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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin chokes back tears and reaches into a pocket of her coat, drawing out another vial and swallowing it's contents, spitting some on the wound. She then tears a strip of material from her dress and proceeds to bandage her ankle, cursing softly. As she finished, she stands up on her injured leg, lifting the other leg high into the air behind her head and standing on her toes. Her face contorts in agony and she screams again, but holds the position for a while longer before letting her leg down. Turning, she spits after Davien and curses in some foreign language before addressing her company.[/I] Alastuin: I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting him to be such an ***hole. Harper: What were you expecting him to be? Alastuin: Nothing, I was very surprised to see him here. But I have something to ask you, Harper, about last night. And I need more enchanted witchazle. If that's not a problem... Harper: No, I'm just sorting out matters of my own here...[/color]
  2. [color=darkgreen]Alastuin: You're damn right I don't understand! What the hell are you doing? Davien: What does it look like I am doing? Alastuin: Listen - I don't know what your problem is, but please understand - I'm not an enemy! Davien: I do not [I]care[/I] who you are. My only problem is that you, for some godforsaken reason, are following me! Alastuin: WHAT? YOU were the one that just wlked up to ME and started firing stuff at me! What have I EVER done to you? Other than, of course, feed you and take you into my home and - Amy: Hang on, could you two please cut it out? She's going to bleed to death soon if somebody doesn't do something quick - Alastuin(angrily) : I'm fine. [/color]
  3. [color=darkgreen][I]Spyder, seeing Saethi injured and unconscious, cries out and runs to him. She extinguishes the flames with her hands and holds him close to her, weeping softly. The others, caught up in the struggle, do not notice Spyder and Saethi dissapear suddenly. They reappear a moment later in a shadowy section of the park around the corner. Spyder runs her hands over Saethi's face, murmuring words in a foreign tounge. Soon, Saethi awakes and attempts to sit up, but Spyder holds him back.[/I] Spyder: Can you hear me? Saethi: I... what? Spyder: We are in the park. Saethi: I gathered that much, but... why? Oh god. *Saethi clutches at his head and closes his eyes.* Spyder: Shhh, it's ok now... the others are still fighting the demon. Saethi: Why did you take me here? To finish me off? [I]Spyder looks uncomfortable, and releases her grip on his hand, looking away.[/I] Spyder: Look, I'm actually really sorry about that... once I saw what I did to you, it tore me apart. Saethi: Why me, anyway? Why not anyone else of this freaking planet? Spyder:........ Saethi: Well? [I]Spyder looks into Saethi's eyes and leans forward suddenly, kissing him passionately. Saethi is too stunned to react, and Spyder, feeling him tense under her, jumps up and steps back.[/I] Spyder: Oh god, I'm so sorry, I.... [I]She vanishes into the trees, leaving Saethis lying on the ground, alone.[/I][/color]
  4. [color=darkgreen]Again, thank [I]you[/I]. Although, this reaction surprises me as when I started posting my stuff most of it never got read, and has since been lost.....[/color]
  5. [color=darkgreen] Alastuin(yelling after Zaltazar): That is SO TYPICALLY YOU!!!!!!! [I]Alastuin walks inside to chide Enron for his pathetic American Good Mother Basketball Terminology Complex and stops as she notices the last trolls complete and utter Lack of being dead.[/I] Alastuin: Um, well.... yeah. Just... keep me informed. However, I don't think you'll get much out of him, and whatever he says only Enron will understand it anyway, his level of spech... [I]Alastuin ducks a swing from Enron and walks outside, chuckling, to join Zaltazar under a nearby tree.[/I] Alastuin: I have definately heard your name before from somewhere. Zaltazar: Watch me care. Alastuin: That's my line! Zaltazar. And I've never met you before. [I]Zaltazar looks uninterested, Alastuin looks bored.[/I][/color]
  6. [I]Spyder sings a few lines of "redneck past" by ben folds five and follows Harlequin outside and onto the roof.[/I] Harlequin: Was there something? Spyder: Yes, you [I]know[/I] I can't get to sleep without you. Harlequin: So, do you want me to come inside? Spyder: No, just don't let me fall off the roof. [I]Before Harlequin can voice an argument, Spyder curls up beside him and falls fast asleep in his shadow from the moonlight. Harlequin sighs and puts his arm around Spyder, looking out over the ruined city and destroyed signs of life.[/I]
  7. [color=darkgreen]Evelyn(overly sarcastic): Because I'm madly in love with you. Harlequin: Oh, quite a change of tone from your last statement... Evelyn: Dear god, does it [I]ever[/I] stop with you??!??![/color]
