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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Spyder stepped inside the hut and found it empty. Not trusting anything, she walked into the next room and found a large bed, covered with a chiffon veil of azure blue and occupied by a very, very old man.[/i] Old man: Hello, Spyder. Spyder(nods): Sellum. Sellum: I see that you are one of us now. [i]Spyder glances at Harlequin and he closes his eyes slowly and bowed his head. She felt a tear slide down her patterned cheek.[/i] Spyder: I thought that... Sellum: Stopped the partial decay. But a decayed mind is not what makes a lightbearer, Spyder. Neither the tattoos. Spyder: Well, then, why do you think I am one of you? Sellum: Come closer. Please. [i]Spyder hesitates, but Harlequin pushes her forward gently. She sat gently next to the most powerful creature in the history of the planet.[/i] Sellum: You know how it goes, you get lucky and stumble across a theory that makes everyone happy. Then before you know it, you control the world. And some stupid fool who believes that the way things were before were better works his way into your heart, and suddenly... it's time to leave. [i]He sighed and closed his eyes.[/i] I was eighty one when I started this cult. I thought to myself, "Hey - one more accomplishment before I leave this stinking hole of a planet." And here I am. Spyder: But what about the powers? The portals, magic, connections.. Sellum: I'd be ****ed if I know, honestly. Nothing to do with me. Spyder: There must be some master mind, though... Sellum: If there is, they are writing everything off as My Holy Doing. Perfect way of stopping questions and saving identification. Happy hunting, is all I can say, really. [i]He takes Spyder's hand in his own and smiles at her.[/i] Sellum: Your love was right, it would not matter if you killed me. I was nearly there anyway. They don't follow me, they took something from me and then they put me in an undisclosed location and forgot about me. I'm not complaining, after all, all I wanted was another accomplishment. And this is pretty cool, don't you think? [i]He chuckled and closed his eyes once more.[/i] Well well, after everything you guys were up to, planning, combining, taking oaths, saving your a*sses, you never would have thought that one day, after anything and everything, you would just find me lying here drowning in my own snot. But what else... what else do you expect... [i]His breathing shallowed until it could be heard no longer. Spyder pried his hand from hers and stood up.[/i] Spyder: Oh well, that's that. Harlequin: You know what we said about someone taking over... Spyder: Yes? Harlequin: Looks to me as if that's you. Spyder:..... oh ****.[/font][/color]
  2. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Suddenly, Harlequin stops and looks confused. Spyder looks at him questioningly, and he shakes his head slowly before pacing backwards.[/i] Spyder: What's wrong, my love? Harlequin: The trail... has... split here. Spyder: Hmmm... must be a trap. Unless they cut him in half. Which I don't think they would... [i]Spyder looks around at the houses constructed of bamboo and thatch. A distant flag bearing celtic blue symbols caught her eye. She pointed it out to Harlequin.[/i] Spyder: I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and say that our path will lead us there. [i]Harlequin shrugs, good enough for Spyder, and they set off towards it, ignoring the trail.[/i] [/font][/color]
  3. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Meh, zigzag is the same as ripple. I mean, it's not, but it's a ripple tool. You said so yourself! Circular ripples. Ripples emanating from... something. Not random ones, oh no... anyway, when you said you didn't use ripple, I expected that to mean you didn't use ripple, ocean ripple, and zigzag and whatever else. Sorry. No, wait a minute...[/font][/color]
  4. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Hmmm.... I was thinking beauty, but I see your point. Originally it was going to be methusalahs that would flinch away from me, but for obvious reasons I changed it. I'll edit it, thanks for pointing it out. Edit: Screw that, I am a goddess and I'm not changing it. [/font][/color]
  5. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin turns in her lover's arms (OOC: not a word, chicken, not a word..) and stares into his eyes.[/i] Alastuin: What are you doing? Lacroix: Nothing, what do you mean? Alastuin: You ran from the mire. What is your quest? To run further? To alert the others? To battle the creatures? To regain you, our, home? Lacroix: Too many questions. You are still weak. Our rest is nearly over, but our path does not cross danger or difficult sannings for a day or two yet. Alastuin: How tactfully you avoid my questions. Lacroix: Complain not, my love. I haven't the energy nor the patience. [i]Alastuin closed her eyes and buried her face in Lacroix's warm chest, reminding herself that there was a perfectly good reason for everything he did and said, and only by not questioning him does everything ever turn out alright.[/i][/font][/color]
