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Everything posted by Ravenstorture
[color=purple][font=gothic]Well, I disagree with ALL of you. The whole movie was created for, and based around, the Ministry concert at the Flesh Fair. Nothing else exists, not in the movie, the movie industry, or in any of the actor's of viewer's lives. It was all about Ministry. The reason you were all fooled is that they didn't call the movie "ministry" and therefore you all thought it was about the metaphysical implications of Humanity and our quest to capture and harness the one thing we haven't yet - love and instinctive human affection. An interesting point - this was the movie Harlequin and I went to see on our very first date. It was so good (that flesh fair bit anyway) that I decided to go out with Harlequin for the rest of my life, and all because of Ministry. They should RENAME and RERELEASE AI as Ministry: We're So Good We Have Wrapped Our Concert Up In Something Heartwrenching But Totally Unrelated So You Don't Freak Out With Total Admiration, And If You Thought It Was About Something Else, You Are Quite Wrong. And to PROVE MY POINT: the song that Ministry plays on the Soundtrack to the Movie Formally Known As AI is called "What About Us", outlining the complete and utter nonsense that surrounds the Ministry scene, and the importance of how the audience must look past that and focus on the wonderful, harmonious, heavy/death metal sounds of the track. Poetry, people, pure poetry. Oh, and I liked the bit when the boy fell into the ocean after he'd foiund that thing. Gave me a shock.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=darkgreen][b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] Permanant VB codes. If I have to type in "[font=gothic][color=darkgreen]" one more time, I'm going to vomit. [b]If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] Mmm, philosophy for Harlequin's sake, apart from that... not too sure. [b]Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com?[/b] I don't have anything to do with theOtaku. Not my game at all. I can, however, ignore any links to it if there were more installed. [b]Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?[/b] To me that suggests more users with less interest in the board, and all the spamming, wrong spelling, abusive trouble they bring. Troublemakers, you here?! [b]Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards?[/b] I don't spam This is why I have only 600something posts to show for my considerable time here. Quality, not quantity... ban spammers all you like, my lord. That will definately win my War (see signature) Actually, now that I think of it, this month is my anniversary! [b]Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins?[/b] Quality is more important than asthetics, I believe. As long as all the buttons work. [b]Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works?[/b] If I had a choice, I would go original, but I really don't care. I am not an anime fan, but I don't mind it at all. [b]Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB?[/b] No, I haven't had any problems that weren't purely mental, and if I have then I would have spoken up, yes. [b]Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies?[/b] What? The censorship? Yeah, fine... and the warning about mature content in the titles of threads is a good idea too. [/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=darkgreen]Name: Alastuin Sakandre Element: Water Appearance: Very long, straight blond hair with black streaks, tall, thin, black flowing dresses and heavy cloaks. Her back and shoulders are horribly scarred for no reason she can remember, and so she avoids human contact wherever possible Equipment: silver chalice, pack with clothes and herbs and etc etc, long wooden rootstaff with crystal ending, plain dagger Bio: Loved upbringing in a small village in a far away land. Once her magical talents were discovered she was exiled, and walked for months to the forest she lives in now, an hours walk from another small village. Lives alone with thirteen cats. Magic self taught. Strengths: +1 resilience, +2 intelligence, +1 persuasion, -1 social, -1 physical strength[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=darkgreen]Name: Sakandre Alanost Age: 19 Tribe: Sharamudoi Weapon: spear, obsidian primitave dagger Occupation: carver Appearance: average height, long brown hair, brown eyes, thin Description: recluse, quiet, shy, prefers the company of trees, wears heavy furs and tries to cover as much skin as possible, often the only thing visible is her eyes. [/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]My first kiss was already explained by my love. It was good, that first day, we kissed for all of it, but that wasn't the first time... it was the frist proper time. The first time was standing in the music room, he was holding me around the waist and I was looking at him. He smiled and I leant forward and pecked him on the lips. He didn't react. Later on, on his bed, we did that again and then started kissing properly. I was fifteen. Best: Probably one of the ones where he looks at me really closely for a while before hand, breathing heavily, that sort of thing, and then kissing me really hard. Or when I catch him by surprise and he moans. Worst: When he sticks his tongue up my nostril to gross me out out and dislodges my nosering and we spend the rest of the afternoon looking for it. [/font][/color]
Liamc2 was the first. I was the second. Then Harlequin, Cloricus, etc etc etc. these are all the "downlands/toowoomba" otaku crew. you'll find various threads around. Liam did an english assignment on the boards and I read it and had no idea of what he was on about. So he showed me, and then it began... that was quite a while ago. My name is obvious, too... hehehe...
