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Everything posted by Ravenstorture
OOC: Brrrk..brrkbrrkbrrkburKUURK!!!! Welcome, Son Of God. [color=darkgreen][I] IC: Davien lay Spyder down on his bed once more and kissed her lightly on the forehead before walking out and shutting the door. Spyder had just begun to drift off to sleep when she heard the door open and then slam shut. Rising confusedly as to why he would leave without telling her where he was going, she went to the door but stopped short when Cathos's voice rang out in the room adjoining.[/I] Cathos: What is your problem? Davien: Excuse me? Cathos: That demon of yours. I have no idea why she was ranting about her leading her own life, that should have been you. Davien: You aren't making much sense, and please stop yelling. She is trying to sleep. Cathos: See what I mean? You are completely enslaved to her! Is this some kind of 'demon charm' she's put on you, or something? Davien: Listen, sit down and talk quietly. I don't know what you are talking about. [I]There is noise of a commotion, then a loud crash as furniture is disturbed. Finally, silence, pacing and the creaking of springs. Spyder lies back down in bed and closes her eyes.[/I][/color]
[color=darkred][font=darkred]Which we most certainly would not. The explosion of not even one half of the combined number of warheads in the United States and Russia would throw enough crap into the air to give us a nuclear winter of three years, far far more than enough to kill off every living thing on the planet, except for cockroaches, cloricus, John Farnham and that Mr Powell guy that is visiting our school at the moment...[/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Actually, I have only just seen this thread. Very interesting... I shall confirm that, even though it doesn't need it, Harlequin and I are more than "an item", more than "involved", more than "a couple", more than "desperately in love with each other"... I think you get the picture. Well, actually, no - you don't. You never will. No one ever does. EVER!!! MWAHAHAHAAA!!! Ahem, yeah. The interesting thing is, however... we met in real life and fell madly and deeply in love with each other at first sight, but we got close to each other and admitted it over the net. Email wars. But after that it became more of a real life thing... and then there was otaku. Ahh, otaku... we hardly ever email each other any more. I truly believe that I will stay with him for the rest of my life, and I truly believe that I will die in his arms. [/font][/color]
[color=darkred][font=gothic] You people post so quicly, four pages a night at this rate!!! (stupid stupid quota) Religion is an iffy topic because there is do doubt that some people will be cut by it. Like it or not, there are people out there who build thier lives on the christian/catholic faith and [I]love[/I] doing it. They have a wonderful time. Any religion, for that matter. So you can understand why it might hurt a little to get onto the net and see people proclaiming things along the lines of "jesus is dead, get over it" and that sort of thing. I'm not attacking you, Jesus chicken, it's blunt and slightly impertinent but nevertheless true. And don't worry about continually saying things along the lines of "I'm sorry I don't mean to offend anyone." We know, if you were meaning to offend people you would probably do a better job of it. Yes, Gotenks, I am female. It feels wierd to have to explain that to people.... And another thing I simply can't ignore. I don't believe such a cynical bunch of people (except for lateralised, never heard of you before, hi there, nice to meet you) would walk straight past this: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by roxieortatiana [/i] [B]I don't understand you people. Why do you think blowing up the world with nukes is a good idea?? WHY? you yourself would be killed, too. Ok, so maybe they don't nuke YOUR country, but you will die from the radiation. I mean, it DOESN"T stay contained in one area. It would spread across the seas and eventually into your country(yes, EVEN Australia) and kill you. I don't understand why nukes are good (unless, of course, you WANT to die for some unfathomable reason) [/B][/QUOTE] I don't know where you got the picture that we actually want to blow the world up with nuclear weapons. Actually, I do... don't worry, they were just being really really stupid for "comedius perposa" as I like to put it. Sorry if it alarmed you. However, this is the second time you have skwarked over something.... (remember earlier?) and it seems to me that you are a serious person with a great care for the earth and it's people. That's a beautiful quality to have, but I don't share it with you and you clash horribly with people who do not share your concerns. Don't worry, I have met heaps of people in my life that have argued with me fervently for at least an hour because I don't believe that human beings are the most important things on earth. In fact, I believe that humans have ruined the planet so much that they have destroyed their right to be here at all. Well, you're thinking, there goes any religious ties with this particular antagoniser. Wrong. I am not atheist, as many of you would suspect. I am