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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin awoke the next morning, alone. She sat up in the morning light, and realised that she was not alone - he was sitting behind her, with his arms around her. She sniffed the air - nothing had happened. But there was a black leather gauntlet lying in front of her, ripped to shreds by an animal of some sort... strange teeth configuration...[/i] Lacroix: Sleep well? Alastuin: What? Yes? No...? Lacroix: We've been here for a day and a half. Alastuin: What?! My parents - Lacroix: I talked to your parents, they said they didn't have a child. They denied your existence, infact. Alastuin: Then it has finally happened... the bonds have been severed. I am no longer a child of the marketplace, but a child of the alleyway. [i]Feeling that if there was ever a time or a place for it, it would be now, she wept bitterly into the stranger's arms, her mind convulsing with hidden pain.[/i] [/color][/font]
  2. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin was thousands of miles under the ocean, swimming and dancing with the eels and squid. Millions of silvery shards of glass schooled around her, each minnow detecting the will of the next and coordinating the moves perfectly. It was a beautiful display of light reflections, dark shapes floating around her, soft skin and scales sliding over her naked body as she surrendered herself to the sea. Alastuin felt the water slip mind-numbingly fast around her as she awoke with a start, taking care not to move. She smelt rain, damp earth, and another... unfamiliar scent. A form pressed against her back. It was warm, and had a heartbeat. She moved into it to preserve her warmth and closed her eyes. A minute or two later the water returned. Clear, white, swirling over her eyes, distorting the image of her mother as she held Alastuin under the water, laughing. Alastuin woke again twice as quickly, the weight of sleep hardly pressing upon her before taking flight once more. She was breathing too heavily. She was too hot. Taking care not to wake her host, Alastuin stood and walked to the entrance to the cave. The rain dripped onto her hair from the thick foliage concealing the entrance. Curling up on the dry earth, Alastuin held herself and shook violently as hallucenations plagued her once more.[/i][/font][/color]
  3. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin stared dooen into Lacroix's terrifying gaze, smiling slightly. Her breathing became slightly laboured, but before Lacroix could mention it, she stood, smashed the skull with her foot, retrieved the filleting knife and curled up on the bed, falling fast asleep. Outside, a light rain began to fall. [/i] [/font][/color]
  4. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Alastuin: Hmmm, after that speech about all the nasty things that could "get me" out there, I think I'll stay right here... [i]Alastuin pulled another dagger from somewhere warm and began danding it through her fingers casually, indicating that Lacroix would probably not be the only protection she had.[/i] Lacroix: If you think you are impressing me, I advise you to think again. Alastuin: (glancing around) Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see the sign saying that I was not allowed to play with knives in here. Lacroix: There isn't one. Alastuin: Obviously. [i]She gestured to the bloodstains splattered up the rough walls.[/i] Lacroix: Well, if you are staying, why don't you tell me about yourself. Alastuin: I grew up with fish. I know how to catch fish... and I know how to fillet them. [i]Alastuin stalked forward until she was standing over him, and sat on his lap, legs astride. Flesh formed his view.[/i] I know how to catch people too... [i]Lacroix grabbed at the knife she was scraping over his bare arm. He bent the blade easily back and forth, sighing. [/i] Lacroix: A filleting knife. How ironic. Let me guess - this one has never tasted the blood of a fish? [i]Alastuin smiled.[/i] Lacroix: Enough said.[/color][/font]
  5. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Alastuin: I liked it better out at your place. Less sun, less... fish... you can keep that one. It's name's Berlin. I think it likes you... [i]The Archon looked at the dead haddock lying limp in his hand. He smiled. Insanity was a good trait.[/i] Alastuin: Listen, I don't know your name. The Archon: I know, funny that. Alastuin: It's not fair, really... you know mine, and you think that just because I'm not magical and because I love fish and dress like a whore you can not tell me your name and then annoy my and stalk me and intercept my fish. FISH! GALAHEBREAH! NE'EY BRUTHEN DOURH!! [i]Several customers sailed to the stall. One of them had only one eye and a fishy smell of his own. Alastuin's father stalkd out of the building behind her with a filleting knife and began arguing with the one-eyed man in the native tongue. Alastuin edged towards the Archon. [/i] Alastuin: Take me somewhere quiet... The Archon: I'm no going to tell you my name or take you anywhere until you put the fish down. [/font][/color]
