionally nice ones... She took me hitchhiking overseas to show me how "scummy the world is today" and she picks up hitchhikers because she used to be one of them. She swears and yells at the TV when John Howard or George Bush appears. She takes me to adult shops to laugh at human nature, and she takes me clubbing because she loves to dance. She laughes at everything, jokes all the time, treats life as a party, and doesn't get too upset when I have to pull her head out of the oven when I find her there, or if I have to call the ambulance because she's drunk metholated spirits. She wears my clothes and tells me the rudest, strangest jokes, and at the end of the year always takes me to the largest Folk Festival in the southern hemisphere... this year she will be performing there, and she'll get her head shaved and dyed crazy colours. We died our dog pink when I did her hair at the beginning of the year. She moved ten hours away so she could work in a women's shelter, helping women who are like she used to be. I guess I have a lot to say about my mother, but I miss her a bit right now. And I'm getting into the habit of making rediculously long posts. Sorry.[/font][/color]
  10. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]And I am one of them... Actually, all but two I know of in Queensland go to the same school - Downlands, Toowoomba. They are Liamc2 (the founder, he got us all hooked when he did an assignment on the boards), I was number two, along with Cloricus, then there was The Harlequin, and then in no particular order, Jesus Chicken, Lady Asphyxia, Dragonflame (who has moved and stopped posting), Saide, The Unholy Newt, Marbar, Lilac Oranges, Butterfly, Enigma and.... mmm.... oh, yes, Arbalester, the newest of the bunch. I think the only serious, every week posters are Liamc2, The Harlequin, Cloricus, Jesus Chicken, Lady Asphyxia and of course myself, Ravenstorture. Of all people mentioned, we are all in year 11 at highschool except for Saide and Lady Asphyxia, who are in year 10. [/font][/color]
  11. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I've just read this whole goddamned thread, and it was a waste of time. One person mentioned my name - probably to save himself from three hours of my wrath. Apart from that, there was nothing that interested me. Well, I have a crush on someone, and I don't suppose anyone would be interested, but it's more in real life than on OB, even though he is an OB member. And his name is[b] Marbar[/b]. I gave him that nickname, you know... one maths lesson. The other person I don't really have a crush on but would like to include because EVERYONE should have included him, because he is the sweetest, most agreeable, lovable charecter I've met, is [b]Liamc2[/b]. I don't think it's fair he's been neglected just because he happens to be on holiday in Maryborough, a place notorious for being only past the bronze age. I'd better give Harlequin a mention here too, for fear of looking like I'm not taking this thread seriously.[/font][/color]
  12. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, I don't like guns. If WW3 came around and everyone thought guns were evil, I'd not need to defend myself against one, would I? How hypocritical of me. I don't like guns, but I know how to use a couple. What's that, you say? Is this 16 year old girl from a country with gun-permit laws actually saying she can use a automatic rifle? That's right. Well, I've only ever played with .22's and the F88 Austeyer, the authorised australian military rifle thingy. I don't know all the technical whatsitswhoosies, but I know a rifle is a gun that spins the bullet, because the inside of the barrel is, haha, "rifled", and a gun does not have these special spiral grooves. I've never managed to get my hands on the steyer's nastier counterpart in the AusDefence Force, the Minimi. One day. I like the F88 because I know how to use it, I can dismantle it to it's full 22 pieces, and I can to my emergency actions in the dark (very handy thing to learn.) I've fired it on a laser range, and I've fired it live, and I am confidant enough to use it in the field. As I am only a cadet, however, that will not be happening any time soon. But we can all dream... As for .22s, I've always said that they work better if you hit people with the butt instead of shooting at them with it. [/color][/font]
  13. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I reckon if you tell him a) how you feel, and b) how important the current status of your relationship is to you, and c) that you are prepared to leave your feelings as they are and not take any action on them, he'll respect your honesty, and maybe help you through what, in all likelihood, is a crush. That is, if you trust he will respect your feelings enough to not feel uncomfortable around you, and if you trust he won't jump on you before you finish the sentance, yelling something along the lines of, "Wow! I can't believe you feel that way too. Marry me!" I don't suggest pursuing your feelings as of yet, but keeping things from your best friend never did anyone any good.[/font][/color]
