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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [quote name='chibi-master' date='17 June 2010 - 12:47 PM' timestamp='1276746457' post='695445'] Algebra exam on Friday! *hyperventilates* [/quote] I'm in the middle of exams too! (of course, it's the only time I come back here.) I had a 3rd year anatomy exam today... thought I had two hours... half an hour into it there was the "You have ten minutes remaining" annoucement. I nearly had a heart attack! Forty minutes! No wonder the exam looked kind of easy... who gets a 40min long exam in 3rd year uni? I raced through the rest and only missed a couple of questions, but gees I'm annoyed. Apparently no one was informed, but it was written on the exam at least. Good luck with your algebra chibimaster...
  2. Hey, Raiha specified she didn't want me in this conversation! Ooooh, I am SO replying. It's hot here too - AND it's winter. Like, scarily warm for June... usually by now I'd be all coats and gloves and scarves, and I'm yet to break any of those things out. We're waiting to see if winter is just holding back... Not to mention what summer will be like this year if it's not. Might have to move to Melbourne.
  3. [font=garamond][color=darkgreen]I could never get into dubstep, which is a bit odd, because I love drum and bass big time. Big time! And even better than drum and bass is breakcore, which I am listening to at the moment. Favorite albums currently: The Teknoist: ...like a hurricane made of zombies DJ Hidden: The later after Hellfish & Producer: constant mutation If you take anything from this post, [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qVFPw1gCF8"]let it be this![/URL] [/font][/color]
  4. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]Hey, Asphy! Good to see a fellow lawnie... Holy crap, you're in Sydney? Well I guess I haven't seen you in about five or six years. Who: member for just shy of eight years, with a current post rate of about three a year. But I just keep comin' back! Where: Brisvegas, Australia What: University, two years down, five to go. When: Another LiamC2 convert. I used to RP, I used to make banners, contribute literature, diatribe, arguments, battles, when I had the time. And the friends on here to make contributing worthwhile. Why: I honestly don't know. The page is bookmarked, and for some reason, I just keep coming back. Occasionally.[/font][/color]
  5. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]No one else here os-trail-yan? A few years ago our prime minister, in his eternal wisdom, introduced a 'luxury tax' called GST, 10% extra charged on all items that weren't strictly necessary. INCLUDING feminine hygiene products... :flaming: It still stands. When I first got my periods, they happened once a year for more than a month at a time. I went on a pill after that and bled for three months before we got the strength right. Thank god everything has been fine since then. One more story... When I was in high school, a very long time ago, I got my period and didn't realise. It was about three in the afternoon when a girl I knew, who I wasn't particularly close to, pulled me aside and gently informed me I had blood on the back of my dress. I went to the bathroom and got it out, and the next time I saw my boyfriend and my best friend I told them, 'Rebecca just told me I had blood on the back of my dress. Can you believe it? How embarrassing!'. To which they replied, 'Yeah, it's been there since lunch time.' Thanks guys. That's really nice of you to let me walk around for three hours with blood on my dress. And surprisingly enough, I remember that nearly ten years later! [/color][/font]
  6. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]Kikkoman all the way! We like to say it's so good, it could Kikkoman's arse. Ahem. Funny thing about soy sauce here is light means light in colour, compared to the alternative which is dark. And then sweet's different again. Is that the same elsewhere? Perhaps low sodium could be called light. Personally i'm a bit addicted to sodium, so I have been known to drink soy sauce from the bottle sometimes, and I also eat rock salt straight. You should [b]NEVER EVER[/b] put condiments on food other people have cooked for you until you have tasted it. Insulting! That said, I'm yet to come across anyone who isn't in my family who cares. (English family living in Australia - some people think I'm really odd when I use my manners.) And soy sauce on fried rice all the way. I'm sure Raiha's mum makes a mean fly lie (to jump on the racism boat) but the average chinese takeaway in my part of the world not-so-much. I am also a fan of soy sauce on brown rice with nothing else. I don't eat anything else soy though - hate soy milk, hate tofu. [/font][/color]
