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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [I][color=purple] Alastuin 16 Female, oh so very female village healer Hates sunlight, hates villagers as they regard her as a witch. people only came to her for healing as she has an extensive knowledge of herbs and some healing powers. As most people of the village hate her, she has learnt to not only defend herself, but fight savagely and unmercifully. Incredibly long, straight black hair streaked with red, very thin and pale, has long, sharp fingernails Half an hour's walk from the forest village of Mierrdale One long, thin dagger and a nailfile. Alastuin keeps a small black widow spider with her in a wooden box. [/color][/I]
  2. [I]Spyder, getting carried away with the frenzy of the fight, did not notice a wound to her lower back. Her heart rate, although remaining at a constant speed, became stronger and within a minute or so black wetness began to drip down her leg and onto the dusty ground. She paused, briefly, panting and thinking, confusedly, "I thought I wasn't due for another three weeks...?" before the pain struck through the adrenalin and she gasped, digging her silverine nails into her gloved palms. Spyder sank to her knees and continued to fight, if only to keep them from taking her in her weakened state. [/I]
  3. [I]Spyder was the first to come out of the shocked trance.[/I] Spyder: Um, let us not forget that we are still trapped in a dark building by bloodthirsty lightbearers. Others: *various murmers of 'Oh yeah', and 'um, right'.* [I]The Harlequin began to spin his twin viper again and step into the fray. Athen passed Spyder something, her obsidian oath-blade.[/I] Athen: Here you are, milady. Spyder(elated): Oh my god, thankyou! How did you get it out? Athen(slashing wildly at about three lightbearers and looking over his shoulder at her): Tell you later... [I]Spyder discards her plainsword and brandishes her new weapon, her eyes suddenly with the kind of lust that gets people incarcerated. The battle soon reaches the peak of it's fury and the lighbearers begin to lose morale. In the distance, a heavy rumble of thunder is heard, accompanied by the strobing of lightning. The only light in the building is the glow of the lightbearers blood as it is spread over the walls and floor. The fighter's faces take on an alien, blue glow[/I]
  4. [I]The lightbearer stumbled, and regained it?s balance. It began to stride forward, straight into the heart of the group of intruders. Spyder, Rico, Valiegh, Athen and the Harlequin sprang to the side, but Eps gasped in pain and clutched at his leg at the slightest movement. The Lightbearer, sensing a weakness, stood up to it?s full height and threw it?s staff to the side. Rico kicked it away into the shadows. Eps looked up into the blue electricity that shrouded the monster before him. There were no cries of despair from the others, no glints of sadness in their eyes. The lightbearer reached down with both hands and placed one behind Esp?s shoulders, and one on his forehead. Then, slowly, he bgan to force his hands together, pushing Eps?s neck into a ghastly angle. One long, slow crunch and Eps gave a sharp spasm, then lay still. The lightbearer picked him up in his arms and then flung his arm out to his side, the staff jolting from it?s position to fly into his hand. He twirled it faster and faster, creating a portal as the guard lightbearer had dome before, on the first floor. The lightbearer stepped through it with Eps paralysed body limp in his arms, and the portal vanished. For once that night, the building was silent.[/I]
  5. [color=darkgreen] Name: Evelyn Age: 28 Race: halfelf Class: cleric Weapon: katana, staff Armor: black leather bracers, all other shielding majickal Specialized skill: spellcraft Deity: Obad Hai Bio: Mother human, died at birth, father elf, killed himself after mother's death. Raised by woodnymphs. She has lived a solitude life and fears all who come close to her. Due to her upbringing, Evelyn's majick is nature based. She draws her strength from the earth. Descripion: Long, minight blue hair, very pale, elven features. Six fingers on each hand. Painfully thin, less weight makes it easier to fly. [/color]
  6. [color=darkred]Hey, I'm up for some of that. I have never watched Buffy, however, so I have no idea what is going on, other then the "vampyre slaying" bit. And I watched the movie. [B]Class:[/B] Evil [B]Name:[/B] Spyder [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]character:[/B] demon :demon: [B]Personality:[/B] Very short temper. Likes to set people on fire. [B]Bio:[/B] Born of the underworld, hangs around earth after being kicked out of hell for "fraternising with the enemy" (hehehe). Powers involve fire, as I am a demon of the Fire Element. [B]Appearance:[/B] Black skirt, fishnets, black kneehigh's, black victorian lace shirt, black cloak, very very long straight red hair. Pentagram necklace to finish off the stereotype I live up to so well. [/color]
