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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I am a self-professed goth, and as following, I love guys in makeup. Long black hair, long black skirt, heavy jewellery and graceful fingers.... oh, the fingers.... My boyfriend is a God for such things, and I love him for everything he is. But he doesn't want to wear a skirt, and all goth chicks I know go crazy over that sort of thing. Feminine guys are so... beautiful. I don't go for the whole hairy, footballer, testosterone-saturated guy that most chicks my age at school drool over. But please - don't shave between your eyebrows! If someone offers to pluck your bridge, or even wax it, take the opportunity. The nanosecond of pain will be worth the next three months girls aren't laughing at you. Stubble on the inner edges of eyebrows says that you are embarassed about your eyebrows - if you wax or pluck, no one will know you even have a problem. If you count it as a problem, that is.... [/font][/color]
  2. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin flopped down on the bed next to Ciiahn, and pondered the future. She hated the city in which she lived.[/i] Alastuin: Let's go somewhere. Ciiahn: Where? I don't want to go anywhere. Alastuin: What will happen to me if I go without you? Ciiahn: Um... I might miss you a bit for a while, and you might get beaten to death or killed by a hunter, or discovered by a human, or you might not find food and die of hunger... but apart from that, not much. Alastuin:...... I want to go to London. [i]Ciiahn sighed at her sulky tone and sat up. He hadn't had a lover, as such, for a few hundred years. Now he remembered why. Alastuin rolled onto her back and gave the vampyre the most innocent, puppy-eyed look she could conjure. He didn't buy it, so she grabbed his hand and started to lick it. A corner of Ciiahn's mouth lifted, and Alastuin laughed, assuming that was counted as a win.[/i][/font][/color]
  3. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven cracked her knuckles and leant against the tree, snow falling in clumps around her. The two children were struggling, which wasn't surprising. She had been following them through the forest for nearly three days now. She had hoped they would lead her to something more interesting, but they had no idea of where they were going, and were clearly going to die. Giving up, she walked over to them and tapped one on the shoulder. Nearly dead with fatigue, his fingers and toes gone from frostbite, the child thought her an angel. How far from the truth... [i] Boy: Ave Maria... Raeven: No, I'm not an angel. Come with me. [i]Raeven clouted the children on the head and slung them voer her shoulder, walking off to the nearest village. It had been razed only hours ago, but at least it was warm. She hated cold bait.[/i][/font][/color]
  4. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Indeed it could, Alastuin thought, sensing the thought patterns of the God that held her in His arms. He created her... she was divine.... It meant only one thing - shopping spree. Alastuin slid away from the Creature on her bed and took a moment to admire him. An hour later she stood, dressed herself, grabbed her wallet and drove downtown. In the car, she hacked off her hair at the nape of her neck and threw it out the window. First stop, body modification parlour. It was late evening when she returned home, five shopping bags under her arm, quite a few bandages here and there, and a few piercings. Her hair was jet black with purple streaks. Wondering if He would notice the transformation, she realised that she missed Him terribly. She slammed the door behind her and dropped her bags on the bedroom floor. He was as she left Him.[/i] Alastuin: My Lord... Ciiahn: What the hell did you do to yourself?! Alastuin: Nothing. I'm hungry. Ciiahn: We'll go hunting later if you want. Alastuin: Not hungry for that.... [i]she whispered as she stripped and climbed back into bed. The bandages came off easily, she didn't bleed now anyway. She was invincible...[/i][/color][/font]
  5. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven slept lightly, but was constantly awoken by the pain in her abdomen. Her training of injury was that pain was a cry of help. Sitting up, she spread her legs slightly and pushed her fingers into herself, feeling for damage. Apart from a tear at the entrance, it was minimal. She realised that Vyrim hadn't actually entered her in such a way, and that this might be the reason she was hurt. It was new to her. There was no more bleeding, so Raeven removed her fingers and placed the palm over her hand between her legs and began to meditate, sending healing energies into herself. The tear was repaired, and the pain dissapeared. She was whole again, and sighed with relief. It was as if the incident had never occured. Raeven lay back down to Vyrim, a smile adorning her face.[/i][/color][/font]
