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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]People with severe mental disorders like schitzophrenia have treatment available, and it does work. They can lead average lives and be self-sufficient. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred] I am sorry, but I will have to disagree with you there. A doctor with schitzophrenia may be able to help you, but doctors dislike patients to an acute degree, and the percentage of doctors with psychotic disorders in western culture is shockingly low. However, an interesting point, psychiatrists have the highest suicide rate of all professions! I wonder why that might be?[/color] [QUOTE][B]People who are actually in mental institutions because of their condition aren't considered for euthanasia as often because their situations aren't hanging in the balance between life and death. No one said they're peachy-keen, but they are carrying on living, whether it is a desirable state of living or not. ... And patients in mental institutions....... Do you have any idea how much money the government puts into them? If euthanasia could be more accessible to the 'powers that be' who would decide who lives and dies, hardly anyone would be in there for long. And it's not just the severely ill that would be taken out, after a while it could be anyone that's taking up too much of their money, including those who would have a chance at recovery or at least living a decent life.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred] Doctors care about their patients because they are paid to, as I am sure you will agree. That is probably why you say they will not hesitate to sacrifice them to lower costs etc. But if they would use euthanasia against patients in the psych branch, don't you think they would not care very much in the way of a cure for schitzophrenia, etc? Well, as a victim of the medical prefession, I can safely say that they DON'T. People in this country are paid to be sick. In Chia, however, the system is the other way around. The families pay the doctors when they are well, when they fall ill the payment stops. This way the doctors have an incentive to keep the populus well, not sick. As this is not the case in Australia, we have a much higher rate of perscriptions and so forth.[/color] [QUOTE][B]Point is, you can't just throw around death. Life was never signed with a guarentee of happiness, but that doesn't mean you terminate it because you got one of the harder bargains. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred] I am sure that the medical profession on government would be well aware of that if euthanasia was legalised. [/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]just to make it clear again i dint hate life and i am not some weird psychopath person. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Hey, what's wrong with being wierd and psychopathic?! :devil: [/color]
  3. [color=darkgreen] Alastuin(calling to Davien): What are you doing? [I]No reply. Alastuin notes that the others seemed to have been held up, but instead of going to investigate she sits at the base of the pinetree and takes out her spider, letting it crawl over her fingers. She mutters words to it in a strange language, and the spider pays no attention, walking continuously over her fingers like a conveyor belt, never seeming to tire. Davein leaps gracefully down from the tree and watches Alastuin talk to her spider for a few miutes. She has not heard him land.[/I] [/color]
  4. [color=darkgreen]Alastuin: Well, if you are interested in fiding out what's inside the labyrinth, why don't we all go and [I]find out?[/I] Zaltazar: Why do you persist? Alastuin: Why do you keep not answering me? Zaltazar: Why are you so damn keen on going in there? Alastuin: Why aren't you? Zaltazar:............ Alastuin: you're afraid, aren't you. Zaltazar: I am not. Alastuin: Well, then why? [/color]
  5. [color=darkgreen] Alastuin: Well, how good are you at climbing trees? Davien: Good enough. Why...? Alastuin: I was considering climbing one to see how close we are to the edge of the forest, which towns are around, where we are going etcetera. Davien: Why? Alastuin: Because I want to know where we are going. Davien: And I want to know why. Alastuin: Well, some philosophers and alchemists climb trees to clear their heads, but I don't know if we have time. Davien: Ha ha ha. How about that one? [I]He points to a tall pine tree twenty metres or so ahead.[/I] Alastuin: Looks good. You or me? Davien: Hmmmm.... you, this time. I have already climbed two in your company, I would rather like to see this side of you. Alastuin: What?! Davien:..... I didn't mean it that way! Alastuin:*glare* Oh well, I suppose it's only fair. [I]Alastuin walks over to the tree and begins to climb it, scaling the evenly spaced branches quickly. Once she has reached the top she laces her legs aroung the thin trunk and parts the foliage, looking about her.[/I] [/color]
  6. [color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin catches up with Zaltazar.[/I] Alastuin: So, I take it the labyrinth scheme was a bad one? Pity, because I just thought of a way to get through it. I thought it would be fun, anyway.... and another thing. Zaltazar: Hmmm? Alastuin: What do you think is in the centre of the labyrinth? [/color]
