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Everything posted by Ravenstorture
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Ravenstorture: Creme de la Creme... In less than a month I will be one of the highest ranking Downlands Otakuians, along with vicy. Plus I am in the top 2.8% pf my year level along with Marbar... ...I think i'm going to cry....[/font][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1]Jesus Chicken, perhaps you're just a bit too 'friendly' with some people. lol.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Don't listen to her, Jack, you're perfect. And Rain obviously has never had an encounter with DragonFlame... I don't think you flirt, I just think you're damn cool. And anyone who would let someone lie on them for half the night just because they're comfortable there has a big, glittery gold star next to their name in [i]my[/i] book. Hey guess what - I'm eating duck! [/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I'm really upset that after the pain of it ending, I didn't get a part in it at all. So here is the final word from the creator of what should make Otaku History... [i]Spyder watched the departing people with tears streaming down her face. Once the moon had risen out of her view, she retreated inside to the body of her love. His body was no colder than it had been for the last month, and he was no less friendly to her than any other time they had lain together in rest. She closed her eyes and held his surprisingly light body close, imagining that nothing was different. That it was a year ago, and they were alive. There had been many shades of grey between life and death through the weeks past, and they had scaled most of them. Spyder had one to go. Athen slipped silently to the doorway and watched her reach across the white skin of her only love and grasp the kris knife from his belt. She fought off tarnished, domestic memories of pure happiness and drenched herself with bitter tears as she brought it to her throat. Athen turned away, bracing himself for the cry of anguish that would come. But there was none. He turned back to see the black liquid seep across the stone floor, running blue, running purple, running red. Atop the tower, Rico and Valiegh watched the blue lights of the world wink out momentarily. When they returned, the world was cast in a new light. The hundreds of lanterns streaming into the city cast a pale, yellow light on the ground. The night was illuminated purely once again. [/i] -- [size=2]T[/size]HE [size=2]E[/size]ND -- [/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The five stood and waited quietly for about half an hour before the worshippers rose and attempted to file out through the rear doors. Spyder would not budge. [/i] AltarBoy: Let them pass, it is with me that you are here to deal with. [i]Spyder disregarded his order. Valiegh's memory stirred in fear at the sound of the man's voice, sending ripples of warning out to the others. Spyder tensed. Stepping carefully out of the way, she let the gathering file through. None made a sound or gesture to indicate that they were even alive. The man on the altar rose silently and clothed himself, gesturing the party forward. [/i] Ummm..... Rico?[/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Alastuin: Oh my god, you have no idea how much I want to have sex with you right now... Lacroix: Right.... Tyrael: I'm going to ignore that. Well done, Lacroix... that was over surprisingly quickly. Alastuin: Where to next? Lacroix: Back to the castle for an ale. Alastuin: Ale? Lacroix: Ale, bed, same thing. Tyrael: I am severely regretting bringing you two along with me on this trip... [i]Alastuin motioned to the pile of ash on the floor and Tyrael reconsidered. Together, they returned to the castle where a stunned Baron admitted them room for the night.[/i] OOC: Haha, serves you right for staying offline for so long, Newt! The love-crazed freaks will run riot in your RPG yet!!![/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I lived in Greece for half a year, and they have a cat problem. The cats are domestic, but breed in the wild and live off the taverna's scraps and rubbish. The Grecians lace goat meat with broken glass and arsenic and leave it around the towns. When I lived there, I had a friend called Marinos who owned a cat. She was beautiful and very, very pregnant when I met her. He gave me one of the kittens, who we called 'Thavma' which is greek for miracle. we named her that because she became very sick twice and recovered. A few weeks before we were to leave for England, Thavma came in one night and got on my bed. She wouldn't lie down and was meowing loudly. I lit a candle only to see that her tail had been skinned a third of the way, the skin pulled up to the top half of her tail. Someone must have shut her tail in the door because it was broken, too. The next day we took her to the vet and they amputated the tail. It cost seventeen dollars, or 