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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen][I]Anathema throws herself into the fight and begins felling vampyres with each turn. One injured, but not killed, reaches up from the ground and drags deep clawmarks down her thigh to her ankle. She yelps and kicks it in the head, sending it rolling across the cave floor. Meanwhile another has jumped onto her back and is attempting to sink it's fangs into the back of her neck, she jerks her neck backwards and headbuts the vampyre strongly, causing it to lose it's grip and fall off her. It lands on it's feet and she spins around to face it, wincing visibly at the pain in her leg. The vampyre takes the hint and moves forward, catching Anathema as she falls to the side. It hisses and leans close to her to feed, but as the Vampyre closes it's eyes she thrusts her dagger into one of it's eyesockets and twists it sharply. The beast screams and drops her, and she regains her balance and removes the dagger from it's eye, stabbing it in the head once more before kicking it in the chest and spinning around to survey the state of the enemy.[/I][/color]
  2. [color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin yells goodnaturedly for a while, waiting for a slight downward slope until she suddenly tenses her muscles, reaches forward and digs her long, sharp fingernails into the soft flesh of Davien's wrists. He drops her immediately and spins around, eyes blazing. She scrambles up and stands before him, breathing heavily and ignoring the stinging of her ankle. Davien begins to move but before he can attack her again, Alastuin brings her leg up and around and kicks him in the head before he can react. Her speed surprised him, but as she was not wearing any footwear he was not particularly injured. Davien draws his twin viper and begins twirling it between his fingers menacingly. Alastuin ties back her hair.[/I] Alastuin: Don't even think about it. If you are going to fight me, you do it unarmed. Davien: And would you mind telling me why I shouldn't just kill you here and now? Alastuin: because that would be far, far too easy. Davien: ....... Alastuin: And besides, we need this. If I win, you leave me alone. Davien(chuckling): and if I win? Alastuin:...... you get to kill me. [/color]
  3. [color=darkred]If anyone if feeling any resentment over this thread, I would just like to lift your spirits with this piece of relatively good news. I have recently performed a Persuasive Oral in my english class, and the topic I choce was "Australia - The Fifty First State of America." My good friend Mark chose the topic of "America - the Dictatorship" (or something alsong those lines.) I guess we chose the topics because it was easy getting info for them (thanks to 9/110 and that it was something we felt passionate about (that is why I started this thread). I printed out this thread and checked up on it daily, read it and read it and used pasrts of it as evidence in my speech. Bad move - I only have your word on whether or not it was correct. but I took your words for it and remembered the golden rule for persuasive speaking - they will never remember what you say, they will only remember how you made them feel. So, the evidence held up and I delivered it very well - and I got an A1+, sounds good I know but the marking system is A5 the highest to A1, B5 - B1 etc. Still pretty good for an Advanced English assignment. More good news - Mark got an A3 - the highest mark in the class. We could never have done it without you guys. Thanks. And here's some more good news - I just baked a cheesecake!!!! :D So thank you everyone who posted in this thread, I hope the following conversation is as interesting as the last. Whatever that's meant to mean, I really don't know..... [/color]
  4. [color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin, incredible annoyed at having to face what was quickly becoming her worst enemy, unbandaged her ankle to find that the bleeding had stopped. As she walked barefoot anyway, she did not mind letting it breathe from now on. Drawing her coat around her more tightly, she unsheathed her dagger and looked into the forest.[/I] Alastuin: Don't worry, I seem to have quite a knack for running into Davien. You guys stay here and if I'm not back in an hour or two, start out for me after dark. [I]With that, Alastuin slips into the trees and loses sight of the others.[/I][/color]
  5. [color=darkgreen] Evelyn(removing the raven from his weapon and stroking it): I take it back. Harlequin: What? Evelyn: I take it back. I like it when you are there for me. Harlequin: What in god's name are you doing to that piece of carrion? Evely: Stroking it. But I apologise, I actually rather like you. [I]Apart froma slight muscle spasm, Evelyn's remark seemingly goes unnoticed by Harlequin. She Begins to pluck the bird and stick the feathers in her hair, keeping level with harlequin but making no attempt to revive the conversation.[/I][/color]