agnostic. Christianity, in my belief, is the bane of the earth's existence. And yes, to many many people, (2.54 billion I believe) that is excrutiatingly offensive and yes, there is an almost complete undeniably possibility that I will probably burn in hell for all existance after I die. But I have never been the kind of person to let other people's views affect my own. Back to nuclear war - (sorry, this is a wrong time to argue with me on this topic, I am debating it with st saviours college next wednesday, wish me luck) - radiation would not spread across the seas and kill everyone, however, it would make lots of people rather ill for a while. Here is a quote from my debating speech to round things off: [quote] But besides the widespread blast, radiation, and fire damage from individual bombs, nuclear weapons have a catastrophic global effect on climate. This possibility, known as the nuclear winter theory, dictates that the explosion of nuclear warheads would throw enormous quantities of dust and smoke into the atmosphere, sufficient to block out sunlight for several months. This would destroy plant life and create a sub-freezing climate until the dust dispersed. The ozone layer would also be affected, permitting further damage as a result of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. Were the results sufficiently prolonged, they could spell the virtual end of human civilisation. [/quote][/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen]Alastuin: do you even know the first thing about human nature? Zaltazar: No, it seems that I don't. Care to explain some of it? Alastuin: ... just... hold me... [I]Zaltazar, although puzzled, pulls her close to him again and soon enough she stops shaking. It is because she is fast asleep.[/I][/color]
[color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin gets up and scrapes sand onto the small fire, dousing it.[/I] Alastuin(kneeling beside him): As far as you want it to...[/color]
[color=darkgreen]Alastuin: How were you hoping me to take it, exactly? Zaltazar: Are you scared? Alastuin: Yes, I am rather. Zaltazar: Are you... ok? Alastuin: I don't know. Actually... no, now I'm not. Zaltazar: That wouldn't be because the light jsut dissapeared, would it? Alastuin: Yes, that's probably it. Zaltazar: You are scared of the dark? Alastuin: Not normally, no. But under these conditions - yes. I don't think we should go any further without light tonight. Zaltazar: Light is easy. What do you want to do? Alastuin:.......... Zaltazar: Alastuin? Alastuin:......... Zaltazar: ****. [I]Time passes, Zaltazar does not move. Suddenly, something grabs hold of his leg - he jumps, but then reaches down slowly to feel the top of whatever was holding him. It was Alastuin.[/I] Zaltazar: I suppose we are staying here for the night, then? Alastuin:......... Zaltazar: Fine, if you are going to be that way I will leave. Alastuin: Please - don't.... Zaltazar: Very well then. You're shaking....[/color]
[color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin sits crosslegged and leans back on one arm, combing her hair with the other hand.[/I] Alastuin: Well, there really isn't anything to explain, is there? It is rather straight forward, don't you think? Davien: Well, why do I not understand? Alastuin: Shock. Low self image. I don't know, really. Davien: And there is no way you can possibly explain it further? Alastuin: Well, there is [I]one[/I] thing, but I doubt it will clear things up. Actually it will probably make them a whole lot more complicated for you. Davien: And that is? Alastuin:.......... Davien: Well, I never expected you to tell me anyway. If it's any consolation. Don't bother next - [I]Davien is cut off as Alastuin leans forward and kisses him lightly on the lips, and then leans back again to monitor his reaction.[/I][/color]
[color=darkgreen][I]Spyder releases him from the kiss and kneels, burying her head in his lap and sobbing heavily. Davien comforts her, cradling her head against his chest and stroking her hair.[/I] Spyder: I am so sorry, Davien... Davien: It's ok, I knew you were just upset with me for surprising you. Spyder: I didn't mean it, I wasn't even thinking... Davien: It's ok, I swear. Spyder: I saw the hurt on your face. It's not ok. [I]She begins to cry again.[/I] Spyder: Take me home, my love... [/color]
[color=darkgreen] Alastuin(eyeing kredion): Nicely done. I think we should set up camp somewhere. Amy: But we have hardly left the province! Alastuin: I know, but you know how men can be.... [I]Davien glares at Alastuin, she smiles in return and stalks off down the path towards their destination.[/I][/color]
[color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin sighs and draws her dagger as Kreidon prepares for battle. Davien does the same, in silence.[/I] Kredion: Prepare to die, Davien. We have no need for you here, and although this is not our first time in battle, this time I will win. Alastuin: Cut out the pre-battle intimidation crap, Kredion, and get on with it. It is already getting dark and we aren't even near the next village. Kredion: I don't see how you have anything to do with - [I]Kredion assumes that whilst he is talking, the others will listen. But Alastuin tires of all the fighting that isn't going on and lunges in, quickly slashing at his chest and pulling back before Kredion has time to withdraw. Kredion stares with shock into her dancing eyes, they tell him that it was only a warning. Without pausing, Davien moves forward for the attack, Kredion still staring confusedly into Alastuins eyes.[/I][/color]