  6. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Alastuin: Me, now, here, because I want to. [i]The Archon's eyes widened and he took a step back. Alastuin laughed, pleased with herself.[/i] Alastuin: Well, not many can say they've gotten [i]that[/i] reaction from you. Do you want to go back? The Archon: Ok then, answer the question. [i]Alastuin laughed again and sat at the base of the tree she leant against. She took an equally-nasty looking dagger out from her being and began to clean her long, black fingernails with it. Stareing up at him, she took her sweet, and what was looking to be precious, time. [/i] Alastuin: You want to know what the answer to the question is. And that is why I am here... to know the answer to the question. So tell me, milord, what is the question? The Archon: What are you doing, preferably here. Alastuin: Exactly. That is the question I want to know the answer to. The Archon: You want to know what you are doing? Alastuin: Yes. The Archon: That would indicate that you don't know what you are doing. [i]Intending to point out her weakness, she noted this and threw him off with pure fact.[/i] Alastuin: True. I have no idea what I am doing. I don't know why I am here, I don't know why I followed you, and I don't know what attracted me to you in the first place. I don't even know - [i]Alastuin flicked a fish scale out from her claw, sailing through the air and landing exactly an inch below his right eye.[/i] - if you know the answer to that last one. The Archon: I don't. So I can't tell you. Please stop the pathetic mindgames and tell me what you want, or leave. [i]Alastuin sighed, stood, concealed her weapon and walked away.[/i][/font][/color]
  7. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin sat bewildered, trying to think of the last time she had felt this way. Confused. Nothing ever confused her, everything was just too simple. But something else as well... She stood, and called to her Mama that she was going for a walk because she was sick of watching the fish rot. Her mother called something affirmative out through a mouthful of pesto, and Alastuin grabbed her black cloak and strode into the midday sun, following the nervous path of the man. She had seen him before, at the Guild she disliked so intensely. "Sure, steal all you want, but give us some." "Why?" "Brotherhood, sweetie, brotherhood." Never mind that she was the only female she had seen there... her rage boiled and she sniffed the air, finding traces of the man's scent through the lingering odour of fish and pesto. She stalked further out of the city, and suddenly, as the last street dwindled and failed, the scent vanished. She sensed magic. Cursing, Alastuin stalked into the trees and awaited another confrontation. [/i][/color][/font]
  8. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Won't win me over wiht that one, my love. I love you too. Here is... something. Bio: Alastuin was born pure evil, with an annoying tendancy to grab lots of stuff and hide it, bury it or burn it. Her parents, being fishmongers, raised her in a seaside house amongst fish and many other oceanic creatures. She learnt to swim like her trade at the age of three, and other talents bestowed upon her by her parents are fishing, tanning of fish leather, cooking of fish and trout tickling. Seemingly as her life was a bit one sided, she evened it out by delving deep in the world of crime. Like everything she puts her heart into, she became rather good at that, too. Fish facinate her, and she defends their name feircely, but when exposed to them for long periods at a time in the sun, she becomes agitated and aggressive. Description: From a life of eating nothing but fish and salad, her figure was moulded finely and is rather magnetic to the eyes of jsut about anyone who isn't her parents. Swimming, hauling nets, reefing currents and climbing walls has given her the gift of great strength and agility. She enjoys wrapping her body with black leather in the belief that her body was given to her to use as a tool, to lure, to distract, and to attack. Working mostly at night has kept her skin astoundingly white and veined. [/font][/color]
  9. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]OOC:Well now, we can't [i]all[/i] devote our lives to something that [i]isn't[/i] kestrel training, can we? Hmmm. The Hawk does not like the Computer. What can I do? Eh? Alastuin: I give in. Do whatever, go whereever, I'll go along and see what I can do. Raven: There will be a purpose soon. Ananda: Another thing... Raven: Yes? Ananda: We must find her a trainer. Alastuin: Oh god...[/font][/color]