  6. [color=darkgreen][I]Spyder listens to the sound of Cathos leaving and wonders what to do next. Slowly, without making a sound, she jumps down and lands softly next to Davien on the pillow. Waiting to see if he awakes, and seeing that he doesn't, she lies down beside him and gazes at his face, barely breathing.[/I][/color]
  7. [color=darkgreen][I]In the morning, Spyder awakes to the smell of rotting flesh. She immediately fetches her boots and checks the underside of each, finding the culprit dead rat squashed into the trad of her left heel. Smiling, she picks it off and decides to go and check on her host, well aware of the consequenses of him finding out. Silently appearing in his room, she perches high up on a cupboard and peers down at his exquisitly beautiful face in the dark. She is startled at her feelings for him and is immediately disgusted at herself for being so fickle. Reassurance that her five-minute affair with Saethi was only a result of an old feeling and resentment at the horrid burden she had bestowed upon him was not enough, and she swallowed the rat whole as a punishment and then sat, in the dark, watching Davien sleep.[/I][/color]
  8. (((ooc: dear god i love you))) [color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin gasps and walks up to a wall, staring at it closely in facination. The others back into the center, away from the walls of the trap.[/I] Alastuin: Wow... that's really really cool... Rogan: Um, Alastuin - what are you doing? Alastuin: We are so stupid! How could we possibly have been so stupid as to walk right into this perfectly formed trap. Zaltazar: Actually, I thought it was rather clever. I mean, it could have just as easily been abandoned by - Alastuin: yeah, but by who? I mean, aren't all the bad guys under the same roof? Enron: I don't think it matters how we got in here, let's start thinking about how we can get out. [I]Alastuin, still facinated by the ripling walls, reaches out and pokes it with a gloved finger. She was surprised to note that her finger passed through as if nothing was there, and came away clean.[/I] Alastuin: Hey.... Others: Yeah? Alastuin: Do you think that this trap is... um.... Zaltazar: What? Alastuin: Well, think about it. Why are we still in here. Enron: Because we're trapped. [I]*deathly silence*[/I] Alastuin: Why are we trapped, Enron. Enron: I don't know, because... we can't get out? Alastuin: How do you know? because it [I]looks[/I] like we are entrapped in a stone chamber? But you know what.... Rogan: What? Alastuin: I don't think we are. [I]Alastuin steps through the wall and vanishes from sight. A muffled voice from the other side proclaims:[/I] Alastuin: whoa, this is really really wierd...[/color]
  9. [color=darkgreen][I]By the time Davien returns to the main room, Spyder is fast asleep on one of the couches. Davien sighs and picks her up, surprised by how light she is, and carries her through to the spare bed. Lying her down, he removes her shoes and covers her with the blankets before returning to bed himself. The room is too dark for Davien to see Spyder's wickedly contented smile before she dirfts off to sleep.[/I][/color]
  10. [color=darkgreen] Alastuin: Well, killing sprees are good fun but once you guys stop endagering the natural wildlife let's go and find a castle to knock down or something. There is a pineforest over the bridge, Enron, you may find some timberwolves in there if you paint yourself in honey and lie down for a week or two on an ants nest. Zaltazar: hang on, didn't you say we would be burning bridges? Alastuin(glaring): haha, but if we all get over it I might do it anyway just to spite you. Rogan: I have a feeling that if we get to the top of that hill we might see the dastle from there... Enron: What, you mean that hill up there with the guard tower on it? Rogan: um.... yeah, that's the one. I was kinda hoping you wouldn't notice that.... [I]They cross the bridge and continue along the path into the forest, Enron looking up into the canopy for bees nests and Alastuin pausing momentarily to torch the rickity plankbridge they have just crossed.[/I][/color]
  11. [color=darkgreen]Spyder: Yes, but I don't think I am ready for that yet. Davien: So, what now? Spyder: This may seem strange coming from a demon, but I really need some sleep and I don't want to sleep on the street tonight, not with everything that's happened this evening.[/color]
  12. [color=darkgreen][I]Spyder rummages through the various philosophy books and anne rice novels. Knowing that she will probably regret this, she decides that since tonight has been so terribly bad, it wouldn't matter if it was any worse.[/I] Spyder(calling): Davien....? Davien: What do you want? Spyder:.... let me in, please...[/color]