[color=darkred][font=gothic][size=2] As for Harlequin... was that directed at me? Did you even [I]read[/I] my last post? Why is nobody commenting on my behaviour? What is going on?[/size][/font][/color]
[color=darkred][size=2][font=gothic][I]I do not think that we should colonise space. If there are too many of us to fit in the home our Lord has granted us with, then we should try and fix the problem withing ourselves, not go against the way of the Lord. Why do we explore different planets when our own oceans are adept with mystery? Why must we seek what the Lord does not wish for us to have? He is not proud of what we are doing. I believe it is wrong. As for people who are worried because they don't know what side to take, ask yourself this - What would Jesus Chicken do?[/I][/font][/size][/color]
[Color=darkred]Cloricus - you are not listening to me. [I]Do not bother with the topic.[/I] I like watching where this is going. If you are going to post, then please actually read the previous posts people have made, not just look at them.[/color]
[color=darkred]Well, I have been away for a while and by the rate I am going I may not be on for a few more days after this. Eleven pages! Even though the last four have been entirely comprised of banter from Harlequin, Cloricus, Gokents and Jesus Chicken - I am rather enjoying it. Don't bother with the topic, as long as you aren't taking advantage of my thread to spamm your a**es off, have fun. From George Bush to GM... interesting, I wonder where it will go next? [/color]
Writing A Sonnet to My Shoe and some Fish
Ravenstorture replied to Ravenstorture's topic in Creative Works
[font=gothic][color=darkred] You will probably never know how much that poem meant to me because not only could I never find the adequate words, if I told you in person I would just be to in love with you to say anything at all. In truth, I thought it was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever written, ever, at all, not just to me but to anyone or anything. And nothing will ever ever surpass it. I was so incredibly happy when I found that that I cried, it was so beautiful, it made everything make sense and it made every pain bearable. I cannot describe what it did to me, and does to me everytime I look at it. Sometimes I cannot finish reading it for the constricting emotions it brings out in me. And I couldn't find any of these words when I replied you, even this paragraph took an hour and a half to write. Thank you so much, dear god it hurts how much I love you and how much I want to tell you that I love you, so that you could understand, but I can't, and if you felt the same way about me then you don't have the same problem with expressing it as much as I do, because when I read that poem I came closer to glimpsing how much you truly loved me and it was so incredibly beautiful that I cried, and I wish a thousand times that the things I write have the same effect on you, but it is one of the few things I think are impossible because my love for you is exponential and every second of our existance I find myself loving you more and more and more, and when we share our existance is the only time when words are not used to convey our love for eachother. I love you so much, I can't explain it at all, I can't measure it, it is infinite and you showed me how much that really was for you with that poem. I can't mirror it, I can't even try. Thankyou, I love you so much... [/color][/font] -
[color=darkgreen][I]Spyder swears loudly and finishes getting dressed, beginning to cry. Once that is done, she runs after Davien without saying a word to anyone. [/I][/color]
RPG For lo! If death should have a face...
Ravenstorture replied to The Harlequin's topic in Theater
[color=darkgreen][I]Anathema waits until Valiegh is safly in the back seat and, putting it into gear, turns the key in the ignition. The engine disagrees. It tells her there is no petrol. Anathema swears and then mutters a strange word under her breath, and the engine leaps into life. Grinning wildly, she drives wrecklessly for a while before Vukodlak inqures what she is so damn happy about.[/I] Vukodlak: What's so amusing? Anathema: Higher rank, can't even drive a car. Vukodlak: So? I can fly. Anathema: And I can speak ten thousad languages. Valiegh: And I want to know where we are going. Anathema: Oh, sorry. [I]*She swerves back onto the road.*[/I] Vukodlak: Who the hell are you, anyway? Anathema: You mean, who [I]in[/I] hell am I? Vukodlak: Whatever. Anathema: Head of communications. Vukodlak: Why does that not surprise me... Anathema: Because I'm so damn intelligent. Vukodlak: Well, why are you not head of intelligence then? Anathema: I am. But you're not meant to know that. Vukodlak: Why not? Anathema: Because I'm in the stealth sector. Vukodlak: Oh, haha. Anathema: What? Valiegh: Listen, I thought females could do two things at once. Anathema: Shutup, ok, I know I went off the road a while back but I'm sure it's a shortcut... Vukodlak: Famous last words...[/color] -
