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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [font=garamond] [color=darkgreen] And why has no one yet mentioned the raiding of the Diamond Fork rave in Utah on Saturday, August 20th, by the US SWAT team? It happened nearly a month ago, and I've heard next to nothing about it. Having your basic human rights; such as not to get kicked in the stomach; violated in a country as 'socially advanced' as the US slips under the radar now? Can you IMAGINE what else we aren't being told? News articles on the event: [url]http://www.drugpolicy.org/news/82205utrave.cfm[/url] [url]http://www.music-versus-guns.org/mamboserver/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=2[/url] [url]http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Dance_party_broken_up_by_police_in_Utah,_USA[/url] Djs scheduled to play the night later posted their accounts: Knick of Evol Intent: [url]http://www.404audio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14814[/url] Syze: (video footage in sig) [url]http://www.seattlednb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2840[/url] Video footage here: [url]http://homepage.mac.com/apexgrin/FileSharing2.html[/url] As a dedicated raver, this kind of thing really scares me. We put so much effort into making raves safe places, and this "interest" from law enforcement agencies apparently isn't that rare, either. It makes me sick. I live in the heart of Brisbane's nightlife area, the valley, where there are raves nearly every week, and large scale raves almost every month. The best are hosted at the showgrounds down the road, in the four huge warehouses there, but there are also large venues and a few nightclubs that are pretty much rave set-ups five, six days a week... pure heaven. Progressive, trance, house, hardcore, happy hardcore, whatever you feel the need for. I'm getting so fit, just getting out there every week end and dancing as hard as I please from ten til five. Special raves, big ones, are like abalone to me (and usually costs as much) - because they are so big, there are always ten hundred more friends to be made, numbers to be exchanged and hugs all round. No inhibitions, no judegment, no low self esteem, no closed off groups, everyone smiles at you and you can talk to whoever you want to - it's like a complete breakdown of society. It just seems like when the lasers shine on you, what "other people think about you" no longer is a problem and you can bare your true self and feel good about it. And then there is the music, oh god, the music.... what bliss is a repetitive driving racing heartbeat that moves your body even against your will, even without your noticing, you can't not dance to it, it is so addictive and exhilliarating and empowering. You feel sexy, energetic, talented, and so alive. And there is nearly nothing you can do that will draw attention to yourself, everyone is doing everything you can imagine, there is no chance of feeling alienated or in some way a detrimental presence. The main thing I just love about raves is the feeling of SAFETY. I've never really seen any violence, if you so much as trip over and fall on your face twenty people will decend upon you to help. Alcohol consumption is so rare at raves these days that the outdoor ones no longer sell it, and the vibe is just so different that if you accidentaly run into someone or knock something out of someone's hand, it's an excuse to make a friend or at the very least, snatch a smile and a friendly conversation. Yeah, I know that they aren't what they used to be, but hey, they also used to be illegal, and one could be arrested for preparing, attending or even waiting to attend a rave as late as the 1990s (Criminal Justice and Public Order Act;UK 1994). So compared to the drunken, violent letchery I see (and indeed, can hardly avoid) in more mainstream and common social niches, I think I'll stick with this brightly coloured and mydriatic underground. [/font][/color]
  2. [quote name='Morpheus']Hmmm...If we increase the standard of living, does that make them want to leave? If we make their lives better, they want to stay, so I don't see what you mean.[/quote] [font=timesnewroman][color=darkgreen]Increasing the standard of living for an area is the only way to reduce the population level - increased standard of living means more education, more money, meaning they do not have as much inclination or reason to have many children. Excess children are born through ignorance, (lack of education) and through need of free labour. [/color][/font]