  14. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I've been keeping my eye on this thread for a while, and I've decided what I want to say. Let me take you back to a time, perhaps two thousand or so years ago, perhaps a lot more. During this time, whether you want to believe we were evolving from chimpanzees, inventing the trebuchet or following that guy across the red sea safely out of Egypt, things were terribly different then than they are now. Rules we apply to life in general must be flexible, as they cannot apply both then and now. Then - we [i]needed to[/i] procreate. There weren't six billion people on this earth, two thousand years ago there were more like 150 million. Although it's a lot, it wasn't enough for every couple to only have one child, and it wasn't enough to sustain the rate in which we were advancing technologically. Then - there was a different view of pleasure. Having a good time wasn't building yourself a nice home and a safe little stash of money so you could feel safe at night, it wasn't finding your true love and moving to Greece. It meant getting all the work done without slipping a intervertabral disc, and perhaps living through childbirth. Now - there are over six billion people here, that's more than have [i]ever died.[/i] Many people agree that it's far too many. by the year 2020, eight billion people. Population is increasing rapidly in the economically unstable countries, simply because they need kids to help out. Australia, the average couple will have about 1.3 children (the replacement rate is 2.1). But in Palestine, I believe the average no. of children per family is more around seven. Biologically, we don't need everyone in the world to have children - in fact, we more need most people [i]not[/i] to, at least for a while. Humanity can afford to indulge in the non-practical side: homosexuality, marriage without children, celibacy, and whatever. It doesn't hurt the population as much as it would have before, which is why I think books such as the Bible and the Qur'an disproves it - they were written in the time where the behaviour was impractical. Religion these days, however, only serves a mental purpose more than a physical one - sure, it makes people kill each other, and (although not as commonly) help each other out. There are over four thousand religions today - and no proof as yet to which is more "right" than the other. Religions, just like people, all have different opinions on the mixture of gender in a relationship - and I find it depressing that these opinions affect our laws today. I do not believe it is fair for government and religion to be intertwined, if there is a variation of religion under the jurisdiction of the government in question. Unfortunately, it is mainly the case today. Just as there are religions that don't support homosexuality, there are ones that do, and as I mentioned before, no proof as to which one is "right." As I believe in the existance of neither right nor wrong, I'll say no proof as to which one to go with. Governments worldwide choose religions that do not support homosexuality - and as this ideology is one we have all grown up with, it is not hard to reject. But people are realising these days that not everone can be put in the same catagory - and therefore, cannot be held under the same restrictive laws. New South Wales recently passed a bill equalising the age of consent from homosexual males from eighteen to sixteen. This, for some reason, made me happy, and proud of my country, perhaps for letting another group under the white-feathered wing of our government. Out of interest, seventy percent of Australia place themselves in the Christian faith, as opposed to eighty-five pecent of the United States of America. The highest concentration of christians in the world per country is USA, whereas Australia isn't in the top ten. And I'll bet you're dying to know which state in USA is dubbed "most christian" by statistics: It's Utah. When an organisation or body demolishes a restrictive law, for example, the Church allowing gay marriage, it feels to me like they are really doing that whole Jesus thing. I know I shouldn't be going into the whole christian debate, but I believe this thread was founded on a christian principal... hang on, I'm thinking of something else. I'll bring that up now, because this post is still far, far too small. In Australian news, there is a topic now of homosexuals becoming priests. One practicing homosexual entered the priesthood, and it caused such a riot that he stepped out. But this made me angry, because the first (and I think only) thing I learnt about Jesus from my mother was that he always walked at the back of his procession, with the prostitutes. It was this that made me really love the guy. That's right, I admit it, I'm a Jesus fan. But I wouldn't touch the Church with a bargepole, and this whole thing about homosexuals makes me think about why. Let's do that whole What Would Jesus Do thing here: I reckon that if he looked at the current situation today, he'd say, "Go ahead, guys, have a ball. I love you all so much." I don't think he would like this whole law thing we have set up, and I certainly don't think he'd approve of the Church. [b]There should be nothing between you and your god.[/b] God is different for everyone, and for those of you who are in love as I am, perhaps the experience of love is your saviour, your guiding star. I thought that the whole principal of christianity was based on love. I'm quoting the Book out of my head now, so don't bother correcting me if it isn't word perfect: The most important commandment is Love your God more than anything. The second most important is Love your fellow man. Then there is all you need is love, god is love, jesus loves you, etc etc etc. Love one another. When the church tells a loving couple that they won't help them in their quest to show, strengthen, practify their love, it doesn't seem to christian to me. The most dissapointing thing about this post is that no one will probably read it, I always skip the big ones.[/font][/color]
  15. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I do not believe in ghosts. I believe that when you die, your body stops functioning, but your mind does not. By mind I don't mean the chemical processes that give emotion, or the memory sector... I mean the non physical, almost spiritual mana people have inside them. You cannot use any of your senses, and you simply float there, inside your own head, waiting until your body rots away in the ground. Then, when your mind has no vessal to communicate within, it ceases to exist also. Or perhaps it doesn't... perhaps it remains in the one position, regardless of how the environment changes around it... it would explain a few things.That takes years, of course, and fifty or so years suspended in complete oblivion can do strange things to a mind. Perhaps we are warped into such horrid, disfigured entities when we return to the earth that we send out bad energy... the stuff that makes people cry when they watch your grave, and miss you when you die. The stuff that makes people silent and respectful in cemetaries. This is all assuming that such a thing as a non-physical mind exists. But it's a severely depressing thought. [/color][/font]