  6. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin stood up, slightly repulsed. Then she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Pale as death, skinny as all hell, as always, but now with a newfound grace. Her hair hang wet over her shoulders and back, framing her gaunt face and the twists of towel. She dropped the towel and stretched up onto her toes, pulling her arms high above her head. She was a goddess. Suddenly with the overwhelming desire to get millions of tattooes and piercings, and dye her hair black and wear black and kill people, she felt a new person. She liked it. Turning back to Ciiahn, she saw a thin, tall, pale man of intense knowledge and intellect sitting there, folded up, staring at her breasts. Being a vampyre was not as bad as she'd once thought.... the thought of her brother completely out of her mind, she took Ciiahn's hand and led him into the bedroom.[/i][/font][/color]
  7. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven lay back in the pitch darkness, suddenly scared. It would hurt, if he took her like Fionohr did. Isn't that how it really was meant to be? She could feel his breath on her neck, as he lay beside her. She was shaking, and he seemed to know. She didn't dare move, and nor did he. Rather, he relaxed so he partially lay ontop of her and lay silently for a long, long time. Raeven fell asleep. She woke up some time later, with no light through the hole near the floor. Vyrim was awake, but still where he was. His fingers were stroking her stomach, still bare. She felt safe, but still apprehensive. She had stopped shaking, at least. Until Vyrim suddenly sat up.[/i] Vyrim: Are you alright? Why did you flinch? Raeven: Are you going to... hurt me? Vyrim: What? No, why would I? [/font][/color]
  8. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Alastuin: Do you mind telling me why you have knocked three policemen out and dragged them into my home? Ciiahn: I thought it were obvious. Alastuin: Tell me anyway. Ciiahn: Well, you're hungry.... [i]Alastuin woke up a minute or so later in the shower. She was sitting on the floor, naked, with warm water running over her. Ciiahn was staring down at her, an amused expression on his face.[/i] Alastuin: And how long have I been out this time? Ciiahn: A minute at the most. Alastuin: And why did I pass out? Ciiahn: The prospect of drinking human blood. Alastuin: Ah. I wouldn't happen to be dreaming, would I? Ciiahn: No luck. Alastuin: Ok, well, I'm really hungry so I'll give it a shot. Ciiahn: Nice tattoo. [i]Alastuin shut her legs quickly in great embarassment, and blushed. Ciiahn grabbed a towel for her as she got out of the shower. It suddenly occured to her that he had been showering her for weeks. While she was unconscious....[/i][/color][/font]
  9. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven tried to move and nearly fainted with the pain between her legs.[/i] Raeven: We can go now, if you like, but we have to walk. [/font][/color]
  10. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic] Raeven Demon Twin daggers and sharp fingernails House of Frigodus [/font][/color]
  11. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven was confused as to why he wasn't angry, but at the same time incredibly relieved. She wasn't used to so much emotion.[/i] Vyrim: Who was he? Raeven: A tracker. He'd been following me since I left. Vyrim: So, he's from the palace? Raeven: Yes... he's my commander's son, actually. Vyrim: What does that mean? Raeven: It means I'm incredible important, but I'm not, so I don't understand. Vyrim: Will there be others? Raeven: I don't know. The strange thing is, if I were tracking someone like me, I would have captured them within two or three days. It took Fionohr weeks. And I've crossed about five lands. Big ones. Vyrim: You're right, it doesn't make much sense. Raeven: What do you think we should do? I would hate to think you could never let me out of your sight... Vyrim: How did he capture you? I saw no sign of a struggle... Raeven: I didn't struggle. I had my eyes closed, and I thought it was you. He... must have been watching us. Vyrim: Is he more experienced than you? Raeven: Slightly. But it is a school, so experience is nothing. He was on my level. Fighting with someone goes a lot deeper than just hitting them, though, it was the preparation that caught me. Vyrim: Will it catch you again? Raeven: I used to trust no one. Then I trusted you. I trust no one but you still, but I regret not checking to see if it was someone I trusted or not. Vyrim: And what else is there? Raeven: I would like to know why Dellam sent his son to get me. I want to know why I am so important. If there is another, we can ask them I suppose. Vyrim: I don't want to wait until there is another. Raeven: And so what do you suggest we do?[/font][/color]