  7. [color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin catches up with Davien and walks with his ahead of the others.[/I] Davien: What do you want now? Alastuin: Reconciliation. Davien: [I]Re[/I]conciliation? Where did the [I]re[/I]come from? Alastuin: Probably before I met you. But I thought that it would be sensible as - Davien: Sensible? Don't treat me like I am an idiot. You are not doing this to be sensible, you are doing it to ensure yourself comfort - a luxury around me. Alastuin: Surely not. What have I ever done to you? Davien: You got in my way. Not to mention my bed too. Alastuin: Ha! We both know I may not be alive right now had it not been for that. Davien: That's why I find it particularly annoying that you found me.... Alastuin: Well, like it or not, you will be spending some time with me. And we need our energy to be saved for the fighting [I]other[/I] creatures... Davien: [I]You[/I] may need to, I however don't tend to spend any energy fighting you. Alastuin: Yeah. You seemed rather relaxed when I carried you into Kendale. Davien: Why did you do that, anyway? If you knew I was faking it? Alastuin: What else would I have done? Poked you with the toe of my boot and said, "Please, Davien, come with me before it gets dark. I'm scared!" Davien: *glare* Alastuin: I had to take you, otherwise there was no way I could have retrieved you successfully. Davien: What would you have done had I have knifed you in the lower back? Alastuin(sarcastically): Rolled around bleeding for a while. Well, I was carrying you, if I had felt you make the slightest move I would have dropped you and broken your neck. Davien: I think not, somehow. Alastuin: Of course I wouldn't have, but it sounded impressive. [/color]
  8. [I]Spyder lay on the grass, feeling the energy from the earth seep into her. Finally, when she felt ready enough, she stood once more and was releved to find she had regained her strength. Her passing was over. Drawing her dagger, she motioned to Rico to follow her as she ran into the fray once more, hacking mannequins off her left and right. [/I] Spyder: We have to get out of the city! Athen: Oh, you're ok.... Harlequin: :D Raiha: We should wait until there is a slowing in the flow of these creatures, and make a run for it. Spyder: What the hell are they? Rico: More importantly, where the hell are they coming from?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] [color=purple]Maybe so Raven, but would you like it if thousands were wiped out where you are? Just bc your political leaders f*cked up?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Surprisingly enough, I would like that quite alot. The political leaders would probably dislike it, however, and I see that as a good thing.
  10. [color=darkred]And that brings in the whole concetp of family, such as the woman with cancer who wants her two sisters to be with her when she dies but if she does not get the rights to euthanasia and she kills herself, her sisters will go up for manslaughter. (And with the incredible suffering endured to seek out euthanasia, my love, dignity would be the last thing on one's mind.....)[/color]
  11. [color=darkred]You do good deeds to make the world a better place, but what does that mean? What is "better"? Especially when it comes to the world. And once again we are brought back to the ramblings of my favorite philosopher Nietzsche, and his question of "what is good and what is evil?" because after all, it all comes back down to opinion...... [/color]
  12. [color=darkgreen]Spyder: Both. I don't know... [I]She begins to cry again.[/I] Davein: Shhh, 's ok. Why are you upset? Spyder: I don't know. Davien: Well, why is it not working with Saethi? Spyder: I don't know. Davien: Well, at least come and lie down... [I]Spyder allows Davien to pick her up in his arms and lie her on his bed. He removes her shoes and lies down beside her, holding her hand. [/I] Davien: You were a vampyre, weren't you? Spyder: How do you know? Davien: Hmmm, call it a hunch. Besides, vampyres are rather emotional creatures at times as well. Spyder: Yes, but demons? Davien: It wasn't your fault you were killed in that way. Spyder: I think it was, actually. Davien: Well, anyway, it doesn't matter now. [/color]
  13. [color=darkgreen] Anathema: I don't know. Davien: Not funny and not fair. Anathema: No, seriously. I can't tell you who I am, you will have to decide that for yourself. But I can tell you my past... Davien: Go on... Anathema: Oh, don't pretend you are interested, please.... Davien: Whether or not I am interested is against the point. Go on. Anathema: Ok, well...I grew up in the village of Ghrendail, and lived good happy life until I was expelled from the village for slaughtering and mutilating seventeen children of the community. They labelled me 'insane' by trial and I was exiled into forest. That was about five years ago. My only regrets were that I cannot do it again. Davien: So... your opinion on vampyres? Anathema: I like killing anything that moves. If people are on a quest to kill something, I'm in. I sensed that that is what you were doing, so I followed you. Davien: Why were you lying outide a nest of vampyres, is what I was really asking. Anathema: Oh, I was contemplating going in there myself. Davien: Feeling a bit suicidal lately, are we? Anathema: yeah, actually... I was. Davien: Was? Anathema: I would do anything for a kill, if it was left long enough.... Davien: And it has been a while, then, I suppose? Anathema: Oh yeah, I just got released from imprisonment.... Davien: Let me guess. For murder? Manslaughter? Genocide? Anathema: Insanity. Davien: close enough. [I]They continue on in silence, reaching the tavern at the other end of town.[/I][/color]