  7. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]Firstly, to be nerdy, I'd just like to push my thick rimmed glasses up my spotty nose and hoist up my pants and say I was in a thread a while back that contended the definition of 'nerdy' and we didn't reach a verdict. But after some deliberation I think it's a lot nerdier to do odd geeky stuff that is unecessary (refer to example A, this post) and all that stuff you guys are talking about with the spaceships and the anime and the hoyvenglayven(sp.) My full time science degree would be considered by nearly everyone I know (including those doing it with me!) to be exceptionally nerdy, and I hear about it all the time when people call me up at two am on a friday or saturday night to find that I'm at home writing up a lab report. Sometimes people make me feel not so good about what they consider nerdy. I contest that this science degree is necessary, and useful, and therefore does not fall under the category of nerdy, perhaps geeky. You may input your opinion on this point if you so desire. So to bring this long winded and exceptionally nerdy post to a denouement, as it were, (hoicks pants up again) whenever I don't feel very good for people calling me nerdy I just get on here and read about what you guys have been up to. Yes I'm the nerdiest person I know, but only in real life. On here, I'm almost a jock. And now for a PS if you'd be so kind: Not that I'd ever feel bad about being called nerdy, it's a thing to be proud of. And technically it is incorrect to include a post post transcript, so I shall call this one an addendum: May I also remind you that I have a diagram from a textbook tattooed on my god damned back. And now one of you can claim a nerdy prize for reading ALL OF THIS POST. [/font][/color]
  8. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]The only reason that story is in the news is because of the taco. Kids assault their parents all the time, and sometimes the parents get fed up and decide to call the cops and give their kids a taste of what it's like to be an adult and face consequences for your actions. And good on them. But if you decide to assault your mum with something comical, THEN it's newsworthy. In other news, I'm eating a taco right now. It may have been just as traumatising for the kid if his mum decided to go upstairs and assault his xbox with a taco. Now THAT's news.[/font][/color]
  9. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]While the majority of my family is comprised of ordained ministers in the Lutheran church, I have broken away from them and fallen into Pastafarianism. That is to say, the worship of the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster. This is mostly to irritate other people.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=garamond][color=darkgreen]I have one of those 'evolve' jesus-fish decals on my car. From the same site, I believe. Pretty much sums up what I believe, to the extent that I feel like discussing it with people, anyway. But I'm feelin' ya, Raiha. Dabbled in a bit of the ol' Church of the Invisible Pink Unicorn in my time, also. [/font][/color]
  10. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]I think it says a lot about the movie that there is only one thread on the whole of Otakuboards about it. In one way I'm suprised no one's talking about it, in another way i'm not at all surprised. I certainly didn't talk to anyone for the rest of the day after I went and saw it! My b/f and I are maaaaaaajor db fans, and we went to see it very shortly after it came out in Australia. And we were nearly alone in the cinema, and I had to try really hard not to walk out. I could go on and on about why I hated it, but most of it is probably mutual so I won't. I do understand that they were probably trying to take something really very popular, (the dragonball thing) and make a hollywood flick out of it, in true every day hollywood flick style. So we need strong dudes, and funny parts, and hot babes, and a guy you can relate to somehow, and you need someone to kick some arse so everyone can go "whoa!" and you have to get that guy you can relate to and the mega hot babe to hook up, oh, and you have to beat the bad guy. Problem is, that was all it was. It was nothing else. And dragonball is sooooo much more than that, and they can fit more in to the hundreds of hours of the series than they can into one movie. I don't know if the people who made dragonball evolution watched all of the original series, or if they liked it, had any respect for it, or cared. And apparently Akira Toriyama was involved! I don't understand. Perhaps they tried to cram too much in. I see they might have taken Goku at high school from Gohan's highschool days, with chichi instead of Videl, and then maybe Piccolo is a good bad guy because he's green. (Oh, and I'm really happy they decided to omit Pilaf because he really pisses me off.) But I felt like it would have made everyone happy if they'd taken a smaller section of storyline for the movie instead. And there would have been no harm in keeping true to the original storyline, because the original storyline is awesome! However it would have been hard to find a ten year old to star as Goku. Then again, I'm a hardcore fan, so I'm not really the target audience for a flick like this. Which is a damn shame, really. We were kind of excited about a live action dragonball flick. Oh well.[/font][/color]
