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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven smiled up at Vyrim and began swirling the staff in her fingers. Placing the fingertips of her other hand on his chest and pushing backwards, she brought the staff under his arm and slowly twisted it in lazy circles infront of him. Vyrim smiled and leant back, crossing his arms behind his back and looking down at her, his hair falling over his eyes. She lost herself in them and dropped the stick, swaying with endorphin. Vyrim scooped the staff up from the floor and began tracing intricate patterns in the air with it. Raeven dropped to her knees and stared up in adoration, then straight ahead in pure lust. This time it was Vyrim's turn to drop the staff.[i][/font][/color]
  2. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven stood uncertain, not knowing whether or not to fight this thing unclad, especially since she didn't even know what it was. But it had interrupted them in the middle of something important, and she felt like punishing it. Although she was still only wearing her loose cotton pants, she felt strong. Confident. And her lover was being beaten to death, so that was the big incentive. She grabbed her staff, leaning against the wall, moving slowly so the creature would not avert it's attention to her. Creeping up behind it, she rammed the end of the staff into the base of what appeared to be it's spine, and leapt back. The creature howled and left Vyrim alone - the intended move. Raeven moved into an attacking stance and rocked back and forth, slowly. The creature leapt, and she adjusted her weapon, facing into the thing's chest so it contacted with the solar plexus. This animal did not have a solar plexus. She gasped as the weight nearly ripped the staff from her grip. The creature, however, did not touch her. Bringing the staff back and around, she whacked one of it's limbs sharply, once, twice, and a third time. The third time she heard a crunch and the leg gave way, jolting the animal. [/i][/color][/font]
  3. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin, not knowing what to do in such a situation, batted her eyelids once, changing her vision. All of a sudden the world appeared to her as a hydrographic x-ray. Water molecules showed up as bright white pinpoints against a deep red background. As the air was rather humid, the white was rather thick, so she narrowed her eyes and fiddled with the contrast. Lifeforms showed up as swirling, churning masses as the blood circulated around their bodies. The dragon was particularly vibrant, as it's veins and arteries were rather thick - and watery. Excellent. Alastuin relaxed and concentrated on the snowstorm infront of her. Feeling her power naturally catch at her fingertips, she adjusted herself so it gathered in her mind, just behind the eyes. Using her craft as a magnet, she pulled the lifejuice in the beast down and towards her. The effects were immediate and obvious - the dragon became dizzy as the blood drained from it's head, and the heart strained to pump the blood against the unnatural force. She took this opportunity to alert the others.[/i] Alastuin: Strike at it's base! It's more vulnerable there now...[/font][/color]
  4. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Painfully aware of his body against hers, Alastuin broke and went stiff. Her gaze burnt imaginary holes in the grass before her, and she felt herself becoming... emotional. Not angry, just... startled. She decided to scream at him whilst wrapping herself in her huge mage's coat.[/i] Alastuin: What is with all these ****ing mind games? LEAVE ME THE **** ALONE, GOD DAMMIT!!!! [b]WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?!?[/b] [i]Raven looked taken aback, and slightly hurt - but she was sure that was just him being annoying again. Slightly embarrassed, she stomped off to join the others, her face an interesting shade of crimson. Capurnicus gave her an interesting look, but said nothing. It began to rain softly.[/i][/font][/color]
  5. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven closed her eyes and felt herself slowly sinking into pure, inexplicable bliss. As his arms encircled her body, and the moonlight streamed in the window, illuminating his skin, she found herself pushing him back, and running her hands over him. He was still dressed. Suddenly intensely curious about what lay under his clothing, she pulled it off him and stared at the revealed skin. He was wonderfully muscled, and his skin was tight and smooth. Completely hairless, and almost silky to touch, as if covered by a fine powder. Without thinking, she went deeper, exploring parts of him she had never seen before on a man. He was breathing heavily and responding to her so much she didn't think, leaning down and kissing him, hard, on the hip. He let out a earshattering scream, and stiffened. Suddenly scared, she sat up quickly, wondering what she had done wrong. Hearing the scream again, she realised it had not been him. Vyrim stood and walked out to the balcony to see what it was. Although Raeven was scared, she could not help but stare at his magnificent form. Suddenly realising that she had removed his clothing, and maed him vulnerable, she felt bad again. But still could not help staring, and not one shred of regret came over her for taking off his clothes. [/i][/font][/color]