  6. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic] OOC: I'm going to start my perspective from before my Embrace, if that's ok... creative vibes. Don't worry, it's all been planned... Name - Raven Sehndreamai Age - 18 Gender - Female Clan - Malkavian Physical Description - Thigh-length, straight, blue-black hair, 180cm tall, 54kg, long, black fingernails, always wears Victorian gothic clothing (black lace, bell sleeves, long everything), pierced nose, eyebrow, tongue, navel, nipples, spine, neck, cleavage and ears (x13), bright green eyes and black lips (not lipstick, either?.) Self-inflicted wounds and scars netted over inner forearms thighs. Mental Description - Intensely psychotic, twisted, paranoid, wicked, lascivious and strange. Even other psychotics flinch away from her slashing claws and mad yatterings. She loves the way she is and revels in the fact that people do not enjoy her company. History - Born in England, at the age of five as diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia, psychosis and bipolar disorder. Spent life jumping in and out of psychiatric hospitals, severely psychologically disturbed and loving every minute of it. Physical - 1 Mental - 3 Social - 4 Psychic - 2[/font][/color]
  7. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Let me guess, you used Twirl!!! Go the twirl. I used to use itallthe time. Before my banner days. But that is very well done, very complex and stylish. Dear god I love you. Oh, and I really don't like this banner. I'd just thought I would add that, here, infront of all these thousands of people, where you really couldn't care less and I think I'll shut up now. Did I mention how much I love you recently? [/font][/color]
  8. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]You have no idea how weird that was. What we did was copy the text ontop of itself and then add and modify the shadows, but they seemed to pivot off each other or something, even though they were on different layers. It was really annoying, but that was the best we could get it because one or the other would go off the page or somewhere... see if you can figure it out. I just tried it again and it's happening again. I think that it's because when you copy test it copies onto the same layer, or something. God knows. It would look much better if instead of there being two, there would be ten or so extra shadow types and of varying blurriness. Or something. I'll fiddle with it when I get time.[/font][/color]
  9. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Hmmmm.... one of the concepts of gothic the subculture prides itself on is being very open and accepting nearly everything. Basically as it is a mindset and a way of life, many genres of music can fit. Although "depressing" does some it up rather well. Actually, I should rather say "melancholy" as depression should not be linked with gothicdom too strongly. You have to admit however, people who dress in black do tend to like the same kind of stuff. I personally like fear factory, deftones, the tea party, fallen tears, a perfect circle and sunk loto, but I also happen to enjoy lots of house music, filter, grinspoon, chemical brothers, Rachmaninoff, and (blushes a deep crimson colour) a bit of Kylie Minouge. Only some of her very recent stuff, I swear!!! (please don't kill me...) Still, I cnsider myself gothic, and I wear my black with pride. Victorian and romantic eras are out of fashion now, and these days a modern goth wouldn't be seen dead in a cloak, but I am one of a dying breed. [/font][/color]
  10. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Spyder turns ehr concentration to the gargoyle's visit and Davien senses it, looking at her intently.[/i] Spyder: Have you been to hell before? Davien: Once. I didn't return in one piece, however. Spyder: I don't belong there any more. I don't belong anywhere. Davien: You belong here. Spyder: no, I don't. Unless this is another realm altogether... Davien: May I ask you something? Spyder: You just did. Davien(ignoring her): What was it that you had wanted to do all your life? Spyder: Die. Davien: And you were never given that option? Spyder: Once. I talked to the "God/ess" and asked her why I had never been allowed. Davien: What did she say? Spyder: She told me that I did not want to anymore, and am thus glad that I never did. I spat in her face and she bowed to me, as was expected from something that doesn't exist. The devil, however... Davien: Take me there. I need to speak with him anyway.[/font][/color]
  11. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Spyder and Harlequin reach the corner of the great wall, lined with a narrow, dirt track shaded by huge oaktrees on either side of the wall and road. Spyder felt very weak, but said nothing and kept going, knowing all to well that it would probably kill her outright if they didn't rest soon. But being dead would probably be better than being a lightbearer, right? She mused over advantages and disadvantages of life and lack thereof, not noticing that they had slowed to a very gradual pace. She looked at harlequin questioningly.[/i] Harlequin: I was walking at your pace. Spyder: Why? harlequin: Because you are hiding something from me and this is how I can tell how you are feeling. Spyder: Bastard... [i]Spyders words trailed off as she collapsed to the hard ground in a dead faint.[/i][/font][/color]