  8. Oooh, I like this, I like this just a little too much... [color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin jumps immediately into an attack stance and the others attempt to fan out and do the same, but the hut is small and cluttered. The only exit blocked by the trolls, who, contrary to their statement, don't really sound very smart at all. Alastuin, forgiving them for their pathetic grammar as she hopes the others will do for her love of commas, is the first to speak.[/I] Alastuin: So I suppose this was some sort of disgusting and very distasteful trap? WhatAppearsToBeTheHeadTroll: No, he very tasty. [I]The trolls enjoy the pathetic joke for a while.[/I] Alastuin: Well, it didn't work! Enron: What are you talking about, it worked perfectly! Alastuin: I was [I]trying[/I] to be intimidative. Zaltazar: Yeah, well, you failed. Alastuin: Hey! You're meant to be on my side! Zaltazar: Says who? [I]The pathetic quarrel is interrupted as HeadTroll stumbles oh-so-unprofessionally into the hut and takes a swipe at Rogan. Having done ntohing but annoy rogan somewhat, Rogan leaps into attack and the others follow as the remaining trolls stand there and look around, uninterested.[/I] Alastuin: Well, that's just a bit TOO easy for me. [I]She ducks outside and begins attacking the trolls, much to their surprise.[/I][/color]
  9. OOC: Sorry if this isn't where everyone is, but it's difficult to follow actions in such sparsely distributed posts! (and yes, that is MY fault.) [color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin emerges into a back pathway with varous people and animals. They look up as she exits the shop, and all previous conversation has ceased immediately.[/I] Alastuin: Um, sorry to interrupt....[/color]
  10. [color=darkgreen][I]Anathema crouched low in the bushes surrounding the den ridden with vampyres. Consumed in her thought, she never heard the stealthy group sneak up behind her, but she did feel it when one of the trod on her hand.[I] Anathema: OW!!!! ????: What the hell - [I]Anathema jumps up and spins, drawing her dagger as she rises and points it into the intruders throat. Her grip falters, however when she sees the three or four other people that surround him. the intruder notes her fault and uses the oppertunity to disarm her.[/I] ????: No need to get upset, I only stood on you. Besides, what were you doing lying down in the dark anyway? Anathema(spitting in the man's face): Nothing to do with the likes of you. ????: Well, are you a vampyre? Anathema: Certainly not!! ????: Then it concerns me, as you are on our side. Now, back to why you are lying infront of a nest of vamyres...[/color]
  11. [color=darkgreen]Alastuin: Well, it's [I]obvious[/I], we go and hunt him down. Rogan: And when we get there? Alastuin: ............ Enron: Well? Alastuin(looking at Zaltazar): We'll burn that bridge when we come to it...[/color]
  12. [color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin reaches the town just before midday. She walks into the centre of the village warily, townspeople shutting windows as she passes and shielding their children's eyes as they walk by her. She finally gets to the majick shoppe and, sore to fill a stereotype, steps inside. A commotion around the back arouses her curiosity, and she walks through the shop to the back door....[/I][/color]
  13. [color=darkgreen] Spyder: Life's a bi*ch, ain't it? Davien: What's new. Spyder: Once we have finished with this tirade of useless cliches, can we go somewhere? Davien: Like where? Spyder: Excuse me/ Davien: Sorry, where? Spyder: I don't know, how about somewhere else? Davien: Oh, I thought you were suggesting somewhere... alone. Spyder: *glare* Davien: Sorry, I just thought. Spyder: *dangerous glare*[/color]
  14. [color=darkgreen][I]Alastuin swings down from a nearby tree, kicking the man in the head before landing gracefully on her two feet infront of the rabble eating purple poptarts.[/I] Alastuin: {insert non-offensive text here} [/color]
  15. Why the hell not... Looks as if you need me, anyway. [color=seagreen] Name: Alastuin Age: 19 Eyes: deep emerald green Hair: Straight, red, streaked with black Height: 170 Weaponry: Whatever I can grab. (Hell, I'm not [I]made[/I] of money!) Bio: Left home after killing both parents, aunt, grandmother and three siblings (one of which an infant). Excellent fighter through experience. [/color]
  16. [color=darkgreen][I] Oh my god! For once in my life I am so taken aback that I cannot think what to say. No, thank YOU! I am so touched, and so shocked... I never saw this coming in a thousand years. I FINALLY get back onto the net, and I find THIS?! God, please PM me, I am so so so amazed at this. [/color]