  6. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Looking back out the window, she noticed a winding pathway of grass - often used. Easy travelling from here on in.[/i] Alastuin: If that's a challenge, then you're on. Raven: Well, as a matter of fact, it is. Alastuin: Ok then, you first. [i]Raven jumped out the window and glided down, landing silently and with perfect grace. He smirked up at her. Alastuin smirked back and walked over to the hatch, calmly decending the ladder and returning to the group.[/i] Alastuin: Nothing there of interest. Shall we move on? Xavier: I think that's a good idea. There is a clear path from here, it seems, so be on the lookout. Alastuin: The path seems to extend all the way to the building. I didn't see any sign of life... intelligent life, anyway... while I was up there. If we come across anything we should just act friendly, and we should be fine. Xavier: Sounds like a plan. [i]The group pressed on, Alastuin making a point of not looking at Raven as he rejoined the group.[/i][/font][/color]
  7. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven thought back through her life, and not once could she remember anything like this. Nothing so... electrifying. His lips tickled her, and it felt very strange, but the emotional feelings were what were different. He was enjoying her, and it felt incredible. She was... needed, and approved of, and that was wonderful. It was making her feel so... happy? Love? Too confusing. But she was beginning to realise that she would never leave this man, not if she had a choice. This was better than anything she had ever felt. And he said there was more... she couldn't wait. She wanted it, badly, now, more, much more... and even then, time seemed to slow. His movements were frustratingly slow. He was teasing her, as he knew what she was feeling, and punishing her for it. As he should. The feelings she was having were disgusting - she was now as vulnerable as she could get. And yet, the strange, and scary thing was - he would have been able to have grabbed a weapon and thrust it into her then, and she wouldn't have minded at all. In fact, she didn't know how close to the truth that last thought was.[/i][/font][/color]
  8. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The forest was nearly impenetrable, as Xavier said, but after a few hours the tip of a structure was glimpsed through the thick canopy. The mages were dripping with sweat, and most had stripped away thier outergarments. Most un-magelike behaviour. Until then, no one had tried to use their powers to speed the journey. As thier location was unknown, they didn't want their presence known to any. Sakura helped greatly, constantly pointing out which vines to avoid, which leaves not to touch, and which trees to stay away from. The forest seemed contented around her, also. A great comfort, as the environment seemed rather forbidding at times. Finally, they reached the structure. It was a guard tower - scaffolded of wooden beams, with a makeshift hut on the top. [/i] Elsyan: Is this the structure you saw, Xavier? Xavier: No, the one I saw was made of stone. I must have overlooked this. Capernicous: I hardly think this would be the only one. There must be others, further away. Sakura: Strange this one would be here, too. I mean, nothing to guard against but thick forest? Raven: Seems to me this place must be pretty heavily guarded. If people would take the risk of coming in through here... Sakura: So, are we going in? Alastuin: Wait. This is a guard tower, right? Xavier: Yeah, we're supposing so. Alastuin: Where are the guards? Raven: Not here. So let's go. [/font][/color]
  9. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven got ontop of him and straddled his hips, leaning forward so their faces were close. She had more control this way, and felt safer. For all she knew he could be preparing to poison her... or something. The truth was she had never experienced anything like what he was doing. [/i] Raeven: Can you tell me what you are doing? Vyrim: I do believe it's called kissing. Raeven: Kissing. What is it? I mean, what does it do? Vryim: Well, it's a pleasurable thing. It feels nice. Raeven: Well, why would anyone want to do it? Vyrim: That's a stupid question. People do it to feel nice, and to make other people feel nice... Raeven: Oh.... I've just... never seen anything like it. Vyrim: Do you like it? Raeven: Hmmm, I don't know... give me some more and I'll think about it. Vyrim: Well, there's more to pleasure than kissing, my love. Raeven: My what?[/font][/color]
