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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I am doing this as of request, let it be known, as I may choose to die early. Give you all something to keep going on. Name: Alastuin West Birthmark: kanji symbol for water on lower back, left side.[/color][/font]
  2. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]You just watch who you're calling kid, boy, or you'll be the Dyslexic Agoraphobic in a Wheelchair when I Attack. Yeah, take that. We can wait. I don't even know what's going on, so yeah... take your time.[/color][/font]
  3. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic] The problem with things that are "original" is that they quickly become unoriginal if say, someone else does it. I like piercings not because they're popular or original or because I want to prove a point or be a rebel, but because I think they have the capacity to look beautiful and they would look good on me. Saliva is a wonderful acidic healer and blood clotter but the mouth is a horribly dirty place to get a piercing, and a tongue piercing really gets in the way after a while. Not eating anything solid for the first week is pretty damn annoying too. Nipple piercings are cool, but interfere with breast feeding if keloids form and if you don't look after it. Navel piercings are very nice, but you can't get it done if you're too skinny. Not that it was ever a problem with mine... The problem with my navel is that it seems to be growing out. Not good. But fun to tap on with your watch in maths exams, speaking of which I have one tomorrow. I am getting my nose done on friday, just a simple ala piercing. Nothing serious. Later on in life, say, when I finish school in two years, I am getting six barbel surface piercings down my spine, a bridge piercing, perhaps my nipple and three shellrims, two tragums and my lobes three each. Piercings are a beautiful way to waste time. Now that I have expended my wealth of knowledge on piercings, I will prove my ignorance and ask: What's a freshman?[/color][/font]
  4. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Ok, off the topic, bantering, pointless discussion over shades of red, blue, footware, shirts, and the invention of Smurfs has no place here. I do believe the protocol states that if you have a problem, PM them instead of spamming simply to publicly prove a point and boost your posting average. The 10 posts in question should be deleted, unless you want some one to delete them for you and you have to start [i]the whole thing again.[/i] And before Cloricus starts going on about how he's not allowed to post in this thread why is she she's not a mod don't be so stupid Raven, I'll make my point. Name: Alastuin West Age: 25 Rank: Detective Description: Long, straight, black hair, pale skin. Wears a lot of black and dark red. Weaponry & Equipment: Ruger KP97 .45 cal pistol, dagger, and a violin string. [/color][/font]
  5. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I don't know much about Bhuddism, I did stay at a bhuddist retreat for a while, my mother is bhuddist. It was beautiful there. Here is some wonderful bhuddist artworks for you... [url]http://www.buddhanet.net/ftp01.htm[/url][/color][/font]
  6. [COLOR=darkgreen][FONT=gothic]Mature enough? Excuse me? What? Anyway. My love lives twenty minutes away and I see him every day at school and on most sundays and it's still painful when I don't see him. I cannot imagine what it is going to be like when I leave the country for a year, I am not even going to comprehend the pain and suffering I would feel if he lived in another place far, far away. But I figured this out about love - the highs are higher, the lows are lower, more frequent and stretched out. The highs are so worth it though. I know he loves me. We're not married yet, still at school, rather young, no tattoos or anything like that (yet)... but if he moved away and wasn't "faithful" to me I would be happy! I would enjoy the fact that he was relieving the agony. Love is happiness for itself. His happiness is my happiness is his happiness. I live for nothing else. I would simply be as happy as I could be, and enjoy myself as much s I could, and hope that he would be doing the same. We still wouldn't do anything because the knowledge that we both love each other is bliss enough. It's rather sad I don't know anyone else in this kind of relationship. I would feel empty, though... he is my other half. All the different ways of interpreting the word "relationship"...[/color][/font]
