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Everything posted by Ravenstorture
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] [color=purple]I think that's overdoing it. There isn't a coutnry on this Earth that deserves to have thousands of innocents slaughtered. The ones who deserve punishment, if this is your view, should be the political leaders that put America in these situations.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Hehehe, and if there is one country that needs to learn that lesson it's America. Hear hear, Quatre's gurl.
Cloricus, you may know a bit about suicide, but you know little to nothing on the topic of Euthanasia and it is important for you not to integrate the topics when you are talking about your opinion. Unless there is some deeply moveing, sad story you have for some reason kept from us, choosing instead to recite others over and over agan.....:demon:
[color=crimson]You had better merge these posts, my love... three in a row, not good....[/color] [color=darkgreen]Alastuin: Anyway, the reason I followed you is because I lied when i said there were only a few splits in the way. Zaltazar: Oh? And why did you do that? Alastuin: Because i'm a compulsive liar at times. Zaltazar(stopping her): So tell me the truth then, before we go any further. Alastuin: I made a map, at the beginning of the labyrinth... Zaltazar: Labyrinth? Alastuin: I'll show you. [I]They continue along the tunnel for about a minute before it opens up into a vast cavern, reaching as far as the eye can see in each direction. The floor is carved with intricate patterns, like that of a maze. Zaltazar gasps in apreciation.[/I] Alastuin: I made a rough sketch of it. Zaltazar: Why? It's just a relief, is it not? [I]Alastuin points to her left, a staircase carved into the wall stretches down a long way. It brings the rest of the cavern into perspective - not only does the ground look further away, but the carvings jump into perspective and suddenly it is apparent that they are not relief carvings, but walls - each two or so meters high. [/I] Zaltazar: Oh, I see. Well. Damn. Alastuin: That's why I took so long. But even with this map, we can only get so far. I can't see half of this thing! Zaltazar: And... have you.... Alastuin: Yeah, I tried that... it's not an illusion. Pity. Those things were really - Zaltazar(interrupting):We'd better get back to the others.[/color]
[I]Spyder stretches, then lies back down again, curled around Harlequin like a cat.[/I] Spyder: Sure, go ahead, I know how you feel. Except that when you came back... Harlequin: Hmmmm? Spyder: I was just to ... obsessed... to ask you anything. And then all that stuff happened... But I have a question for you, first. Harleqin: Yes, my love? Spyder: how do [I]you[/I] feel? I mean, I just killed myself in front of you... Harlequn: Yes, but it's different here. Spyder: I guess so. You don't mind, do you? Harlequin(smiling): Of course not. I love you. Spyder: I love you too. I feel closer to you now. Harlequin: Although I admit I was scared... Spyder: I don't blame you. The same happened when you died, remember? Harlequin: Not really. Spyder: We were crossing the plainlands and we were attacked by that bunch of bandits. You were run through and they raped me while you were passing... Harlequin: You never told me that!! Spyder: I didn't want you to know. I left before you finished passing, I didnt want to, but I knew I had to. Harlequin: I was glad you did.