  7. [I]I quickly found the main street and began to walk northwards along it, keeping to the middle of the road. the central parts of these cities are the most dangerous parts these days, they tend to be darker and more inhabited by half starved, half crazed vagabonds who have run out of food and a reason to live. Lightbearers crawl the streets constantly, on the lookout with someone with a whole mind who has somehow resisted the evangelism. One of these lightbearers, I thought, at least one of them, is going to die tonight. No, I mustn't get distracted from the mission. It is too dangerous, I can't get Sellum without the others... just get the blade and get the hell out of there. I unsheathed my plainsword as the attacks against me became more frequent. Some of my attackers were more skillful than other, some held weapons whilst others attacked me with their bare hands. i had some misgivings about simply beheading them, as they were innocent vicims of an unforgiving darkness, but my mission propelled me. Once i had the blade, I could find Athen easily and get the hell out of there. Suddenly, the building I had been looking for surged up before me. I walked in between the panes of smashed glass and ventured deep inside. The place, strangely enough, was completely abandoned. Soon enough, I realised why. The faint glow of a lightbearer's staff glimmered ahead. I strode towards it and began chanting under my breath, "Latham adytum moractus mane padme hum, Latham adytum moractus mane padme hum..." over and over again. It translated to "Daylight resurrected to what is rightfully yours", a mantra I had learnt from my father once he had fallen to the lightbearers. He told me that if I never forgot it, the sun would rise again one day, and I would be there to see it. The lightbearer turned calmly to face me, it's eyes glowing. I beheaded it with a single stroke, walked another three paces and turned again, bringing myself to an attack stance once more. The lightbearer began to twirl it's staff in its fingers, the illuminated end drawing a circle in the dark air. It withdrew the staff and the circle remained, hanging there. The creature stepped into the circle and beckoned me to follow it. I spat at it and slashed at the circle with my sword, fading it instantly into a shimmering blue cloud that faded quickly. I began running deeper and deeper into the building, looking left and right for the red glass centre that was my destination. After a minute or so and three flights of stairs (shopping malls always confused me) I found it. I walked towards in and around it, looking for a way in. There was none. Security must have been imporoved, I thought, and was immediately greatful for it. The thing inside was of great importance to me. I took a step back and retied my right shoelace tightly, then brought up my foot and rammed my heel hard into the glass. It hurt, but that was all. No broken glass. I tried another tactic. Removing a glove for what seemed like the millionth time that day, I dragged my nail in a circle pattern in the glass, wincing at the horrid sound it made. Then, stepping back once more, I drove my shattered heel into the glass. Pain splintered up my leg into my torso. I doubled over and swore as loud as my shocked lungs would bear. Looking up, I was particularly upset to see that the glass remained more or less in tact. My ankle, however, was broken. I sat down and cried. Lulled by despair and pain into sleep, I was awoken a few minutes later to the sound of approaching footsteps.[/I] Athen: What in god's name have you done to yourself now?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flipmodesquad [/i] [B]I see, I believe you r talking about her innerself?R u? Well i believe its briallant.i think you should explain alittle bit more on what you is. [/B][/QUOTE] By jove, I thinks he's got it. Yes, the internal conflict. Yes. I'm cold.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][color=purple]Every work of your I read astounds me Ravenstorture. Each different from the last, all painfully beautiful. This one was amazing but I must ask two questions.. 1)[i]Have[/i] you been to Egypt? 2)And did you know the woman who died? [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] The story is entirely true, right up to the womans name. I went to egypt three or four years ago, for a month. I backpacked there with my mother, it was great. I did not know the woman who died personally, after I witnessed the event I got her name from the local news that night.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]For I am a Democrat, although not one of those die-hard ones, I don't like Bush. I think he's an idiot who should have never won. But I think you are basing your opinion of the nation off of what you may hear by the media or online. [/B][/QUOTE] You're right, I am basing my opinion off what I hear from the media. And I do not entirely believe that what the media says is true, but I don't have anything else to go off. Which is why I asked you guys...:)
  11. Spyder: Screw this, I am going after them. I'll probably find them in an hour or so at the most. Harlequin: How are you planning to do that? Spyder: I'll wander around aimlessly and then get p*ssed off and start to walk back, and when I gt hopelessly lost, I will stumble across one of them. Works every time. Harlequin, Rico and Valeigh:...... Spyder: Don't look at me like that. I'll find them easily. Just follow the trail of annoyance... [I]An uncomfortable silence follows, Spyder's reputation for being very, very weird shows through for the second time that morning.[/I] Spyder: Don't worry, I'll find them. [I]Spyder turned quickly and walked away from the purplexed group. As soon as she was out of sight, she let the worry show in her eyes. She knew exactly where Athen and Eps had gone. Well, she knew where Athen was going, she couldn't be sure where Eps was. No doubt he was following Athen at the start, but she knew from experience that you only had to push him so far... anyway, Eps could be anywhere. She was not concerned for his health, as he possessed regenerating powers. But Athen would be walking straight for the centre of the Lightbearer's nest. She knew because she, too, had been given the task of destroying the Leader. But first for the blade....[/I]