[color=darkgreen] Spyder: I had to take my clothes off to get him to lie down. I couldn't just say "Lie down" and hope that he will without being suspicious and thus tense. Davien: Why did he have to be lying down and relaxed? Spyder: It is important that the subject does not move much during the torture, or it becomes very difficult to burn him to the extent that I did. Davien: And that is why you are not wearing anything. Spyder: Burning rites drain me. I was tired. I lay down in the only bed I could be bothered to find, and fell asleep. Prince charming here woke me up. Saethi: About that... Spyder: I cleaned you up and put you to bed. Saethi: Where is my shirt? Spyder: I had to cut it off you. It was riddled with holes and soaked in blood. Davien: So you didn't sleep with him? Spyder(turning on davien): NO! I DIDN'T SLEEP WITH ANYONE BUT YOU, OK? Don't worry, your interests are well protected. [I]Spyder stalks angrily back into the bedroom and slams the door.[/I][/color]
[color=darkgreen]Spyder: I have no idea who [I]that[/I] is. I have no idea who any of you are. All questions must go through my manager. Goodbye. [I] Spyder attempts to shuffle through the door and escape, but Davien restrains her and after a while she gives up.[/I] Davien: One - you are not going anywhere without putting some clothes on and two, you are not going anywhere until you tell us your side of the story. Spyder: I had been thinking. About Luke, and his reaction to me. And you, Saethi. And you, Davien. Sorry, Cathos, but the thought of you never entered my mind. Davien: Do go on. Spyder: I wanted Luke out of the way, and so I came here.... Saethi: Yes? Spyder: ... and here I am. Davien(slamming her against a wall): God dammit, Spyder, did you sleep with him?! Spyder: No! Dear god no... not in the state he's in now, what kind of sick fool do you take me for? Davien(in a dangerously calm voice): Before you killed him. Spyder: Oh. Yes. Davien: WHAT?!! Spyder: But it's only because I'm such a [I]nice[/I] person, I had to let him die happy... Saethi: What a load of bullshit. Spyder: Ok, so I only slept with him to piss both of you off. Davien: But you didn't think we would find out. Spyder: Ok, ok - I didn't sleep with him. Davien: What [I]did[/I] you do, then? Spyder: I came here, led him on, kissed him a bit, scortched him before he realised there was something going on. Saethi: Why is he not wearing anything? Spyder: Oh, he is. But you can never tell in such a state.... Davien: Why are [I]you[/I] not wearing anything? Spyder: ...because I knew you were following me. What I [I]didn't[/I] know, was that Saethi would come home. [/color]
[color=darkgreen] Alastuin: Oh, in that case, I am rather happy I have that effect on you. Now tell me, what is that? Davien: What is what? Alastuin: That drake. Davien:.... it should be rather obvious that it is a drake. Alastuin: I [I]know[/I] that, but I don't know what a drake [I]is[/I]. Davien: Don't you? Alastuin: no, I don't. I only knew it was a drake because he said it was. Davien: So why are you happy to have those effects on me? Alastuin: I guess I enjoy it because the effect I usually have on people is, "AAAAAHHHH!!! WITCH! HERETIC! BURN, DEVILWORSHIPPER!!!" And then they attack me. Or, they scream and run away. Davien: People are so ignorant these days. Alastuin: I know. Just because I wear a pentagram and carry a spider in my pocket doesn't mean they can [I]stereotype[/I] me for it.... Davein: So... I accept you, and that is why you like having those effects on me? Alastuin: That, and the fact that I really really really like you. Davien: WHAT?!?! Alastuin(pointing at drake): Please tell me what that thing is. [/color]
RPG For lo! If death should have a face...
Ravenstorture replied to The Harlequin's topic in Theater
[color=darkgreen]OOC: Damn, I missed the fight. Anathema: Well, the closest large city to here is Mexico city, the largest metropolitan area in the world with a population of 15,047,685 people - Angel: Slow down. How far? Anathema:.....I don't know. Valiegh: Right... well, do you know which direction? Anathema: Of course, it's on the map. North-north-west. How are we planning to get there, exactly?[/color] -
[color=darkgreen] Alastuin: I can't decide! That's unfair. I have nothing to go off! Davien: Except my actions. Alastuin: And I don't know how to read them in you. I don't know how you act when you are not around me, either, and so I can't tell if you are like this all the time. Davien: Like what all the time? Alastuin: Hey look, a drake! Davien: Well, that's a big change of subject. Alastuin: So? Davien: Never mind.[/color]
Writing A Sonnet to My Shoe and some Fish
Ravenstorture replied to Ravenstorture's topic in Creative Works
[font=gothic][color=darkred]Oh god, I love you so much... I cannot believe that you wrote that for me, thank you so much, for everything, for saving my life, for giving yourself to me and taking me in return... thank you, dear god I love you....[/color][/font] -
[color=darkred][font=gothic]I was twelve, Cloricus. If you are charged with ANYTHING before you turn I think it's eightteen, you go to a juvenile detention center.[/color][/font]