[I] I felt a falling sensation, nausia seeping through from my bones and liquidising my organs. Weightlessness overcomes me, followed by a brilliant white light and the sound of screaming. The screams sloidify and I am floating in plasma, my body stretched beyond belief in the nonexistant primordial soup of my memories in HTML, or whatever the physical equivalent is. There is a low growling sound at the back of my head and distant limbs begin to numb under the weight and cold of the liquid. No air, no breathing, my body is saturated with the static of existance. No life flashing before my eyes, no cupboard filled with all the things I have lost. Damn, I had been looking forward to that. Sudden release of pressure, the slime I lie submerged in slips away beneath me and I lie in a cast iron bathtub in an old house. The house has been wrecked by fire, and the roof is supported on one side by a blackened wall, the other side dips low to the ground. I stand and find no blood in my head. Here come the memories...[B]howlonghaveyoubeeninthatbathtubyoungeladyasksmymothershestandsbhindmeandhandsmearollingpinsoicanrolloutthedoughihavemadeforthechristmaspuddingfortonightsdinneriscoldihavebeensittingoutsideforanhournowandnobodyhascometofetchmebutitdoesntmatterbecauseiwasneverlovedlikemyatherlovedmehestandsbeforemeandpushesmyfaceintothebleedingbodyofmymotherwhohasjustgivenbirthtotheendofmyfreedom...[/B] I awake witha shock, and look around me. It is dark, cold, wet, raining.... my head lies in the lap of my god. He is carved of stone and stares lifelessly ahead. I stand and find that I have needles suck in my body, and Harlequin suddenly laughs and stands and knocks me to the ground with his stone fist I fall and fall and fall and land and the pain overcomes me and my legs are broken and I am lying in the lap of my god, Harlequin, he smiles down at me and strokes my face. I hear the distant humming of an hawaiian tune and wonder if the passing isn't over yet...[/I]
[I]Spyder sat in silence for a while, contemplating. She then stood, abruptly, and kissed Harlequin passionately before running and jumping off the apex of the roof. A dull thud was heard a second later, then silence. Athen and Harlequin ran to the edge of the roof and peered over the edge. Spyder's body lay on the hard ground below, twisted and lifeless.[/I]
[color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin gathers her things and grabs the branch she took with her into the tunnel before relighting it.[/I] Alastuin: Well, think about it and keep yourselves warm and dry. As for me, I'm going to follow Zaltazar. Enron: Um, why? Alastuin: Because right now, I know this cave better than anyone, and there were a few things I forgot to mention... [I]With this she runs off into the winding darkness, leaving the others to collect their things and stand against the walls in silence.[/I] [/color]
[color=darkgreen][I]Spyder wakes to find Davien asleep. She rises quietly and dresses herself before slipping outside into the alleyway and unlocking Davien's car. She thought of leaving him a note, but she might be back before he awakes or if not, he would understand. She hoped. Deciding to track down Saethi, she first goes to his house but finds it empty, an unmarked police car directly across the road. She moves on without slowing down and decides to visit the last nightclub they were seen at. [/I][/color]
[color=darkgreen]Alastuin: Ahem, here here. I say we just go. I have my weapons, and I know where we are going, so.... I'm leaving. [I]Alastuin walks off, not bothering to see if anyone's following.[/I] Davien: Are you going to give me my raven back? Alastuin(patting her hip): Come and get it. [/color]
[color=darkgreen]Where do people get off thinking they can govern other people's lives? What makes people think that their choice is somehow better than the person in question's? How many of you have ever experienced extreme mental and physical pain, to the point of not being able to maintain your sanity? How many of you know the full extent of torment and suffering mental illness can bring? How many of you know the extent of [I]insanity, torment and suffering some diseases can bring?[/I] Do any of you know how it feels to be in such pain that you simply cannot breathe or think and then have someone to tell you you have to LIVE WITH IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? What does it do to their families and friends, to see you in this state? Do you know how hard it is to explain to someone what pain is like? I KNOW that no matter how creative you are with your speech, how colourful or imaginitive, there is NO WAY you can communicate to someone how much it hurts. If you have not been in the position of someone who requests euthanasia, your opinion is merely that - an opinion. [/color]
[color=darkgreen][I]I dragged Kain for about fifty meters before finding a crevice in the rock wall. Pushing him into it, I turned him on his side and checked his pulse, breathing etc and consciousness. He opened his eyes and looked at me reprovingly, as if to say "Don't rub it in, ok, I'll be fine." I smiled and stood, freezing as my eye caught a flicker of movement down the corridor to my right.[/I][/color]
[color=darkred]Pointless or no, still very moving. I think it's even more powerful because many of us relate to it... [/color]