  12. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin woke up in bed. It was dark, and the clock said one fifteen. She counted the red blips on her phone - nine messages. Fumbling for the button, she pressed it and sat up, her head spinning. Lighting a candle, she saw that the vampyre responsible for her head lay next to her on the bed. She would have thought he was asleep, but his eyes were staring intensely at her. He might be dead, but they followed her. Her messages were from the school, wondering where she was. At least, the first six were. The seventh was that she had lost her job. The eighth was from her mother, calling to say she'd been around and who was the strange man who keeps answering the door? The ninth was from the police, a reminder that dropping off the face of the earth for two weeks wasn't an offence, but it was damn rude. She stared at the phone in confusion, and then at Ciiahn in annoyance.[/i] Alastuin: Two weeks? Ciiahn: More like three, people stopped calling a while ago. Alastuin: Why am I not hungry? Ciiahn: You are, but you don't know what it feels like to be hungry. Alastuin: My stomach hurts.... Ciiahn: That's the hunger. Alastuin: ...and my head is spinning. Ciiahn: That's from not moving for a while. Alastuin: And you've been here the whole time? Ciiahn: Someone had to wash you and change your sheets. Alastuin: What? Ciiahn: Your fluids have a tendancy to fall out if you die. Alastuin: DIE? Ciiahn: Three years of research into vampyrism and you didn't know we weren't alive? Alastuin: I'm a vampyre?!?! Ciiahn: Of course. What do you think it was I was doing, giving you a love-bite? Alastuin: Oh... Ciiahn: Well, it wouldn't have been far from the truth anyway. Lie down, relax, we'll go for a feed in an hour or so. There are police outside.[/font][/color]
  13. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Water. I love it, was born in it and will die in it, worship it, I slip through people's fingers and I don't mix with paraffin. Ether - everyone wants to be like this. I get these qualities by never, ever telling the truth unless I know it's safe. It's rarely safe. I am libran, which is air, but this elemental construct doesn't comply to that.[/font][/color]
  14. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic] Fallen Angel Name: Alastuin West Age: Very Old (appears seventeen) Appearance: Long, straight red hair, flawless features, all the hip clothes and piercings, tattoo of a butterfly on inner left thigh. Attending year twelve at a posh girls college and wears her skirt really short. Also known as St Angelica's Most Popular Girl of All Time. Mobile phone, large hoop earrings, loads of guys hanging off every arm. A complete and utter *****. Bio/His: No one knows anything of parents, relatives, current address or past. The school is a cover for her three thousand years of being a fallen angel, and fighting the holy wars against heaven itself. Despises humanity and all men. [/font][/color]
  15. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven swallowed the pain as she was carried back to safety. She tried to speak, to explain, but he didn't seem interested. She wondered if he was angry at her, for running away. He should be furious, as she practically belonged to him for the times he had saved her life. And although she was kidnapped, that wouldn't be how he saw it. He would think she ran away and consented to the things he did to her. After a while, she simply gave up. It was too hard to speak anyway.[/i][/font][/color]
  16. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin reached through the wall of shock to the memory of her brother as she last saw him - dead. Or so it had seen. He screamed, kicked, convulsed, fought, lost, and succumbed. Just before he was too weak for the task, he meagerly returned the kiss to his grantor and fainted, finally being dragged out the window and away. It was going to happen to her. She stilled her mind and concentrated on her feelings - there was no pain, only where his teeth pierced her skin. She began feeling lightheaded, as the blood left her, and after a while she developed a mild headache as her brain started to malfunction. She started to panic, and he could feel it. He encircled her with his long arms and held her tightly, rocking her back and forth. Alastuin became unconscious of her surroundings and her mind was plagued with visions of her captor's life. She craved blood, and there was none. Spiralling downwards, she became aware of a movement, her mouth pressed against a throbbing vien. She wondered why vampyres drank from veins, and then found out for herself...[/i][/color][/font]