  12. [color=darkred][font=gothic]OOC: This is a formal apology to any under sixteen year olds out there. Sex is to vampyres what water is to fish, I am afraid. [/font][/color]
  13. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]They run towards the mountains until they reach the wall encircling the city. Scrambling over it, they stop to catch their breath and Harlequin inspects Spyder's wound again, in a shadowed cover of a house. Blue celtic-designed tattoos and markings were spreading slowly out from the wound in an uneven radius, but he merely kissed the bite and stood up again, keeping the information from her until they were entirely safe. [/i] Harlequin: We have to keep moving. Uphill, keeping to the wall. Spyder: Whatever you say, you caught the trail better than I did. All I can smell, for some reason, is the ocean. Harlequin: It was a lighbearing spider. You are adapting the markings as we speak. Spyder: ...... oh. ****. Harlequin: I wasn't going to tell you, but you know I can't keep anything from you. Especially since it's about your body. Do you feel ok, my love? Spyder: I feel incredible. Really amazingly wonderfully not like I just woke up from a deep sleep, was bitten by a lightbearing spider, ran up a mountain, and climbed over a wall. Harlequin: I love you. Spyder I love you too. [i]A spider dropped from the top of the wall onto Spyder's scalp. She ate it.[/i] Harlequin: Race you to the top...[/font][/color]
  14. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][I]She awoke with a start at a stabbing pain at her side. Jumping up, Spyder inspected the pain and a large, fat, hairy spider flopped to the ground as she shuffled her clothing. Gasping, she found a red welt on her left hip, with some swelling. Harlequin jumped down at my gasp, landing on the spider and squirting blue slime across the ground. Spyder gave a scream and fell back to the ground, kneeling in front of the dead spider and moaning. [/I] Harlequin: What's your problem? Spyder: You killed it! Harlequin: So I did. Sorry. I heard you wake, what's wrong? Spyder: It bit me. Harlequin: And you're sad that I killed it! Spyder: It was a defence mechanism to bite me. I probably just rolled on it. Harlequin: I think not. I was watching you very closely, you didn't move a muscle. [I]Spyder frowned, and looked at the blue smear. Harlequin stepped back and scrutinised it too.[/I] Harlequin: blue blood? are you thinking what I'm thinking? Spyder: I think not, B2, spiders have blue blood because they have copper in it, not iron like in ours. Harlequin: Are you sure that this isn't a lighbearing spider? You know they do a lot of animal testing. Spyder: Animal warfare, not the first time it's been tried by those bastards?. But we don't have enough proof. And I'm not dieing, either. Harlequin: Hmmm. [i]Without another word, they leave the bamboo circle and enter the forest beyond. Spyder gasps and Harlequin stops, looking at the direction she is staring in. The forest floor is carpeted with a writhign mass of thousands upon thousands of thick, fat, hairy, black spiders.[/i][/font][/color]
  15. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Oh dear god [i]yes[/i]... just count me in a give me a minute.[/font][/color]
  16. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Spyder lies wide awake and perfectly relaxed in her god's arms, the perfect state for inner reflectiong and deep meditation. She opened her mind and let it wander over everything in the room, feeling the tendrils slip over the fabric of the bed, the soft curves of Davien's body, and finally the angles and placement of the whole building. Hundreds of minds swarmed, paced, sat, slept, stood, lounged, lay, laughed, cried, made love and war. Cats dozed in the sunshine. Cathos lay fretfully in the next room, trying to forget his pain. An arm of her mind curled protectivly around him and he sank without protest into a deep sleep. Davien dreamt of sex and darkness. The woman above them watched television thoughtlessly, worriedly feeling a small lump on the underside of her breast. A small boy in the next apartment played with toy cars. A teenage boy stood in the alleyway, a coathanger in his left hand, a half-full bottle of smirnoff in his right. Spyder looked through his eyes and found to be eyeing the car, thoughfully, determined. She retracted her mind and stabbed at him with it, he slumped sideways and fell dead against the slimy brick wall. The bottle was not broken. She considered getting it, then changed her mind as Davien stirred in his sleep against her, sending pleasurable elecric feelings down her spine. Spyder withdrew her mind from the apartment complex and instead threaded her mind into one thin tendril. She turned her head and stared at her lover, caressing his face with it in her mind before pushing it through his left temple and closing her eyes, exploring his mind. [i]What a violation of privacy,[/i] she thought.[i] He isn't going to be complaining.[/i] Dreams, fitful, a stage of dreams, the thick black curtain veiling the Desolation beyond. Home, childhood, trees, the trampoline. Vinegar. Re class. Letters. Blood. Cuts, thousand of tiny cuts to the skin, deeper, flesh, bone. A torso on an operation table. Flashbacks of violent illnesses. The bite. Running away, here, alone. Alone. Spyder. Sex. Spyder sifted thought the thoughts and memories and pulled the erotic ones to the front. he concentrated on the subconciously. Then she planted some of her own, premonitions, and mixed it with thoughts of torture and infliction of pain. Retacting her mind from his once more, she rolled Davien onto his back and climbed on top of him, bringing him out of his sleep and making his dreams come true. She knew how to get what she wanted.[/font][/color]
