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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen]Alastuin: Excuse me? Davien: Yes? Alastuin: Did you just suggest what I thought you did? Davien: I don't know. What did you think I suggested? Alastuin: I don't know. I didn't quite get it myself... do you care to make yourself clear? Davien: Not really. Alastuin: Would you anyway? Davien: Why should I? Alastuin: Because I asked you to. Davien: So? My life does nbot bow to your every desire, Alastuin. Alastuin: It's called common courtesy. Davien: No, it's not. I do not follow these rules of social conduct that you speak of. Alastuin(laughing again): Well, just answer me anyway. Davien: Why? Alastuin: Because I asked you to... Davien: ......and? Alastuin: PLEASE just answer me. Davien: Ok. What were we talking about again? [/color]
  2. [color=darkgreen]Alastuin: So do I. Davien: Oh, so [I]that's[/I] how you feel about me, is it? Alastuin: No, Kreidon pisses me off too. It's well overdue for him to get his guts strung up on a fence. [I]Davien smiles, Alastuin does not notice.[/I][/color]
  3. [color=darkgreen] Anathema: Nothing I need to know, I have been studying the realm for seven hundred years... Vukodlak: Well, things change pretty rapidly you know... Anathema: Yeah, I noticed. Vukodlak: Well, maybe you can save us the trouble... Anathema: Sorry, but we need to get to a town anyway. We can efectively do nothing in the middle of the lowlands... Vukodlak: I know that! I meant, save us the trouble of finding the doctrine. Anathema: Roman Catholicism is the faith of the vast majority of the people of Guatemala. The leading Protestant denominations are the Baptist and the Evangelical. Vukodlak: ......hmmm... Anathema: Listen, you don't [I]have[/I] to take my word for it. We can go find a priest anyway, if you like.... Vukodlak: Not 'if I like'. I DON'T like. I don't want. I WANT to get OUT of this STUPID - Anathema: Shhh, it's ok. Sorry to get under your skin... [I]Anathema turns tale and starts up the slope on a north course, taking a compass out of her pocket and humming an odd tune. The others follow.[/I][/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]My sister, she is really damn annoying!!!!!!!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Hear hear!!! I think we ALL agree on that one. I actually think I prefer you to her!!! And that's [I]really[/I] saying something... (god, I hope she doesn't read this site... :nervous: ) I HATE my sisters, I have three, and they are all older than me and they just sit on the phone to their boyfriends ALL THE TIME and when they're not on the phone they're on the net and they invite them over every sunday, it's really wierd... I was thinking of converting them to some demanding religion so that they go to church every sunday, there is nothing that pisses me off more than girls who are obsessed with their boyfriends!!!! And I also have two younger brothers, and they are the kind of ones that hang off you whenever they can, I mean literally, they jump on me and hang off me and use all of my military gear, and every time I have to go on a bivouack or a course or something, all of my stuff is missing AAAAAHHHH!!! And I hate dogs. We have SEVEN my father breeds CORGIS and they are so so so SO SO SOOO ANNOYING!! Yapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyapyap 24/7.[/color] [color=darkred]It's hard being a girl without a mother figure, my mum moved out three years ago because [/color][SIZE=3][color=crimson][B]HER DAUGHTER IS A COMPULSIVE LIAR!!!![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [color=darkred]The truth of it is I live alone with my mum and three cats, and I love my close family. I am also completely obsessed with my boyfriend, as he is the most amazing person in the entire universe. I am an only child and my father died, I ran him over with a combine harvester because HE was the family member that pissed me off the most. [/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zidane [/i] [B] My god, you have my deepest sympathy. I have nearly killed my brother by accident, I really dont want to talk about it as I will cry I was so scared . [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]What made it worse was that everyone blamed me for it, and i was even going to go to court before one of the guys there fronted up and told the whole story. I stil feel terrible because he would still be alive if I hadn't been there...[/color]
  6. [color=darkred]Utopia, concept of an ideal society. The word "utopia" was coined by Sir Thomas More in his work [I]Utopia[/I] (1516), from Greek terms meaning "no" and "place". Ha, ha, ha. [/color]
  7. Name: Spyder West Age: 15 Sex: Female Appearance: Red hair streaked with black, pale skin, wears black everything Personality: Very odd person, schitzophrenic, rather scary to some Background: Lived a life of solitude as she was classed as a freak by society. Rather intelligent however. Anything else: Hates teenyboppers, cheerleaders, people who play sport, people who follow fashions, blonds, bright colours, sunshine, journalists, licorice, capsicum and is addicted to narcotics.