  17. [color=darkgreen]Spyder: Seems like noone's on your side tonight, Father. Davien: Father? Spyder(from the side): Older demons are always addressed that way. Davien: I thought demons had no age? Spyder: Yeah, but we go off when they were created. I - [I]Spyder is interrupted as Hatha recognises Spyder's voice and closes in on her. Spyder does not move, even when Hatha begins to reach out for Spyder. Spyder simply yawns and looks at him, oblivious of the outstretched fingers reaching for her pale throat.[/I] Spyder: You're pretty stupid, you know, for a demon and all. [I]Hatha ignores her and clutches her throat, adn then screams and wrenches his hand back, biting his lip and cursing as the scorched flesh regenerates quickly. Spyder headbuts Hatha and kicks him squarely in the neck, forcing him into th circle of vampyres awaiting their turn. Spyder simply stands against the wall and looks around, bored.[/I][/color]
  18. [color=seagreen]Yeah, that's where I am. I have it! yay! the fabled "true love" that many believe does not exist!!!! I have that!!! How amazing, wow... don't I feel so damn special. See, I am patient, I am kind, I don't envy, I try not to boast, I don't feel proud, I don't think I'm rude, I always trust, I always hope (but never have to) and it NEVER FAILS!! Ahem. Ah, euphoria. Ah, sweet proclamation of love... dear god, I am so happy right now. [/color]
  19. [color=darkgreen] Spyder: Depends on where you are going, I suppose. Davien: No, it doesn't. Cathos: Not this again... Spyder: Well, where are you going? I want to lie down. I have not slept in three months. Cathos:I find that hard to believe... Spyder: Yeah, well, you would. Davien: Shut up, the both of you. Spyder, please stop carving things on the dash of my car. Cathos, stop provoking the firedemon. Cathos: Yes, mother. Spyder: Well, that explains a few things... Davien: Oh, would you please stop it... Spyder: No, I will not! This SHOULD be MY car right now! Davien: No, it should not. Why do you persist - Cathos: Well, don't you sound like the perfect married couple. [I]Spyder turns around and spits in Cathos's eyes, and then sits back and sulks, oblivious to the screams of agony in the back seat.[/I] Davien: Thank you. [/color]
  20. I went to see it with a couple of friends of mine, and it was really really good. I wasn't paying much attention though... Harlequin, don't you dare say anything. Cool soundtrack, however, and great "all star cast" as they say. Doesn't really do much for me, the ol' all satr casting, but in this you could really notice the good acting, it helps the plot heaps in the remake.
  21. [color=seagreen]That is a really cool question! I would probably get someone to kill me, bury me in it and then plant a willow tree over my body so the roots would encirle me and I would be absorbed into the tree and become a willowspirit.... or not, I just thought that would be cool. If it was near a stream, it would be a willow tree because one of the most beautiful places in the world is under the skirt of a willow tree planted next to a stream. All you need, really, are some panpipes... [/color]
  22. It was said on the news this morning that the CIA was informed in august 2001 that there would be terrorist attacks in early september, but as the information stated the targets would be paris or london, the CIA and in fact the US itself did nothing and said nothing.
  23. [color=darkgreen]Has anyone ever had a dream where they dream they wake up and something happens just then, for example, I dreamt that I woke up and my mother was making bacon and eggs for breakast and she had bought me some stockings (I love stockings, by the way) and then I ACTUALLY woke up and there was no bacon and eggs, there were no stockings, and I got really depressed. People say you have four or five dreams every night, but you just don't remember them. [/color]
  24. Has anyone ever noticed that pride comes before a fall? I mean, look at the ancient roman empire, after it's greatest moment it fell and now half of it is struggling to keep the title of "first world country". Same with Greece, one of the most advanced civilizations in the world - now, it's a hole. (And don't get me started on EGYPT...) But anyway, I believe that America is at the peak of it's power now. You can only fit so many infuential nukes into a country, and if you ask me, in a few years time it may not be so very, very, very, very powerful and politically active within the world.
  25. I had my thirteenth birthday in Egypt, and I went swimming in an estuary of the Nile river. I nearly got my leg torn off by a crocadile, had my passport stolen and then our felluccha (pron. feluka) sprung a leak and I had to sit on the west bank for half an hour, waiting for another boat to come past and rescue me from the water buffalo. So I didn't even [I]notice[/I] that I was suddenly a teenager....
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