All the people who don't go to Church....
Ravenstorture replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
beautiful, incredibly hand worked gothic architecture from medieval times i don't follow a religion that asks me to attend a church i wouldn't go anyway because in my opinion people don't need to gather and be preached at to have a faith beautiful, incredibly hand worked gothic architecture from medieval times -
first thing: Harlequin. He is a god, and there is no other way to describe my feelings and relationship with him. He is the only reason I am alive. second thing: myself. third thing: puzwa.
I'm going to take it this way - people didn't live over the age of 72 in the year 1309, so the grandmother is dead in the first place. Babies had the highest mortality rate between the ages of 0 - 7 in 1309, so it will die anyway. And in 1309, there was no such thing as a teenager. You were a child, then you were an adult. God bless the year 1309.
Removal of Expectations is the key to contentment
Ravenstorture replied to Harry's topic in General Discussion
Was it Euripides who said that people get angry because they expect better of the world? I hate humanity, I hate the world we have created, I think the worst of everything and everyone including myself until they prove me wrong, and so I'm never unhappy about things going wrong. I'm just unhappy when I make them wrong, or when people continue to be themselves. If you expect nothing you should be happy to get it. Unfortunately expecting something of people doesn't mean you'll get it. *glares at cloricus* -
There is a friend of mine who I don't like very much, she has recently moved down to Newcastle and her father still lives up here in Toowoomba. He has been told that it would be rather easy for him to move to Cambodia or Nepal and teach english there, meaning the certificate needed is basically in his lap anyway. He's not a very happy person and he would really love to go and teach overseas, if only just for a year or so. He called his daughter and told her about it. She said she would rather him stay here. As it is, she only sees him once a year anyway, as she lives so far away. If you're thinking that she's a heinous *****, then consider your friends. I don't even know you and I'm excited that this opportunity has arose in your life. What will your 'friends' say if you tell them that a very large internet community considers them rather selfish? Because from what I have heard, I certainly have reason to. One hundred miles is not very far anyway, at least, it's not in Australia.
A Poison Tree William Blake I was angry with my friend: I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe; I told it not, my wrath did grow. And I water'd it in fears, Night & morning with my tears; And I sunned it with my smiles And with soft deceitful wiles. And it grew both day and night, Till it bore an apple bright; And my foe beheld it shine, And he knew that it was mine, And into my garden stole When the night had veil'd the pole: In the morning glad I see My foe outstretch'd beneath the tree. This is my mantra. edit: And keeping to the topic of the thread, this is to do with the rude guy. I think everyone knows my position on homosexuality (especially after this poem.)
Midsummer Night's dream - Puck. The Children's Hour - Evelyn. Bespoke Overcoat - a guy who didn't do much A man for all seasons - alice more Cinderella - cinderella Sinbad - ivory Rookery Nook - wife of man in trouble Gas Lamp - Emily A non musical version of A Streetcar Named Desire - one of the husband's rowdy mates. And my crowning glory - a christmas three month job comprised of two plays, Puss In Kinky Boots and Titanic in Ten. For these, in total, I played a cat, a bear, a sailor, a floozy, a woman in distress, the back half of a donkey and a Princess. I also doubled for the King when he was meant to be swimming in a lake. On the second night I actually played the lake. Thank god it was only two performances, or I would have gone quite mad. Not to mention being in the chorus for Lillian, Les Mis, and Cinders In Distress - a primary school Nightmare. I love theatre, but sometimes I don't know why...
