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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven's head was racing... he fought her, and he liked it, but didn't want to hurt her... nothing made sense. She reminded herself that she was no longer in the Palace, and things were done differently. [/i] Raeven: What... why? Vyrim: Why what. Raeven: You enjoy fighting me? Vyrim: No, I don't actually. I don't dislike it, really, but it's not something I enjoy. Raeven: Then.... why? [i]Vyrim took his hand away from his face and looked out the window. The wound on his cheek had gone. She didn't know if that was her fault or his. [/i] Vyrim: I wake up and you're standing there, looking like you were going to leave, and when you see me, you act like I'm an enemy. I wanted to show you I'm not. Raeven: Everyone is an enemy. Vyrim: No, they are not. Look, you mind telling me what you were doing anyway? Raeven: Leaving. Vryim: Why? Raeven: You woke me up. You were dreaming of fighting, when I saw you awake I was scared. People attack all the time, and they don't need a reason. Vyrim: Why were you leaving? Raeven: You.... I don't know. I don't understand. If there is doubt or apprehension, about anything, cancel and withdraw... make the fight on your terms. Vyrim: Fight? What fight? You're insane. [i]Raeven seemed to know the meaning of that word all too well, and her pupils flared. She sat down heavily on the chair beside her and went limp. A tear ran down her face.[/i] Raeven: I know. I am sorry, it is not my fault. [i]Vyrim, too puzzled to speak, simply stood and walked over to her. Reaching to her, he struck at her temple. She passed out immediately and slumpt to the floor, hitting her head rather hard on the stove on the way down. Frowning slightly, Vyrim picked her up and lay her back in bed, swathing her in blankets once again. As he stood to go back to bed, she awoke and grasped his arm, holding it tightly. She closed her eyes again and fell back into slumber, but didn't let go. After a few minutes Vyrim's ankles started to suffer. Sighing angrily, he climbed into bed with her and rolled her onto her back. her body was excrutiatingly cold to touch, and Vyrim found sleep to be a long way off.[/i][/color][/font]
  2. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Yeah, and they're really easy to use. You just set it up, in a nice, quiet spot on you own, centre yourself, place your fingers on the slide and close your eyes. Move the slide around a bit. When you open your eyes, it's easy to spot the idiot - they're the one who have their fingers on the stupid thing. Haha... how terrible. No, seriously, those things are stupid and dangerous. They put the person in the right frame of mind for crossing the veil, but as the whole concept is wrong, and against all safe practices of magic, it can cause bad things to happen. The mind is a powerful thing. And besides, proper ouigi boards cost a heap. Ones cut out of paper are cheaper and safer because they're less likely to stir up bad energy. [/font][/color]
  3. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Dali, Toulouse lautrec, HR Giger, Jason Wires, and nearly anything superrealistic. Oh, and Hieronymus Bosch. Definately. [/font][/color]
  4. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven, although tired, slept lightly due to her previous nap. She found herself to be awoken in the middle of the night - or day, it was hard to tell in the weather. Sitting up, she found the adverse creature that happened to be her host to be fast asleep two feet away, breathing very heavily. Wondering if something was wrong, she stood quickly and peered over his form. Glancing down, she saw that there was nothing wrong at all, and blushed, quickly walking outside to cool her face. Knowing not much about his kind, this human... trait... disturbed her. She had only learnt of such... parts of the anatomy... through classes. Those classes had nothing to do with reproduction, however, but areas of attack focus. She had never seen anything like this, only... rumours. According to her Mentor, Frieath, this thing was frequent for men who enjoyed fighting women. Did Vyrim enjoy fighting women?, she wondered. It was best not to find out. Turning back into the room, having decided to leave at once, she saw Vyrim, awake, sitting up, and staring at her suspiciously. She then realised she was naked. Feeling scared, threatened and upset her stay had all been a trap, she crouched into a defensive stance, calling her strength to her fingertips and feet. [/i][/font][/color]