  16. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Actually, it was more the other one she inspired... I will put that one up in a week or so. And here is yours, my lord...[/font][/color]
  17. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]First in a new set of three, inspired by Raiha.[/font][/color]
  18. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I think that you are confusing happiness with contentment. Money, in my opinion, cannot make you happy, only temporarily satisfied. This gives the illusion of happiness, but as happiness results from other things, deeper things, such as intimate connections with people through love and respect, it can never result from material objects. This is linked back to the time when there was a need for happiness, but there were as of yet no material objects. Something unnatural could never make us happy - it could make our lives easier, it could make things more convenient, giving us more time or enjoyment, but happiness is neither of those things. [/color][/font]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]I would be... The Witt. See my last name is Hewitt and my first name is Taylor and you put a T in front of Hewitt.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]You know, I don't want to sound mean or anything, but I have read a few of your posts now, oh Witty One, and it seems to me that each time I do, the only thing you are writing about is yourself. Ok, so I may be going off two posts of yours I've read. But this is what I've noticed. Not fair, seemingly as this post is really meant to be about you. And there is that whole gun thing... But your avatar seems to suit what I would picture you as anyway. What a charming personality one must have to appeal to [i]themselves[/i].... Back to the point... I would own a string of BDSM clubs and people would bow to me in the street. I would simply be known as "Raven", but people would adress me personally as Mistress. I'd have several ties in high places, and be particularly politically influential. A powerful figure in society... mmm, indeterminable six figure digit bank balances....[/font][/color]
  20. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I would change the things I want. If I was to be different, my different self would not want to eat badly. It would want to brush it's teeth everyday (or at all). It would want other people's happiness before it's own. It would want to get thinner enough to actually do something about it... it would not want pain to compensate for lack of pleasure. It would want pain [i]and[/i] pleasure, and would be able to cope with fat free foods without screaming and hurling them across the supermarket/kitchen. [/font][/color]
  21. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Let me tell you about the worst day I have ever had in my life: It was my Unbirthday before last. I woke up late, my friend Lauryn and I were going downtown to meet Jesus Chicken. We were late, and as we were walking downtown, it rained. Jesus Chicken stood us up - he had decided he was going to be grounded. All the stores closed early because it was Saturday. My bank card was eaten by the machine, five minutes after the bank closed. We met Cerulean instead - another friend. She had just taken all her money out of the bank - three hundred dollars - just after her payday. To pay all her bills, rent, food etc. As I was on the phone to JC, her wallet was stolen. Lauryn and I put together all the money we had to get her a taxi home - it only got her most of the way there, and she had to walk home (Cerulean has chronic arthritis and has difficulty walking long distances). Lauryn and I, on that very day, discovered that our crummy little town does not have a bus service on the weekends. We walked home, it was storming, all my clothes were in the washing machine, wet, or on the line, wet. The gutter on my side of the house was full of leaves, therefore, my wall had decided to fail and the water was streaming down my wall into my room - on to my bed - and all over my floor. Guess where my homework was. Then, to top it off, I realised I had forgotten to take my pill in the morning, that meant cramps and no sex for a week. But that was fine, because there was no milk, we hadn't put the bin out, Harlequin had left a message saying he would be back late from his holiday, and the cat had vomited on the computer keyboard. [/color][/font]
  22. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, although Harlequin and I are the epitome of beauty now days, we weren't when we started going out. Although he thought I was beautiful, I wasn't currenly overwhelmed with hormones and so I could see that neither of us was particularly head-turning in our appearence. But we are now... When I met him, the thing that struck me was his manor. The way he moved, spoke, interacted with other people... his apparent outlook on life... I suppose that's personality. But he came to me, and when we began talking, it was through email. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of them. And then, it was entirely personality based. No looks involved. So in our case, personality came before looks. And now that we're going out, we're starting to grow into pretty god-damned beautiful people. Strange... but that's the way I like it. [/font][/color]