  10. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin sat on her wooden stool, her black eyes roaming the crowded streets of Speilburg. Every now and then a person would come up and inspect the stall's goods, if that's what they could be called, for in Alastuin's mind, dead fish and the term "good" did not fit together easily. A young and rich looking lout swaggered up to her stall and asked her to show him what Haddok were. She stood and leaned to the front pallet, picking up a long, silvery animal and clouting the young man in the head with it. "Teach ye to look upon what'll never be yarhs!" She screeched after him as he staggered away, sorry that he'd ever chanced upon the young woman with the fish stall and the excellent cleavage. Alastuin sat down again and began to sort through the young man's wallet, having snatched it from him whilst he was drooling on her. Good life. The fish were good produce in this city, but nothing reels in the copper like big breasts and quick fingers.[/i][/font][/color]
  11. [COLOR=darkgreen][FONT=century gothic] Name: Alastuin West Age: 25 Class: Thief Bio: Raised by fishmongers. Steals stuff because she can, and is quite good at it. Oh, and yeah, She Wants To Be a Hero. Description: Surprisingly sexy for a fishmonger. Basically, I'm in, but you'll have to give me a minute to compete with [i]milord[/i] here... [edit]Ok, so you found me out. But it's good, what I wrote, and now you ain't reading NONE OF IT!!!!! [/font][/color]
  12. [COLOR=darkgreen][FONT=gothic]I wish I could say, but I don't know who I am in real life and I don't know who I am on here. The only thing I can say for sure is that I am Harlequin's Goddess in both places, and I can express it more here because people seem more accepting. Of course people talk more on the boards that IRL, because there is no context, just text, and you can't edit your speech.[/font][/color]
  13. [COLOR=darkgreen][FONT=gothic]God this makes me angry. It shouldn't even be an issue, you shouldn't [i]have[/i] to lie, nobody should care about your sexual preference!!!! Why do people care about a decision you make about yourself? It's just opinions, their opinions about whether or not it's right or wrong, whether or not they think it's acceptable, your opinion on what you think is right for you - and everyone has the right to hold and express their opinions, but nobody has the right to inflict their beliefs and opinions on other people. It should just be another charecteristic of yourself - not something that suddenly changes you into a different person, a person that should be treated differently, avoided, disliked or whatever. Why do people have trouble accepting other people's choices? I hate the word 'should'. My friend is having the same problem. It should not be a problem at all. [/font][/color]
  14. [COLOR=darkgreen][FONT=gothic][i]Ananda and Juandiar followed the centaur into a small village with large, open walled shelters instead of closed dwellings. Centaurs of every shape, colour, size and age mingled about, following the visitors if it fancied them. Plain horses also shared the village, as well as pegasi and even a unicorn, unless Juandiar's eyes were playing tired tricks on her. The male lead them onto a raised platform in the center of the village, and summonwed an old looking woman from the distance. Once met, they began bickering in an old tounge. The villagers looked as if they had just been brought lunch.[/i][/color][/font]
  15. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Juandiar awoke to the scent of burning flesh. She sat up straight in her seat and rubbed her eyes, peering into the darkness before them. A glow flanked the sisters and their horses. Turning around, Juandiar saw two flaming lumps hanging in the air. Carefull to not wake Ananda, she grabbed the other horses's reins and turned around, walking back the way they came between the portal of fire. On the other side of the flames, the forms were easier to make out. There were two stakes on each side of the narrow path, each with a flaming horse's head impaled regally upon the sticks like trophies. Like warnings. Juandiar woke her sister softly. Ananda gracefully awoke and peered at the heads, thinking.[/i] Juandiar: Kalafehr Tribe. Ananda: Well, haven't we come along way. Juandiar: Shall we? Ananda: They can't stand humans, you know. Juandiar: I know. [i]The Kalafehr Tribe was a community of centaurs, living deep in the skin of the Central Forest. Although the sister's town nestled on the fringe of that forest, it was so vast that it took nearly two years to get from one side to the other. The Kalafehr were renown for slaying humans for their treatment of the Equine race.[/i][/font][/color]
  16. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]OOC: It looks to me as if most of this posting is just showing off, so although I am not comfortable with my 'magical arrogance', I'll go with the crowd on this one. Alastuin: I do have one thing to say before we go on, though. Raven: Hmmm? Alastuin: I killed two people today. But before that, I was just an ordinary woman, living at home, doing chores, and recieveingbad treatment from my family. But I have seen no evidence of my magic yet. I killed the priest and my uncle with my dagger. I don't understand how I can meet a few people, and non people... and they all just look at me and say, "Well, she is a powerful sorceress with the Magic of the Aqueous Unnandieth." [i]The others stared at her as she continued.