  7. [COLOR=darkgreen][FONT=gothic] Name: Luci Age: 16, but condensed DOB: 29th September 1986 Location: Toowoomba, Queensland One Word: aqueosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic. Take THAT!!!! No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: goddess Occupation: professional lover, part time terrorist Color: It's not a colour, it's a shade!!! Black. Food: Chocolate, Harlequin. Beverage: coke Alter Ego: masochist Dream Job: coroner, wife of Harlequin Self-Proclaimed: enemy of white, christian first-worlders and hicks Ethnicity: english/irish Extracurricular: sex and literature Hobby: as above Dessert: chocolate mousse Musician: the jesus chicken himself... Group: at the moment, probably static x or the deftones Mac or PC? pc Nics: Raven, goddess, freak Blog: I'd like to, but it wouldn't fit. Wrong shape, you see, and that jagged edge right there hinders the situation a bit... and I don't like that particular shade of green very much, reminds me of hospitals. Home Page: if only I had the time, resources and energy. Religion: existential atheistic neolist Book: sword o' truth series, anything by terry pratchett, douglas adams (RIP), tamora pierce and stephen king. Collections: skin samples (ask cloricus) Sport: *dies painfully* Won't Eat: capsicum, olives, my left armpit, the capital of Portugal, the petrified remains of a giant sloth, anything that has to be signed out and returned to the Qstore within the day, fashionable hats, ammonium dichlorate... the list goes on. TV Show: The Micalef Pogram, (thats it folks, [i]pogram[/i]) Family guy, south park, cnnnn, late night rage, bubblegum crisis tokyo 2040. Words to live by: "I love you" - Harlequin. Addicted to: Harlequin, chocolate, pain. Comic: The far side, Kaz Cooke's stuff. Movie: Titus, Hannible, sleepy hollow, the matrix, the cell, pitch black, XXX, the name of the rose... [/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkgreen][FONT=gothic]The fact that the phrase itself exists is cause for concern. Cold, cold, cold, cold, shoot bertoldi for good reason... And I never asked for an armpit, but I got two nevertheless. [/font][/color]
  9. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Coming from Edward, who put absolutely no effort at all into his latest banner, I think you can ignore that. Vicy, your banner is excellent for your first - mine was shocking. I will do you one if you like, just PM me for the details. Eddie, who ever said you aren't allowed to use a font someone else has used? And no one else [i]has[/i] used it yet, I made one for you with it and you threw it in my face. Harlequin, I love your latest banner, it is amazing and I love you. Vicy, Alison will be annoyed when she sees that you have stolen her confused milk. [/font][/color]
  10. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]The general opinion I find is that people on here think of us (harlequin and I) the same way we are thought of in real life. Psychopathic, sadistic, intelligent, talented, freaky, bloodcrazed lovers. But that's because that is exactly what we are . My nails don't work on the net too well, but then again, our ability to be completely graphic in our prophecies aids us to the cause. We are not as feared here though. however, I did freak Phantom out there a bit in that pic thread... I guess if I had to sum it up in one word, I would say... respected. [/color][/font]
  11. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Hmmmm.... never seen this thread before... Oh well, here goes. there is nothing left in my heart my body is a shell bleached white by the sun and crushed by the waves and the veins of the sky grow through me and push the brittle skin aside and nature takes my body over and my spirit falls away and i am no longer in charge animals scuttle past me and take me as their meal my last breath has flown from my blue lips and danced away over the ocean and seen a thousand things i never will and it didn't look back and i couldn't follow it and flying is a privilege that my lifeless body indulges in many a hour i fly above the clouds and ecstacy has enveloped me for the last itme i died happy, my love fear not and as I cruble under your gaze the spray of the ocean echoes loud in my ears and i cannot hear you i cannot hear you i cannot hear you speak to me but you smile and i know what you said, you told me I was beautiful you looked at my dead body lying upon the sand, you gazed into my dead eyes and you took hold of my hand, which is cold and lifeless and you looked at my face and you stroked my decaying flesh and you told me i was beautiful and it was true [/font][/color]
  12. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, sorry Eddie, but isn't Eps a bit of a give away? Not at all... What do you mean you are unsure that that is where our name comes from? Of course that's where it comes from! You have nothing to be unsure about. Rest assured, hehehe... You can't hurt me, you don't even know who I am!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Oh... dammit. Ps. If anyone want's to know Cloricus's real name, PM me. Hee hee. Haw haw. Hoho. Ahem.[/font][/color]