  3. [QUOTE=maladjusted][color=darkslateblue] Most of this spouted from my hate of the president. Which is mostly what I'm angry at. [/color][/QUOTE] [font=timesnewroman][color=darkgreen] Now now, Mal. Let's not hate the President, good ol' George, he obviously hasn't got a bloody clue what's going on, poor guy. Getting a bad rap from everyone simply because he is the one who gets up there and (attempts) to read the speech in front of him. Now, you have to realise that he was a perfect president for the political party's purpose - ignorant, completely blind in fact, and so very [i]malleable[/i]. It's not poor George's fault - he gets his pay packet and he gets to play with guns so he's happy - it's the guys behind him you have to look out for. Wolfowitz, Perl, Cheney, Rice, Powell... you know, the GANG. The ones who KNOW what they're doing, and get out there, and DO IT.... through the president, of course. And the President is probably a good guy at heart, if he'd ever been overseas, or ever been to war, maybe he'd get the full effect of what's going on. Not his fault though. That is the Republican Way. It's the American way, then too - while the republicans are in charge, that is. Drive that powerful economy at full throttle, balancing on the backs of the mass of poor and uneducated people who are the MOST patriotic, the MOST hard working. Essentially a communist nation this far gone would be the same thing - millions of poor Americans working hard for a rich few. And everyone knows war is great for the economy... so let's blow up everything that moves under the front of keeping this FANTASTIC NATION SAFE. Bloody hell, guys, you're safe enough. Just give me a minute to get my breath back. And so, in conclusion, I don't believe the American government is at all interested in foreign affairs - just money, power, and keeping it. For those who have read 1984, by another George, you will have probably realised that we are already caught in an "unwinnable war" (if that is a word). "War against terrorism" - it's not only unable to be won, it's a #'ing paradox! There is nothing to be afraid of, except retaliation against your own country's brutality and lack of compassion towards the rest of the world. And perhaps we should have donated money BEFORE the tsunami, to raise the standard of living, so that there wouldn't be as many people there in the first place? It hit one of the most densely populated areas on the planet - perhaps not as many people would have died if that wasn't the case. And that IS something us toffynosed countries can help. [/color][/font]
  4. [font=timesnewroman][color=darkgreen] I'm bisexual, but in my circles, it doesn't mean that much. In fact, most of my friends are bisexual, and we consider all humans to be to some extent - that no one is purely heterosexual or homosexual, that there are shades of grey in between. Unfortunately for me, I'm a bit odd in that I find homosexual guys really attractive... which is not really good in that I have no chance at all of them being interested in me (as I'm female.) But something about gay guys... the ones you notice as being gay... man, some of them are just really HOT. But back to the moral discussion. I dont know if it's been brought up, but homosexuality isn't a purely human thing, many species of animal also display behaviour of intergender relationships or sexual activities. Religion, however, I know as being a purely human thing. A thing I'm not entirely happy about, as it tends to make people think other people are doing the "wrong" thing, where we will really never know. Especially in the instance of an activity or thing that does not harm ones self or another. So why the negative energy? Anyway, my opinion is that your body and beliefs are your business, and sometimes it is best to keep your behaviour and opinions to yourself, especially if they might cause another individual stress or discomfort, for whatever reason - out of love and respect for other individuals. [b]This goes for both religion AND sexuality. [/b] [/color][/font]
  5. [font=timesnewroman][color=darkgreen]Well, I just went and looked up my old post, and there wasn't really anything much of interest there. I would LOVE to meet piromunkie, but that's just because I think he needs it spiritually. Raiha too, I suppose... but I'm sure her spirituality has already reached it's peak without my assistance. James for a laugh. Anyone else easily accessible to the central east coast - Brisbane/GC type area, if they want, there is a whole heap of Otakuians up here in my town but I dont know how many have kept on here. I didn't keep on here, but I'm back now.[/color][/font]
  6. [font=timesnewroman][color=darkgreen] Well, down here in Australia things certainly aren't taken as seriously as say, in Japan, where schooling and results are becoming what seems like a life and death matter. So tutoring is available in school, no fee, just a teacher spending a bit of extra time with some students if they want. Or if you want to pay money for professional tutoring, that can be easily arranged and certainly isn't anything exceptional. I am actually a tutor myself, or I used to tutor younger grades in my spare time for some extra money. I just finished high school and got an OP of 3, out of one to twenty five, which I am very happy with as it has placed me in the top ten percent of my state. But school results here are just a ticket to university, and university degrees are just tickets to certain jobs that you can get any number of ways. A close friend of mine did rather badly at school - no sweat. We love him for who he is anyway, and he just had to tweak his uni application a bit. Very rarely down here is there any excess pressure to perform well at school, because everyone knows a child does best if he or she is relaxed in the learning environment. And now the government and workforce has made it so that an education is very easily attainable, and not necessary for an occupation. [/font][/color]
