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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]First one - I've never seen a style like that before. I love it, as you read it you almost lose your breath, it sounds like gasping and it's wonderful. Second - film noir. Detectives in overcoats. I'm sure there was a plot, but it didn't grab me in the first couple of verses so I let it go. But then the "fallen angel sat corner tied" line caught my eye, and I felt like singing the rest to myself. I don't know how you'll see that, but it's a compliment. Third - Not interested. For some reason, it's just too similar to thee last thirty or so poems I've been exposed to. I guess anything less than spectacular bores me, and rhyming schemes really get up my nose. Last - this looked exciting... I liked the paragraph format. However, the short sentance then full stop thing gets tired after a while, starts to sound like you're reading off a list. You have an incredible way of putting words together, though, and I thoroughly enjoy reading sentances like, "it was like a flutter and flock of dodobirds existing" and "still warmed and lost of wings they shook and shivered in the warm watering can"... lines like that feel good when you say them, it's like they have taste. I could go off on a whole new tangent about the way a good line tastes. I don't know if that was what you wanted, but I've been reading and writing poetry for ten years now, and I feel that I'm not bullshitting you. I could be wrong, however. But well constructed sentances, good paragraphing structure and the taste of a poem has paid off for me, and many other good writers. You're better than most I've seen. [/color][/font]
  2. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]The bats, the bats, their senses twirl on salty flats and to unfurl a slithered wing an untold tale to branches cling dead lignin frail it snaps, it snaps and tumbles down disturbs the mists and breaks a crown upon the grass - Undignified. The mammal's mask of natural grace has been displaced. I snigger and it looks to me as if I had not meant to see. [/color][/font]
  3. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]My mother's friend, a nigerian guy who is now a professional basketballer, ran into us on the street one day when I was four or so. I asked him if I could squeeze the blackheads on his arm. Last day of school in year three we were opening christmas presents in class and I stabbed my teacher in the eye with a candy cane, and was then quoted in saying, "Now you can be a pirate." And the icing on the dementia cake.... My nanny's house had a pool out the back, with a garage to one side, only a metre away. My uncles used to jump off it into the pool, as it was next to the deep end. One day they finally let me have a go... I jumped off the opposite side into the garden and sprained my ankle. *edit, in reply to the post below this one... I used to try not to watch too much television because I thought the people inside would get tired.[/color][/font]
  4. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Underage drinking is a problem in australia, about half of my year level at school (and it should be about the same in a few others) have no problem with getting completely and utterly smashed at parties, and I'd say about fifteen people I know do it on a very regular occasion, say, every weekend. On a more personal level, my mother is a severe alcoholic, so I've been somewhat deterred from alcohol. Not much else to say on the topic.... the legal age to drink here is 18, no limit if under parental guidance.[/color][/font]
  5. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I've just been in hospital for three days and at my grandmother's for a week with meningitis, which was very nasty and horrible. I lay in bed for nearly the whole time, the rest of the time I was trying to eat and collapsing under the pain of my headaches for trying. I was so sick of the room I was staying in by the end of it, that for the last night I slept in the kitchen. And apart from missing three exams, forgetting a play I am meant to write a review for, and fallling nearly a month behind in my japanese, the muscles in my back have been permanantly ****ed by the lumbar puncture I had in hospital and my imune system is as capable as a HIV positive person's for the next month and a half. But hey, look on the bright side - I lost three kilos and so now none of my bras fit. [/color][/font]