Sumimasen, doomo arigatoo gozaimasu. Ureshikute tamarimasen!!!
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]And every day you tell me I'm perfect. Ha! Anyway, I would have to say on the physical side... gothic. Meaning, black clothing, black hair, pale skin, covers lots up, wears his fingernails long with black nailpolish, long, thin fingers (mmmm) and has to be thin. And tall. Mentally... insane, exquisitly intelligent, broad minded, quiet, graceful, adept in knowlege of the arts, that includes dramatic, visual, musical, martial and the arts of war. And the arts of love. I don't want him to have been with anyone else and I want him to be completely unexperienced in relationships, kind of like a blank slate. My taste in music would be excellent, and to be completely enamoured with me as well. My age too. It would be nice for him to be pretty emotionally fragile, and have a keen 'interest' in torture. It would be really good if he was good at massage, as well. Useful indeed. Mmmm... not like current boyfriend...[/color][/font]
i know it's hard not to be jealous, i took a while to get rid of it but here is the deal with Harlequin and I: he loves me, and I love him. I want him to be happy, at whatever cost, and he wants me to be happy at whatever cost also. If it makes him happy, I'm all for it. If him sleeping with millions of teenybopping sluttish enemies of mine makes him happy, then that's fine with me. As long as it makes him happy. Same with me. If me slaughtering my parents and going to a thai jail makes me happy, then that's exactly what he wants me to do. If you are in love as much as we are, it doesn't matter if the other is pashing off a donkey or trying to drill for oil in their cat. It is unconditional - they will love you no matter who they are standing with, and you will love them no matter who you are sleeping with. If you are in love to this extent, however, you tend to find that you don't need to put the "free relationship" theory into practice. It all depends on the type or strength or even definition of love. You don't fall out of love with someone that easily, especially if your partner loves you so much that they freely let you do whatever the hell you want. If harlequin would be eternally, infinately happy if I was dead, then I would kill myself. I am very grateful that this is not the case, however.
Sign Up Gothic Earth I - The Vampire of New Orleans
Ravenstorture replied to The Unholy Newt's topic in Theater
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Hey - just because I love cigars doesn't mean I smoke them. Does my fiancee's name have to be Rick? I really hate that name. [/font][/color] -
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I really like it. My kind of thing. Sorry about shoving this in here, I've lost me ye olde banner thread.[/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Diorama makes me sick. As does three week old dog food, but luckily, I don't have that right now. But I am listening to greatest view, and dear god, after the brillint into, it falls flat on it's dog foody face. What has happened? Does this prove that depression creates great music? We know it creates brilliant artwork, and wonderful philosophies, but with music... there has been little proof until now. Except for that guy, you know... um, I think cobain was his name... never really got off the ground. But he was depressed, was he not? huh? And Micheal Jackson looked pretty happy when we saw him last and look what happened to him... Janis joplin was not the happiest person ever either. Neither was the lead singer of Queen. Or elvis! Well, not much proof at all. Congrats, silverchair! You're the first happy bcnd to go off the rails!!! If you know which point I'm trying to make at the moment, please PM me and inform me. I've no blood in my head and am having trouble stringing three words together. Oh well....[/color][/font]
Sign Up Gothic Earth I - The Vampire of New Orleans
Ravenstorture replied to The Unholy Newt's topic in Theater
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Name: Mia Farrow Age: 28 Badge No: (combat lobster) 46903 Equipment and Weaponry: A handgun, probably a smith and wesson thingy, and a dagger in my sock. Yay! Sock dagger! Description: Short black hair, sharp features, always in a three piece and trenchcoat. Never seen out of trousers. Tomboyish, rough, love of cigars and pizza. A woman born out of the bronx. Uncanny love of coffee... Bio: Well, born in the Bronx. Prevented her first crime on her sixteenth birthday when she punched her father in the face and broke his jaw when he tried to rape her. Ran away from home after that to New O and "joined the force". Never looked back. May I? [/font][/color] -