  7. Ravenstorture


    [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I'm sorry, but I'm withdrawing from otakuboards, and so my appearences on here will now be much less frequent. I still hope to make an appearance every now and then, but I won't be making a continuous contribution to this RPG anymore, and depending on the future, will not be RPGing on here anymore. I've had a fantastic time, Liam, thankyou so much for the brilliant RPGs we've been in together, and thankyou Liam, Raiha and Harlequin for my best creation on here so far - Latham Adytum. I hope to keep posting in Otakuboards for many years to come, if it's still around. I have had a great time here but now my interests lie elsewhere, if not for a little while. Sorry for the inconvenience.[/color][/font]
  8. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Wow, it's certainly been a while since I've posted in one of these. In fact, if I remember correctly, I started one very similar. At the moment, I really don't care about it though. I don't like Bush, at all, mainly because he stands for a lot of things I don't, and he doesn't stand for many things I find to be important, like abortion. But that's a whole new can of worms. I've been to Egypt, I've been to Greece, and Italy, and seen the places which once were massively powerful empires, historical in measure of achievement and action. Egypt is a third world country, Greece is far from civilised in the modern Western person's perspective, and Italy is hardly heard of these days. Not to mention Russia, China, India, Turkey, etc... I don't know how long it's going to take, but pride comes before a fall. And I can't wait, to tell you the truth, for America's decent. I know I'm infamous on here for hating America, and I don't think I could exactly explain why, but if I ever looked into it I'm sure that the reason would fall to people like Bush. Bush not being voted in next term would be a start. As for the rest, I'm too uninformed to comment. However, I do think Micheal Moore has a good point with Oprah as President... that is definately something I'd like to see.[/font][/color]
  9. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Yeah, it probably would suit me. Because I like it, and I drew it, probably. I really like the idea of getting a good creation of mine and in a way immortalising it... I'll have it till I'm old, anyway, and if I just framed it then I suppose it could get lost along the way somewhere. Basically, my sig means that I've found other places to spend my time on the net, so gradually, I won't be coming here anymore. Maybe maybe not, we'll see.[/color][/font]
  10. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I was going to get it done on my lower back, centered, and the image I posted was slightly smaller than the size I want done. It's just a design, one I did in my RE book one day, and played around with on photoshop until I got it a way i liked. [/color][/font]
  11. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]It's been a while since I've posted in here... Anyway, mum said I could get a tattoo if I drew it myself. I've finally done something that I liked, and tweaked it in the computer to come up with this. Now, I can't make [i]any[/i] decision IRL without consulting my friends on otaku, so questions and comments please. I'm going to get this thing permanantly drawn on my back, so I need to be completely sure. Every thought on this design is helpful. Oh, and I did a couple in different arrangements, so I might post those later.[/font][/color]
  12. Ravenstorture


    [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Malania decided to roll down the staircase instead of walk, and instantly regretted losing ten kilograms before she left London. Katarina smirked, taking her time to reach the bottom of the stairs, and slung Malania rather carelessly over her shoulder. In response, Malania rather carelessly let her arms go limp, whacking Kat in the tailbone with the butt of her Yarygin. Kat rather carelessly slapped Malania, hard, on the ass. Malania went still. The street was crowded, and traffic at a standstill - hailing a taxi would be pointless and, considering the explosives they had set, stupid. Malania swung to the side and glanced around, moaning and struggling to be put down. Gently placing her on her good foot, Kat was rewarded for her consideration by being whacked in the back of the knees, falling into a squat. Malania, not missing a beat, jumped onto Kat's shoulders. Kat squealed, waved her arms about, yelled something about being maligned, and stood up with considerable effort. Perhaps 10 kilos wasn't enough... To add insult to injury, Malania steered her best friend over to buy an icecream as they cruised through the traffic down the street. [/i] Malania: Thankyou, you're so good to a disabled woman... Katarina: Ha! Woman. You make me loff. Malania: Well, I loff you too! Want some icecream? [i]Katarina obviously didn't. Malania gave it to her anyway. What she forgot, however, was that Kat's fingernails lay dangerously close to the backs of Malania's thighs... ...Various other balancing acts and trifles kept the injured Malania and the tired Katarina amused as they ventured further and further... into... oh, shit....