  17. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, why the **** not. Name: Alastuin Stuff: a container of broken glass, a teacup, length of twine, evil glare Bio: Tall, thin, pale, black hair, four elbows, four knees, 36 finger joints, and an obsession with floorboards. Prone to unexplained bouts of yabbering. [/font][/color]
  18. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]As they near the doorway, Lacroix reaches out to open it but Alastuin pulls him back violently. he looked at her, shocked and confused, but she has not spoken for nearly three years and cannot find words or how to form them. Another tear runs down her cheek as she struggles to communicate with Lacroix. He senses that she cannot speak and sits her on the bed, holding her tightly and stroking her hair, telling her to take her time. [/i] Alastuin: I love you... Lacroix: I love you too. Alastuin: I.... I... Lacroix: You don't have to say anything yet. [i]Alastuin sits and thinks hard for a long time, before getting up and pacing back and forth wildly. Lacroix watches her silently.[/i] Alastuin: The mire! It's... growing. Lacroix: I know. I was there. Alastuin: What... where have you... went, been? [i]She kneels in front of him and stares up into his face angrily. The words flooded back to her.[/i] Lacroix: After you went missing, I retreated to the mire. I've been there pretty much all the time since then. Alastuin: Went missing?! I was stolen! The humans stole me from your arms, rememeber? They tested me, made me do things... Lacroix: Please don't talk about it if it upsets you. Alastuin: What upsets me is that I lived in a cage for nearly three years and I never saw you once. Didn't you know where I had gone? Lacroix: I didn't know you had gone, remember? When I awoke that morning, you were gone. I looked for you everywhere. Everywhere. Alastuin: I'm sorry, I haven't eaten for so long... I only escaped a week ago. Things have been hard for me, I have resorted to killing in settled areas for food. Which is why I found you, actually. Lacroix: I'm so sorry, my love. I'm sorry. Alastuin: It's ok now. We are together again. But the mire... as soon as I escaped I went to the mire to find you, I knew that that is where you would still be, but when I saw the creatures... I just hoped that you where gone by then. [i]They hold each other for a while longer as Alastuin weeps blood for her days in the human's prison.[/i][/font][/color]
  19. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic] Name: Alastuin Race: Abomination Bio: Elvish mutation, basically a dark elf by appearence but with long, thin, metallic blades (retractable, of course) protruding from knuckles. Long, ravenblack hair, darkblue eyes, pale skin, very thin. Average hight, five foot something eightish. Madly in love with a dark elf, he disappeared a while ago and hasn't been seen since. [i] Alastuin fought down a wave of nausia as she eyed the open window hungrily. She had seen movement in there earlier, but now everything was still. She could not wait any longer. Jumping down lightly from the bough of her tree, she stalked towards the window and leapt up onto the ledge without making a sound. There was a figure on the bed, sitting up, breathing heavily, facing away from her. She crept towards it and winced at the pain of her blades pushing out of her hands. Three feet away, two feet, one foot.... very close... she raised her arm to strike and stopped, quietly sniffing the figure. It was still apparently unaware of her, but she recognised the aroma and it stirred painful memories in depths of her mind never fathomed before now. A tear ran down her cheek and fell onto the figure's shoulder. [/i] [/font][/color]
  20. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, WristCutter I don't have much of a family (a broken mother at the most) and the parts of my family that didn't reject me I rejected, but I'm still the happiest person I know. So family isn't everything. Liam rocks though, so LAY OFF!!!! [i] This is a friendly reminder from Liamc2's personal Thread Bodyguard.[/i] No, seriously now, I believe that you will find happiness. And I am the last person people expect to hear saying something like that. But you come across as the kind of person I was, and so I find a personal connection with you. If you don't find your happiness however, you are perfectly welcome to come and hang out with me here in coastal Australia, and we will have a good old time. I promise!!!! My scars have faded. [/font][/color]