  8. [color=darkgreen][I] Alastuin waits for the group to catch up with her at the mouth of the labyrinth, but she loved getting lost and teh tempation was too strong for her. Running after Zaltazar, she realises after about twenty minutes that that was a very stupid thing to do...[/I][/color]
  9. [color=darkgreen]Alastuin: Well, why did you tell him he "knew what you were going to ask"? After your carrying on about that stupid duel and that stupid crystal... men, you are all the same!!! Kreidon: ! [I]Alastuin stalks after Davien into the forest, the sounds of the group fading behind her.[/I][/color]
  10. [color=darkgreen][I]Anathema wipes her blades on her dress and replaces them. Breathing heavily, she walks over to where Terran lies on the ground, moaning. [/I] Anathema: You don't look alright. Do you want help? Terran: Doing what? Lying here, bleeding? Anathema: Do you want me to help you do things you are [I]meant[/I] to be doing, like walking around and stuff? Terran(smiling): No, I should be fine. Anathema: 'Should'... [I]Terran rises and winces at the wounds on his body. Anathema goes to help him up and he does not object. [/I] Anathema: We should be getting to a place with a healer soon, so don't worry. Terran(smiling): 'Should'...[/color]
  11. [color=darkgreen][I]Anathema fought the timeleap and paid the price every time. She hit the canopy at full speed and fell into warm, moist air without slowing down. The trunk of a massive fig swept past her, the details of the bark a blur. She reached out for it and dug her metallic nails in hard, gritting her teeth when splinters forces themselves into the soft flesh of her fingertips. She slowed, gradually, and then stopped - her feet three or so meters from the ground. Swearing, Anathema braced her feet against the trunk and pulled out her nails, throwing herself back into a somersolt and landing perfectly on two feet on the ground.[/I] "Damn,"[I] She thought to herself.[/I] "I wish there was someone arond to have seen that..."[I] She brushed herself off and looked around her. Thick jungle, the sounds of wild tropical birds and animals. Her map told her she was in South Guatemala. Ahh yes, she thought. Republic of Central America, bounded on the west and north by Mexico, on the east by Belize and the Gulf of Honduras, on the south-east by Honduras and El Salvador, and on the south by the Pacific Ocean. The country has a total area of 108,889 sq km (42,042 sq mi), and the capital is Guatemala City. Anathema consulted her pocket notebook.... it told her that deer, monkeys, and peccaries are common, especially in the sparsely populated lowlands. Other wild animals, including jaguar, tapir, and puma, are found in smaller numbers, and crocodiles inhabit some rivers. Birdlife is extremely rich; the brilliantly plumaged quetzal is the national bird. Interesting.... quite interesting. Anathema had studied the planet ever since she had died and kept a close eye on it. Now, out of experience, she knew she couldnt be far from the others. Startling a brilliantly plumaged quetzal, she set of in search of the rest of the group. [/I][/color]
  12. [color=darkgreen][I]Spyder awakes with a start and finds Davien gone. A search reveals him to be in the main room, meditating quietly, levitating slightly off the ground. She does not disturb him, and slips outside. A few seconds later, she knocks on the door of Luke's apartment. Inside, the sounds of a computer game stop and footsteps approach the doorway. A blot slides, and the door opens. Spyder stands there, smiling slightly at the shocked expression on Luke's face. [/I] Spyder: May I come in..? Luke:... um.... yeah... Spyder: Well, can I or can I not? Luke: Um, come in, yeah... [I]She steps inside, Luke shuts the door and faces her. Spyder smiles wickedly.... . . . Hours later, Saethi stumbles into Luke's apartment, covered in blood and panting heavily. Sirens scream past the darkened house.[/I] "Luke, are you here? You left the door unlocked, are you ok? Hey, Luke..."[I] Saethi gasps, clutching at his chest (OOC: for the second RPG now, I believe...) and collapses on the couch, bleeding heavily. Regaining some strength, he stands and wanders into Luke's bedroom and leans against the doorway, closing his eyes at the stabbing pains in his chest. He opens his eyes and gasps, the bullet wounds forgotten. Before him, Spyder lies on the bed, sleeping peacefully beside the charred remains of some humanoid figure. The body is too badly burnt to even be recognisable. A sickly sweet stench of burnt flesh hangs in the air. Saethi faints to be awakened an hour or so later on the bed where Spyder lay sleeping. She stands over him, wrapped up in black linen from the bed. Her clothes are piled on the floor, the body still beside Saethi. He looks at Spyder, then at the corpse, back at Spyder, and faints again. [/I][/color]
  13. [color=darkred][I]Well, here I am at last. Thanks for keeping a space for me.[/I] Name: Anathema West Age when died: 20 Time in Hell: approx. 700 years. Position in former life: High Priestess of a Wiccan Coven Position in Hell: Communications department (hehehe) Short bio of life/death: Ordained at the age of sixteen, practiced wicca for duration of life, burnt at the stake (yeah!) at age twenty for herecy. Appearance: Very long straight red hair streaked with black, wears black, very thin, pale, eyes entirely metallic black, (no whites, pupil whatever), Extendable sharp metal fingernails (see Latham Adytum for more on this wonderful little mutation of mine), can speak/understand/read/write in over three thousand languages fluently. Equipment: A long, thin dagger and fingernails. [/color]