[/i] Malania: Um, where are we? Katarina: I don't know. Does it matter? Malania: Don't you... um... work for some kind of government agency that might want to know where we are? Katarina: Yeah? Vell, I might vant to know vere we are too. Malania: ...want some icecream?[/color][/font]
  13. Ravenstorture


    [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Malania crawled away from the genocidal Katarina and navigated her way to the bathroom once more, running into the door frame before realising she was already showered. But not dressed. Malania groaned, turned around, and reached for her suitcase, yowling like a cat on heat (OOC: yeah, you know the way we do). Katarina looked up, saw the pathetic scene on the floor, and laughed. [/i] Katarina: Vas there somsing? Malania: Yoooowwwwllll.... Katarina: You hoff one good ankle. Use it or I vill take care of it, too. [i]Malania jumped up, nimble and full of energy, and stretched quickly. Grabbing the first few things she felt in her pack, she slipped on a pair of loose black cotton pants, lightweight, and a longsleeved black t-shirt with PS2 logos on it. Finishing the look with a pair of black sneakers with elastic laces, one black and one white sock, and a bun on the crown of her head, Malania stretched again and unblocked the door, returning briefly to don a pair of smart matrixy sunglasses. Kat finished what she was doing and looked up, smiling sardonically. [/i] Malania: What? Katarina: You look so much like her. Malania: Who? Katarina: Lutveya. You're a perfect match, right down to the hairstyle. [i]Malania stared blankly ahead, into the corridor, for some time without reply. [/i] Malania: ...I miss her... [/color][/font]
  14. Ravenstorture


    [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]2001 russian sunshine streaming in dappled through waterfall of jasmine vine burning paterns reflected from silk sheets into malania's eyes closed muscles tensing hands sliding down over stomach skin sheets silk skin flesh aleks... she moved her whole body to the left, drifting past cold spots and warmth, using both hands now, found more skin. Cupping ribs pushing herself down head resting on firm stomach, silk of cheek on silk of navel. A hand strokes the liquid ink hair from malania's face and a tear nomadic from duct touches alien soil gasping... aleks pulls her up and she cries harder on his white pith stretching tight hands nails digging pain don't want to leave you don't want to leave you hands up further meeting breast flesh not hers - - Malania awoke with a start, her hands up Katarina's bra. Sighing, Malania wiped her still fiancee from her mind and pulled her hands down again. Katarina either was still sleeping, or very... nevermind. Malania went to stand up and suddenly remembered the massive wound in her ankle just before her foot hit the ground. Limping softly, she reached the ensuite with little trouble and gritted teeth, and turned the shower on. Stipping carefully, she stepped under the ice cold water and gasped. Katarina's idea wasn't that bad. The KGB had stolen her life, identity, family, love, any prospect of a normal life, and any freedom she may have had. And now she couldn't walk properly. Oh - and they've jsut ditched her, too. Malania broke some tiles with her elbow. Hmm.. someone sound like they're having fun next door.... the other side, and the sound of someone rapidly dryfiring some hardware. Ah, the life of a barracks... where you can get away with murder. Malania finished the shower and dried herself carelessly, collapsing back onto the bed in the intoxicating heat. [/i][/color][/font]
  15. Ravenstorture


    [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Malania ducked off quickly to empty her stomach once again, and glancing up, found two things. The first was a complete lack of Katarina, and the second was a russian KGB agent. Holding her hair back for her and smiling rather nastily.[/i] Malania: Why thankyou, unexplained Russian person who most probably is going to fire me. Unexplained Russian Person who is Just About to Fire Malania: Why, you're velcome. [i]Leaning down, the agent pulled out a pocket knife and sliced Malania's left achilles tendon, grabbing the upper strand and pulling out the metal pin hidden inside. Malania slumped down, gasping and narrowly avoiding her own vomit. Reaching for another panadol, she passed out, noticing the complete lack of anyone at all in the alleyway to help her. Save her...[/i][/color][/font]