  5. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven seemed to relax a little, and lay back onto the bed. Her blanket was pulled off one shoulder, and she stared at it, and in particular, a fat little nasty scar on the bulb of her upper arm. It was black, old, smooth, and shaped like a leech. She stroked it and it crawled onto her finger.[/i] Raeven: The palace teaches all kinds of things. Vyrim: I can see. How to attatch nematodes to your skin, impressive. Raeven: Ha ha. Everyone in our land did their training in the palace, all who couldn't find an excuse, anyway. Vyrim: Oh? Interesting place it must have been. Raeven: Indeed. Excuses for not attending Raikishi training usually came in the form of suicide. Me, however, I joined by choice. Vyrim: So you had a choice? Raeven: Oh yes, the gifted do whatever the hell they want. I wanted to be a gifted warrior - they're the type who actually survive Raikishi. Not many do. I wanted to be a survivor. Vyrim: And you seemed to do quite well... three years training left, if I'm correct. Raeven: You are. I started with eighteen thousand other people my age. At my level, this year, there were only one hundred and sixy left. Vyrim: Why did you run away? Raeven: I failed a test... my execution date had been set. That's why people don't survive - if they do to badly, or don't pass a test the second go, they are killed. Vyrim: Seems a waste of people. Raeven: Not really, I mean, it's what they fed us most the time. [i]Vyrim snorted, unconvinced.[/i] Raeven: They rule and train through fear. Push us to our limits to weed out the useless ones, scare us into near death by feeding the flesh of those who didn't make it - Vyrim: I thought you said you didn't eat meat. Raeven: I don't. I ate manflesh, and meat and manflesh have nothing to do with one another. Vyrim:...whatever. Continue. Raeven: So I was doing rather well, but after you reach a certain point in training, they don't give you second chances. And testing is constant - you are expected to act as a Raikishi warrior the whole time you are in residence. Which, basically, means you don't walk past someone until they're dead. Vyrim: I can see how functional your society must have been. Raeven: You fight until an elder pardons you. That could be in hours or days. I don't know how we did it, that period lasts for a week and then we take vows of abstinence, silence, respect, and lifegiving. It was the last one I didn't cope with - it asks you to bare your neck for anyone above you, and your life is theirs to grant or take away. Symbolises some sh*t or the other. I don't know. I couldn't take it, I ran through the third elder I came across. He, of course, just pulled the cone out of his chest and granted my execution date. Vyrim: Of course... Raeven: What was I talking about? Oh, yeah... my running away. Actually, to tell you the truth, I wasn't very good. Just determined. Vyrim: I don't know anything about what you're talking about, so you could be lying. But you were talking about your gift...? Raeven: Oh yeah, they taught me some tricks. But basically they taught me how to fight, how to survive, and how to accept defeat. But believe me, the things that come out of that place... [i]Vyrim thought to cast some criticising comment, but Raeven had fallen fast asleep. Again. The slug was nowhere to be seen.[/i][/font][/color]
  6. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven looked over his entire body, finding nothing but the wound she had dressed. Looking at him suspiciously, she decided not to go out on another expedition alone. In fact, she decided never to leave the room again.[/i] Raeven: I know you have no choice, but I would appreciate not being left alone again unless I am strongly drugged. Vyrim: From your mentions of the Palace, I would think you weren't afraid of the dark. Raeven: Living at the palace for fifteen years made me terrified of the dark. [i]Vyrim rearranged his lithe limbs in the chair, peering at her. [/i] Vyrim: How old are you? Raeven: I'm eighteen. Vyrim: You look a lot older. Raeven: I am, in a few ways. Vyrim: Tell me more about this place. [i]Raeven stood and turned her back on him, dropping the blanket so it hing down to her knees. Black, purple, red and silver scars networked her entire back, arms, buttocks and thighs in a seemingly purposeful pattern. It looked as if to say something. Raeven wrapped the blanket around her again tightly and sat back on the pallet.[/i] Raeven: This was done to me during my stay. Training lasts for twenty years - from the age of three to the age of twenty three. They are markings of my levels of training, expertise, and together they form a word. Or, at least, they would, if it was finished. Vryim: What would the completed word say? Raeven: Warning. It's something akin to the bright patterns on dangerous frogs. Vyrim: What? Raeven: Nevermind. I don't want to talk about it any more. [/font][/color]
  7. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, you have to practice for a while before you perfect the art. I think we've done that. [b]How To Spot A Professional Kisser (or Ravenstorture and Harlequin's Guide to Perfect Kissing) [/b] [i]This only applies in public - in private, it is entirely up to you and your partner/s.[/i] - kisses are completely silent, no matter how deep they're going - kissers remain dry after event, there is no wiping of mouths on sleeves or licking of lips - they can remain kissing for anything up to and even over an hour, and there ISN'T a circle of people standing around them screaming something about a crowbar - kisses are often short in public, out of consideration for people who consider kissing a thing of married couples - no pawing of the other person's face, and no grabbing of their partner's head to push their faces closer (this is painful most times) - hands and body relaxed - mouth contact is not broken frequently - usually no tounges are observed of either person - mouths only open enough to convey passion, not catch a soccer ball - no sudden or quick movements - if you can hear moaning, they probably don't know they're not alone - professional kissers ALWAYS know who is within range of vision - quick, momentary kisses are recieved without gasping, swooning or anything more than a slight smile - a small kiss will not distract the giver or the reciever, if executed properly - Kisses are placed on hands and face ONLY in public And the most important one... - kissers always think of the people around them first. People have been punched in the face for kissing in public.[/font][/color]