  11. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]Hello again everyone. CBH said she'd like people's experiences with other systems and here is mine. I live in Australia and work in the private healthcare sector and study within the public healthcare sector. I cannot afford private health insurance and won't be able to any time in the near future, which doesn't concern me in the slightest because I don't need it. The public system in Australia is fantastic. After many years of working in healthcare I'm still pretty much of the opinion the difference between private and public hospitals is private hospitals have carpet in the hallways. Most of the doctors I work with work both in public and private forums, and enjoy each equally for different reasons. Doctors wholly within the public sector still get paid enough for it to be an incentive, and the private and public sectors work very well together. Call 000 with a burst appendix, and get taken to a hospital, you'll be operated on immediately by someone who probably works in the private sector half the time anyway. The absolute worst that's happened to me after an ambulance call was that when I was discharged from emergency, I had to get a bed in surgical outpatients because I could get my own room there. Then if you have private insurance, and decide you want carpet in the hallway outside or a better view, tell them and they'll take you elsewhere. Complaints: dental isn't covered for people without health care cards (that's most people), the hospital system is managed by each state, which facilitates the blame game, and not many people like working in the country. Oh, wait. I have another complaint. Apparently Australia is such a popular place for doctors that the cutoffs for my school of medicine have just jumped nearly ten points on the entry test. FYI, the students taking up these places in 2010 are mostly American. [/color][/font]
  12. [quote name='Boo'][size=1]I remember that too, but I think he got mad at everyone. So yeah.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]He's a psychologist now. HA! Still yells at me though, from time to time... I bring out the unrational in those trained in rationality! Haha! This will be my seventh year, and I look back fondly on the days when I was an active participant, rather than the crazy old lady in the rocking chair on the front porch as I am now. I miss piromunkie. And another guy who's name eludes me now. And the porn, ah, the porn. There was so much it, I didn't realise how much until I grew up and went back and looked at it and felt vaguely uncomfortable. Other fun memories include sneaking into the moderator's lounge and unearthing a thread about how I annoyed the crap out of some moderators. (That only stopped hurting a couple of months ago, by the way. *sniff*) RPGs were great fun when I had the time, I wish I still did. Kicking cloricus out of everything was... maybe not so fun. Banner art and emo poetry. People knowing who you were and talking to you, knowing who people are and talking to them. That's something I probably won't get back. MY FAN CLUB. There's something else I miss. [/font][/color]
  13. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]When I was growing up I wanted to be an architect. I find that odd. Does anyone else find that odd? I wanted to be an architect from when I was about five all the way up to mid high school, when I wanted to be a pharmacist, until I enrolled to do a bachelor of pharmacy at uni, then I suddenly didn't want to do anything so I worked for a while as a medical technician. Took me three years to decide I want to be a DOCTOR! Which I am going to be, or at least, I'll tell you once I've sat the GAMSAT in three weeks. :p[/font][/color]
  14. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]I have a life now, but I feel like it's as busy as ever on here. Actually, I'm heading back to uni for the first time after summer holidays in about half an hour, which means my browsing-and-very-occasionally-posting will go back down to very-occasionally-browsing-to-procrastinate. 3000+ users online at once is insane, I've never seen anything like that myself! Probably because I'm in the wrong timezone. [/font][/color]