  13. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Incorporating a great number of aspects of my life, surprisingly enough, food is not one of them. My bout of anorexia, my life as a cadet, my tears of blood, the struggle to rhyme, my love of Dr. Seuss, my insane streak, my mind and its depths, my love for Harlequin, my ability to eat just about anything but my hate for food itself, the time I tried to blind myself with a shard of glass because I was sick at how large the sky was, my year of travel, to name but a few of my life moments... I love the way this poem captures them all. I know I wrote it, but I don't remember writing it... [i] The sky is a bowl of salad, but I am not a tree and crispy leaves of lettuce two eight one nine three. I never would have counted and letting red rains fall but without my bowl of salad, I couldn't have at all. The trifle covers me in jelly but I am not scared, I stand upon a peanut there's no such word as plaired. There is nothing here but dressing and as I'm trained to fight, I slip on sliced tomato and then begin to write. I write about the plethora, and I write about the knife. I write about the capsicum, and I write about it's flute. Wait... I write and still it makes no sense, even though it's plain to see, that the only person who could work it out is no one else but me. Love and sky and salad leaves, dancing mexican suns, frosted beetroot cabbage spoon and toasted cinnamon buns. Food, I realise, with no surprise is nothing at all like my feelings, Nor like the sky, for that matter, but more like butter peelings. Butter peelings melting on steamed corn and rich and creamy pasta, birthday cakes of chocolate ganache dusted with suger, caster. Flaming curries, watery stews, a million types of spices, A bigger pie, a flatter bread, steamed and mapled rices. The army does not offer this, and neither does my boyfriend - they give me everything else though, and make me realise that I really don't need good food after all. Or the sky. [/i][/font][/color]
  14. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]OoC:This RPG is getting ruined by people posting stuff that really does not have anyhting to do with the RPG itself, like Faris's doll pics, Cloricus's life, and what other people [i]should do.[/i] Just write your god damned lines. Harlequin will not be posting in this - and indeed, in anything - until at least the 25th of November. Patience, concentration. If this RPG works, I will publish it. So please... [i]They had been following a stream for some time now, a few days. But now their path plunged into thick, heavy forest and it slowed their pace greatly. Jen walked ahead and slashed at the growth with a machete they had picked up at an abandoned campsite, passing the baby to Danna for the while. Csi lead the horse in the rear, listening closely for any abnormal or external sounds. After an hour or so, the forest cleared again and they found themselves in a artificial clearing. Sheep grazed on long, lush grass nearby, and the rectangular paddock was fenced in by pine forest, cut cleanly away. It looked to Csi as a firing range, as she noted the regularly spaced earth mounds ranking away from her up the steady slope. A building could be seen at the far end of the strip, and a rough, overgrown trail ran down half one side. Sitting in the centre of the paddock, however, was a stealth bomber, in some disarray. The left wing of the plane lay thirty meters to the left of the craft's body. [/i][/font][/color]
  15. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Wow, startlingly familiar.... want an avatar to go with it? [/color][/font]
  16. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Wow, fame! Recognition! I feel important. I really wasn't expected to be on this quiz, but now tht I am... Tigervx, who do you think you are? Harlequin and I are like, IDOLATRY on these boards!!! Hehehe, milking it for all it's got. Don't worry, I won't let it go to my head. But I do like the sayings... blood is too precious to be wasted, that's a good one. And it suits him too. He loves to set people on fire and yell about cheesegraters, but he slept with his head on my shoulder this afternoon on the bus and he looked so [i]adorable[/i]... ummm, forget about that bit. I never said it. You heard nothing. Thanks, Mnelmolth. Good job. I got me, by the way. [/font][/color]
  17. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]And... Sephiroth: Why the hell not. I don't know who he is, I've never spoken a word to him in my life but man - he deserves respect. And reverence. Just don't ask me why. Hey Seph - pm me sometime, we can work out our differences over a nice, steaming cup of English Breakfast. I'm going to shut up now.[/font][/color]