  6. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]We are too dependant on our own minds... but we have nothing else to go from. For example, how do you know what anything is? Because someone else told you? Could you trust them? Why? Because someone else told him, or because a large number of people agree on it? There is no evidence that anything we know of is what we say it is, that it's purpose is what we think it is, or even that it exists. We called them trees, we named it physics, and we are but another species on a luckily placed, flourishing rock. We place ourselves above other animals, but there is no reason for us to. Our failures are quickly outweighing our successes. Perhaps every other living thing on the planet was capable of doing what we have done, but they didn't because they knew it wouldn't work in the end. And what do I mean by "work"? How are we supposed to know what is right and wrong? It's all based on opinion, and as there is nothing to say which opinion is "correct", there is no way of telling. Therefore, no right, and no wrong. As for proof, nothing can be proven completely, because again it comes back to rely on previous knowledge, and what we think we know means nothing. We're always just taking someone else's word for it... As for the actual question, there may be no universe, it may be that our parents are dead now, we are dead now, who knows. I know I wouldn't be too surprised if something high and mighty came down from above and told us we had it all wrong. I'd laugh. We deserve it.[/color][/font]
  7. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I've recieved fifty-four of those emails in the past week. None of them were from the same address. I thought that was a big unit to be doing the assignment, or a lot of people with that hobby, or, as one person put it: [quote]If I can collect four thousand forwarded letters in one month, my brother will give me fifty dollars[/quote] I'm used to getting emails that promise ME money, not promise some other guy the goods. A guy with both legs in tact, too, I'm presuming... But here are a few more classics: [quote]Please forward me as many chain letters as you can to me, because I want to wallpaper my room with them.[/quote] [quote]When you get a chainletter, send it to me. I like them.[/quote] And my personal favorite... [quote]My friend really, really hates chainletters. Here is her email address.... [/quote][/font][/color]
  8. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Threefold, eightfold, tenfold law. Doesn't work in the real world. I came out with my religion and got two years of hell - so much for sending out my love. And harm it none... who gives a damn. People are nasty, and stupid, and your family, hopefully, will be an exception. But don't expect anyone else to be. [/color][/font]
  9. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Our school has something called a five year strategic plan, which happens every five year cycle. We've just started a new one, and each starts with a survey to all the grades: which aspects of the college do you enjoy, which aspects concern you, etc. We've taken into the college a couple of sudanese refugees, and there are a couple of aboriginies, and a couple of maories. I had the task of going through a large portion of the surveys today, and most people put the presence of other races in the college as things that concern them. There are only four people in my japanese class at school because most parent's don't want their children speaking the language of the people they fought in the war. Australia is racist. I'm sad to say it, but it's pretty much true. Our prime minister has not apologised to the aboriginies, and although heaps gathered and did so anyway, the vast majority will still harbour some form of resentment, anger at the benefits for the ethnic races, fear of asian immigration, hatred of the middle east. Old knowledge, what has been past down from generation to generation. And people believe what their parents tell them, which is why it's so hard to get rid of.[/color][/font]
  10. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]It's what I happened to be doing at the time.[/color][/font]
  11. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]If people remember back to last year, you may remember the Ravenstorture who hated Americans because of various, stupid little things that were enough of an excuse. And yes, I must admit there is a minority that are great, and a minority that aren't bad, but if I needed to pick a place to nuke it would be USA. UNFORTUNATELY: I have just come back from year 11 retreat, and am therefore in a strangely loving, accepting mood. I used to hate about 99% of my year level, and after last night, it all changed. I won't go into it, but it was a very strange time that changed me, and therefore i'm sadly not in an american bashing mood. BUT! I saw the conspiracy documentary too, and I was also convinced. Why? I need something to be paranoid about, it gives my life variety, keeps me on my toes. And I DO NOT TRUST THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT!!!!!!! Please note that any trying to convince me otherwise will be looked at, smirked at, and ignored - do not try to sell me your government. I don't care about how good it is, it doesn't matter how good it is, I will hate it anyway. Now, this conspiracy thing, I don't care. Other matters on my mind. Let's just say that if it's proven it was a hoax, I'll be one of the "I told you so" people.[/font][/color]