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Ahh, what devilry.... Hmm, what to do, what to do... In real life, of course, I would simply get on the net and abuse cloricus for his pathetic grammar and pointless arguments. Or pick on him for his terrible canoeing skills. But here, In The Non Real World, there is no internet, and there is no canoeing... or is there? [i]Xalix j-stroked his way starboard on the clear, green waters of the River Mearle and revelled in the sound of the water coursing under his craft. He loved the river, and found travelling on it most enjoyable. However, with rising unrest, he had found it necessary to stick to the shores, as the waterface was open for attack. Not that attack was likely, he wasn't involved in the uproar... not yet, anyway.... Xalis found a sandy bank upon which to stop and nosed onto it gently, his craft coming to a halt. Jumping out and hauling the boat onto the shore, he hid it in some nearby vinery and shouldered his pack, brightly wondering where his travels would take him today. Further inland, the deep greens of the foliage became darker and mistier until visibility was reduced to twenty or so feet. Xalis knew that although his footsteps were silent, sound travelled futher in fog and he had to be careful. And I bet you can guess what he heard next... ... that's right, Xalis could hear footsteps. [/i][/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Wait - hold everything. I will not miss an opportunity to burst Cloricus's bubble. As a co-founder of the original idea, wasn't it just Cloricus against everyone else in the official war against him? I don't like all these people signing up that have nothing against him. The whole reason we are doing this is to act out our little fantasies. The only people in this should have their names in my sig. If people who don't like him in real life fight him here, it will be alot more interesting. That was, if I remember correctly (which I do, thankyou very much) the original idea. And Dave has no authority to warp it to his own needs. (Ha! Teach you for sitting up the front of my class and being a dickhead!) Ahem. Does anyone agree? (harlequin, nudge nudge...)[/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]When two people who hate eachother try to stay in the same room without getting physical? Isn't that us? Oh no, wait, I never restrain myself from getting physical. Here's a tip for your problem - your sig. Good theory for this dilemma. Mmm....thunderdome...[/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic] And nobody waited for me. Name: Xalis Naire Race: Vampyre Class: necromancer (i just left the last reply in that slot, so this could be interesting) Alignment: doesn't know what's going on yet Weaponry/Armor: dagger, studded bracers, teeth Description: Xalis, surprisingly enough, is male. And tall, pale, thin, silent and indescribably feminine. Shoulder length black hair (that's right, shorter at the back and pointed at the front), long sleeved black shirt, black ankle length skirt and heavy leather boots. Long black fingernails and tribal tattoos covering arms, back and thighs. About 29 piercings, 8 in his ears, the rest... elsewhere. A love of nature and solitude. [/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]This, firstly, is all in relation to Harlequin's post. I only knew of about 2% of it. Honestly, I had no idea. And the fact that we are so close now that we can nearly talk to each other purely by thought, and we breath through each other on a regular basis (and we actually do, physically) makes it hurt. It really, really, ****ing hurts to read something that he couldn't even mention to me in any medium - not just in person, but in distant, abstract writing. The first time I hear about this is on a public message board, in answer to a question that some far off stranger posed. For everyone to read before I do. And so now I am returning the favor and publicly announcing my anger, hurt and deep, emotional confusion. I feel sick. I am crying, now, as I write this - he told me to read it, but he never mentioned that it would say things like this... I knew that he was happier on his own sometimes. I knew he spent a good deal of his life in mental illness, in denial, and I know that he is nearly devoid of all emotions. I knew nothing of the fear. And now - just before, on the phone - he tells me that nearly all of his life and actions are interconnected with this deep, acidic fear. I am so shocked, so utterly hurt, that I have been living my life as one half of this person only to find