  14. [I]Spyder glared at Harlequin before turning and noticing Athen in the corner, clutching at his chest with one arm, a grenade in the other. She gasped and ran to him, kneeling at his side.[/I] Spyder: Oh my god, what are you doing? Athen: Don't worry, you have things to do. Spyder: God dammit, don't divert the subject! What are you doing? Athen: I thought I might go out in style, you know... Spyder: WHAT?! Don't you dare - do you have any idea of the role you fill in our lives? How dare you take advantage of Harlequin and my love for you! We would be heartbroken if you did something like that to yourself - don't you dare! Athen(sighing): Don't think you can fool me, Spyder. We've been good friends for more than five years now, and you can't pull the wool over my eyes anymore. You have eachother, and Rico and Raiha... I'm just getting in the way and tagging along. Don't pretend you'll miss me so you don't feel guilty later on. Spyder(changing tactics): Well, if you are going to be so bloody-minded about it, then have it your way. But don't even think about pulling the pin down here. If you really did care about us so much as to leave us, then you may have the heart to sacrifice yourself for a minute to save us all in the process. Athen: What? Spyder: Look. [I]*She takes the grenade from Athen's hand and hooks it on her belt, taking his hand in her own.*[/I] Did you somehow forget in your selfishness that we are ten or so metres underground? And in a confined space, at that? And you decide to blow yourself up with a nasty shrapnel grenade not three feet of the people who love you the most... Athen: ...... Spyder: We all love you dearly, and I know you are finding it difficult to go on but you can't just - [I]Athen sighs once more and cuts her off by opening his coat and taking his hand away from his chest. Spyder gasps and sits up, her eyes transfixed upon the bloodsoaked bandages. Moving upon reflex, she pulls Athen away from the wall so that he is lying flat on the grond. Slicing the bandages off with a fingernail, she peels them back to reveal a horrid, infected mess of raw flesh and bone. She turns to Harlequin in shock. [/I] "You never told me it was this bad!!!"[I] She proclaims. The others hear her reaction and come to look at Athens wounds, which seem to be worsening by the minute.[/I] "They weren't..."[I] He replies, looking at Athens chest in as much shock as Spyder. [/I]
  15. [color=darkred]Well, I am only going off what I have been told and my own experience. Sorry if it doesn't conform with your views.[/color]
  16. OOC: I'm ok with that. Spyder: Ok, what were you considering taking? Harlequin: Obviously not what we can't carry with ease, blades a priority over distance weapons.... Spyder: So.... can I just go in and take whatever I want? [I]Harlequin hands her a key.[/I] Harlequin: Take this, and go and raid your own room. [I]Spyder opens another doorway at the back of the room and slips inside, reemerging with another armload of some very interesting weapons. She stands in the corner and removes her outer garments, securing certain weapons in strategic places whilst redressing her self over he layers of guns and daggers. The other begind to sort through the thousands of assorted implements of torture and destruction.[/I]
  17. [color=darkgreen]OOC: My char is free for you to use, as well. And I have no problems travelling through future etc, as I am demonic etc.[/color]
  18. OOC: What the hell does everybody think the plainlands are? This is about the third time someone has posted it to be something different to what I had in mind, and although I didnt make it clear I thought it would be rather obvious that they are PLAIN LAND - land outside the city with very few buildings, etc. Lots of open fields, spotted houses every K or so, etc. I am ok with whatever you want it to be, but how many times have we suggested getting OUT of the city? Why are we still in the city???
  19. [color=darkgreen] Alastuin: Davien.... Davien:.... Alastuin: Look at me, please. [I]Davien turns once more, still in Alastuin's grasp. He looks her dead in the eyes, and smiles slightly. It disapears before she notices.[/I] Alastuin: Are you alright? Davien: Yes, why wouldn't I be? Alastuin: I just thought that.... never mind. [I]She cuts herself off as footsteps are heard behind them.[/I][/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B]Yes, I am aware of the usual military practice of sealing borders. But consider the terrain we are talking about here. We have had troops scouring the place for however long now, and they are still turning up people. Do you really think a smaller force could possibly police the entire border, as well as keep control of the cities that might happen to object to a government that outlaws music. And you do not need a VISA, if you are a refugee. Anybody leaving the country like that is, technically, a refugee. And what does it matter about VISA's in Egypt anyway? National policy, when the country is independant, is not dictated by foreign nations, aside from in Australia... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Sealing the borders is not a military practice, it is a govermental measure of security taken to ensure that the country simply does not "run away". I meant VISA as in 'ticket to leave the country'. Without it, you cannot leave, and if you do manage it you are incarcerated. Refugees are shot, remember. The people who made it to their destinations were incredibly lucky. [/color]
  21. [I]Spyder held Harlequin and sighed contentedly.[/I] Harlequin: You feeling better, then? Spyder: Much. I agree with whoever said we should leave, we should leave. I have a craving for a cup of tea... Rico: Are you sure you are ok? Harlequin: This is perfectly normal. Raiha: Where are we going to go? Spyder: I don't know, the plainlands again I suppose... there aren't many living things left out there so we can catch our breath and think of what we are going to do. Athen: Wasn't there going to be a meeting, of some sort? Isn't that why we are here? Spyder: One, it may very well be a trap for any surviving sane resistors out there, set by the lightbearers to finish them off. Two, I dont think there are any sane people left... if there are, they will be more chance of us finding them in the Plainlands. Harlequin: I take it you were planning to use my house as a base, then? Spyder: If you don't mind. After all, your arsenal is there... Harlequin: So is yours. Spyder: So is everything else I own. Athen: Then it's decided?