  18. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I was called Spyder, that was a nickname given to me because of my odd tendancy to eat.. well, spiders. I liked the last name West, and that gave birth to Spyderwex. Harlequin met me then. As for my current name, I was thinking of a username for these boards and suddenly it jumped into my head. I had never even thought about ravens, but now I love them, and as for torture... well, I eat spiders and have an obsession for blood and sharp things. What else can I say, really.... And then there's s/t/f, which stands for spyderwex trilly frout, and trilly frout is a spoonerism for frilly trout, and that was from a strange conversation I had with Cerulean. Long story. I am rather proud to have christened Harlequin though, even though it wasn't a christening because I am not christian and I don't like associating myself with them. Ahem.[/font][/color]
  19. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic] What do you think it is? Isn't it obvious? Here is another one, this one took a while... [/font][/color]
  20. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The blue washing over them began to fade and slip away after a moment or two, and through the wash their surroundings were revealed. They were in the very expensive, posh outskirts of the city. [/i] Spyder: Should of guessed, really.... [i]Harlequin smirks and inspects Spyder and then himself for any abnormalities that may have been caused by lightbearer portal travel. He seemed satisfied at the result, and focused on their location. Large stone mansions surrounded them on either sides, each floating serenely on large pools of manicured lawn and topiary displays. Peacocks strutted along marble pathways and under wisteria covered archways. A water feature gurgled nearby. They seemed to be standing in the yard of one of these particular manors. It was fenced by granite walls, complete with gargoyles and wrought iron lacing, on three sides, the fourth the shore of a lake.[/i] Harlequin: Nice. Fancy a stroll? Spyder: Been a while since I've had the time for one of those... [i]Arm in arm, Spyder and Harlequin walked slowly down a marble pathway heading towards the sandstone castle a few hundred yards or so down the trail. [/i] [/font][/color]
  21. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I made this one a while back, but I am getting really sick of my current one, so this is just temporary until I make another really, really, really good one that I like. I don't really care what people think of the font, so if you want to pay me out about the Buffy font, you can all go to hell. I'll meet you there, and I will be armed. [/font][/color]
  22. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Oooh, warm fuzzy feelings. Everyone who named me or Harlequin on their lists gets an immediate "RoleModel" rating from me. ;) And... Has anyone noticed that if Cloricus cleaned up the old 'legible english' act, he would actually be rather similar to wrist cutter? Hehehe, I just payed two people out at the same time...:devil: Hmmm. Wasted. No fun being mean when you're on your own. [/color][/font]
  23. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Notch [i]is[/i] a wannabe punk with floppy hair and grey eyes. He's an idiot, a nasty idiot who's up to his neck in sh*t and who hasn't got a f*cking clue what he's doing. Tell me honestly, if [i]his[/i] name was river, would you hold more respect and affection to him? I don't actually know where the name came from, but the effect of the story was to shock and to jolt people's feelings. I am glad it did that. [/color][/font]
  24. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Ahhh, yes... LiamC2 - introduced me to the boards and dragged me out of the dark ages. A beautiful person all round, as well. Freakishly beautiful. Rico&Raiha - my first RPG was lifted off the ground by these two guys - that was at the beginning of the year and it's still going today! Twentieth page anniversary, thanks guys. The Harlequin - I love you so much that I couldn't bear not putting you in. You make these boards nirvana for me, so thank you. Alarming post rate, as well... Cloricus - for the good effort with spelling, grammar and annoyingness. Keep up the good work. DBZChikaghan - for the wonderful thanks you gave me for my work. PiroMunkie - for being an interesting, sexy, talented guy. I mean the sexy part, too. There should be more people like you, Piro... James - for keeping cloricus in line, and even harlequin at times... And finally... Marbar - for his posting average of 0.09. And all those golden cookies. [/font][/color]
  25. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Sorry, no. I have very delicate plans and you would really stuff them up, and besides, we didn't banish you from here for absolutly no reason. [/font][/color]
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