  13. [I]I lay curled in Harlequin's lap and thought back to the days where I used to live with my family, and everything was how it should be. I never would have guessed my father would have been killed, brutally murdered in front of me, by a religious fanatic with blue blood. That the world would be taken over by them, and life changed completely. But nobody saw it coming... the changeover was so sudden, so well planned... there was a slight hiccup to the way things were in everyday life but afterwards... well, you adapted. I was so shocked at how easily my mind just sat back and told me that this was simply how things were going to be from now on. I still fought, however, defied the religion at all cost (some costs being my family and my normality) but I think still that it is worth it. But there was no way on this scarred planet that I would let this be what people perceive as 'normal'. I vowed every day to fight until my ultimatum - beyond death, beyond capture. I was stunned to see the my father die, it seemed as if he fell away from me, as if we were standing together, his back to a cliff edge, and when he told me his thoughts he had simply released my embrace and fell back, over the edge and out of sight. Behind my closed eyes I could see his body fall slowly through the air to the raging sea below, flocks of gulls swirling oblivious to the fate of my world slipping through my fingers and onto the sharp, jagged rocks of despair below. And not once, during my whole revelation, did I stop loving him - even just a bit. He was staring straight into my eyes when the last breath fell from his lips and sank to the ground below. He loved me so much, it was as if he spent the last seconds of his life in bliss because he was looking at the person he loved the most and thinking of how proud he was of me. He still told me that in my nightmares. The image became a dream and I slept, unaware of the tears that streamed down my still face.[/I]
  14. [color=darkgreen][I]Spyder, having merely camoflagued herself, reappears once she loses sight of Davien through the window. She looks fleetingly at the car, but having learnt her lesson, sits down against the opposite wall of the appartment and begins counting bricks, and thinking of what an idiotic sl*ut she has been tonight.[/I][/color]
  15. [I]Spyder rolls onto her back and stares up into harlequin's face, smiling.[/I] Spyder: It always comes back to just us three, doesn't it? Harlequin: Are you complaining? Spyder: No, but.... well, you know why. Athen: Do you still dream about it? Spyder: I used to, but I haven't since I got my blade back. Harlequin: You haven't slept since you got it back. Spyder: Well, I didn't dream of it then. Harlequin: Do you dream of it every night? Athen: Do you? Harlequin: I don't dream. [I]Athen nods, Spyder chuckles.[/I] Spyder: Athen, what do you see? Athen: I see us three, standing before the alter, recieving our blades. Spyder: I usually see us fighting Sellum, or my Father getting killed. [I]Harlequin holds Spyder closer as she closes her eyes at the memory.[/I] Spyder: Where is your oath blade, my love?
  16. ooc: Hell, I have no idea what these things are but I'll do my best as always. What do you mean? Me, spontaniously combust? Why, never... that would be far too easy.... [color=darkgreen] IC:[I]Alastuin draws out a glaive and jumps into the fray, patterndancing in the spray of blood and laughing hysterically as limbs and appendages fly everywhere. Soon, the numbers of the beasts thin and Zaltazar and Alastuin stand there, panting, completely saturated in blood and smiling happily.[/I] Alastuin: We must look a sight. Zaltazar: You enjoy this, then? Alastuin: There is very, very little I enjoy more than random carnage.[/color]
  17. [color=darkgreen] Spyder: I'm so sorry to do this to you, but.... [I]Spyder suddenly vanishes, leaving only a faint smell of woodsmoke. Saethi swears and begins to walk home. Meanwhile, Spyder returns to where Davien had brought her to earlier that evening. She stands in the alleyway blow his apartment window and attempts to sense a presence inside.[/I][/color]
  18. [color=darkgreen][I]The party moved silently along the road, the trees around them giving way to burnt out huts and piles of unburied dead. The air breathes smoke and pools of fire dapple the desolate valley in front of them.[/I] Evelyn: Wow, would you look at that... Raistlin: And it's only been, what... a week now? Rune: God, and already.... this. [I]The group, having stopped in shock of this scene before then, moves foward again, prompted by Harlequin's sudden stride forward. Evelyn levels wtih him, slightly ahead of the others.[/I] Evelyn: Thankyou for what you did for me back there, I have never seen anyone fight like you. Harlequin: Spare the compliments. Evelyn: Well, I didn't see it as a compliment really, more as... a statement. Harlequin: Well, you don't watch much fighting then, do you? Evelyn(laughing): I'll admit that much. But seriously, you took an six people and finished before the other even had time to arrive... Harlequin: Are you quite finished? Evelyn: Sorry, I had no idea that compliments had this kind of effect on you. Harlequin: Not compliments, just you. Evelyn: What?! Harlequin: I mean - other people's company. I don't... correlate well with other people. Evelyn: I'm elvish, you know. Harlequin: yes, it's rather obvious. Evelyn: But thankyou all the same. [I]Harlequin says nothing, and continues to stare ahead.[/I][/color]