  16. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I'm sorry, I know I don't have much of a place posting in this thread, but I want to get involved in the conversation. I think the definition of christianity has changed greatly if this covenant thing is anything to go on. And the different sections of the faith, different interpretations, etc, interesting to see how it all came about. I have never heard of this covenant thing before - but I have been taught of the covenant between god and man, and the great importance of it, and I understand the importance. If everyone followed it, the world would work. My definition of christianity is as follows - being christlike. Loving everyone, lending a hand, lending an ear, having a bigger picture to focus on. And I do that. I try to. I've never really come across someone who feels as strongly about Christ as you guys do and actually talked about it, usually they're trying to force me into it and I get defensive. But my perspective of the faith changed when I heard about the amazing detail that this practice has for personal safety - until now, I saw the religion as a vauge, protective shield in which people had no real reason for holding on to. Hearing about this covenant has brought it right down for me, as if this practice is evidence that God cares for his children. As for the relationship between that covenant and the covenant between people and Christ, I'm uncertain of. It's hard to think about these things when you aren't much of a believer, but I'm interested nonetheless.[/color][/font]
  17. Ravenstorture


    [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Gunfire. Headache. High blood alcohol content. Feeling the warm, fetid air on her face, Malania began to wake up a little bit. Leaning forward, she put her legs on her ankles and ran her fingers up her legs. She was still wearing what she was last night, two guns on her thighs. Pulling them out, she finally opened her eyes. The first scene that greeted her was the contents of her stomach and half a van. No one else to be seen, this particular street seemed to have been abandoned.... now to test her feet... Thank god for platform FMBs. Finding a wall to lean on was a bit of a hit and miss, but when someone shot at her, she began to open her eyes a little more. Little by little, things came back to her. The flashes of enemy, like fluorescence in her drunken nightvision. A slice of black on the top of a low building.... Taking aim with one arm held loosely infront of her, she fired. Right through the head... Ah, not only feeling invincible but also still a brilliant shot. A knife to her throat, she spun and found herself face to face with a slim, middle aged singaporean woman. Not on her side. She burped loudly, and the woman smirked at the scent of heavy drinking on her tounge. (i'm sorry people, I know they say you can't smell vodka, but I've lived with an alcoholic for nearly twenty years. You can.) Slumping against the woman, she went to drop Malania, but as soon as the woman shifted the knife lower Malania opened her mouth wide and took a huge bite of the woman's jugular vein. Now not only was she staggering around drunk and armed, but covered in blood. This is definately the way to go. All of a sudden she was kneeling... not quite ready for it yet. The action seemed to have moved in the other direction, however, as she was still alive. But she was alone. Malania wasn't stupid - people like her didn't wait for people like her, why should anyone else? Time to take advantage of the blood and fall down, pretending you're dead. Sleep....[/i][/color][/font]
  18. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I didn't even bother reading the last page, I really can't take another "Cloricus vs. the World" spiel this week. Remind me again, Cloricus, what justification you have for calling yourself a Christian? And now onto the reason why I'm posting. I'm heathen, born again pagan, racist against christians and a supporter of the church of Satan (although not the time nor grace to be a follower). Listening to evangelists make me angry and violent. Reading the bible makes me sick. Sitting in a room with one thousand people chanting praise mindlessly makes me scared for humanity. Hearing about the devout faith of people like George Bush doesn't surprise me - I know that a majority of Christians know the commandments off by heart and don't do a damned thing to show it. Anti-abortionists, the crusades, the inquisition, I hate it I hate it I hate it. And I made it well known the other day, in the counsellor's office. I walked in there after First Friday mass and I grabbed the crusifix on the wall and I threw it on the wall and I jumped on it. (At this point in time you gentle people ask why I am posting this here. You're the first to know, and you're the ones I want to hear it. Cloricus, I don't want you to talk to me about this, ever.) It makes me sick that the symbol of this religion is a crucified man. One of the most beautiful, kind, loving men in known history, and 9/10 places I see him these days he's either starving, bleeding, nailed to a stick, or standing there with a hole in his chest, holding out his bleeding heart to the world. Anyway. To the point. I've basically establised that I don't like the christian/catholic church, and faith. You're the perfect audience to ask this burning question: What is your definition of Christianity? [/color][/font]