  17. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven awoke to the feeling of a knife being pulled through her back. Her outercostals protested, but quietly. She was beginning to get fed up.[/i] Raeven: I don't know who you are, but I have a feeling you know who I am. Fionohr: Fionohr. Raeven: Didn't help, sorry. Fionohr: My boss's name, to you, is Dellam. [i]Raeven smiled. Dellam was the training master of her sector. Fionohr must have sucked cock to get his position, and thinking deeper, she realised that Dellam had a son with the name Fionohr. How very, very sad.[/i] Raeven: So you are a tracker then. Fionohr: Alpha tracker. Raeven: Well, how long have you been "alpha tracking" me then? Fionohr: I worked hard to get this task, *****, [i]He accentuated this by pushingthe knife deeper between her ribs. She didn't give him the satisfaction of a response. [/i] Raeven: I bet you worked dad real hard, you f*cked up piece of sh*t. [i]Fionohr made her make up for the response she denied him earlier. When her voice gave out through screaming, he decided that he was ready to begin on her again. This time, he left the dagger in her back as he raped her. How very appropriate, she thought sadly as her tears wet the dust before her.[/i][/color][/font]
  18. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin felt humbled by his somewhat blase approach to his eminant death, but was still confused. She wanted to ask for his help but it was obvious he wouldn't care. And she was driving to her house, but he didn't know where he was going. The night had suddenly taken a strange turn. Deciding he would be gentlemanly enough about it, Alastuin decided to broach the subject of her brother once again.[/i] Alastuin: So, do you know many vampyres in the area? Ciiahn: What was his name? Alastuin: Sebastian. Seb Green. Ciiahn: No, never heard of a newling called Sebastien. But then again, I don't pay attention. Alastuin: Thought not. You do realise I want your help, don't you? Ciiahn: I would ask you if I looked stupid, but it's such an annoying phrase. Alastuin: I know next to nothing about vampyres, and I've been researching for nearly five years. Ciiahn: That's because all the research out there is done with the thought that we don't exist. Alastuin: Well, can you help? Ciiahn: Yes, I can. I don't particularly want to, but I can. There are a few ways to help without getting too involved, anyway. Alastuin: Oh? Ciiahn: Indeed. You know how when you walk down the street, and you see humans but not vampyres? Alastuin: Yes... Ciiahn: Well, humans notice humans. Vampyres notice vampyres. Alastuin: And.... Ciiahn: I could, I suppose... get you into the club, so to speak. [i]Alastuin stopped the car infront of her house and stared forward. She had witnessed an embrace, it haunted her every night. It was the most horrible thing she had ever experienced. But her parents blamed her for her brother's dissapearance, and this might be the way to get him back. [/i] Alastuin: This is my house. Do you want to come in?[/font][/color]
  19. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven didn't know the meaning of the word rape, but soon learnt it in the next four hours. Her captor not only knew exactly who and what she was, it was probably why she was his target. He had moved her to a nest of boulders, tieing her under them, making it almost impossible to breathe, let alone move. Any movement might cause a rock to topple and cause permanant damage. She lay facedown on the crumbled rockbase, blood streaming from her face and between her legs. Pain had been minimalised by meditation, but the horror of what he was doing to her could not be blocked out. She would have easily dealt with it were it not for the experience with Vyrim the previous night - she knew this was tied in with that somehow. An undeterminable amount of time later, he stopped. Muttering something to her in Faren'lre confirmed her suspicions of him being from her homeland. She burnt with shame - he knew what she was capable of, and this made it worse for her to be caught vulnerable and restrained so easily.[/i][/color][/font]
  20. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin was uncomfortable about the situation as a whole, but didn't have a choice.[/i] Alastuin: So.... vampyre, eh? Unknown: That's right. Alastuin: My name is Alastuin. Ciiahn: Ciiahn. Alastuin: Ah. My brother is a vampire. Ciiahn: Oh? How did that happen? Alastuin: Don't know. Went missing a few years back, I've been investigating. Ciiahn: How do you know he is one of us, then? Alastuin: I saw it happen. It was right next to me, we shared a room. No one else knows I know. I've been tracking him down since. Ciiahn: Any luck? Alastuin: Not really. But I have to admit, today has been a particularly active day. Ciiahn: Hmmm? Alastuin: Well, there's you, and just before, in the parking lot, another one jumped on my car. [i]Ciiahn seemed to ponder this, and find no real result. She conversation lulled.[/i] Alastuin: So, where are you headed?[/font][/color]