2800 drachma at the time. She recovered, but the day before we left I went for a walk and I found her mother lieing in the grass at the side of the road. She was still breathing, but her eyes had been eaten out by ants and she was completely paralysed. There was blood running from her nose and mouth. We left greece four years ago. I doubt that Thavma is still alive. I am glad that your cat made it. [/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Spyder: Don't make you sit this one out, [i]my love[/i]... [i]The five continued down the hall and higher and deeper into the building. All of a sudden (you know how it is) they come across the room in which everyone who's anyone is having a midnight mass. A hundred or so bodies lie prostrated before an alter, moaning and chanting something foriegn to most of the party spectating. A naked body of a man lay upon the altar, an obsidian blade crossed in his hands, running the length of his body. Spyder held up her hand at the rear entrace of the hall, and the group halted. They watched. [/i][/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Spyder walked out into the hallway and collapsed against the wall, her eyes squeezed shut in pain. Harlequin noticed her and walked to her, pushing her head up to face him and asking what was wrong.[/i] Spyder: That child, I know not of Valiegh, but that child... Harlequin: What of it? Spyder: It will not live to see the light of day, whatever colour downs tomorrow. [i]Harlequin went to embrace Spyder but was interrupted by Athen, who strode out of the kitchen bristling with unease. [/i] Athen: It is nearly midnight. We have waited too long, if we are to finish this, we are to do it right now. [i]Hearing this, Rico and Valiegh emerged from the room they were in and nodded their approval, looking to Sellum for the next move. Spyder turned on her heel and strode off down the hallway, into the darkness, a sudden white light streaming from her staff. The others followed, prepared for anything. Almost.[/i][/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin considered Ananda in all her glory, glad not to be the only one in pain. Her whole life had been lived in agony, more so because everyone else seemed to be having a hell of a time. Isthanae also looked to be having a hell of a time, she noticed, glancing back. Alastuin fell back to the three stumbling along behind Ananda and her.[/i] Alastuin: Are you quite alright, Isthanae honey-child? Isthanae: Yeah, fire demon here's just giving me a bit of heat rash, that's all. Alastuin: Now now Kenny, we can't have that, can we? [i]Alastuin placed her fingers at the base of Isthanae's neck and smiled. Icy cold water gushed out of her fingertips and into Isthanae's armour, a hissing sound erupting from within his clothes. He gasped and tried to back away from his own skin. Alastuin laughed.[/i][/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Hey! You can't start yet - where is all the information that tells me who I am and what I do?! That's your job! I'm only up to page 84, give me a break. [/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Ok, so take me as the average potential Otakuian. First of all, if there was even the slightest chance of a uniqueness to the sign up, say a quiz or a compulsory read of the rules plus proof that you know what you're doing, or at least, proof that you're not the Lockpick guy in another disguise (for instance), I'd first of all think that there must be something worth signing up for. I mean, exclusivity has it's up points - let's take nightclubs, for example - if anyone can get it, who'd want to go. Secondly, I'd think - stuff it. Can't be bothered, if I never do it I won't know what I'm missing out on. Waste of valuble quota. Besides, I probably wouldn't 'get in' anyway... And thirdly, let me point out that although I have been swearing a bit this evening and I do have a tendancy to talk about the primal insticts in life, I am a respectable member and I have never read the rules. I just assumed we shouldn't spam, advertise, pay eachother out or try to take over the world. Sure, I've referenced them a bit but.. hang on, there is absolutely no point to this third point. What a pointless point! Perhaps we should warn people that there are rules and people who do not adhere to them get tracked down, tied to a chair and beaten to death with a big, organic cucumber. A white one. [/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]OOC: Go the informative posting! Welcome back Isthanae, Milord, milove... Alastuin: Right, you've missed out on a bit, but don't worry, because we've all forgotten what's going on anyway. Flipping back a page or so, I have dicerned that we are going to a city, and then pludering it, to cross a lake, to get to somewhere. This is Ananda, you know Isthanae, Raven, I'm Alastuin, and this is Kenny. The city in question is that way. [i]Alastuin points northwesterly for a second before striding off in that