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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][I]Alastuin stepped in between thebickering trio and silenced them all with a glare. Without saying a word, she pointed in a direction to their left and began walking. The others shrug and begin to follow her. Soon, the forest begins to thicken out and they walk out into a large clearing, a stone cairn in the centre. [/I] Davien: This didn't show itself from the tree before... Alastuin: See the cairn? It's charmed. Masks the clearing, to stop orcs or the like from using it as a gathering point. Amy: Wouldn't it stop good people, too? Alastuin: The "good people" are told where it is. And you don't have to be a scry to see where these things are, the masking effect simply mirrors the forect around it, so if you are looking for masked clearings you just look for patterns. Socks: And so, where do the good guys get their information from? Alastuin: I don't know, because I'm not one of them. [/color][/font]
  2. [color=darkred][font=gothic]That is terrible, Liam... you are the last person in the world who deserves that kind of treatment. And you take it brilliantly.... but don't worry, mi'lord, soon their calls of "Harrryyy...." will soon fade into a low growling sound whenever you walk past. And yes, the evicerations have already begun.[/font][/color]
  3. [color=darkred][font=gothic]I am sick to death of brackish, but there is one song on their last album I absolutely love, it's either no. 2,3 or 4 and the chorius has the words "run away" or something sung in it... that's all I know. Other than that, All of their songs are great. [/font][/color]
  4. [color=darkred][font=gothic]The fact that it was the trade towers that were destroyed was [I]not[/I] a coincidence. America had been unfairly trading with countries such as Afghanistan for more than thirty years. In fact, in the seventies or eighties, America lent billions of dollars to young coutries to help them get onto their feet. But the interest rate was so atrociously high that the countries are permanantly indebted to America, and the whole country's wealth is siply funnelled into America to pay off debt. They were considering cancelling world debt for the millenium, but it never happened because of America's position as a superpower. [quote][I]Originally posted by Raven131:[/I] Well he DID start the war because the terrorists bombed a couple of our major US buildings and kill like 5000 pplz so this is just my opinions but I THINK it was justified. If he had let it go pplz would think we were weak and pushovers. [/quote] More than three times the number of innocent people were killed by american forces than died in the 9/11 incedent. Pushovers, or learning a lesson, forgiving and moving on? It is my personal belief that America deserved what it got from Afghanistan. It may have been a little too harsh, but definately not for America. Not after what it has done to some countries in the past. Even it's own country has suffered. [/font][/color]
  5. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]No he won't... say what again? Why would he be...[/font][/color]
  6. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, SPAM!!!! I would go out with Cloricus. Hey, you can't get mcuh lower than Ryan!!!! ( I dind't say that.) Pure sympathy, however. Sorry ed!!! Sorry, my love. SORRY LIAM!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! Ahem. Sorry ryan. NOT! (I didn't say that, either.) Well, now for some REAL POSTING.... The above was all pure nothingness, and meant rather less than nothing. I love Harlequin more than I could possibly ever convey, and if anyone thinks that I ever went out with ryan canning, you can all go to hell. IF I stopped going out with Harlequin, no, I would [I]not[/I] be available, I would be DEAD. Yes, I am pathetic. Yes, I am insane. Yes, I am overly spymathetic at times, and Yes, I am a juxtaposition of monkeys and fish. Yes, I love you all in my own, special way... [/font][/color]
  7. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Alastuin: Well, it's funny you mentioned an inn because I know a good one about three minutes walk from here... Zaltazar: Ha ha. Alastuin: I am sick of this stupid labyrinth. Now, this tunnel is wither a way directly in, or a way directly out. Zaltazar: Could be both. Alastuin: Perhaps. I don't think we shoulg go any further without finding the others... [I]OOC: Hey, how's this for plot twisting, Eddie? Suddenly, Enron and Rogan run down the stairs and into Zaltazar and Alastuin.[/I] Enron: Are we interrupting anything? Alastuin: Just a conversation as to which way we should go. Rogan: I say we stay in the tunnel. There are alot of naga out there, and some wierd flying bug things... Zaltazar: So, in or out? Enron: I say in. Alastuin: Out. Definately out. Zaltazar: But considering the only reason you want to get out is so you can - Alastuin: I wouldn't go any further if I were you. Zaltazar:.... - get pissed, I think they hold sway. Alastuin: But the only reason he wants to go in is so he can get trasure to buy drink to get pissed. Enron: I'm right here, you know. Rogan: If what is out there now is bad, which it is, then what it guarding the center is worse. And I'm sick of sleeping on stone. Enron: I think a dead one of those bugs would make a fine pillow.... Rogan/Alastuin/Zaltazar: Out. Enron: Hehehe, it's agreed... [I]The four travellers set off at a run down the dark corridor, away from the center of the maze.[/I][/font][/color]