  19. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I publicly announced my bond with my person before I was allowed to get married. Does that count? I've been premaritally sexually active for a year and a half, and not targetting anyone in particular, I find getting right up the catholic church's nose is rather fun. I regularly attend an institute of that particular church, and although finding a way to publicly announce my sexual activty to all brothers and priests I come across, I do enjoy staring blankly at people when they talk about abstaining until marriage. "A con...what?" is also a good reply to the lectures I get on contraception. On the contrary, I would never have lost my virginity to a strange guy a few months into the relationship if I wasn't sure of it. I'm a smart girl, and my mother brought me up well. I've only taken one or two mild risks with pregnancy and dropped the habit, and I'm relatively uneasy about having sex with someone with syphalis. Does that count as being sensible? Recent studies show that Australian teens being the most sexually active for that age, and are the youngest in the world to regularly indulge. After all this talk about morals, I'd like to remind everyone that I don't believe in right and wrong. I have my own set of morals, based on the precedent that they will be the most likely to bring harmony to me and others if I follow them. That said, I often find inner peace in insulting others and I am seventeen and enjoy meaningless sex with the man I love. I'm young, and when I get older, it will be harder to have fun as the responsibilities increase. So I'm going to have a lot of sex now, even if we're fighting, even if we're not technically going out. I will make the most of my life, and I would rather regret things I've done than things I haven't. I understand that people would think marriage is the safest domain for sex, but we invented marriage, and we didn't invent sex. Sex is a biological normalcy, marriage is anything but. It might work for a stable society, but it's obvious that it's not natural. I'm going to contradict myself here - I happen to live in a society. I really hate that, but it's fact. So I'm going to expect my b/f to remain monogamous, or if he's not going to, inform me beforehand, and I'm going to marry him. But I reject the concept of a) catholocism, b) marriage and c) organised society. [/color][/font]
  20. Ravenstorture


    [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Malania looked at her watch. Couldn't read the numbers. Kat...where...where is the music? Where was that guy... the one who stopped her from falling over when the support of bodies fell away on one side... he wasn't there. She couldn't smell him. Unless, of course... he smelt like oil... the familiar scent of sweat ocillated and stripteased itself down into a little hard ball of russian dialect. It said, "Dura! Alkash... Malania, shiryat'sya de?" Malania didn't dare open her eyes, she smelt the sunlight, felt it swearing at her pale, planet-frost skin. "Nyet." She muttered, answering the question as to whether or not she had injectd drugs. What time was it? Groping in the self-inflected darkness, her world took a left turn and beeped loudly, making Malania seriously considering throwing up. She found her wrist, and found her watch. Couldn't feel her arm... what did that mean? Not hers? A sliced open strawberry, pressed to her ear, still warm from the sunshine, whispered, "Chetireh." Four in the morning? Where was she? The fruit kissed her temple and warm, powdery snakes engulfed her upper body, tempting her to collapse against this hidden medusa. Katarina, the one that had always been there when the ocean and the sky reversed. But not anymore. Darkness lurched sideways, the snakes constricted. Malania threw up, but didn't feel it on her. If anyone else was here, she might bother about being embarrassed... until then, she complained to the strawberry about the heat.[/i][/color][/font]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Is this just a new buzz word for SNAG? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]SNAG - Sensitive, New Age Guy - think Chris Skennerton. Some chicks think it's just a way of pulling. I find it a little annoying if it's over-advertised by the guy... but in no way does a SNAG get confused with homosexual unless it's by a testosterone seeped male. And there are plenty around, and they happen to make up a majority. A powerful one. Take Flynn for example... he's no where near homosexual, but that isn't the general consensus. Why? Because the majority of the school community is made up of people like Ross C******* - rugby players, people with "status". Metrosexual? If it means people like Jack, Flynn, Micheal, Mark, even Tim, then I'm all for it. As for the question of it's effect on homosexuals, my experience is that if there are people who hate gays and lesbians, then they'll probably go after those who don't fit the bill. AKA, Ross C******* style. Just the fact that guys accept that men [i]have[/i] a feminine side is great, because women seem to have no problem with delving into their male sides (working out, wearing male clothes etc). Perhaps this is because the male gender is still accepted as superior. Men and women aren't really meant to be all that different - look at every other species on the planet. Apart from mating colours, it's hard to tell. Take it from me, we dissected a rat today in biology... [/color][/font]
  22. Ravenstorture


    [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Malania threw herself at the bar, ordering the only liquid worth a glass - vodka. Katarina hung around at the enteranec of the throbbing club for a minute, assessing the exits and spark points (hidden bouncers, easy to find because people dance better when their not paid to keep an eye out) of the complex. Malania left her to it. It had been six months hard work for her, and although she would die to admit it, this was her first drink in the whole time. Kat joined her with a smirk on her face.[/i] Kat: Dis place is a security nightmare. Ze doorman - doorvoman, I may say, is a 78 year ohd ex-prostitute wiz no teeth, and as far as I can tell, zere is no more security. Top points for ze seven fire escapes, zough. Malania: Yeah, the Sari would do well to follow them on that front. The bar over the street... clubs here know terrorism is an issue. But that's not the reason for these doors. This place is the lowest of the low. [i]Kat drank and melted against the bar.[/i] Kat: I can tell... only fleapits seem to have decent drink zese days. You saying zat zere's a lot of trouble here? You know ve are officers of ze law... Malania: Yeah, which is the beauty of it. I'm suspecting that people who kidnap children aren't ezactly all vork and no play, you get me? Kat: You can't honestly expect me to believe that you will be keeping an eye out wiz your little... loff affair, do you? Malania: Hey, just because heavy drinking and partying is my calling doesn't mean I loff it. Kat: Why don't you speak wiz dat accent more often? Malania: Why don't you drink up and kiss me again? Kat: And ruin your chances of scoring wit some random guy? I think not, zomehow. Malania: Same deal as with in the alleyway - it vould probably increase my chances of scoring. [i]Kat laughed, downed another glass and pushed herself into the mass of dancing people, dragging Malania with her. [/i][/color][/font]
  23. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I've been doing Japanese for eight years now. Indonesian, Chinese and Japanese are popular languages in Australian school syllabus because we're right next door, and because the population of asians in Australia is high. The kind of school I'm going to is populated by country people, you know, kids who won't learn japanese because their grandaddies fought against them in the war. That kind of backward minded thinking. So that means I have four other people in my japanese class, and as the minimum requirement for a class is six, I do it by distance education. And it's an incredible workload - two hours a day not including classes and that's only barely keeping up. Kendo, nihongo no wa tanoshii da to omoimasu. Ganbatte imasu...[/color][/font]
  24. Ravenstorture


    [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Malania rolled onto her stomach, turning back to Katarina and feeling the coolness of the sweat evaporate from her back. They had fallen asleep spooning, and the humid singaporian night air woke Malania like a smothering hand. A check of the watch, 20:45. Clubs open in half an hour. Picking up a strand of Katarina's hair, she tickled her upper lip with it until Kat sneezed, spitting not only on herself but on Malania too. That one backfired. The astonishing thing was that Kat still slept on like nothing had happened. Malania was not fooled however, as no one could have spat that accurately in their sleep.