  10. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Kredon stomped angrily into the shallow cave, grunting with dissatisfaction at the lateness of his order. Sakandre had been making a quill of arrows for him, and she should have finished by now. Where the hell was she? The cave was empty save for two things - a quill of seventy perfectly fletched arrow shafts, and a carving of Sakandre impaled on a post. The carving was rather graphic, and Kredon recoiled at the sight. The statue was about a foot high, and he decided to leave it where it was. He understood what it meant. Sakandre was not coming back.[/i][/color][/font]
  11. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin stretched and walked forward to the group. They seemed to have made a decision, and Alastuin was hungry. It was time to leave.[/i] Alastuin: Right, then... shall we go? Xavier: The building is that way, but the forest looks pretty impenetreble. Alastuin: Well, we can give it a shot, can't we? [i]Taking off her heavy black cloak to reveal a rather tight, revealing top laced up the front and back, sleeveless, and leather pants. Also rather tight. Balling up her cloak and strapping it to her back over her staff, she plunges into the forest and begins to wind her way south east, appearing to enjoy herself. After a moment's hesitation, the others follow.[/i][/font][/color]
  12. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raven froze - she had no idea what he was doing. She trusted him, however, and he seemed to be enjoying it... she relaxed and let him do whatever it was, concentrating on the strange feeling of someone else's mouth entwined with your own. She liked it somewhat... Hesitantly, she flicked her tounge out into his mouth, hoping he didn't notice in case she'd done the wrong thing. He pushed against her harder, and moaned, scaring her somewhat. She wondered if he had hurt himself, or was sad... what was happening? Suddenly, she pulled away. Vyrim was breathing heavily, his eyes closed, lying back on the bed. She stared in amazement at what he was doing. He looked exhausted, and his heart, when pressed against her, was beating rapidly. Then, he smiled and looked at her, appearing utterly satisfied. After learning that the only thing you should be happy about was victory after battle, she wondered if what he had done was some kind of... she had no idea.[/i] Raeven: What are you doing? Are you alright? You look... tired. [/font][/color]
  13. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]She did hear, but to her it was not a compliment - she had never learnt it as one. She knew what the word meant, but beauty was not important in the Palace, so it meant little to be told you were beautiful. Like being told you were tall, or a girl - just something about you that you had no control over. She thought she knew everything about the male species, but it appeared she did not. Vyrim confused her so much, but then again, he was not human. Her experience of male humans had been a different matter. Once, she was boarded with older males that had arrived at the palace in thier late teens. The things they talked of were confusing, but she paid no heed. If it was important to her, she would learn them. Now she knew that was not true at all. She didn't know why he cared for her, and didn't treat her as the enemy she had the potential to be. She didn't know why he lived on his own, when he would have been safer with others of his kind. Everything outside of the Palace seemed to go against all the laws of combat she knew. Nothing made sense. But he did make her feel different, in a way. She didn't get scared, or nervous, or angry... she could relax nearly all the time, and that was something she had not done for years. Happy would have been a word to describe how she felt, but she never learnt that word.[/i][/color][/font]
  14. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven stared up at the thick canopy, she pain in her back lessening quickly. She felt stupid for going after the meat, especially since it was now skewered on the roof. [/i] Raeven: I'm such an idiot. Vyrim: No, you're not. Raeven: I'm hungry. Vyrim: You're very adventurous. Raeven: Wanting to do it again... Vyrim: You're insane. Raeven: You're incredibly beautiful. [i]Vyrim recoiled, startled. She smiled at catching him off guard, and closed her eyes. Her wounds disapeared. She stood, brushing off his hands pleading her to stay lying down. The drop seemed quite a way once she looked at it again. Deciding to go other places next time, she climbed up onto the roof to get her food and found it to be gone. Raeven climbed back inside and sat down on her bed, beginning to cry.[/i][/color][/font]