  12. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I have three cats - jessamine moved out a while ago, I only see her every fourth night or so. Then there is nigel, a huge himalayan persian, a beautiful cat who thinks he owns everything. My personal favorite cat (I'm not only typing that because she's watching) is Puzwa. I've had her for about eight years and she loves me so much... sleeps next to me, follows me around, and malts white cat hair all over my whole wardrobe, which is mainly black, except for my school uniform, which is dark blue. *****! Oh, I'm sorry kitty... she's so cute. Here! See for yourself. This is puzwa on our living room windowsill.[/font][/color]
  13. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I have an inferiority complex, I annoy harlequin for attention, I pick my nose, have a strange obsession with getting things pierced, I correct people's grammar, even when they are speaking to me, I don't study and will clean the whole house, mow the lawn and clip the cat's toenails if there is an assignment or washing up to be done. I harrass people to finish a sentance, and scratch people's backs as a reflex (not for pain). If I have scratches on me I want to show everyone and I will mess with people's heads, to the point of damage, if bored. I also like to cut myself, and to be hit. I don't see the last one as a bad habit, but I probably will one day.[/font][/color]
  14. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Oh YES.... I love cheesecake, first and foremost, not the stuff that just tastes like plastic, and not the baked kind although I can deal with it. I like the creamy stuff and the no frills supermarket version is the best and it costs about a dollar fifty for a whole cake. Cake itself doesnt do that much for me, I'm more into the chocolate silks, the ganaches, the creamy goos of the confectionary world. Icecream is good, but it's not my favorite. As for savory, I'll eat anything indian if it's done well - that means made from real spice, not packet stuff. I love pappadums and I love indian curry to death, I eat rice with anything, I love spicy foods, I love chinese honey king prawns and sweet and sour pork. Thai food is excellent - I love just about anything thai, especially a well done laksa. Thai imitation chinese is BAD and should be set on fire. I do not like any japanese food I have come across so far. Moving across the pacific, to America, I cannot really think of any american food I know of that I enjoy, the only thing that jumps out at me is junk food and the occasional gourmet pizza. I do not like pizza. I do not like McDonalds. I do not like fast food. I do, however, like barbeque chicken. And I like chips. I used to love coke and iced coffee, but my favorite and most frequent drink is tea, milky and without sugar, I set earl grey drinkers on fire and do evil things to their corpses. My favorite pasta is bacon carbonara, I think that everything goes better with cream or sour cream - pumkin soup, tomato soup, spaghetti bolognaise, beef stroganoff, tomato pasta sauces... I would like to be vegetarian, but I love meat. I love steaks, beef stakes, veal stakes, pork chops, lamb chops, chicken of every kind, ox tail soup, ox tounge, silverside, bacon, casseroles, roast anything that moves, I've had it all - roast duck, swan, eel, snake, emu, kangaroo, dog, turkey, bush turkey, pheasent, quail, pigeon, goose, rabbit and turtle. I love it all. I am a carnivore and ******* proud of it. My trips to Egypt and Greece certainly whetted my continental appetite - vine leaves, baklava, gyros (if anyone knows where to get these in Australia, PLEASE TELL ME, if you know where they are near you mail me a couple), spanikopita, souvlaki, kerdras, and of course the best hommos and tabouli on the planet. As for australian food... well, the barbeque certainly attracts me. My favorite thing for a barbeque is honey soy pork mid-strips... honey soy anything. Yum, yum yum. I love steamed cabbage and I eat more than I should, I love cauliflower in bechamel sauce, waldorf salad, potato salad, coleslaw, carrots and turnips dripping in butter and pepper, I love steamed zucchini and squash, baked potatos, roast sweet potato, blanched snow peas, starfruit, passionfruit, rockmelon, bananas and cream, peaches, semi-dried apricots, dried apple, I love roast almonds, hazlenuts, macadamia nuts, pine nuts, brazil nuts and rasberries, strawberries dipped in chocolate, blueberries set into white chocolate mousse, blackberries from St