[/i] I have had a pretty disgusting life, and seen some horrible things, but I have never seen magic, or even any evidence of it. Neither with death. Yet today, I have seen a - [i]points at Ananda[/i] - that thing, witnessed the element of fire weaved around this person without so much as a strained expression, and this guy here, from what I have seen of the carnage out there, you should at least have some kind of chafing or redness between your thumb and index finger from wielding a sword, let alone a scratch or two.... Oracle: Did you take a second look at the devastation out there? Alastuin: Yes. Oracle: Did you notice that all the fires are gone, and all the bodies of the slain are crumbling into dust? Alastuin:... yes... Oracle: That was you. I have a feeling that you channelled the water from the dead into the sky and used it to quench the flames covering the village. Kenneth: And if I were you, I would start paying attention. Raven: If you did that without thinking, you could do a lot more if you put your mind to it. Alastuin: I'm sorry, it's just too much. [i]Alastuin stands and runs out of the sanctum before anyone can stop her.[/i][/color][/font]
  17. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I think that she has enough intellect to decide for herself, and sure, risk incarceration and go with my idea - but he screwed you over girl, and so why not have fun with it? In my opinion, everyone else is really boring. Follow your flamethrower - I mean, heart. [/font][/color]
  18. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I premonise things, like the other day I knew I was going to see a friend in couple of days, and I wasn't looking forward to it because for some reason I thought he wouldn't like me anymore. I saw him yesterday, and it was true. No reason, and he denied it, but he hardly said three kind words to me the whole day and was paying me out the whole time. The last time I saw him before that we were pretty good friends. Another event I remember was hanging aroung on the lawn with my friend Lauryn, and she was lying under the macadamia nut tree and asked me to lie down with her but I didn't want to and I didn't know why, I mean, I would have like to have lain down but I was scared to. I asked her to get up and come over to me, and she did because she said I looked scared. As soon as she got up a branch fell off the tree and landed next to her. It wasn't big, and it would have hardly scratched me, but I was scared all the same. All the other times have just been taking the washing in for no reason, even though it's still damp, and then it starting to rain. Scary, but I have learnt to accept it. Not really prophecies, but perhaps if I put my mind to it.... it doesn't happen that much these days. Perhaps it was just women's intuition. [/color][/font]
  19. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I somehow doubt that he would decide not to go on the basis of "she's just not good enough for me." It would probably go more along the lines of "I don't want to be seen with that stupid cow." If you really think that this is the case, poison his cat (if he doesn't have a cat, poison his family), and then burn his house down when he's at the hospital, because he's just not good enough for you. [/font][/color]
  20. [COLOR=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, it's over. Yesterday I got my nose done, and I can tell you eddie, it didn't hurt nearly as much as I expected. It hurt just about as much as squeezing a blackhead. Which reminds me, I probably won't be doing that for a while... tomorrow I will be going to Harlequin's house with The Unholy Newt and Jesus Chicken. They don't know yet... I'll take a photo and get it up some time.[/font][/color]
  21. [COLOR=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin rose from her kneeling position infront of the altar and wiped the priest's blood off her hands onto his body. It lay across the bloodied stone altar, eviscerated and only partially there. Sister Derea stepped up behind Alastuin and put her hand on her shoulder, in a sign of friendship. Alastuin sheathed her 12 inch dagger and turned, wiping blood and tears from her eyes. [/i] Sister: He was a good man, in my eyes. Please justify this, to ease my sadness? Alastuin: I told him I had come to cleanse myself, in wake of the devastation of my life. He looked into my eyes and saw that I had ended the life of another that day, and asked me to repent and sacrifice my life to the Meah in service and in blood. I told him to **** off and stabbed him in the head. He was a friend of my father and his brother. [i]Sister Derea stared into Alastuin's eyes and smiled grimly. She saw something else in the woman's eyes. Sorcery. Her fear told her to serve the woman and leave.