(and my harlequin) Ahh, pirate pension plans are so nineteen fifty four. AHH! the ideas flowing through my head! they suffocate me and give use to analgorythyms I never thought existed. But now to my kneecaps, oh yes, my kneecaps shimmering with a brilliant blue-green light in the shallow waters of the estuary of my heart. My lungs, also. Don't leave me, I scream after you, as you walk away from me across the dark sand. The beach is shrouded with the tent of night, cloud cover inviting acrobats to swing from it's pillars by chains of gold. I am alone, and I can still hear your retreating footsteps. Alas, the green turns to black as the night envelops me and the water lapping gracefully at my ankles cools slowly. The sea is a blanket, they told me. But it is much too vast for me to keep warm on my own. Oh, please return to me, my love! Together we shall ignite the flames of passion and we shall heat the whole ocean! I lie on the coastline, hearing waves crash before me, and imagine the morning after. Lots of boiled fish washed up on the shore, and we shall feast on them! The harvest of our desire! I worship you with my body, you are my temple, I am your goddess. Together we form a love so great it boils oceans and feeds millions, together we form our own religion in which there is only one commandment. I love thee, oh if you only knew it was so! To lie on my own, in the dark, on the beach, the red of my throat wet from your tongue and hoarse from calling out you name. You have left me, and the ocean is getting colder. I find no peace in the sounds of the waves. I find no wayes to explain the way in which my breath quickens for your attention. In special ways, in special places. None of this means anything when you are far away! why, oh why did you walk from me without turning and letting my eyes feast once more from your brilliant face? you are like the sun, you warm me and light my life yet you burn me in ways neither you nor I can imagine and when you are gone I get sick and die. I used to love the dark, but now I only love you. The warmth your body creates flows over mine like smoke, muffling all feelings and desires save those linked to you. I love you. There was a time when I thought this was enough. But this was not a time where I lie in cold water for you, waiting although it is possible you may never return. The stars appear, and dance before me to please the soul you have trodden on. Their stage, the black velvet cloak of night, ripples with tears that swim across my eyes. The water creeps over my hips and a rash of bumps spread across my back, and my skin tingles like bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. I smell you over the ocean. I am cold. Return to me! Why does the notion of following never enter my mind? Why do I continue to lie here, my knees blossoming flowers like fireworks and my fingers tingling with the ecstacy of castles build of sand? I turn my head and watch my long hair swim in the water, tempting the tide and dancing in the darkness with all the slow grace of a mechanical ballerina. A robot. I am nothing without you! Return to me at once before the beach envelops me and I am nothing but a shoe, a pitiful shoe lying on the sand, prodded gently by the lapping waves. I feel myself tugged downwards, down towards hell through the wet sand. A shoe remains, nothing but a shoe. Ah, I can see it now - you return to me, to find nothing but a black leather shoe lying innocently, procliaming nothing of my whereabouts. You question it, prodding it with your toe, yelling threats and insults. The shoe is oblivious. You stand not a foot above me, and you cannot see your goddess for the rocks that cover me. Salt water stings my eyes and the cuts on my wrists and neck. I know not if it is time for a revelation. The stars bow and the curtain is drawn, thick purple clouds scudding across the sky in a hurry to get to where they want to go. I wiggle my toes in the freezing water and envisage your face, watching over me as I am sucked into the beach. No evidence of the crime but for the shoe. Blasted shoe! Why must thou torment my lover? is he not pained enough with my absence? Is it not enough that he doth not find me at all? But my SHOE? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? I reach down, the curve of my spine remoulding the sand beneath me. Loosening my left shoe, I stand and drop it on the shore. Grinning I retreat to the treeline, and await your return. I love thee.
[color=darkred] Ummm....*sweatdrops* I get letters like this all the time in my mail&inbox.... I hope this isn't another one for me!!! NO...history...reapeating...itself...must..resist! [/color]
Writing My poetry... (kinda dark and demented)
Ravenstorture replied to Biida's topic in Creative Works
yeah, the juxtaposition between the warrior and the moon was really clever. I like them all!! I write heaps of depressing poetry, but they're a little.... too depressing sometimes.... *glances at scarred wrists&forearms* but these are really really good!!!! MORE, DAMN YOU!!! GIVE ME MORE!!! Ahem. -
Well, I hate america but I hate just about everybody so it never was personal. I just hate all of humanity at the moment, and countries never meant anything to me anyway. Dividing lines, perhaps different cultures, that's all. We are all people, and few people accept that. We are all ANIMALS, and NOBODY accepts that! Why the hell do we place ourselves over other lifeforms? We are so damn arrogant. And I am so damn angry. My cheesecake is burnt and it fell apart.