direction. No one followed, as yet, but the land lay clear for a while and she wouldn't be hard to track. [/i][/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic] Wow, as in, it's really rather warm in this room. The computer radiation is what must be making me sweat... [i]Spyder looked around the room at her company, deciding who to take advantage of first. [/i] Spyder: Ok, I don't know my way around, so why don't one of you take me to your leader. Anonymoose1: Who, you? Spyder: Yeah, like you follow me. You threw me in a ****ing shed somewhere, anointed me with oils once a day and began bowing to the power hungry second in command! I'm not stupid. A2: Actually, your predecessor requested that we take him there. He was dieing. But you're right about the second part. A1: And what makes you think that we'll take you there? Harlequin: Does the word "rank" mean anything to you? Just because she didn't start it doesn't mean she isn't going to damn well finish it. Athen: And, she has the authority to. A2: Do you really thing Maagrus will simply bow out and say, "Damn, isn't that a shame. Missed out on world domination yet again!"? I don't think so. Spyder: I don't expect him to, either. Just take me there, before I start experimenting with this stick I happen to be holding. [i]At this, Harlequin smiled at an inward joke. The waters of their mind rippled and as if on cue, the room was plunged into darkness and Spyder lit up as if she were a neon light. Rectifying his mistake with hurried thoughts of asparagus, Harlequin righted the room once more and made a suggestive movement to the scared shitless inquisitioners. On the way past Athen, Spyder untied him, healed him and dressed him appropriately including arms with a glance, surprising herself more than anyone. She was really going to miss this kind of power...[/i] OOC: I guess you two had better follow along, or make your own way there, obviously... but be warned, I have no idea what on earth's going to happen. [/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Harlequin, you wouldn't know good tribal flash if it flew into your eye. Which it might, one day. You know you have full access to black lipstick, and a spiked collar, any flash you could imagine, black skirts, gothic jewellery, eyeliner, foundation, you've got the hair, the attitude, and the [i]perfect[/i] girfriend... ...Oh yeah, Lestat... great passage. Really... moving. More? [/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][b] Ravenstorture's List of Ten New Year Resolutions for 2003, None of Which She'll Keep, Except Possibly the Second one![/b] 1. Stop beating up Harlequin, or at least, stop attempting to. 2. Lay off Cloricus - this will be easy for all of us, he won't be [i]nearly[/i] as annoying when we cut out his tongue and sew his fingers to his armpits!! 3. Stop annoying Harlequin at five in the morning when I show up at his house, let myself in, climb in bed with his sleeping self and start getting restless because he's just lying there. Motionless bodies are [i]not[/i] there to be poked! 4. Stop making all my friends feel uncomfortable by purposely slipping constant sexual innuendoes in the conversation and laughing insanely. 5. Laugh insanely a lot more, expecially in large bodies of water. 6. Learn the drums. And stop getting pissed off because people are watching you do it. 7. Have more patience with Harlequin, and stop guilt tripping him constantly simply because you have nothing better to do. 8. Try being a reasonably ok girlfriend - as it stands, you're together for the sake of the cat fur. 9. Leave Lunafai alone, the corpse is beginning to cool. Try a martial art instead! Corneal implants my ***. 10. Senior school will require effort. Get used to a heavy workload, medicine isn't something you will breeze through. [/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Wow. [/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]If anyone on this planet equals Lestat, it would be you, Harlequin. You know too much about him anyway, and you match him to a T with the whole vampyre, backclothing, taste, style thing... damn you and your malkavian charm...[/color][/font]
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Ravenstorture replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Yeah, like I'm going to read all NINE pages... Piromunkie James (that [i]will[/i] happen one day, I assure you) Pressure Raiha&Rico Mitch wrist cutter And if anyone can get to Brisbane, PM me and I'll meet you there. I'm only an hour and a half away. So is everyone else....[/font][/color] -