  8. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven stood and stared after him as he faded in the fog, and sighed. Alone again. She had enjoyed the brief company, however... in fact, she had loved it, and it pained her to be alone again. Any kind of relationships in the Palace that weren't rank structure, opponent or team member (strictly hostile nonetheless) ended in messy executions. But she was used to it, at least. Hardened. Thinking back, she remembered her way to this tree, and the places they had passed. Didn't remember details though - a serious crime in her view. Not wanting to be caught unaware through lack of details of her surroundings (code of survival narnichk' draf), Raeven strode out of the room, crossed the platform, walked the pathway and stopped at an intersection. Choosing the left most path, she continued. An hour later, she returned, some interesting things strapped to her thighs. Leaving the Palace with nothing but a stick was unwise, but at least she wasn't sorely missed. Vyrim hadn't returned - and she was exhausted from her expedition, which had taken her up and down more levels than she could count. When she looked at the fire, she realised how long she had been gone - finding her way back was the biggest delay. Being properly armed, however, was a big plus. Lying back down on the pallet, she tucked the blankets over her shoulders and undressed herself. She lay her clothing by the dying embers of the fire, opting not to dry them with a charm, as it would affect her state of alertness. [/i][/font][/color]
  9. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven smiled politely, and stared at the fireplace, looking akward. Vyrim raised an eyebrow, but it went unnoticed. [/i] Vyrim: Something wrong? Raeven: Yes.... Vyrim (after a pause) : Well? Raeven: I didn't know.... I... Vyrim: What? [i]Raeven blushed and turned away, sitting back on the bed and combing her fingers through her long, red - black hair. Vryim stared at her hard for a moment and walked over to her, sitting next to her on the pallet.[/i] Vyrim: Tell me, I won't mind. Raeven: Are you sure it's safe to... to eat? Vyrim: Of course, why wouldn't it be? Raeven: It's just that... that... well, I've seen flesh before, but... Vyrim: But WHAT? Raeven: I didn't know you could eat it! [i]Vyrim sat silently for a while, staring at the floor. What kind of rock was she hiding under for the last however long? And how long was that?[/i] Vyrim: You've never eaten meat before? Raeven: Well, not exactly... not as food, anyway. Vyrim: I'll leave that there. Look, you're going to have to trust me. Raeven: Don't worry, I'll eat anything. It smells alright, anyway. [i]Vyrim went back to staring at the floor.[/i][/font][/color]
  10. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]The reason I started this last one was because I like writing, but writing on my own seems to burn out a lot faster than writing with another. Too many people and the storyline twists out of my grasp. With one other person, we can correspond, plan, edit, and generally work together to produce a really quality piece of writing. [/font][/color]
  11. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I will actually respond to the question - no. But I did practice for a year or so. I have no local covens, so I studied through information in books and articals on the net. I don't like containing my beliefs in one sector, however, so I didn't stay with it. I still hold a few beliefs though, like beltain and whatnot, although it gets a bit confusing when Lughnasadh is held on July 31st, supposedly the beginning of autumn, but here it is the beginning of spring. The wiccan rede is inscribed in the window putty of my back door, and three white candles next to my bed, representing purity, peace and the Goddess. Apart from that, I'm existentialist, agnostic and anti-evangelistical practices. I'm also quick to warn against Wiccads, our name for chicks who's into the fashion, plays with ouigi boards and do things they've seen of The Craft or other stupid movies.[/font][/color]