  14. [color=darkgreen][I]Spyder wipes her eyes and leans against the wall.[/I] Spyder: Believe it or not, that's why I was crying. Davien: So what, you come back here to use me because Saethi wouldn't take you, is that it?! Spyder(suddenly scared): No, no... that's not it at all. Davien: You're pathetic. Spyder: I know, I know... I was never a very good demon... that's why I'm here, and I can't go back home. I never learnt to kill my emotions. Daveie: Ha, that's funny. You have certainly killed mine. [I]Spyder breaks down crying and slides down the wall until she is sitting crouched in the corner, sobbing violently.[/I][/color]
  15. [color=darkgreen][I]Anathema falls back to Davien and walks with him in silence for a while.[/I] Anathema: Can I ask you a question? Davien: You just did. Anathema: Don't do that, please, it's rather irritating. [I]The soft moonlight reveals a slight smile on Davein's face, gone in a moment.[/I] Anathema: How did you find each other? Are you part of an organisation, of sorts? Where you called? Or did you all just sort of, come together? Davien: Too many questions. [I]Silence.[/I] Anathema: Well, answer me this... Who are you? [/color]
  16. [color=darkgreen] Spyder(spinning around): What the hell do you want?! Saethi: Um, nothing. I just wanted to talk, is all... Spyder: About what....? Saethi(suddenly angry): Never mind. [I]Saethi storms off and climbs into the car, slamming the door and gunning the engine impatiently whilst Luke dragged his eyes of Spyder and climbed into the car after Saethi. Spyder waited until the car had sped around the corner before unlocking the car and driving back to Davien's house. She is unsurprised to see the window bolted and the curtains drawn, but she sits in the alleyway on his pile of books and cries anyway. [/I][/color]
  17. Spyder: I am really scared and I am nowhere near enough ready to fight anything at the moment... I need rest. We should go back to the shelter, if that's ok with you guys.... Harlequin: I agree, you are far too weak at the moment to combat anything. [I]Harlequin picks Spyder up and the three walk back to the house. There they found Rico and Raiha back to back in the yard, bravely fighting off hundreds of the small, determined beasts. Harlequin runs inside and lies Spyder down on the floor of the shelter-room before running out and slamming the door behind him. Spyder tries to get comfortable on the floor for a while before she has the energy to raise herself and crawl over to one of the bunks against the far wall. She reaches it and attempts to climb on top of it but suddenly she is hit once more with the pain of memories of living and she screams, falling back onto the floor and shaking uncontrollably. Outside, the fight continues. [/I]
  18. [color=darkred] Rene Descartes was a drunken fart. 'I drink, therefore I am.' (but what was the question?!?) "Consumus Ergo Sium" Ahh, yes... the Ultimate Answer. [/color]
  19. [color=darkred] I happen to be a: INFP very expressed introvert moderately expressed intuitive personality moderately expressed feeling personality distinctively expressed perceiving personality [/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B]Say we take it off depression. and put it on broader front. Neurosis, shizophrenia, bipola, etc? What then? What about chronic conditions? Do you think those people are just whiners? People who wouldn't know what's best for them? Whether it is that, or just depression, people always the right to make their own decisions. In that case, it's not about not letting them kill themselves, which they probably will if it is that bad anyway, it is about letting them die with grace. It's about preventing further pain. Trying to commit suicide and failing puts you in a worse state than you originally were. Which adds to the problem. Saying that people with mental problems are in no position to decide for themselves what is right or wrong for them is pure egotism. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]Why are you linking psychotic disorders with euthanasia? Psychosis is fun!! You of all people should agree with me on that one.;) And now to live up to my contradicting nature and link euthanasia to mental illness like nobody has ever done before, mwahahaha... Euthanasia has never been considered with mental illness, because the paradigm states that mental illness is painless. Mental pain, in other words, does not exist. So that is why if someone with a mental illness wishes for the unbearable REAL pain to subside, they go for suicide and not euthanasia, because they would be laughed out of court, so to speak. And when a mentally ill person opts for suicide, they label them "depressed" and stick them in a different ward. Nobody believes us when we say it hurts, and in my opinion (based on experience, james & cloricus ;)) mental pain can be quite alot worse than physical pain. And anyway, is not pain of any kind mentally oriented? [/color]
  21. [color=darkred]The Vision of Endless Return: Everything comes back without stopping. If the universe had a goal, it would have already reached it. If it had a motive, it would have already achieved it. Finite are the elements that make up the universe, finite are the combinations that exist between them Only time is endless. Everything already existed and will exist again. - Fredrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, 1878 Life may have no point, but neither do barbie dolls. When you way out the pro's and cons. Same goes for licorice, journalists and my father. I like fish, though. Fish are good...[/color]