[/i] Sister: This uncle of yours is the one who's life you have ended. Come, child, tell me of your grievances. Alastuin: He raped me continually. My father liked to watch. I managed to stab my uncle in the back this mornong as he was drunk. My father found us, he was angry he had missed it... I knew... Sister Derea: I cannot say I understand. I will leave you now. [i]The sister offered her blessing and rushed away. The priest's body lay untended on the stone altar. Alastuin stood, pulled her hood up and went to investigate the noise she heard outside. The town, it appeared, had been the scene of a great battle. The slain bodies of humans, orcs, wolves and other creatures lay strewn over the streets and gutters. Most of the city was in flames. Subconsiously, Alastuin doused the flames with her tears. Rain thickened and fell to the fires, quenching the hungry flames within moments. Alastuin didn't notice. She walked among the dead, pulling water from the spilt blood and storing its essense in her own veins. The air stunk of death, decay, burnt flesh and hatred. Alastuin was elated at the carnage, and a small smile fell to her lips. The only life seen was in the form of two women, strolling away from the massacre as if they were the cause. Alastuin followed. The screams of the sister emerging from the sanctum clawed at the air behind her. [/i][/font][/color]
  22. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin screamed and brought her dagger down hard into her uncle's back. He grunted, then went stiff. His movement in and out of her ceased. She released her dagger from his back and brought it around, slicing his throat and pushing him away. He had been drinking, and caught her unawares, but his ties this time had not been enough, and she had won. As she quickly redressed herself, the sound of footsteps approached. The door opened, and her father stared in, a look of anger growing on his face like a poison tree as he took in her post-coital attire, ripped undergarments, bruised face and tethered arm. His gaze swept over the semi-naked body and to her right hand, a bloodied dagger enclosed in her white-knuckled fist. He opened his mouth to speak, but then stopped and quickly knelt, untieing her other hand and redressing her. His eye caughed the body of his brother on the floor next to them, and he sighed and sat back on his heels, weeping silently. [/i] Father: Go to the sanctum, pray, cleanse yourself. I will meet you there in half an hour. Alastuin: Yes Milord. Father: Alastuin... Alastuin: Yes? Father: You are a disgusting whore, you understand? I am ashamed to have you in my life. Now go. [i] She stood quickly and ran into her room, washing herself with the basin in the corner and redressing once more, casting the soiled clothing into the fireplace. She retreated from the room to go downstairs, but returned after a moments deliberation and packed a satchel with clothing, a tinderbox and a blanket. Pulling on a black cloak and buttoning it over her leather satchel and azure blue dress, Alastuin grabbed her staff and went downstairs. Her mother sat with her Aunt at the kitchen table, silent as they watched her. Her mother made no moved to stop her as she wrapped bread, cheese, fruit nuts in cotton cloth and shoved them into the satchel. Pulling her hood over her long red hair, she walked out of her home into the suddenly pouring rain. Not one drop of which fell upon her as she hurried through her village towards the sanctum. She couldn't help but feel that things were conspiring against her. [/i][/color][/font]
  23. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Jaudiar and Ananda swept through the village like a silent storm, east, towards the barely awoken sun. Tears streamed from Jaudiar's eyes into her long black hair, making it hard to see. The darkness scattered before them and the morning dew began to glisten in the early light as the two women galloped through woody glades and pastures towards nothing and away from nothing. A large boom hit their ears. They knew what had happened, and felt deep sadness and despair for their soon dying townspeople. Ananda smelt smoke and turned to see it rising in a thick black column over the village in the distance. [/i]"Nothing to come back to..." [i]she muttered, facing forward once more to catch up with her sister. Neither sister knew where they were going, or even why, but they could sense that more than a crossbow bolt to the head awaited them should they have returned, tallied or even disregarded the note. [/i][/color][/font]
  24. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]My best friend spat in my face and moved to Newcastle last February. Lunafai. I'm still not over it. [/color][/font]
  25. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i] Jaudiar wakes to the sound of a loud thump, and muffled yelling. She leaps up and goes to Ananda, shaking her and calling her awake. Ananda wakes confusedly, but Jaudiar clamps a hand over her sister's mouth, releasing it slowly. Anandar, taking the hint, remains silent and gets up quickly. The two sisters dress themselves, and creep downstairs. The house was empty, save for a note. Ananda, upon finding it, rushed outside and violently emptyed her stomach while Jaudiar holds her hair back and stokes her shoulders. The note, pinned to Kyras's forehead with a crossbow bolt, read only one word. [/i]Leave.[/color][/font]
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