  12. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i] "Raeven, you have failed. Go back to the beginning and start again. I will see you in twenty minutes or you will fail the couse, and your execution date will be set." Raven bowed low and turned her back on the Instructor. The course she had just completed was fifteen minutes long from beginning to end, and it would take ten minutes getting back. She would have to sprint the whole way. Holding back any emotion but anger and determination, she turned and began running. Blood seeped from the wounds on her arms - no doubt the thing that failed her. Leaping over monuments, walls, shrubs, and unexploded mines, Raeven ran as fast as she could without accidentally teleporting (and therefore disqualifying herself) to the beginning of the course. Muscled, battle-hardened warriors five times her size smirked from the sides. As soon as she reached the beginning, she pivoted and began again. Leaping up the iron lattice as it closed behind her, she crawled the rest of the way over the wall with bleeding fingerpads, being careful not to break her three inch nails. They would save her life, later. A flash, the sudden feeling of lying on a soft bed, and it was gone. She was in the mountains again, naked, her skin black from frostbite gaining way over her healing methods. It was her third day in the snow, and she was nearly finished her task - to get herself down from the rocky precipice she had been set on. An open pathway, sandstone, at the top of a thick wall. The edging was only a few inches high, revealing drops of a mile or two on each side. There was a man in front of her, holding a sword in each hand. One was blunted, the other sharp. The blunt sword was hers. The man threw it over the edge, where it crashed down over the steep walls and landed on a thick bed of rotting corpses, skeletons, and blunt swords. Smiling, the man again returned to attack stance, and lunged at her. She managed to fend him off for another three hours, but collapsed after a sharp blow to the abdomen. She lost an ovary to that fight, it was the only thing that passed her. Raeven awoke with a shriek, sitting up and blinking confusedly when she wasn't assaulted with icewater and cutting winds. She lay on a soft bed, covered in warm, dry blankets, alone in a room she had never seen before. Deciding to play it out for the while, she lay back and closed her eyes, listening intently for any presence of being. [/i][/font][/color]
  13. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven laughed and closed here eyes against the pounding headache that suddenly erupted in her skull. Vyrim noticed but said nothing. [/i] Raeven: My day has been fine. Vyrim: There are no need for formalities here, Raeven. [i]Hearing him say her name jolted her, she hadn't heard it said since she was five. The trainers at the palace called her by her number, Thruik. She realised that she was near the point of collapse.[/i] Raeven: Well, let me see - I ran away from the Raikisi Palace a week ago, and since then have been hiding in this forest. Haven't eaten since, as I've never lived out of doors in my life and I don't know what or how, every morning I wake up freezing cold and soaking wet, and I spend all the rest of my time trying to get to the other side of the forest - by running as fast as I can until I'm so tired I fall asleep where I'm standing. Vyrim: You haven't eaten for a week? Raeven: Yes. It's ok, I've done it many times before. Part of our training. We have to go for months without food sometimes. And sleep. The only thing I'm not used to is the lack of company... Vryim: This palace, I've never heard of it. Raeven: Good, I don't want to either. [i]Vryim cast a questioning look at her, but she had fainted. Lying on the floor in a crumpled heap, her eyes remained open but her pupils expanded until they encompassed nearly the whole visible part of her eye. Things moved underneath.[/i][/font][/color]
  14. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven again looked the stranger up and down, puzzling over his show of kindness. He certainly didn't look like the person to snatch you out of danger, invite you into his... um, 'home' and offer to school you in the dangers of the forest. She didn't like it one bit. Suspicion casting a squint in his direction, she stood and began calmly walking backwards, along the path, until she sensed the yawning chasm straight behind her. Turning, she leapt to the other side and sat on the rim of the plating, dangling her legs over the edge. Then, crossing her arms, she slit forward slightly so she was balancing on the edge. [/i] Raeven: Explain your random act of kindness. I know what's in these woods - but I don't know about you. I don't know who - or even what you are. If your explanation feeds my suspicions, I'll leave. And the state my a*ss is in now, I am rather happy to do that. [i]The man smiled ironically again, standing and walking after her slowly. When he too reached the gap, he vaulted over it and landed behind her sofly, the only sign of his manding the slight vibration of the wood. No sound. He faced away from her, if she were to escape she would have to do it now. Leaning forward again, she began to tip over the edge. The ground was far away - almost too far. She bent her legs in anticipation for the landing - but never made it. She never even made it off the ledge. The stranger, not only grasping her around her very private, not-a-good-place-to-hold middle, was carrying her back into the small room and weaving a web over her brooding magic. She was no longer scared, she was angry, and somewhat humiliated her fifteen years of training had shown to nothing. Seated and bound into a chair, they were back to square one. [/i] Raeven: My name is Raeven, I'm a Raikishi Warrior. [i]The stranger said nothing, and stared at her.