  15. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]*googles root beer* Ew! But I get where you are coming from... fizzy drink + icecream = awesome. I happen to be cooking right now... well, kind of. I'll share it with you. Four brushed potatoes wrapped in foil, baked in the oven for an hour (which is why I'm on the net). Meanwhile, slice bacon, and fry with peas and corn and chives and dill and whatever else you want. Then, slice the tops off the potatoes and scoop out the insides into the bacon etc. Be careful not to break the potato skins, you will need them! Mix it all in with a couple of huge dollops of sour cream. Pile it all back into the potato shell thingoes, and put it back in the oven until the top is brown. Yay! Sometimes I get a little greedy and put too much sour cream in... and the mixture kind of falls apart and I can't get it back into the potato shells and I end up just eating it out of the bowl. Wait, that's not something I was meant to tell everyone... [/font][/color]
  16. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]In my 'culture', these terms seem to be used rather differently than anything I've read so far. 'Dork' is an affectionate rebuff that isn't used very often. A 'nerd' is someone who is enthusiastic about some subject of knowledge, usually maths/science/english/history/anything. The term 'nerd' is used usually by people who know absolutely nothing at all, as a jealous insult. In this case, it means 'someone who knows something I don't' (which is anything at all.) If it's only [U]technological[/u] knowledge/enthusiasm they possess, they are a geek. This term is a pretty high compliment. [/font][/color]
  17. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]Haha, I think i've already milked that joke for all it's got. But hey, fresh audience, huh?! Well the last two vertebrae are finished now (i'll take some artsy shots once I finish wrapping it) and all up it was $910. No, I don't have any others. Tattoos are definitely addictive - once you get one, you usually get another and another... but I think I got my lifetime supply all at once. Before I started on this one, I was planning to get a koi done on one rear hip, and another design I drew myself on the alternate shoulder... but I'm not so keen on the idea now. Like myself just the way I am... [/color][/font]
  18. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]I sit on otakuboards, and read other people's conversations dance around me as if I were not there. And when I was younger, and not supporting myself, I would eat. But now I can't afford to eat for the sake of boredom! So... otakuboards it is. [/color][/font]
  19. [COLOR="DarkGreen"][font=garamond]$840; or $140 an hour for six so far. Only one hour to go.[/font][/COLOR]
  20. [FONT="Garamond"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Me without a shirt on! (not quite finished)[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2061/68/34/598706812/n598706812_1801170_6398.jpg[/IMG]
  21. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]Woohoo! Any excuse to call in a load of favours, I say. I'm going to be lying in bed ordering my boyfriend around. I agree that there is a lot of commercial preying upon our traditions, and indeed one could argue that religion as a whole is a scam... But for me, it's another excuse to spend money and feel only slightly less guilty about it, and demand breakfast in bed and not feel guilty about it at all. My boyfriend is spoilt rotten, it's valentines day for him every day. Feb 14th is my turn. Relationships are definately a waste of time and money unless you're getting something out of them. 'Action' does indeed has its merits, but there are other things to be gained as well, as you will most probably discover one day, my friend Tallgeese. ;) [/font][/color]
  22. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]An egg, or female gamete, is a package of a random half of a female species' genetic information. The first organisms on the planet were asexual reproducers - single cells organisms that doubled their genetic information, shoved it into separate ends of itself and then split down the middle. This happened for a really long time before two organisms started getting together and mixing and matching their DNA, which was a huge boost for evolution. Still not [i]sexua[/i] reproduction, however, nor the type that requires sperm and eggs. That was probably around when 'animals' began to show up, could be around the 'cambrian explosion' 600 million years ago. Birds didn't show up for another 400 million years. If you wanted to be picky about chicken eggs, and real chickens, then neither came first - it was a steady gradient, that took thousands of years, happening in multiple places all over the world at the same time. Occam's Razor indeed, but consider this - if you think all of that is far too complicated to be the probable answer, how complex must God be to have created it all and more [Him]self? More than we could comprehend, I say - and therefore, not the simplest of our available answers at all. Edit: Awesome lounge topic though. Good work. [/font][/color]