  8. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][I] Spyder returned to Davien's apartment and slips into his room, statled to find him missing. She checks each room of the house and looks out the window for his car, which is still there. Puzzled, she sits down on a couch and jumps up again when she feels someone underneath her. Startled, she spins around to find Davien sitting in front of her, grinning. She smiles and sits next to him.[/I] Spyder: What kind of dirty trick was that. Davien: None, but your reaction was worth whatever it was. Spyder: It's getting dark. I just talked with Cathos, he's at the Westender. Davien: I was considering following you, but it may have been rather early. Spyder: Don't worry, it's six thirty now. I don't know why it took me an hour and a half to get there, torch the barmaid and walk back, but there you go. Davien: Knowing Cathos, he's probably on his way here. [I] Suddenly, there is a knock on the door.....[/I][/font][/color]
  9. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]OOC: Hell yeah. [I]Alastuin considers this for a while, and then finds Zaltazars face again with her hand and kisses him again, hard. He replies the and this continues until light begins to show itself again, and their surroundings are revealed. They are sitting on a pile of rubble, the walls of the dwarven maze flattened to about ten metres radius. This opens up about thirty passages of entrance, all arranged neatly around them in a cirle. However, there is one section of rubble that dips significantly lower than the rest. Alastuin stands and walks around to the other side of it, examining it carefully. [/I] Alastuin: Oh my god, come and look at this! [I]Zaltazar stands and walks over to Alastuin. The depression in the rubble proves to be an entrance to a staircase, decending well below the floor of the maze. They consider it in facination.[/I] Alastuin: Well, wasn't that last incedent a blessing. Zaltazar: What, the earthquake thingy? Alastuin: Yes. [I](under her breath)[/I] In more ways than one... [I]Zaltazar hears this and takes her into his arms once more. Five minutes or so later, they hear heavy foot steps approaching from the east. After a silent agreement, Alastuin runs down a corridor and grabs an unlit torch from the wall while Zaltazar gathers the belongings they dropped during the dissention. They decend into the passageway and run silnetly for a while, before stopping still and waiting to see if they were being followed. Only then did they resume kissing.[/I][/font][/color]
  10. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Spyder: oh yeah, you would definately lose. I heard what you were saying to Davien, and I am angered at you for being so possesive of him but you really aren't that bad a person, and I respect that. [I]She walks closer to him, and looks deep into his eyes.[/I] But don't you dare f*ck with me, understand? [I]Cathos nods, and Spyder downs her drink spits her mouthful of vodka onto the barmaid and tapping her with a fingernail. The barmaid bursts into flames immediately. Spyder gets up calmly, and walks outside unaffected by the screams of shcok and agony that follow her into the afternoon.[/I][/font][/color]
  11. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]The triad creep silently through the jungle, keeping in sight of the fence, until they walk across the cleared path. True to her word, it was barely two feet wide. Then, in single file, they walked up to the gate, which was, strangely enough, wide open and unmanned.[/I] Vukodlak: Oh well, that's one hurdle out of the way then. Anathema: Oh no, there is no way I am going in there until I get an explanation for this. Valiegh: Yeah, something must be wrong. Vukodlak: Well in that case what do you suggest we do? Anathema: I don't know. Go in, I suppose... Vukodlak: (sigh) Contradicting, aren't we? Anathema: Just cautious. [I]The three demons walk into the base, scouting for any signs of life. After ten minutes of searching, there are none. [/I] Anathema: I know this may sound odd coming from me, but this is scary. I'm not scared - it's just scary. Valiegh: Well, perhaps we should keep lookign and if we don't find any sign of what's going on, we shoud go ahead with the plan - take Vukodlak view, this will just make it easier for us. Anathema: Ok, sound's like a good idea. OOC: No, I have no clue as to where I got this idea or where I am going with it. Ideas welcome, just shove them in as we go along, I suppose... if that is alright with you, Harlequin myne...[/font][/color]
  12. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][I]Spyder orders a drink at the bar and glares at Cathos, daring him to make the wrong move.[/I] Spyder: Talk about [I]what,[/I] exactly? Cathos: You know, the whole "I hate you, you hate me..." kind of thing... Spyder(examining her 1.75" nails under the barlight): Well, now that you mention it, no. I don't. In fact, I would rather swallow my hairbrush. Cathos: Umm.... well, can we talk about it anyway? Spyder: You can talk, but I can't guarentee I'll listen. Go ahead. [/font][/color]
  13. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Anathema: Well, let's try the old traditional back door method. Vukodlak: And what would that be? Anathema: All structures on the edge of thick jungle have a back door - or a small gate that leads onto a path, just a cleared one, threough the jungle. A small aescape way, if you will. Valiegh: Any disadvantages? Anathema: Well, it won't be guarded too heavily because the track is only big enough for single file, and people taking out an army base don't walk in groups small enough for single file. Basically the same principle behind the narrow spiral staircases in medieval castles. Vukodlak: You can pick the people coming up off one by one. Anathema: Exactly. So it may be an advantage, but we still have to be careful. Surprise is our main elemant. Valiegh: And that's not a good thing when you are fighting trained soldiers. Anathema: Oh, and that's another thing. Guatemala is a country of the south, so there is no such thing as a "trained soldier." Vukodlak: You're forgetting something, by the way. Anathema: Oh? Vukodlak: We [I]are[/I] trained soldiers. Valeigh/Anathema: Oh, right.[/font][/color]