[/i] That was an introduction - you know, a polite gesture... [i]Still nothing, just eyes burrowing deeper into her head.[/i] Polite gestures are usually returned.... [i]This got her a slight twitch of the mouth. Almost there. Ah, f*ck it.[/i] Tell me your name or I will hurt myself. [i]At this, he smiled widely and arched his eyebrows at her. His eyes did not flinch.[/i] Stranger: And what makes you think I care? Raeven: I don't know, perhaps it was you dragging me out of pursuit of a perfectly decent meal to "lecture me on the dangers of the forest" so I don't hurt myself. [i]He smiled, sat back, and began staring at her again - but this time, not just her face.[/i] Raeven: Oh god, this would be right. Now it all makes sense. You nabbed me because you - Stranger: You realise the creature you were hunting was me, don't you. [i]Raeven fell silent and stared out the window, very, very annoyed.[/i][/font][/color]
  15. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I used to spend heaps of time here too. Once I lost the net and stayed off for a while (last month) it was hard to me to get back into the swing of things. Now that I have, I've noticed that not much is happening anyway. I'm in a few RPGs now, they will take a while to get off the ground, but until then, I'm finding it hard to keep myself occupied for more than half an hour. Otakuboards, once I started Latham Adytum, was the only thing I thought about - same with a few people at school. We kept sneaking onto it in the library while a designated distraction took care of the library ladies. Now we hardly even talk about OB. I don't see any other downlands OB members on that often as well, except for Harlequin and sometimes maybe Liam, but that's it. [/font][/color]
  16. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Name: Mazui Ketsueki Age: 17 Height: 6ft Appearance: long black hair, pale, thin, very strong. Hates everyone. Weapon: pair of Sai Special Skill: A mental connection with the enemy, sometimes buying moments of time, lulling the opponent into a sense of trust or relaxation. Usually utilised in times of desperation. [/font][/color]
  17. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven rushed blindly onwards, her body finally beginning to heat up. She stopped briefly, leaning against a large tree, to bask in her warmth and regain some of her breath - she had been running for over an hour. Opening her eyes, Raeven noticed first that some creature - not like any she'd come across before - had passed by recently. She was hungry, and the sun was due to rise soon, not that the fog would let her know of that. The second thing she noticed was that the fog was certainly a lot thicker where she was, and warmer, too. Pleased by this, Raeven dropped her pack, unslung her staff, and crept off in search of the recently passing meal. Almost half an hour later, and she had yet found nothing. her trail, however, had led her back to the tree she was stationed at before. The fog hung like a dress around not one, but thirteen of the huge trees - an ominous site. Intuition told her to turn around and walk the other way quickly, but common sense told her she needed her pack.[/i][/font][/color]
  18. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Name: Madoline West Age: 24 Hair: black, short, straight Eyes: green Height: 168cm Weight: 65kg Department: counterterrorism Rank: private Weapons: plain titanium dagger, explosives Skills: long, messy operations; enemy/situation profiling, languages (speaks several) Strengths: stealth, intelligence, strength [/font][/color]
  19. [color=purple][font=gothic]Physically: I don't like my legs and I don't like my hair. I'm actually in the process of losing fifteen kilograms, so I won't talk about my body. I do like my face though, I think I look pretty decent sometimes. My hands aren't bad when my nails are long, either. Otherwise, my intelligence. I don't think I'm that nice, or funny, or honest, or fun to be around, or even endurable to be around... in fact, I'm a b*tch to nearly everyone, except for very close friends. But I'm damn smart, and if it's all I've got to go on, then god damn it that's what I'm taking.[/font][/color]
  20. [font=gothic][color=darkgreen] Name:Alastuin Sakandre Age: 23 Affiliation: human Weapons: Some emergency pepper spray in her handbag. Description: Long, blond hair, thin, supermodel's body. Wears stylish glasses and well cut suits - smells of elizabeth arden and wealth. Bio: A wealthy family, a comfortable and conservative upbringing. Alastuin's brother was "embraced" four years ago, she is the only one who knows anything of his dissapearance, although she doesn't understand what happened. Did well in school, well in college, studying biology. Is now a student teacher at a local highschool, hunting for answers in her time off. [/font][/color]