  23. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]That mormon temple looks amazing, I still have a picture of it somewhere that used to be on my wall. I've been to Reading, too, for just a few days but I love medieval history (we don't get much of it where I am) so good times. And Detroit is of course the home and birthplace of one of my favourite styles of music! But I live in Brisbane. In coorparoo actually, which is only fifteen or twenty minutes from the centre of town. There are many nice houses in this suburb but I don't live in one of them. Brisbane is known for... um... I don't know! I know it as the capital of my state, I guess you need an outsider's perspective. But I guess if you were going to come here I'd take you to Southbank, which is on the river in the city, a big complex of nice walkways, rainforests, lawns, public swimming areas and restaurants. Closeby is the Cultural Centre, with the Queensland Performing Arts Centre, Museum, ScienCenter, State Library and the newly opened Gallery of Modern Art. Things I like about Brisbane are: excellent public transport system, heaps of awesome universities - three massive ones, UQ, QUT and Griffith, and heaps of singular campus ones like Bond, Shafston, etc. And it's pretty small for a big city. Which is what I want. And huge nightlife. [/color][/font]
  24. [font=garamond][color=darkgreen]Has anyone heard of Orange Roughies? Also known as deep sea perch. They're a type of fish that dwells on the seafloor around the western pacific. They have a really long lifespan, a really long lifespan, and don't breed until they are 20 or 30. Which is just fine, except when we fish them, we trawl for them - taking the eggs with the adults, which is extremely destructive as you can imagine. But anyway. Why I am I telling you this? This is the thing that really got me when I heard it - I thought, why must we eat THESE fish, if they're so delicate and hard to get. (And damn ugly, in a very non-kitten kind of way.) Well, they are in really high demand commercially BECAUSE THEY DON'T TASTE LIKE FISH. They are fish for people who don't really like fish! Like the fish in your fishfingers, which is only mildly fishy - that's probably orange roughy. How awful is that! Anyway... yeah the fishing industry is a complete nightmare, we really had no idea what we were doing when we started the whole thing, and have gone way past the point of ever restoring it to what it once was. It's not just a case of "endangered fish" so much - more like entire oceanic ecosystems collapsing on a monthly basis. So I do understand why PETA may be getting rather desperate to do something... but this... sounds, well, desperate to me. It will be interesting to see if it has any effect.[/font][/color]
  25. [color=darkgreen][font=garamond]HELLO! I am female, and I am now 22. I have a thing about putting my real name on the internet... but I have been Ravenstorture on here for nearly.... seven years now. Don't get to post much anymore, don't have the time, but I can't seem to shake the place cos it is my home! I was a very, very different person when I started posting here and I wish I could tell you about that person because she was young and much like a lot of you in many ways... she was a lot more interesting than I am. I was dangerously obsessed with cats when I was fourteen, as well. I lived in Greece and had ten for a period of time... blissfully happy moments. As for now, I live in Brisbane, Australia. I am undergoing a Bachelor of Science, Biomedical, majoring in anatomy. I work as an ophthalmic technician when I can. I rent my own place with my partner of two and a half years, who is a freeform/hardcore dj, and we live a very comfortable, exciting life. I have no siblings. My only close family is my mum, who lives four hours west of here. I owe Raiha a postcard. A schoolfriend of mine introduced me to Otakuboards... he's been on here even longer than I have. My boyfriend of the time (who I'm still close to) practically lived out most of our relationship on here. I apologise for that! In the period of my life where I was on here the most, I didn't really have any involvement in anime/manga. Now that I am not on here much any more, I actually watch quite a bit. I am currently trawling through every single episode of Dragonball Z, we've just finished Dragonball. Music is also a large part of my life but I won't get started on that because I could talk about it for weeks. [/font][/color]
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