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Spyder: Well, looks like it's just you and me again, then... [i]Spyder pecks Harlequin on the cheek and starts running down the hall, not caring where she's going and trusting her instincts. Harlequin follows. Spyder's instinc takes her odd places - doors behind rugs, hidden shields and trapdoors. After a while they reach a set of french doors, where voices could be heard inside.[/i] ?: You idiots! Do you think they've forgotten me? ??: Perhaps not, one has already fallen to the trap we've set to her... ?: They're not stupid! ??: They're certainly acting like it. I don't think you should place your hopes on them any longer. ?: **** you. Spyder(stepping into the room): I've never heard you use language like that before, Athen... Athen: AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!! ??: ??? [i]Spyder strode over to where Athen sat, chained to the chair he sat on. Her skin was ablaze, casting the rest of the room in an unnatural darkness. The several lightbearers in the room were aghast at the display of rank infront of them.[/i][/color][/font]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I'm in! Let me just finish the third chapter. Hehehe.... and then I have to read the intro post... That Elaira chick is taken, by the way, so back off. [/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Spyder opened her eyes with a start, the only thing visible in the room was her skin designs. The tattoos were electric blue, and crackling with energy, visible through her body like she was a shell. Spyder reached down and tapped Harlequin on the shoulder once, then again, harder, when he didn't respond the first time.[/i] Harlequin: What is it? Spyder: There is someone coming. Harlequin: There was, but you took care of - Spyder: I mean it! I have to go check it out. Harlequin: Ok, you want me to come with you? Spyder: Yes, and we'll get Rico and Valeigh on the way. [i]Spyder leapt off the bed and opened the wardrobe, blowing on the oil lamp fixed to the inside of the cupboard door. To her amazement, the wick lighted and the carefully positioned mirrors lit the wardrobe interior. Selecting a dangerously short, black, velvet dress with long sleeves, Spyder squeezed into it and picked laceup high heels to go with it. Harlequin helped her with the dress binding and brushed her hair. Then, donning freely moving black trousers for himself, he grabbed his kris knife and shoved it into the back of his attire as Spyder bound his feet in black strips of material. She grabbed her staff and bounded into the hall, her chest heaving with adrenalin. She glowed brightly. [/i][/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Believing in one god serves litle purpose to many. Beating the **** out of other people's beliefs serves no purpose at all. But then again, neither does forcing your beliefs on another person, and certainly not Harlequin. Jeff, if I were you, I would focus your attention else where. Harlequin may have the capacity to respect your beliefs, but if you force this crap on him, he will hate you and you will feel the wrath of his Satan Siding Self. And me. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them. The last Christian died on the cross. - nietzsche[/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Juardiar couldn't help but yawn as they were lead through the village to a remote hut buried deep in the skin of the village. The yawns spread. The hut was warm and dry and comfortable, with food waiting on a low table between two reed pallets. The sisters thanked the women, who reminded them that they would remain until Juardiar and Ananda awoke. All four horses were cared for and tethered nearby. Sleep encompassed them like honey, and the sisters slept for eight hours until the smell of burning awoke them. The women who had promised to stay were gone. [/i][/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Spyder jumped at the sound of the wall being knocked in, and sighed, leaning back against the counter.[/i] Spyder: You get it. [i]The Harlequin wrapped a towel around himself and went to lift the sheild from the door as Spyder dressed herself in a simple blue sarong. There was a gasp as the door matirialised and opened, a dirty and happy looking Valeigh peering in. Rico stood behind her, guarding the hall. It was dark.[/i] Harlequin: Well, we weren't expecting you here... so soon, anyway. Rico: Nice place you have here.... [i]Spyder walked out from the bathroom and smiled when she saw Valeigh and Rico. They gasped when they saw her patterned skin.[/i] Harlequin: Oh yeah, Rico, Valeigh, meet the new Sellum...[/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I know what my dejevu is - past dreams. Go ahead, laugh, but 90% of the dejevu instances I have had I have been able to honestly say that it is because I have dreamt the occurance. I'm not sure if that's what happens with other people, or if it happens with everyone and I'm the only one who can recall it. I don't know. Whether or not that's psychic I'm not sure either. But the mind is a very, very powerful thing - and people drastically underestimate it. To me, everyone has the capacity for things such as telekenisis, psychokenisis, telepathy, etc... but we are too narrow minded and ignorant to harness the power. And that is for a very good reason. [/color][/font]