  21. [font=gothic][color=darkgreen] [I]Raeven took a deep breath and opened her eyes to the madness in front of her. An instructor, facing away from her, paced in front of ten thin, spidery men with well-defined muscles and a short dagger in each hand. The words of the instructor were lost to Raeven, as she prepared herself for the onslaught. Too soon for her liking, the instructor stepped away, the first man prepared himself, and rushed at her. Raeven?s body tensed against the ropes binding her to the iron structure. She was bound so tightly she could hardly breathe. The first quick, deep incision was made and the man stepped back with the momentum of the strike. Too fast, the second man advanced. His strike was aimed at her face. It never made impact. Raeven awoke with a shriek, her eyes breaking open to a wet, cold, foggy night. The shelter she had prepared that evening failed. She was freezing, soaking, and very, very tired. The horrid feeling of being pulled where you don?t want to go washed over her, the feeling that arises from waking suddenly and being pulled out of bed by a rabid caveman who?s just invented an axe and wants to test it out. She struggled to clear her mind through the freezing cold, her fingers lightly stroking the scar under her left eye. Sighing resignedly, Raeven lay back down under the ruined shelter. She heard a crunch ? the fallen water behind her had already frozen into a sheet. Needles of ice slid into her back and melted before she could gasp. Cursing loudly, she stood, throwing the useless shelter away. Raeven clapped her palms together in front of her chest and pushed them up, over her head, her mind suddenly clear against the fog of sleep and annoyance. Her arms high over her head, she pushed them out quickly and down to her sides. Immediately, the moisture from the air was sucked out of her skin, clothing and surrounding air. She was careful to keep her mouth shut and eyes closed tightly as not to dry them out with the charm. Fully dry, but still impossibly cold, she bent and picked up her belongings, holding them in the dry aura as it faded. Then, wrapping her cloak around her with her satchel underneath, Raeven strapped her six-foot quarterstaff to her back and began running through the mud, wet foliage and glacial fog to rid herself of the chill. [/I][/font][/color]
  22. [font=gothic][color=darkgreen] "Aha, were you calling? I heard someone mention an ego... ...Although it is little known, ask my dearly beloved. He will tell you how much I push for compliments, but I assure you, it's only a search for the truth. I have been here for a year now, and have dedicated my time here to Role Playing. I can't count how many I've been in - hang on, I'll just go do it now - there it is, 23. But the number of how many have finished successfully is a much smaller number - 1. That was Laytham Adytum, I'm proud to say a child of my own loins. It was my tenth post, when I began it, the idea jumped straight out of my head and 433 replies later it was the best piece of writing I've ever been a part of. It was my initiation onto the boards, in my view. I have been writing since I knew how, and I have been writing creatively since I was seven or so. Although I wasn't too good then, I've had more than nine years to improve on it and am currently working on forty two separate pieces which, no surprises here, most I will never finish and the rest will never see the light of day. The only reason I haven't published one yet is there hasn't been one long enough yet. Stick them all together, however... My passion lies in the fastastical and the exotic. I feel my true potential as a writer will take off when I finish uni, but until then I'm more than willing to give this a damn good shot. Otakuboards was the first place I had ever shown my writing to anything but a teacher. It has truly opened me up. Here I have found inspiration and constructive criticism to fuel and guide me in the right direction. Being Otaku Idol will make me lose all my friends, as I will probably not talk about anything else for the next five years. Please don't let that dissuade you, though...." *coughs quietly and attempts to fade into shadow* [/font][/color]
  23. [color=purple][font=gothic]I love static X, but I've only got/heard their wisconsin death trip album. I love I'm With Stupid, it's a great song. Although it doesn't make too much sense...[/font][/color]
  24. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Ok, what the hell is going on? Hang on, I can do better than that... [i]Mia took a critical look at Bazil's desk, and sighed. Wasn't it always the way?[/i] Mia: Ok, I give up. The shooting? Baz: I thought people gave up because they didn't know the answer? Mia: As soon as you pulled that f***ing trigger, I envisioned a rain of paperwork floating down and piling up to your knees. Baz: Well, for once your premonition was wrong. Mia: What? [I]Baz stands and ushers Mia into his chair, pushing it in after her.[/i] Baz: The paperwork should have been raining down on you. [i]Baz grabs his coffee and strides out the door, chucking the Captain a salute on his way out. Mia swears loudly and grabs the first file with murder in her thoughts.[/i][/font][/color]
  25. [font=gothic][color=purple]I loved this movie, even when I think about it too hard now it makes me cry, what he did in the end, for that chick. I think that's why he did it - to save her. The movie pulled heartstrings for me also because of the theories it put forward. Definately a favorite movie of mine, as you can probably guess by my banner and sig. My banner, by the way, is a link to the donnie darko website. Wonderful movie, wonderful soundtrack, wonderful site. [/font][/color]
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