  21. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic] OOC: Another RPG out of the mud. I'm so sorry, my love. [i]Anathema smiles and concentrates on the other jet. It circles around to her blind spot, and fires a missile at her. She swings the bird around sharply, the missile hits her tail sending the craft into a carousel spin. holding down nausia, Anathema rips off her headset and jumps into the back. The others are unstrapping the bombs and tieing them to the roof with all the rope they can find. She and Gorgon start piling the weapons out the side, making sure they land in a neat pile in the thick forest below. It is difficult, but soon the cobin of the helicopter is empty. An explotion signifies the death of the jets as Vukodlak crashes one into the other a safe distance from the dieing chopper. He floats to the ground and is soon joined by all but Anathema, who has stayed with the craft to aid the crash landing. A few minutes later and the assorted demons are sitting on a pile of weapongry in thick jungle. One crash, not three explosions, signifies that Anathema was successful. They find her one hundred metres west of the weaponry, cradling an A-bomb in her arms and whispering to it softly, stroking the metallic length of it withhr pale hand. tears are straming down her face. The bird is rightside up, one bomb still strapped to the roof, the other on Anathema's lap is not.[/i] Vukodlak: What happened? Anathema: It came off, I had to hold it to stop it from detonating. Angel: That must have been scary... Anathema: Well, I do admit that when it comes to crashlanding a helicopter loaded with two atomic bombs in a thick rainforest on my own, this is my first... but... Belthazor(chuckling): What did you have to lose, right? Anathema: The bombs were what I was worrying about. I don't think that we will be getting another couple of these. Vukodlak: Well, I was worried about you. [i]She stares up at him, slightly alarmed.[/i] Vukodlak: You are our only pilot. Anathema: Ahhh.... [/font][/color]
  22. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]When she awakes, they are sitting about twenty metres from the bank of the river, ina small, guarded clearing in a thicket of bamboo. She cannot see past the wall of bamboo, and wonders how she got in there. Harlequin is smiling at her.[/i] Spyder: What have I missed? Harlequin: I kissed you, you fell asleep, we reached the bridge, I left the raft and took you here. you have been asleep for twenty minutes. Spyder: I haven't slept for days... I've always felt too unsafe. But you always make me feel safe when you kiss me, so I must have just dozed off. Where is the bridge? Harlequin: Not far. We are parallel to it on the river. Spyder: I can hear the river. What of the raft? Harlequin: Some howling crazies scuttled out and grabbed it. I didn't see where they took it, but it told me that althought the bridge looks deserted, it isn't. Spyder: That's ok though, we're on the right side. Harlequin: Go back to sleep my love, we need the rest. Spyder: Are we safe here? Harlequin: Yes. For now, anyway. [i]Spyder falls immediately back into unconciousness and The Harlequin watches over her as the thick, humid darkness of the forest ebbs and eventually recedes. The only sounds that disturb the night are the sounds of the iver and the occasional burst of automatic gunfire. A scream pierces the silence as dawn breaks, but it is far away. The night passes.[/i][/font][/color]
  23. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Spyder smiles dreamily and falls over. Harlequin catches her halfway and lowers her to the floor, sighing.[/i] Harlequin: It's been too long, hasn't it? Spyder: Mmmmm..... Harlequin: Do you even know what I am saying? Spyder: ....mmmmmm... Harlequin: As long as you are happy, my love. Keep your eyes open, I don't trust the cracks in the floor of this thing. You won't be safe if you fall asleep now. [i]He stares at her for a while, before looking ahead and noticing the brige - a mere speck on the horizon now. The river was moving rather sluggishly, and the canopy had envoloped the sky, darkening the air and giving the water a metallic look. [/i][/font][/color]
  24. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Alastuin smiled at Davien, not believing him for a moment. But she said nothing.[/i] Alastuin: I am not going to let us be distracted from our quest. too many have fallen to that trap, and things are left undone. Kredion: Where to, then? Davien: I have destroyed the closest tower some what, but that was a while ago. If we hurry, we may reach there before their defence is restrengthened. Kral Thraxx: Lead the way. [i]The group leaves the cave, and heads out westwards, towards the Tower.[/i][/font][/color]
  25. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic] OOC: I hate pulling RPGs out of the mud. But it must be done. Many apologies, Ugamon, I hope you haven't forgotten that thing you needed to do... [i]Alastuin holds Davien close as he shakes uncontrollable. Suddenly the light of the cave enterance is cut by three shapes. They are calling. [/i] Alastuin: Is that you? Amy: Is that who? Alastuin: Amy and Kredion and that other girl, Jalena? Kredion: Yes, that's us. (to amy) This is it, then. [i]They walk into the cave and note Davien's inert state, and the look of intense anguish on Alastuin's face.[/i] Jalena: As if we don't have enough to worry about. [/color][/font]
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