  21. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven awoke on stone, naked. She had been dumped there hard enough to rouse her from her drug induced slumber. She was bound, gagged, and blindfolded. She was very, very angry. A voice.... male, tall, if standing, white, human, young. Very young. The gag was removed from her mouth. [/i] Voice: You're not a bad catch. Raeven: You plucked this fish out of protected waters, my friend. Voice: Ooh, threatening. Raeven: The fact that you took me out of someone's house is bad enough! But a raikishi warrior... Voice: Don't know what that is. Came away pretty easily though. Raeven: Thought you were someone else. Voice: Some warrior. [i]Raeven rocked forward and stood, angling out her knees for balance. Her head brushed an angled, rough roof. [/i] Raeven: Tell me why you have done this. Voice: Don't tell me what to do. [i]Raeven noticed that the person was taller than her. Slightly. [/i] Raeven: Don't tell me what not to do. In fact, don't ****ing kidnap me. [i]The boy struck her, not as hard as she was used to, but hard enough in a metallic spiked glove. She stood taller at the strike and spat blood in the direction of the speaker. He struck her again, and again, until she lost consciousness. Only then did she fall from her height.[/i][/font][/color]
  22. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven closed her eyes as she heard the sound of footsteps padding towards her. Strong, smooth arms encircled her middle lovingly and flipped her over, a soft hand placed over her eyes. She giggled at the sudden playfulness of her host. A soft kiss planted on her lips, an odd smell, and a floating sensation... the light through her eyelids faded into black as she was carefully placed in a black sack and swung gently over a foriegn shoulder. By the time the kidnapper was on the ground, Raeven was fast asleep and dreaming of the sky.[/i][/color][/font]
  23. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven smiled and opened her eyes, her pupils shrinking back down to normal size. Now completely calm and relaxed, she stood and came to attention. Raising her arms over her head, she bent at the hips and placed her hands on the floor, beginning her Salute to the Sun. That finished, she adopted a eastern relation position, and relaxed, her structural support holding her off the floor and allowing her to laspe deep into another quiet think. The sound of rythmic thudding a few rooms away alighted her attention, but not enough to rouse her. Raeven was happy to be there, happy to be alone, happy to be alive, happy to be upside down, happy that her hair was black. She was happy her name was Raeven. Laughter didn't threaten her balance, so she utilised it, and was happy she did so.[/i][/color][/font]
  24. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin released her hold on the dragon's blood and adjusted her vision in time to see two well armed, well muscled and well angered guards marching towards them. She smiled politely, not knowing what else to do.[/i] Guard 1:I see you have killed our dragon. Alastuin: It attacked us. Guard 1: It must have had good reason to. Elsyan: Ha... dragons and reason. Good one. Guard 2: He's got a point. Alastuin: So have we. We don't mean you any harm, and we don't know where we are. We're sorry about the dragon.... aren't we? [i]She turned to the rest of the group, who all nodded enthusiastically.[/i] By the way, we're all mages. From... somewhere. [i]It was at this time she noticed that the incredibly leathery, and somewhat green. They were trolls. She'd only ever heard of trolls in fairy tales... how strange. She didn't know anything about trolls, other than that they were not meant to actually exist.[/i][/font][/color]
  25. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The next morning, Vyrim was still out cold - or warm, as the case may be. Raeven was dying to explore, so she stood, stretched for a while, picked up the staff and walked into the labryinth of trees. The first choice of direction she came to, she tried the one she hadn't before. It took her into a room with no windows, and hundreds of iron chains hanging from the roof. Some ended in shackles, some ended in hooks. It looked sinister. They all hung from a high roof, and were all differing lengths, giving the roof the texture of iron filings, dripping from the roof. The wind brew through the door and rustled them, sending waves of clinks through the air. Dropping the staff, Raven grabbed two hanging shoulder width apart just over her head, and pulled herself up with her arms. Straightening her arms out horizontal to the ground, she then forced them to her sides, gasping with the effort as she now hung off her wrists, her arms against her body. From this position she raised her legs at right angles to her body and dropped them back, swinging back and up so her body was inverted, arms still at her sides. Not having done this for a while, she found it slightly more difficult than usual and fell after a second or to. Glad there was no one round to witness the failure, she picked her staff up again and continued. The next room was empty, but the floor was covered in tightly weaved rushes, making a smooth and slightly spongy floor. Windows spanned the circumference of the walls, letting in light and giving a view of the other trees and lodgings. Finding this a pleasent place, she sat in the centre of the room and crossed her legs, finding this an opportune time for meditation.[/i][/font][/color]
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