  15. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin shoved Raven out of the way in an impatient fashion, and joined the others, scowling. The group fell quiet when she arrived, as people do when one of their companions is in a particularly foul mood. Turning to see where she'd left Raven, she was startled to see him standing less than a foot behind him. She made sure his hight was leveled to hers by dampening to soil under his feet till he sank into the watery mud up to his shins. He appeared not to notice, but that only made it all the more amusing.[/i] Xavier: That's very immature of you, Alastuin. Alastuin: I know. It's marvellous, isn't it? Xavier: Save your strengths, child. The hunters will not be held back by distance for much longer. Sakura: What, they're following? How do they know where we are? Capurnicus: In fact, where are we? Xavier: I don't know, I didn't cast the portal. But if those who attacked us knew who we were then, they must have at least some magic on thier side. [i]Alastuin lost concentration and the mud dried out, leaving Raven standing in a solid rock of dirt. As if things weren't bad enough as it was. She hated running.[/i] Alastuin: Well, we're ok now, so what's next? Elsyan: I say we work out where we are, first. Then we work out where we're going to go.[/font][/color]
  16. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]An indefinate amount of time later, Raeven saw a niec, juicy, hunk of meat sail over her shoulder and into the undergrowth below. She started, stood, and jumped down after it, landing easily. Picking the piece of meat up, she turned to face several large creatures who were intent on taking the meat off her. Raeven took a huge bite, chewed slowly, swallowed, then screamed as loud and as high as she possibly could. The creatures shied away, all but one, but it looked to be slow enough as it it. Holding the meat in her mouth, she turned to a relatively thin trunked tree and scaled it quickly, reaching the thinner branches in short order. Then it was only a matter of leaning in the direction of the abode, and the tree bent to accomodate the distance. Raeven landed heavily on the roof and screamed as the sharp metal spikes pierced her skin. Blood trickled down between the gaps in the rafters.[/i][/font][/color]
  17. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin stood and looked around as she stretched. Her staff was not far away. Grabbing it and strapping it on her back, she stretched some more and looked around a bit more, and then decided it wasn't doing anything so she took her staff off her back and whacked the nearest person in the back of the legs with it, causing them to fall to the ground. She laughed hysterically. It happened to be Raven. Surprise, surprise... what a wonderful way to vent her anger. Raven fed a small stream of magic into her hands, causing her incredible pain. The laughter stopped, she helped him up, and stalked off to sulk in the surrounding forest. Sakura was trying to round everyone up. Alastuin decided that making that difficult would improve her day indefinately.[/i][/color][/font]
  18. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven ignored his advice and walked out after the creature, looking down in a mixture of curiosity and disgust for a while. [/i] Raeven: That reminds me. Vryim: Oh? Raeven: I'm hungry. What is there for eating? Can we get some of that thing? It tasted pretty good. Actually, I don't know why I said that. I'm going to sit down for a while. [i]She did so.[/i] Vryim: It's not something I've heard of, eating those things. Raeven: Well, I don't care what it is, but I would like something to eat anyway. [i]She stared at him. A thought crossed her mind, and she laughed.[/i] Vryim: What? Raeven: Nothing. I just like watching you fight. Vryim: Ahh. Any particular reason why? Raeven: (standing) No. [i]She grabs hold of his forearm and fells the muscles there, smiling.[/i] Raeven: Could be this. [i]She lets him go and walks back outside, sitting down crosslegged to watch the forest and listen to the facinating sounds below. [/i][/font][/color]
  19. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin lay on her back, on cold, wet, grass, feeling very, very annoyed. The absinthe she had been drinking was incredibly expensive, and only half empty when they'd been ruedly awakened. Closing her eyes, she pushed the dew away from her in a wide circle, drying out the grass and soil underneath. A slight change in mood, but not enough to keep her from muttering profanities under her breath.[/i] Girl: Hey! You alright? Quick, wake up! All the others are here. Alastuin: **** off before I do something nasty to you. [i]The girl screwed her face up and stomped away. Alastuin smiled, at least one thing was in order. Sitting up, she took a look around at the forest grove the remaining mages sat in. It was meant to be raining, but it wasn't. What a terrible day it had been so far. [/i][/font][/color]