  19. [color=darkred]I have three cats and my mother has a dog. Puzwa rubs her nose on the end of my tin whistle when I play it. Nigel has more dignity than anyone in our household, if he is seen doing something wrong (eg, accidentally missing the washing machine and falling off it) he pretends he wasn't REALLY jumping ontop of the washing machine, oh no, he was licking his leg. Jessamine has moved out, she only comes home every week or so and then we feed her marmalade. She loves marmalade. (I don't remember how we discovered this, though...) And our dog loves treats, but only if you make her do heaps of stuff for them and act like a real spaz. If you just give them to her she doesn't eat them. I have had nine cats in my life time, six of them have been hit by cars on our street. This post is in memory of Bazil, Herb, Mekakat, Solomon, Oedipuss, Blackjack and Queen of Tarts.[/color]
  20. [color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin followed Zaltazar through deeper and deeper into the forest, following no apparent trail and no distinguishable direction. Soon, fed up, Alastuin stopped.[/I] Alastuin: Where the hell are we going? Zaltazar: You'll see. Alastuin: I don't think so. It strikes me as odd that such a person as you drags "the most irritating person you have ever met" deep into the forest without stating why. You could be leading me into a trap. Zaltazar: Could be. Alastuin: Well, it's not going to work because I'm not moving until you tell me where we are headed. [/color]
  21. [color=darkgreen][I]Anathema, crouching cowardly outside the mouth of the cave, sees the others walk deeper into the cave and wonders whether or not she should follow them. After all, she had been introduced and she might be useful in the future... if her nerves cleared up somewhat... After a small hesitation, Anathema stood and quietly ran after the others.[/I][/color]
  22. [color=darkgreen][I]Spyder did not respond out fo shock for a split second, and then kissed Saethi back just as hard. His arms encirle her and he moves down to kiss her neck, but as he releases her from his mouth she gasps for him to stop.[/I] Spyder: This shouldn't go this far... Saethi: But I thought you wanted it? Spyder: I do, I think, but... but... it can't!! Saethi: Why not? Spyder: Because I'm a demon, and you're a human. Saethi: Half. Spyder(beginning to cry again): And I'm so sorry... [I]Saethi interrupts her apology with another kiss, and this continues for an hour or two until Spyder stops him again.[/i] Spyder: Don't you think we should go and see how the others are doing? Saethi: No, not really... but you're right. [I]Saethi and Spyder kiss once more and emerge from the forest.[/I][/color]
  24. [color=darkgreen] Alastuin: And this spell... tell me more about that. I mean, what time was this? What does it do, exactly? Amy: Why are you so interested in it? Alastuin: Well, latish last evening I was suddenly overcome by a really dizzy feeling, and then I saw my reflection in a bowl of water - there was a symbol of sorts burnt into my forehead. It didnt go away for a while, and Davien said he had it too. I think... I was just wondering if that had anything to do with your spell. [/color]
  25. [color=darkgreen][I]Evelyn runs ahead to the group once more and then, thinking about what Harlequin had said to her, runs ahead. She sticks to the trees at the side of the road and steps lightly, and soon enough, feels the cold bite of steel against the curve of her neck. She freezes and slowly places her hands where her captive can see them, before ducking behind the blade and taking a wild grab at it's hilt. It was a very stupid thing to do, as the sword was a longsword and she managed to misjudge the length. Cursing as the blade bit deep into her hand, she held it anyway and pulled it out of the captor's grip. Then, much to their surprise, Evelyn screamed and began to bash the man around the head with the butt of the sword, blood running up her pale forearms. The man soon collapsed, but she didn't need to turn around to find out she was surrounded. Dropping the sword, she fell to her knees and began to wait for the others, angry at herself for taking such horridly dangerous risks.[/I][/color]
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