  14. [color=darkgreen]OOC: Actually, I have no idea what it signified. It had better not be anything important.... [/color]
  15. [color=darkgreen][I]Spyder sits over Davien and watches him for a while, thinking about the dramatic change in her non-life. A thought hits her.[/I] Spyder: I know, let's go trash a nightclub. Davien: Sounds like fun. Which one? Spyder: i don't know... we've ruined a few,... hey, there is one close to here, isnt there? Davien: Yeah, the westender. Spyder: Sounds good. [I]She stands and pulls her boots on, looking around for her cloak. Davien stands and does the same. Then, walking over to the window, he goes to draw back the curtain when a sliver of light hits him and he shrieks, jumping back, grasping at the section of molten flesh dripping from him arm. Spyder jumps up and runs to him, checking the damage and asking if he is ok. [/I] Davien: Well, that ruins that idea. Spyder: I'm sorry, I should have reminded you. Davien: My fault. I'll be fine. Spyder: Looks like I'm on my own then. [I]She finishes dressing and does her hair, then kisses Davien lightly on the forehead before going to the door. There she pauses, turning to look at him sitting on the bed, holding his arm.[/I] Spyder: I love you... Davien: ... I love you too. [/color]
  16. [color=darkgreen]Alastuin: It really can't get any simpler. What do you want me to do? Sound trumpets, write it in the sky? I LIKE YOU. A LOT. OOC: Sound familiar? [/color]
  17. [color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin jumps down from a tree and lands infront of Davien, stopping him.[/I] Alastuin: You seem to use that word a lot. Davien: What word? Alastuin: Most. I wonder what it means.... Davien: Don't tell me you don't know what 'most' means... Alastuin: I meant, what would it mean that you use it all the time. [/color]
  18. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Oh look, another war thread. I havent read much, but I'll throw this one in anyway: [quote] [I]Originally written by the Sunday Courier (or, the sydney sunday), 3 June 02:[/I] Recently deceased anzac legend... to be cryogenically frozen today.... freezing process postponed.... due to family objections... and the loss of a leg. [/quote] What the hell is that meant to mean??? [/font][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alley Catt [/i] [B] Hang on. You don't know who I am yet. phew. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkgreen][font=gothic] Don't worry, alison, the double L gave it away. I herd you talking about it with marbar in maths. SPRUNG!!!! THAT's why you wouldn't tell me your user name the other day!!!! Nice banner cloricus, very nice. I am going to do another one soon. And it will be [I]so sweet[/I]....[/font][/color]
  20. [color=darkgreen]OOC: It never seems to be when we do it in real life. Spyder: This is wrong, though. Davien: Why? Spyder: I'm not human! Davien: Neither am I. Spyder: But I am more not human than you are. Davien: What? Spyder: Never mind. I suppose it will be fine. Davien: So, now what? Spyder: I hadn't thought. [/color]
  21. [color=darkgreen]Alastuin: Well, tell me how you feel when you touch me. Zaltazar: What? Alastuin: How does it feel? Zaltazar: ....... Alastuin: Well, there you go. Zaltazar: How does that explain anything? Alastuin: it doesn't. But I was giving you a taste of the inexplicable. Zaltazar: So you can't explain it, then. Alastuin: I guess not. Zaltazar(after a short pause): How does it feel for you to touch me? Alstuin: ........ Zaltazar: Ha, one back on you. Alastuin: It feels incredible. [/color]
  22. [color=darkgreen][I]Spyder rolls over and opens her eyes, looking at Davien. Then, getting up, she closes the door, draws the curtains and lights a tealight candle before turning the light off once more. She sits crosslegged over him and stares at his face.[/I] Spyder: I heard that, you know. Davien: And? Spyder: I didn't know you were in love with me. Davien: So having a relationship like this to you is nothing? Spyder: No, I just hadn't thought about it before. Davien: And now that you have? Spyder: i have realised that if you really [I]are[/I] in love with me.... Davien:.... Yes? Spyder: Then what I am feeling must be love for you. Davien: And so....? Spyder: If you are willing to accept me, I love you.[/color]
  23. [color=darkgreen][I]This continues for a minute or so until Alastuin yelps and sits up, holding her left hand and biting her lip. The others stand above them.[/I] Kredion: Oh, here they are. Sorry about standing on you, but by all respects.... Alastuin(stands): No, it is I who am sorry. [I]Alastuin brushes herself off and walks quickly into the forest without glancing at anyone.[/I][/color]
  24. [color=darkred][font=gothic]He'd be... pumped. BTW, what did you mean by "Finally" in your earlier post?[/font][/color]
  25. [color=darkgreen]Alastuin: No, I don't. Zaltazar: Are you alright? Alastuin: Yes, I feel up to it... I just don't want to. [I]Zaltazar contemplates this for a while, but it is beyond him.[/I] Zaltazar: Would you mind telling me... why? Alastuin: At the moment, no. But really, honestly, are you complaining? Because we can go if you like, I'm not really that afraid of the dark... or whatever fear I have I can battle.[/color]
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