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B] And how many of these unfortunates fully condoned the rule of the corrupt power they were under the control of? Make no mistake, I know that the major percentage of people disliked the Taliban rule, but most of those who disliked it where out of the country, or attempting to leave it. It was those who wished Taliban rule to continue that stayed.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Not so. It is more difficult to leave a middle eastern country in political instability than it was to enter the USA with bombs strapped all over you on the fifteenth of September, 2001. When a country of the south finds itself under the eye of the world, or if it finds itself somewhat out of other country's favour, it practices the act of "populus lockdown". Not many people know of it, but it happened to Greece when I was living in it and there was conflict over the island of Cyprus and when Cezkoslovakia split up. During the communist revolution in the 1840's, the eastern border was completely sealed up. People who attempted to leave Nigeria three years ago were shot on site. Most of the country would have left Afghanistan if they had the choice, but do you think that a politic party that outlawed music would let everyone just leave when they got control? It is nearly impossible to leave middle eastern countries as it is. Egyptians cannot get visas unless they have a written invitation from someone in another country. And even then the price is incredibly expensive, and you have to be in a trained profession. People take their freedom for granted in Northcountries, that is why there was so mcuh controversy and hatred being thrown around over Axis of Evil states. [/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by roxieortatiana [/i] [B] Let me say this: YOU HAVE NO HEART WHATSOEVER!!!!! You don't care about INOCENT PEOPLE AT ALL??????? You are TRULY TRULY cruel, you are WORSE than the Taliban WORSE than Al-Queda, WORSE the the DEVIL HIMSELF, you know that? you TRULY, TRULY, TRULY, have no heart. Did you ever stop and think about all those INNOCENT, COMPLETELY INNOCENT people inside the World Trade Center? DID YOU EVER THINK ABOUT THAT? Did you ever think about the little boy who's dreams of becoming a Major league baseball play were shattered when he died that day? did you ever think about that sweet 16 year old, who's search for true love was torns up because she died? Did you ever think about the woman who's hopes of earning a little more income to support her family were ripped into shreds because she died? Did you EVER stop and think about any of that? ANY OF THAT AT ALL??[/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Did the us army corps stop and think of that before they went and slaughtered all the INNOCENT victims in the middle east, who also had hopes and dreams? How many people died in 9/11? Triple it. That is the number of innocent people that have been killed in the "War Against Terrorism." Their dreams were probably different to those of the americans, though - they would have been wishing for clean water, rain, political stability, or at least safty. Perhaps some of them may have been wishing to be major league baseball players, or for true love, or for enough income to support their families, but then again they could be wishing that their families hadn't been torn up by a US machine gun because they "got in the way."[/color] [QUOTE][B]I suppose not. Just because you hate the government doesn't mean you have to hate the people of that country? Please, go blame the government, not those innocent people who's dreams, searches, and hopes were gone because they died. Please, don't. I truly hope that some part of this will get into your head. God bless you. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]The government are people also. They are just like you, and just like me. Don't bless me, please. There are people out there who need your blessing more than I do.[/color]
  24. [color=darkred]Hmmmm, that [I]would[/I] be rather interesting...[/color]
  25. [color=darkgreen]Davien: Yes, that is correct. Alastuin: How would [I]you[/I] reduce my hostility towards [I]you[/I] anyway, hmmm? Davien: Well, there are a number of ways. Alastuin(standing up): I'm listening. Davien: No, you're not, you are preparing for a fight. Alastuin: Oh, am I? Sorry, I didn't notice. Davien: Hmmmm. [I]Alastuin walks over to Davien and stands close to him, placing her hands on his shoulders.[/I] Alastuin: You sound awfully annoyed... Davien(startled): I wasn't.... Alastuin: Wasn't? Davien(pushing her away): But I might be soon. [/color]
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