Leonard's cemetary... But the thing I love most, out of everything else in existance (even over harlequin sometimes) is CHOCOLATE. White, dark, melted, milk, sculpted, ganache, eggs, coatings, bites, creams, aztec, wrapped, expensive, ten week old jaffas found behind the couch... my reason for being. The best chocolate in the whole world is belgian Lindor white Lindt balled chocolate, or perhaps melted sara lee chocolate to the power of an undefined number icecream licked off various parts of my lord's anatomy. Ahem. Then there is guilian shells, cafe 209 gourmet rum chocolates (three dollars a piece) or perhaps just good old foot long duty free giant white tolberone bars on the way between wales and ireland... I've only had four, but then again, I'm only 16. There is a lot more of my life left to finish off the supply. I think that is it... well, I know it's not, but I'm going to stop mow while I can't think of anything. EDIT: Ooh! Prawn crackers, and satay. Anything satay - satay stir fry, skewers, and ground nut stew. I love stew. Druid stew, bacon and leek soup, cream of mushroom and chicken soup. Oh! Seafood! I love lobster and deep fried scallops and prawns, crab sticks, smoked mussles and caviar and pate! I love pate. I make my own. Camembert cheese, too, brie, melted and on berton crackers... I love crusty loaves of bread and salty butter and cob loaves and oh! I can't believe I didn't mention eggs benedict. And smoked salmon! Cream cheese, muffins, raisin bread, AAARGH!!! CRUMPETS!!!!!! *self destructs through overload sequence* [/font][/color]
  15. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, from what I got, you're life really isn't that bad at all. Firstly, you rid yourself of R, who is a pathetic lying scumbag and who you really shouldn't have around anyway, you got him away from C, which prevented her from being hurt any more, you told the truth to J and I'm sue he respects you more now, you were forgiven by C, which is good, and if you're girlfriend is worth anything she too will realise this and your life will be fire-proof. R is out of the picture, C and J are safe and soon to be happy. The truth is out and you saved the day, you've no need to worry about your g/f finding out. But then again, I may have not understood also....[/font][/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wintermute [/i] [B]My original plan was to apply for Natural Sciences at Cambridge, looking to specialize in Biochemistry, but now I'm really not sure. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]ARGH! Damn you people who live close enough to Cambridge to go there! I love Cambridge, I've only been there once but I fell in love with it and I would love to go there for university. As things stand, me living in terra nullius and all, I will go to University of Queensland to study medicine, or Queensland University of Technology to study forensic science. I might be moving to Europe in a while though, so if I do I might get to do my time in Oxford or Cambridge.[/font][/color]
  17. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]A couple of the people above me would agree that my poetry skills are above average, in fact, I've even had Harlequin tell me that my poetry was - indeed - poetry... and instead of taking it as an insult to all the [i]other[/i] poetry that apparently wasn't poetry, I thought it was a brilliant compliment. Taking into account that he is constantly bitching about how people never write poetry anymore, just string words together... ...Well, what you did wasn't really that good. But it will make you feel better to hear that I've done worse, Harlequin's done worse, in my opinion Raiha's done worse, and there is a 90% chance that your favorite pop star has done worse a number of times and still made **** loads of money out of it. Keep trying, you'll move further down the path. Whether or not it's to poet laureat, or public toilet graffiti, who knows. "The ladder of art lies flat, not vertical." - Margaret Preston.[/color][/font]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]my mum is so feminist, i dont think i have achoice. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I'd tend to disagree with a statement like that, but I know how you feel. My mother is one of the biggest feminists I know - and of course, being a feminist, she attracts a lot of them, in discussion groups, freinds etc... so basically I've seen a lot of feminists, but my mother is definately a prominant figure. For example, I'm only sixteen and 3/4, but she moved out of home a month and a half ago to Canberra to work at a woman's shelter, and do her honours on women and alcoholism. So now I'm on my own, but I respect her for having a life of her own. Allow me to talk about my mother some more: My grandparents, her parents, are very conservative. They really disapprove of her having a life outside of the one they think she is meant to have - basically, staying at home, pleasing the husband and bringing me up. They hate the fact that there is no husband, and they hate the fact that she has done so well in bringing me up despite doing thousands of other things at the same time. She's a dancer, an artist, a nurse, an archeologist, and anything else she decided it would be good to do. My mother perhaps is a feminist because her parents raised her to believe she was inferior to men. They still believe it. I got lectured by grandad the other day because I decided to accept the role of senior sergeant in my cadet unit. Anyway, I've been raised by a feminist and she's been smart enough to not teach me what she knows as the truth, but what she sees as the truth. I know I need to decide for myself, and so far I've done a good job on forming my own opinions about the world. Feminism arose because of the dominance of men, but these days I have a feeling feminism is taking a wrong turn. The way many people go about feminism is too heavy, as if it were to tip the scale too much in women's favour. And sure, some will say we deserve that, at least for a little while. But equality is so important, and we are battling against hundreds of years of inbuilt knowledge. It is getting better, but it will be a while before people can think sensibly about race and gender and religion and general difference, and form their own opinions independantly from their education. EDIT: And now, a note from the famed woman, just what this thread needs, a message from a professional, experienced feminist:[/color] [color=purple]Good love, Tell your loutish friends that intellectually insightful men are feminists too! Feminism doesn't mean women are better, or even the same - it says that that which we have associate with feminine has been devalued along with women themselves. that is why so many more men are mentally ill, substance abusers, committing society, dying of heart attacks, starting wars, abandoning children, families and responsibilities for their cars, computers and corporations. Feminine values need freedom from oppression. Tell them to **** off and hug a tree. [/color][/font]
  19. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]A tribute to Mr Vallely.[/color][/font]
  20. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Yeah, I know it isn't in my sig. But we're married. (for those of you who navigate otakuboards with your eyes tightly shut, we means The Harlequin and I). I think I'll put it back in my sig. There we go... Right. We met in person, beginning of year eight (three and a half years ago) and started going out very nearly two years ago (two year anniversary in seventeen days, 25/07, hooray hoorah!) and married online as a secondary thing. We're engaged in real life, too, and when we marry we very well may still be on OB, so I'll dig up this thread and edit this post in two or three years time when it happens. Looking forward to it, hooray again.... But, we did start talking on line, via email, and he first admitted his feelings for me on line too. The net is still a strong point of connection for us. And yes, I am the happiest person alive. [/color][/font]
  21. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Iolanthe watched the demon move above, his eyes thick with intent. Glancing down at his mangificent form, she suddenly realised that she had never been in this position before... although flaunting her sexuality, intercourse had been the last thing on her mind her whole life. And no one she knew held any of that kind of interest in her anyway. Suddenly scared, she shut her eyes tightly and thought of what to do. She wasn't too sure that this was going to be a good experience... he looked much, much too large for her to accomodate anyway. Placing her hands over her eyes, she braced herself for the penetration, knowing there was nothing she could do to stop the beast. A moment passed, then another, and nothing happened. Iolanthe opened her eyes to see him lying beside her, staring intently at her face. Embarrased to show her weakness, she dropped her hands to her side, closing her eyes once more and letting her face go blank. Still, the demon did nothing.[/i] Iolanthe: Why did you stop? Kynjaka: You didn't want me to. Iolanthe: ...does it matter? Kynjaka: Depends. [i]Getting up on top of her again, he arched his neck and licked her collar bone, lightly. It tickled, and when he noticed he Kynjaka began to experiment, flicking the tip of his long tounge onto her neck and making her squirm, and eventually, laugh. She was then caught totally unaware by the searing pain between her legs, a barb of hot agony pushing ruthlessly into her torso. When the force stopped, the pain remained, and faded slowly. Opening her eyes, she saw the demon's eyes were not friendly. Scared, unable to move from the weight pushing down upon her, Iolanthe began to panic. Kynjaka ignored her this time, placing the palms of his hands on her shoulderblades and relaxing his weight onto his elbows, so his face was buried in her neck. Then, revelling in her screams, he began to move... [/i][/color][/font]