[/i] Malania: Yobanaya suka! Katarina: Foul language. Why did you vake me op? Malania: It's quater to nine. I want to go out and get smashed. Katarina: And vot about tomorrow morning, ven ve need to be all avake and alert? Malania: I'll burn that bridge when I come to it. [i]Vaulting herself over Kat to the middle of the room, Malania stretched, touching the floor behind her ankles to show off what Kat had never been able to do. Kat stood and cracked various parts of her anatomy before pulling her suitcase out from under the bed and chucking clothes everywhere. Malania stalked around the room, picking up the shiny, skimpy bits of cloth she saw flying around the room. Soon, she had her outfit done - a long, black PVC skirt (in singapore, showing the leg was considered indecent and offended the local religion), and a metallic black tank top with a pentagram necklace and incredibly large, chunky gothic clubbing boots - platform, kneehigh, more straps than a straight jacket, more comfortable than sneakers and breathed easier than... something that breathes really easily.[/i] Katarina: A zeagull? Malania: What? Kat: Never mind. [i]Anyway. Katarina dressed in black cloth jeans, a tight leather shirt with shameful cleavage and combat boots, finishing the look with a heavy black coat. She wore her hair up. Malania's cascaded over her face, hiding various piercings that weren't shown during the day. Malania strapped her Yarygin to her thigh, and after a moment's pitiful look from Kat, hers as well. They argued for a minute over who would take the mobile phone, and Kat ended up with it in her pocket. Three even strokes of mascara each and they were ready, looking utterly foreign and not giving a damn. Three taxi's drove away in impatience while the two yelled at eachother in the street before Malania finally let Kat pay for the trip into the CBD. Once they were there, they listened for some house and followed their ears. [/i] Kat: Goot to know tourists are useful for something... Malania: What? Kat: Decent nightlife.[/color][/font]
  25. Ravenstorture


    [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Katarina moaned loudly and slumped forward as Malania pushed her fingers into the well-formed shoulders. Keeping her hands stiff, she pushed lightly in little jabs down the flesh on each side of the spine, elicting another grunt from Katarina. Malania looked at her watch. This massage had gone on long enough... sliding her long fingernails up into Kat's hair, she gripped the base of the skull and gently vibrated the flesh, teasing nerve endings and sending Katarina into a downward spiral. Waiting a few seconds with that treatment, Malania finished it off with a quick backscratch, standing up and stretching once Kat's breathing slowed and became regular. She moved quietly to the door, pausing slightly and returing to Katarina to part her lips slightly. By the time she returned, the sleeping russian would be seeping with drool. Malania glowed with pride for her talent, and mischevious glee she only experienced after humiliating her best friend. The quarters were silent. Keeping it that way, Malania slipped into the third door down, hoping it was the right one. Dark, quiet... there was someone on one of the beds. Closing her eyes, she listened to the breathing, and sniffed the air. Male. That narrowed it down a smidgen... Taking a chance, Malania took out a tealight candle from her pocket and lit it with her lighter. A sick, yellow light danced around the large, distorted shadow of her hand, shading the man's face. She placed the camera on the windowsill and smiled - it was Liam. Curled up into a foetal position... so cute. Oh well. Malania sat on the side of the bed, waking Liam gently. He groaned and rolled around a bit, settling down into a curious silence when he realised who it was.[/i] Malania: Milord? Liam: There is a crazy russian on my bed. Malania: Need to talk to you, Sir. Liam: Why are you calling me sir? Malania: Ok, Liam. I do not work for you. I work for the KGB. I'm only with Katarina because I love her so much and I've not seen her for a long time. I miss her. But my job is to gather intelligence on this group, and more specifically, her role within it. Liam: I see... Malania: Unfortunately, I'm as erratic and untrustworthy as she is... there is someone out there keeping an eye on me too. If they find out I've been getting infolfed in your operations... Liam: You'd be out of a job? Malania: And a homeland. Probably a pulse, too... they're like that. Liam: Why are you telling me this? Malania: You've been very welcoming... I was just wondering... well, if I lose my place with my country, I would stand by Katarina as it was anyway. I was just curious if... Liam: You woke me up, so be quick about it. Malania: I'll stay with you and do as you say. If I prove myself, I'd hope to stay with the SYF. With my age, there is no where else I could go for a few years, but here. [i]Liam sighed, and relaxed into the bed. He'd not really expected this new arrival, and although coping with her on a short term basis was over, it was proving to be a more long term problem. Thinking it over quickly in his head, he felt a little sorry for the russian. The KGB was no place for a child, and after this, she was right - there would be nowhere for her if her country disowned her. When he opened his eyes with an answer, she was gone. Liam blew out the candle and went back to sleep.[/i][/color][/font]
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