  20. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin scrolled down over the page, reading into the fears supposed vampires experience when they are first changed from humans into "higher beings", as it was often called. She shivered, thinking back to her brother and that night she had seen his capture. [/i] Jeff: Al, are you ok? It's time to go. [i]Alastuin awoke from her trance and blinked furiously, clearing her head of the horrid images there. [/i] Alastuin: Yeah, I'm done. Thanks Jeff. [i]Shutting down the computer, Alastuin gathered her things and walked out of the library. Jeff, the janitor, plugged in his vaccum cleaner and began work for the night as the clock struck six thirty. Alastuin walked out to her car, shivering against the cold and pulling her coat around her tightly as she strode briskly out to her car. Eyes followed her, she could feel them. She knew all to well what they belonged to, and she knew that they knew all about what she was doing. All those hours of overtime, the excuse of polishing the floors of her flat had grown thin. But no one pressed her for information. She was no one of importance. Not to them, anyway...[/i][/font][/color]
  21. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven took a hard look at the creature for a second - this would be the first time she'd ever fought something that wasn't human. Reaching to her legs, she remembered her weapons had been appropriated. Or at least, one of them. Bringing it out, she sidestepped until the creature was between her and the door, waving it's arms around and generally looking stupid. It was faced half between her and Vyrim, who was in the process of sitting up and conjuring some nasty looking magic. Not wanting him to beat her to it, she turned her back and stood in front of the iron stove. The creature, seeing her back, advanced. Raeven placed her hands on the rim of the stove and jumped, holding on. Partially inverting her body, legs folded, she kicked outwards powerfully and connected with the thing's head - she watched from under her form. Although it's head nearly snapped off, it seemed unharmed. She landed well and spun quickly, finding herself cornered in. Swearing, she chucked the weapon she still held into her right hand and slapped the creature hard in the face, driving the blade into what should have been it's soft underbelly at the same time. Unfortunately, evolution had taken it's course, and the underbelly was anything but soft. The blade clinked, and slid off. The creature was annoyed at the light slap. Raeven darted under it's left lower quartile and spun, taking a look at the back of it while it manouvered itself to face her again. The body, although armoured, was flexible - the joints where the parts to attack. The thing lunged at her, hissing, grabbing at her face. She leant back and drove the weapon into the base of it's neck, giving it a deep wound. As it grabbed at her attack, she withdrew slightly and hacked off the hand that was going for her. A shrill scream erupted into the air and the powerful legs of the creature contracted, it's body angling to strike again. Raeven dropped to the floor in a crouch and bit hard into the bent knee, a surprisingly leathery but soft area of the body. It tasted rather good. It's lunge foiled, the thing took the opportunity to knee her in the face, but Raeven rolled back on her feet and the strength of the blow only pulled at her neck as it bent. She dug her teeth in deeper and hit a tendon. Time to let go. Slowly releasing the knee, she realised why it had not been raining blows upon her from above - Vyrim was wrestling with it's arms, which all seemed to be lacking in feet. Using this as a destraction, she leant forward again and, using the pointed section of the weapon, drove it in beween it's legs. It flinched, but did nothing. [/i][/font][/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]Two-player-RPGs are a bit strange idea, because RPGs are meant as a group activity. And if people who know each other that well come HERE, in front of hundreds of other peoples, to do THAT, it seems a bit unfair. Like "We don't want to play with anybody else"-isolation-thingy. And Cloricus is right, it seems like you are just showing off. If you know each other personally, isn't it much more social to do that in home, facing each other? :smirk:[/b][/quote] [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I see your point, and it's a good one, but there is no way that would ever happen. Writing happens on the computer, only, and when you're with someone else it seems silly to do something like that when you're going to be doing it later on the net anyway. That's our case.