  22. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Iolanthe stepped off the elegant train onto the third platform of Victoria Station, London, to be greeted by her serving boy by the name of Svall, a tall blond teenager who had served Iolanthe for his whole able life. He towed behind him in his strong hands a wheeled chest, a couple of hatboxes resting on top. Following behind were two young girls with long brown hair and grey dresses, they were Iolanthe's maids. The small entourage bowed to Iolanthe and followed Svall through the swirling crowds to the overcast London city beyond the doors. Sunlight adequately filtered, Iolanthe adjusted her hat and sunglasses and strode purposefully behind her servant. He seemed to know where he was going, and went about it confidantly, dressed in a three piece suit and expensive shoes. Feeling in a good mood, Iolanthe touched the side of the chest lightly, making it considerably lighter. Although it jolted from the increase in force, she saw the favour had been greatfully recieved. It was a good start to her life here in England, so many miles away from her home. The hotel, an expensive one, was very courteous and Iolanthe enjoyed standing in the cool lobby as Svall organised everything. Tomorrow he would venture out to find a more permanant residence, while Iolanthe slept from her night out. [/i][/color][/font]
  23. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Ummm, Sage....[/color][/font] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harlequin [/i] [B][font=gothic][color=indigo][I]Miles waved his hand, and they disappeared, reappearing in the private study. Unfortunately, Elairith and the other one were with them too. Miles swore. Again. Then it was Qyrain's turn to swear. The horse was there too.[/I][/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
  24. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Elairith stared at Mayu, and then Qyrain, and then the horse. Her hands went to the rosary beads, and she retreated into the corner to clear her head as Mayu became aquainted with/headbutted by the horse, and Qyrain was verbally beaten to a pulp from the other man. He must be important... or infamous. [/i]"Holy Mary, Mother of Grace, the lord is with you, blessed are you and blessed is the fruit of your womb..."[i] Suddenly realising where she was, and what she was doing, she shoved the beads back in her pocket, relieved to see no one saw. Then, she realised that she had been seen... Qyrain was ignoring his friend and staring at her. Running out of ways to hide her shame, Elairith pulled her hood up over her head and put her face into her knees, waiting for everything to dissapear, or for her to die. Whichever came first. [/i][/font][/color]
  25. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Iolanthe awoke, a small weight on her collarbone. It was the amulet, glowing a soft purple in the pitch dark. Sitting up slowly, she felt around with her hands, finding the pallet she lay on to be slid under a shelf of smooth rock. Using her hands to navigate, Iolanthe slowly made her way to a place where she could stand. It was so dark the only reason she could see her hand infront of her face was the light of the amulet. She wondered why she was wearing it... Turning around, two purple pinpoints of light greeted her from just below eye level. As she stared, they floated into the air and came closer. She felt the heat of another body in the suddenly chill air. She could only hear her own breathing.[/i] Iolanthe: Kynjaka? [i]No response, but she knew it was him. The eyes blinked out, and she was alone again, except for the warmth radiating out from in front of her, and a breath of air as something moved. Suddenly, a hot, wet touch on the base of her neck, sliding up to her earlobe... she flinched slightly but did not move. Putting her hands out, she found the beast to be quite a lot closer than expected. She dropped her hands and bent her head forward, eyes closed, until her forehead pressed against his. The skin under hers shifted, and became lips, kissing her head and down her face until their cheeks pressed together. There they sat still together, faces touching, until Iolanthe felt a hand pressing on the side of her back. Relaxing, she twisted and fell forward, into Kynjaka's warm lap. Her ear fell against his waist and she lay, completely relaxed, listening to the elixir circulating in his body.[/i][/color][/font]
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