  12. Yeah, I love this place. (I think i'm gonna cry...)
  13. I need some people's opinions. I am not sure on what, exactly, but I know there are a few of you who are American, and I would just LOVE to know what you think about your president. Seemingly as he got the job with only 46% of the country's approval, which I think is a bit odd. It came to my attention as soon as he had been instated that George W. Bush wanted a war. And then, he got one. Now it looks as if he is milking it for all it's got, and since the people of america are very good, innocent people, I was wondering what you all thought about this. It's not good having someone like Bush, the ex-Govenor of Texas, the Land of Public Executions, suddenly running not just the USA, but what looks to be the planet. Personally, I don't like texas and I don't like George W. Bush. Texas, however, seems to have improved somewhat since the move of govenor. But USA is falling. I am starting to really dislike the USA, and am blaming it on it's president. So can I have your feedback? (Don't get me wrong, it's not you I don't like, it's him.)
  14. And to steal a quote from somewhere I don't remember... "What's all this about gays in the military? I believe gay people have the same right as anybody to kill innocent people!!" (Haha, don't worry I'm not having a go at the military. Being a part of it and all....but that's a different story.)
  15. Honestly, I have no idea what he is talking about.
  16. Brilliant, I starve for things that make little to no sense. And this fitted the catagory nicely! There was a few openings in there for trout farms however, I was quite upset that you passed them over. Everybody needs more trout farms. I'm cold.
  17. [I]Spyder awoke to the glorious smells of roast meat. She smiled, the prospect of hunting in the cold morning air had not been a pleasing one. She sat up and looked around the room in which she had slept... it was strewn with sleeping bodies. The windows were fogged, Spyder guessed that mammals naturally group tighter to sleep if it's cold. Not bothering to count who was there and who was not, she stood up and replaced her various garments that had been placed next to her in the night. Probably by Harlequin. She hoped it had been him, as she did not like to be seen without her gloves and stockings on. Jumping up, she strode into the living room to find Valiegh and Rico gorging themselves on the beast she had caught last night. A warm feeling of pride filled her, she found it important to find her place in any group or gathering, and here she had found it. Spyder drew out her dagger and selected a chunk of meat for herself.[/I] Spyder: Well, isnt it a fine morning. Rico: You're unusually cheerful today... Spyder: I am also unusually awake. Valiegh: Havent slept in a while, huh? Spyder(through a mouthful of food): not slept, meditated. Rico and Valiegh: Ahhh. [I]Spyder finished her meal and, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, laughed hysterically for a good thirty seconds and walked outside.[/I]
  18. I seem to find that when I am myself I tend to be stereotyped. That's really annoying, because people are just catagorising you because of what they think of [I]other[/I] people who are a bit like you, and not what they think of you. People don't even look at me anymore, as they already have an image of what I [I]should[/I] look like.