[/font][/color] [quote][b] BUT on the other hand, why should anybody be bothered what two people do in one thread. Who needs to go to that thread? Besides, you can always start a similar one with YOUR best buddy, aye? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I'm sorry it seems like that, but it's not. I'm not writing just for my own gratification, I'm putting it up for everyone else as well. And if that seems stupid, I must be the only person here who reads RPGs I'm not involved in simply for the interest of the story. As Harlequin said, if it needs to be moved to the lit thread, move it by all means. I don't see RPGs as a game so much as another effective method of creative writing.[/font][/color]
  23. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Sakandre stared out at her people through a slit between fur-lined hood and fur-lined mask. The fringes of snow and fur made it difficult to see, but the shapes of the Sharamudoi were unmistakable. Two thick bundles of long branches were strapped to each elder, making them look as if they had six arms each. It was for quick preparation of shelter. Sakandre never bothered - her tribe was nomadic, but she stayed stationed in a series of caves splattered around the tribe's territory. Had done so all her life - or at least, as long as she could remember. Her parents were dead - before that she knew nothing but what she was told, and that she never believed. In her thickly bound fingers lay an obsidian dagger, exquisitly crafted by her father, a man she never knew. Sakandre was whittling away at a carving - a small elk, standing proud and lifting it's antlers high. An expression of her hunger. Since the snow set in, three or so moon cycles ago, there had been little food. She knew it was warmer to the south, but her tribe would not abandon it's territory. Stubborn idiots. She hated them, as they hated her, probably for being so reclusive. She had no value to the tribe, and she wouldn't be sorely missed, which was why she planned to head off on her own in a couple of days. In the night, when no one would know. Her chances of survival almost nil, Sakandre was scared, but anything was better than sitting on her own, day after day, wrapped up to make herself look twice her size, leaving carvings of her dreams behind her to rot in the snow. [/i][/color][/font]
  24. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven awoke feeling refreshed and content. The fog had dissipated in the night, and the forest was wet and glistening in the morning light. She had no idea how long she had slept for. Looking around, Vyrim was nowhere to be seen. She stood and dressed herself lightly in a black sleeveless shirt and loose, black pants. Tying her hair up in a bun, she stretched for a while in a ray of warm sunlight, reaching back whilst standing and grabbing hold of her ankles. That done, and a few other basic stretches and exercises completed, she walked out of a doorway to a platform overlooking a sheer drop, and sat down to meditate. The weapons she found the night before were strapped tightly to her thighs, and clanked lightly on the wooden flooring. Her mind settling, she pulled her consciousness down her throat and into the pit fo her stomach. Straightening her back, she sat motionless for an indeterminable amount of time, the blood slowly draining out of her head and making her feel light. It was a short while before she felt she was floating off the ground - she probably was. No one had been able to tell her about it, though. The feeling was nice. Listening to the forest around her, she navigated around the swirling leaves and songbirds, thousands of insects and countless more undescribable creatures and objects in this foreign land. For once in her memory, she was calm, relaxed, and contented. The last vital drop of blood trickled into her legs and she lost consciousness, collapsing to the side in an excrutiatingly contented heap. A favorite pasttime of hers.[/i][/font][/color]
  25. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Wow, I never knew my off the top of my head advice would actually guide someone... but it's off two years of experience so why the hell not. As for that last comment, some people have mistaken Harlequin for a girl in the past, so people would generally leave us alone anyway. Once you get really practiced, Pressure, he'll start taking a liking to the more subtle aspects of kissing, believe me. This helps because the best kisses aren't painful to watch, and therefore, less whacks with passing handbags. ;)[/font][/color]
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