  23. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Elairith lay panting on the forest floor, staring up at the strange being stooping over her. He was incredibly tall... and very pale. Dressed in black, like her, with a sword and silver pennant the only contrasts from the black. She relaxed into the leaf litter, staring up at the canopy, far above. She had gotten herself into something deep, now.[/i] Elairith: I'm Elairith. Strange Man: Hmmm... can't say I've heard of your kind. I'm half Vahnati. Elairith: That's a strange name... Half Vahnati: Name? It's not my name. It's my species. [i]With this, Elairith shrieked and jumped up, flipping a sharpened butterknife out of her cuff. She backed slowly against a tree, keeping her eyes locked firmly on his hands.[/i] Strange Being: What's wrong with you? Elairith: You're not human? Strange Being: No, I'm not. Haven't you ever seen a non-human before? Elairith: No.... [i]She was about to say she didn't know they existed, but then she realised she was one.[/i] Strange being: Don't be scared, I just saved your life. My name's Kris. Elairith: Well, I'm half Nephil, half human. Kris: I thought you said your name was Elairith? [i]She hid a smile, making her angry this thing was getting to her. But he was right, he did just save her life. Perhaps he wanted to eat her.[/i] Kris: What were you doing jumping into a hole? Elairith: What were you doing saving me? Kris: I was hungry. [i]Elairith gasped, looking up into the trees. The limbs were very high off the ground, but if she jumped, she could clear at least ten metres. Glancing back at him, she saw he was smiling. A joke. Great.[/i] Elairith: So, tell me... what's Vahnati? [/font][/color]
  24. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]OOC: I'd love to help you, of course, but I myself am about to begin a long and arduous journey around in circles until I, too, know what the hell is going on. [i]Elairith had walked long into the night, and when she saw the first silver slivers of dawn prying open the horizon, she decided it was time to stop. By this point in time she had crossed several rivers, streams, circumnavigated lakes and pushed through dark forests. She happened to be in the latter now, but travelling was marginally easier this time as the canopy above let in so little sunlight, and dropped so much groundcover, that undergrowth was sparse. The dominant species of tree was some sort of redwood, with soft, splintery bark, huge trunks towering above into a fuzzy green. Not knowing the dangers of the world, and not caring particularly, it was a wonder she stopped in time when the ground fell away to a huge, gaping hole. Black stone lay underneath the clay, it seemed, or at least the stone had been used to line the hole. The rock was smooth, like it had been melted into distortion. She couldn't see very far down, and no sounds or smells emerged from the chasm. The hole measured about five large paces across, and the clay in the rim seemed packed down, scuffed, as if things climbed out occasionaly. Roots from various flora poked out of the sides as if to act as handholds. Backing away from the edge, Elairith looked around to see if there was anyone in the area. The only apparent life form was a white bobtail rabbit, cleaning it's nose and keeping a wary red eye on her. Sighing, Elairith clutched Damien's beads in her hand and took a running leap into the hole.[/i] OOC: I guess I lied...[/font][/color]
  25. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]OOC: He seems to like solitude in his RPGs as well as in real life. Stumble across someone, and hope he doesn't do to you as he did to Raiha. Not a good move, my love, bipassing a storyline to suit your own preferences. [i]Elairith sat silently in the west chapel, this time of her own accord. Father Morecott sat beside her, still. She was crying.[/i] Father: You seem in terrible remorse, my dear. Elairith: Well, I liked the guy. I'm upset. Father: He confessed, you know, before he died. [i]At this Elairith stood and screamed, kicking the priest hard in the shin. He winced and bared it.[/i] Elairith: Confessed? Like it's a crime? It's not a crime to have sex with someone! How the hell do you think you got here? Father: So you know what happened, then. [i]She fell silent.[/i] Elairith: So, he didn't name me, then. Father: No. [i]The west chapel endured another five minutes of deathly silence as Elairith stood, staring at the statue of the Virgin Mary.[/i] Elairith: Why did you kill him? Father: Elairith, it is a sin for a monk to commit an act of impurity. He had no place in the monastary after the occurance, and where else was he to go? He ended his own life, and you know he had reason to. Elairith: That's not true! I know you killed him. I know self flagellation when I see it, and that wasn't it. I'm not stupid. And besides... he worshipped me. Father: A monk, Elairith. Why a monk? Elairith: Why a nephil? [i]At this Father Morecott recoiled in shock, his face reddening. [/i] Father: What did you say? Elairith: He wasn't just a toy, [i]dad,[/i] he was my friend. You killed him. And yet you're still alive... Father: What exactly are you accusing me of? Elairith: Come on, everyone knows you're my real father. Half human? From a full band of Nephils? I don't think so. Besides, I've seen the portraits of you when you were young, we're splitting images of eachother. I know what you did. Father: You go any further and you'll join your friend in hell. Elairith: Purgatory, actually, is where I'm heading. [i]With this she stormed out. Collecting her things, always packed in case of an occurance like this, she left the monastary and walked out of the outer gate for the first time in her life. Tears streaming down her face, Damien's rosary around her hips, she walked off, not once looking back.[/i][/font][/color]
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