[color=darkgreen] Alastuin: Hell, why don't we start now. I'm ready, and it looks as if you all are too. I have everything I need, and I wasn't planning to go home for a while anyway. Davien: Where are we going, exactly? And also why, that's the main thing. Amy: We are going to the [I]highlands[/I] to fight the [I]Mythical warriors of Darkness.[/I] Alastuin: Key word there being [I]mythical[/I]. Amy: What are you talking about, they're perfectly real! Davien: If there is such a thing as "perfectly real".... Alastuin: All I know about are the Four Towers. Amy: yeah, that's it. Alastuin: Ok, I'm in.[/color]
[color=darkgreen][I]Spyder lies next to Davien once again andstokes his face, smiling.[/I] Spyder: Would you like to stay here tonight then, my love? Davien: My love? Where did that come from? Spyder: I have no idea. Do you object? Davien: ..... Spyder: And anyway, you did not answer my question.[/color]
[color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin makes a small fire near the entrance of the cave, near an airhole through the piled boulders. As the roof is slightly higher there, the group should not die of asphixiation in the night. Taking a large branch and lighting the end, she ventures into the depths of the cave and reemerges an hour later. The others are sitting around the fire, roasting deermeat and drying their garments on lines of twine strung across the cavern.[/I] Alastuin: I walked for half an hour, I could see no end to the cave. It does not decrease in altitude however, and there are only one or two splits in the way. Although there was no evidence of the tunnel being hewn artifically, there is no obstructions and the diameter stays about the same the whole way through. Zaltazar: Too much of a coincidence for my liking. Alastuin: Well, I am still wet and cold. And hungry. So don't bother me, unless it's to stop me from swallowing my own tongue. [I]With this she lies on the ground and falls asleep.[/I][/color]
[color=darkgreen][I]Soyder got up from the bed and walked over to the window. Davien covered himself with a blanket while she peered outside quickly.[/I] Spyder: It's ok, it's nearly dark. [I]Davien got up and walked over to Spyder, lacing his arms behind her back and peering into her eyes.[/I] Davien: So, are we going anywhere then? Spyder: Out, I guess. I don't know where. Oh, and... there's another thing. Davien: What? Spyder:....... never mind. Davien: Ok... are you sure? Spyder: Yes. Where are my clothes? [/color]
[color=darkgreen] Alastuin: yes, actually, I must. You did ask us a question, did you not? Why walk away when it has not as yet been answered? Davien: Ah, yes. Alastuin: I draw your attention back to the night I welcomed you into my home. There was a comment about the marking on my forehead. About you, also, recieveing such a marking? Well, once I had informed the others about it there was a bit of yelling "Oh my god we've got to find Davien." So I went off to find you. Davien: Why you? Alastuin: ...... Davein: Hmmmm. So what is the story about the runes, then? [/color]
Spyder: So, what do we do then? If killing Sellum does nothing (except forfill our prophecy), and the world is better how it is, then.... what? Athen: So you're giving up now too, then? Spyder: I don't see it as giving up. Harlequin: We can probably live separately to the communes of lightbearers, and survive. Spyder: But is that all it comes down to? Survival? I don't want to live that way! I don't want to spend the rest of my life running away from these monsters! I want to... be free again. Harlequin: There is probably another way. Spyder: And we are yet to find it. But we have come this far....
[color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin takes her spider out of her pocket and kisses it lightly before throwing it in the air. Raiett takes the bait and launches into the air, but Alastuin catches the spider and pockets it, hissing at the bird. The raven swoops low, aiming at Alastuin's face, and she catches the bird and flips it upside down before swinging it back and forth slowly, putting it to sleep. She then places it in a deep pocket of her coat and walks over to Davien. Pausing momentarily, she reaches down and slings him over her shoulder, well aware that the unconsciousness is probably as fake as hers was, and she was about to take a knife in the back. However, staggering slighly under his weight, she walks back through the forest towards the town of Kendale.[/I][/color]
[color=darkgreen]Alastuin: I don't care what you are doing, or where you are taking me or how - just don't expect me to expend any more energy. I am spent. You are the best fighter I have ever come across, and I don't fight assasins, only villagers who try to burn my house down. I trained myself to fight, and it really drains my energy anyway. So just... whatever. [I]Alastuin faints, her body becoming heavy to Davien's grip, immediately reopening the wound on her ankle.[/I][/color]
[color=darkgreen] Alastuin: There is a dry, deepish cave about two minutes walk from here. It's got a stream relatively close to it, as well, so it may be quite a good place to settle into. I agree with Zaltazar, this storm is definately majick-based, and ti might not go away for a long while. We should be sheltered there. Rogan: good, I have enough food for about a week. Hopefully we won't be there that long though. Enron: How long do you reckon we have before it starts raining? Alastuin: About two minutes. Zaltazar(shouldering a deer): so we had better start walking. [/color]