  22. [color=darkgreen]Alastuin: Well, I know what I want to do. Zaltazar: That's nice. Are you going to tell up what it is? Alastuin: Well, call me old fashioned, but when [I]I[/I] come across a massive underground labryinth, I don't just say oh, that's nice and keep walking. Rogan: So... what are you suggesting we do? Alastuin: Dear god man, is it not obvious? Zaltazar: Perhaps not so much as obvious as 'too stupid and dangerous to even consider.' Alastuin: Well, I reckon it will be fun. Zaltazar: You said we can only go so far before your map runs out. Alastuin: What I figure is, if you give me a hand up onto one of the walls every day or so, I can scetch a new map of our surroundings. From different vantage points. Enron: Every [I]day[/I] or so? Alastuin: Yeah, I think it might take about a month or so to get to the middle. Rogan: And why are we ehading for the middle? Zaltazar: Think about it. Someone didn't carve this beautiful, intricate maze underground just because they 'felt like it'. It has to be guarding something. Alastuin: And it had better be good, too. Enron: Will we be safe in there, though? Alastuin: I don't know. The naga are pretty intelligent. They wouldn't wander mindlessly through their own labyrinth, I don't think. Zaltazar: Unless the thing in the middle was precious enough to guard. Enron: Don't you think that they would just let other monsters roam around in there for that? Alastuin: Well, we're about to find out, aren't we? [I]Alastuin runs off down the tunnel once more, not waiting for the others to follow.[/I][/color]
  23. [color=darkgreen][I] Spyder gets out of the car and walks into the nightclub. Seeing Saethi and his friend in the corner, she orders a drink at the bar, double scotch or something, and accidentally spills it over the abar. Apologising frantically, she waits until the bartender has turned his back to get a cloth before she taps the bar with her fingernail, setting it ablaze. Spyder then turns and walks over to Saethi, oblivious of the screams of panic and then pain of the bartender catching on fire himself, waft behind her.[/I] Luke: .....wow. Saethi: Luke, meet Spyder, Spyder, this is Luke. Spyder(Eyeing Luke): Very nice to meet you... Luke: .....wow. Spyder(turning to Saethi): About last night. What happened? Saethi: Um, we... kissed eachother for a bit. Spyder: Hmmmm. Right, glad I cleared that up. I uesd to feel quite strongly for you, you know... Saethi: Really? Spyder: But I don't anymore. Sorry. Actually, wait - no I'm not. Luke: .....wow. Saethi: Will you stop saying that? Luke:...... um, what? Spyder: It's the cleavage, isn't it. Or is it the fishnets....[I]Spyder lifts her leg up onto the table and examines her leg. Luke begins to drool.[/I] Saethi: That's not very nice. [I]A waiter comes over to ask if they would like any more drinks, but Spyder waves him away and he turns and walks off, but not before Spyder can set the tail of his apron on fire.[/I] Luke: .....wow. Spyder: I know, but neither am I. Your friend here, Luke, was it...? Saethi: Yeah. Spyder: Luke, you seem to have a keen interest in me, no? Luke: .....yeah....um, hang on a minute! What makes you think that? Spyder: Nothing. [I]She stands readjusts her skirt before stalking out of the nightclub, lokoing bored. Saethi sighs, and stands to follow her. Luke quickly stands also.[/I][/color]
  24. [color=darkred]The first things I would buy are two really really good stereos, and a PS2 for (yeah, you know who you are.) Then I would buy (drumroll) the ultimate computer. And then a scanner, webcam, CD burner, discman, broadband, and a cheesecake... Any leftover money I would put onto a credit card and use to buy EVERYTHING at [url]www.goodgoth.com.[/url] I love that site.... I doubt there would be any left after that, but IF there was, I would buy a heap of black paint (for - you guessed it, the lucky guy with the new PS2) and any military stuff I needed and did not have (ie - a torch. I will kill myself if I do not geta maptorch SOON!) and then I would spend the rest on cheesecake (ignoring the reproving glare from the guy with the new PS2 in his new freshly painted black bedroom). Speaking of which, I had a dream the other night that I went on that weakest link show, and when i won and they asked me what I was going to do with the money I said "put it towards my HECS fees" and the woman hit me over the head with a boom mike!! [/color]
  25. [color=darkgreen][I]Spyder decides to park across the road from the nightclub where she saw Saethi last. She massages her temples and thinks of how to confront Saethi about what happened last night. She then realises that she thought the exact same this last night, but in reverse. Perhaps she wouldn't have to confront him at all.... hang on a minute. "I'm a demon, for christ's sake!" She exclaims outloud. "I don't need to be worrying about who's feelings I am going to hurt next, and how to avoid it! Damn them both, I'll flirt with whoever I damn well want. I'm here to wreak havok, and wreak havok is exactly what I am going to do!!" She smiles, and continues carving patterns on the dash of Davien's beautiful car. [/I][/color]
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