  19. [I]I awoke, to my utter dismay, completely alone. It was cold and I was not tired in the slightest, however, so I decided to take advantage of the solitude and regain strength another way. I first completely unarmed myself and then removed my coat, gloves, boots and stockings. then, picking up my sword, I balanced it on my head and sat on the floor in a lotus position, gathering my hands in front of me, palms up. [/I] Lunafai: Your posture is wrong. [I]I immediately sprung up and caught my sword as it fell, lapsing into a attack stance.[/I] Spyder: Oh, it's just you. Lunafai: Here, sit down again and I'll watch your back. [I]I was almost to the floor before I realised that I had killed Luna over six years ago. Quickly changing my weight to the other foot, I sun around and brought my sword up and arked it through the space I heard the footsteps come from. When the body fell heavily to the floor, I realised that memories do not need to be fought with a blade. Then, as realised who it was I had struck, I also realised that memories do not have solid bodies that bleed.[/I] Spyder: Oh god, what have I done? Oh no... [I]Before me, in the pale light of dawn, lay the body of Harlequin. I lay down upon his body and wept.[/I]
  20. A subculture is a group of people with similar tastes. That's my definition, anyway.
  21. Hmmm, I have also had replies similar to yours. Seems a common flaw between common peoples...
  22. Hahahaha, haha, hahahaha ha. You know I care surprisingly little what they call you in Middle earth, my love, as we only go there on mondays. MWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! And I shalt always remain SPYDER ILETHRIAL WEST!!! (Trilly frout, of course.)
  23. Spyder: I knew you were coming. I didn't believe myself for the last couple of days, but then you showed up. Harlequin: And left again, shortly afterwards. Spyder: I don't blame you. [I]Harlequin glances at the weapon Spyder has leant against the wall as she had entered the room.[/I] Harlequin: Nice. Where did you get it? Spyder: Upstairs, in a locked room. Harlequin (sighing): You never miss an opportunity to rub it in, do you? Spyder: No, I don't. [I]Harlequin takes one of her pale, scarred hands in his own.[/I] Harlequin: I don't blame you, either. [I]Spyder lies her head in his lap and falls immediately into a deep cataplexy, oblivious to the night that surrounds her.[/I]
  24. [I] I had merely used the excuse of sleep to get away unnoticed. The sudden arrival of Harlequin had been a shock, but my quest lay ahead unperturbed. Creeping upstairs once more, I unlocked the door at the end of the hall and opened it, dreading what I would find. The door opened onto a narrow stairwell, light streaming through gaps in the boards from the dying fire beneath. It gave the ascent an ethereal appearance, the billowing smoke and dust capturing the golden rays and setting them alight against the black silhouette of the steps. It was only after I had ventured inside and turned around to close the door when I realised that wherever this was leading me may be inhabited, as the door had been locked from inside. The Dark Era we lived in had not been yet long enough for skeletons to mark its plight, but rotting corpses. Only if they had died before the light fell. After that, and death would mean little to them. I placed my sword by the door just in case anything happened, tied my hair up into a tight bun and drew a dagger out from a leather belt on my thigh. It was titanium, black, and the blade was rippled. My mothers, the first blade we created together. Creeping up the stairs, I paused once I reached the top. It was light, too light? I wondered if the moon was full tonight. I tapped the blade lightly on the soft side of my elbow, the only exposed part of my arm. Blood dripped black from the wound and I licked it, testing acidity. The sourness was so strong I recoiled violently. It was definitely a full moon tonight. I spat on the wound and the bleeding stopped immediately, as a result of the herbs I kept under my tongue. Continuing forward, I breached the top of the staircase and the narrow well opened out into a brightly lit wooden panelled room. The light came from a circular window nestled at the top of the apex, the full moon fully visible through the dusty glass. Glancing around, I found the room to be empty except for an item of furniture, a cabinet maybe, covered with a white cloth, and an old, well-kept scythe leaning against the wall. I walked over to it, testing the blade on a lock of my hair. Although it was not very sharp, the metal was free of rust and the wooden handle was well oiled. I picked it up, and was surprised at its weightlessness. A quick check revealed the wood to be hollow, and lined with steel, a mark of excellent workmanship. I replaced it against the wall and turned my attention to the cabinet. Drawing back the cloth, I found it to be an antique duchess. A quick search of the draws revealed little - the corpse of a newborn baby in the bottom draw, swathed in red velvet. Examining the child, I decided that the cause of death was a broken neck. Odd. A small top draw contained a secret latch, and in turn a secret compartment, which held a locket on a delicate silver chain, and another key. I quickly replaced everything as I had found it, minus the locket and key, and walked back toward the stairs. Pausing to reconsider, I turn and grab the scythe and return downstairs, careful to lock the door behind me. As I walk back down the hall, it strikes me that the floor of the room appeared somewhat higher than I imagined. Glancing up, I realise that I may have to pay the room another visit. One day. But now, for sleep. I crept downstairs carefully in search for my true love.[/I]
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