that I did not know ANYTHING ABOUT HIM. And so now what the **** and I supposed to expect? Sorry, Semjaza, about the emotional near-suicidal ********. But I will remember this for quite a while. And now, for me... I was beautiful, once. I was happy, and intelligent, beautifully spirited and gifted, adored, bubbling, joyous, carefree, young. But it's too damaged now to recover. Everything started when I was six, the institutions, the treatment, the ruining. The desolations. The visions. The constant reminders that there was something wrong with me, that I was wrong, accept it, I was wrong, stop hiding behind the facade of the past. (By the way, if it sounds familiar to anyone, perhaps that's why I hate it being said. Surprised?) Anyway, it stopped after a climax of events when I was twelve or so, that was so horrid and disgusting that I cannot think on them even now. And no one, not even you, Dearest Unknown, Dearest Love, not even the entity, not even the scent of the black rose that I have become, will think on it. I will never uncover that part of my life. I shouldn't write about this when I cry, I can hardly breathe as it is. Anyway, after that, I came home and forgot everything. The potential for Lucy, the gorgeous redhead who laughed and liked to steal begonias, who dressed in pale blue and adored sunshine, had been destroyed. Utterly destroyed. I could not find her. I started again, and rebuilt myself, but after the firestorm of the past six years I was in no condition to designing my life and I failed. I am now warped, as a result, and am content to sit in the dark corner, whittling away at my own individuality, desperate to become the other people. Everyone around me survived - I don't think I did. That was the end of year seven. The start of highschool seemed promising to me, and I was eager to let the scar tissue form, so I cut off all my hair and went to a upper class school. I wasn't counting on falling madly in love in third period with a strange looking guy in a spray jacket. - jumping forward three years, I sleep with a strange and beautiful creature who's glorious self was said to be unlocked by a goddess, little does he know - The darkness is fading. But that is only because I am burying it deeper. And how can I live with myself when I know the only person I exist for has experienced such horrors, and I have made him uncover them? If he did that to me, I would kill him. Even more terrifying is the fact that if he tried to make me remember, I would have the capacity to kill him. Whether or not he was the only thing keeping me alive at the time. And he is, and it will be a while before it changes. [i]My past clings to my back like a gargoyle and I have only to beckon it forward it will leap to my attention and I will fall to my knees the terror unbound threefold with the exhuberance it will show from being unleashed loving someone is holding them they will place their arms around you and embrace your gargoyle too if they are like you you hold them close and stick your fingers in the stone mouth of their demon you either choke it or you lose your hands we don't know what has happened quite yet [/i] Anyway, as for the rest - I don't care how other people think of me, and I don't want them to think of me in any way. Because people do think of you, and they are very often wrong. As long as they don't know the truth. Harlequin is void in this case. I care what he thinks of me, only in that he loves me as he does now. I need it. He needs it. We are holding eachother together. But I want him to know the truth. His truth is inexplicable, and scary. mine is just horrifying. I want him to know everything that has happened to me, because it will help him understand me better. At all. But I don't want him to know what happened because... I don't want him to have those thoughts, images in his head. And especially not of me. I thought he thought the same. I thought he wanted me to know everything. And perhaps he does, because I know what I'm saying is ripping him apart. I know he wants me to know how much he loves me, and that he never intended to hurt me. I know how much he loves me - as much as I love him. But I am unsure of that amount. Too much to humanly comprehend. But he is not human, he is a god, and I am his goddess, and I am sure we will know one day. So, considering everything, it doesn't change much. I love you, Flynn, no matter how much I know or don't know of your inner workings. I know enough. And now I have just blurted out the murky depths of my mind... dear god, I am in so much pain. I'm sorry if this is off the topic or whatever. I think it needed to be said. [/font][/color]