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Everything posted by Ravenstorture

  1. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The second rider had not turned around, keeping his eyes on the path. When his partner stopped, however, he too turned around and faced the women. A look of amusement passed over his face.[/i] Jaudiar: You find something funny? [i]Ananda shot a warning glare in her sister's direction, but it was not seen.[/i] 2ndMan: Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Ananda: Listen, we do not want to fight you. Well, she does, but I won't let her. What I want to know is, should we be fighting you? 1stMan: You asking who we work for? Ananda: If anyone. 2ndMan: (to 1st) Don't tell them, Dom, let them follow and see for themselves. [i]This seemed a good idea to the first, for after a lingering gaze on the sisters, he turned back and reared his horse, galloping off. The second man followed, glancing back with the same, amused expression. Jaudiar, infuriated, reared her horse also, preparing to follow. Ananda nearly pulled her off her horse.[/i] Jaudiar: Hey! Ananda: Are you foolish? We have a mission, my dear. Our lives are important now, and worth protecting. Jaudiar: Something inside me tells me we should follow. [i]Ananda stared into Jaudiar's eyes, seeking the truth out of the girl. She found it.[/i] Ananda: Are you sure? Jaudiar: Definately. Oh, and there's another thing. Ananda: Hmm? [i]Jaudiar pointed ahead into the long, straight tunnel.[/i] Jaudiar: We don't seem to have a choice.[/font][/color]
  2. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic] And this will make the number of Vampyre RPGs I've been involved with to be seven. Name: Iolanthe Dobrudscha Age: 784 Gender: Female Race: Vampyre Location: Central Station, London, recently arrived from Budapest (now known as Bucharest), Romania. Description: The usual deal, thin, pale skin, raven black hair in an angled chin-length cut, dresses in black gowns and expensive jewellery. Background: Born and raised in an incredibly high society, Iolanthe fell in with the darker crowd where she learnt that she had been initiated as Vampyric at the age of three. Killing her adopted family for lying to her and making s***loads of money in the process, she moved to England as the underground clan was found by authorities in their investigation into Iolanthe's family's murder. [/color][/font]
  3. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Jaudiar stood up and stretched, as Kennan lay with his head to one side, watching his spirit leak like steam from his body. He didn't seem too unhappy about it, and so Ananda left him and drew Jaudiar away from the dying boy. [/i] Jaudiar: So, change of plans? Ananda: Looking at the orientation memory in his mind, we are heading towards the people who hunt us. Jaudiar: And do you think that is good or bad, in this case? Ananda: Your opinion? Jaudiar: I think it is too early for us to be close. There are things we must do first. [i]Ananda considered this and smiled, embracing her sister and turning away. Kennan had crawled off, but not made it far before his heart had ceased to aid him.[/i] Ananda: Things are getting interesting... finally. [i]Laughing at her sister's absurdly high standards of "interesting", they remounted and walked further down the trail, taking the first left fork they came across.[/i][/font][/color]
  4. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Iolanthe, since her trip into the earth, had seen many strange things, so this one did not phase her as much. She began to contemplate the rest of her life down here, trying to see around the twists and bends in the pathway of her life. Too much effort, and Kynjaka had begun walking again. The alleyway they were in grew darker, and gradually all sounds and signs of life dissapeared. Kynjaka took a larger step than usual, and held out one of his arms over her head, stopping suddenly. As Iolanthe walked under his arm, she felt a cold rush forcing her pores closed, her eyes closed, her wings tight and giving her goosebumps. When she opened her eyes, the alleyway, the houses, the cobblestones were no where to be seen. Instead, the pair were surrounded by bare rock, stalactites reaching down to touch the rough ground and needles of light pressing through the maze of geological forms. Glancing around, she saw the complex landscape far too similar to discern one part from another, and realised that a step too many in either direction would cause her to become hopelessly lost. Kynjaka stood still beside her, waiting for her to calm her heartbeat. That done, he pressed forward, stepping lightly around obstacles and pausing momentarily to wait for the hesitant Iolanthe to catch up. [/i] Iolanthe: Where are you taking me? Kynjaka: I'm not taking you anywhere. Why are you following me? Iolanthe: You gave me my freedom, and then said there was a place we could go to hide. I'm asking where this place is. Kynjaka: No, you're asking were we are going. And I never said anything about freedom... [i]Iolanthe, somewhat confused and annoyed she hadn't been paying attention, followed once more. As for the freedom, looking up and seeing the ceiling far lower than before, she realised it didn't matter who was feeding or clothing her, she would be stuck in this cavern for the rest of her life. A very, very long time. Tears blocking her vision, as well as the increasing darkness, she ran into Kynjaka when he halted. Wiping her face and peering around the black mass, she saw they had halted in front of a complete lack of light, or anything of use to anyone... she didn't know why they stopped, actually. It seemed a dead end. Until Kynjaka walked forward and he darkness lifted, revealing a cave entrance littered with bones. Translucent beads of silver floated in strings around the air, making her hair stand on end as she walked past them. As soon as she breached the cave entrance, a question entered her mind, but she collapsed, fast asleep, before she could open her mouth. The last thing she saw before her face hit the soft dirt was the corner of a silver amulet, embedded in the dust. [/i][/color][/font]
  5. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The man, who had revealed his name to be Aeolin, was obviously famished. Raeven didn't say anything, but accepted the general idea that three rabbits wouldn't be enough. Adding a thick python to the catch, they made their way out of the forest and stood for a while.[/i] Raeven: So, what's your story? Aeolin: I killed my mother, got kicked out of my village. I'm not too good at begging, hunting, or whatever... I was a bladesmith, and bought all my food. Glad I found you... [i]Raeven looked at the odd man, confused as to why he would be so open about his past.[/i] Raeven: You're very trusting. Why tell me something that might get you abandoned again? Aeolin: I don't see it as a bad thing... she was very sick, in pain. She wanted to die. Not many people like that idea. Raeven: I've never come across it, but considering we have just killed upwards of ten thousand people, I'm not going to judge your act. [i]The man, a little scared, stood still and quiet in hope of an explantion. He didn't get one. A light flickered on the horizon, closer than Raeven anticipated. Smiling, she set out across the sand, pausing momentarily to look back at Aeolin. He was staring at the sunset, and Raeven stopped and looked at it too. Not the most beautiful thing she had seen all day, by far...[/i][/color][/font]
  6. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Elairith finished her meal and was annoyed to see she couldn't rise to order another. Stealing half of Mayu's bread role, she ate that, staring menacingly at the person seated beside her. He seemed unsettled by this, and after a while, turned and looked directly at her. Had Elairith not been raised under graphic statues of the crucifixion, she would have flinched and looked away. As it was, she held his gaze, and found herself leaning forward until she could actually see into his eyes. There didn't seem to be anything inside this person.... Suddenly realising the social error she had made, she apologised and turned, staring straight ahead. Mayu was looking at her strangely, and again, she didn't blame her.[/i] Man: What did you see? [i]Elairith started, scared that he knew about the void of space in his head. Acknowledgement meant it was real... she turned back to answer, but found that the other man was busy talking to him.[/i] Elairith: Excuse me? [i]The man turned back, confused as to the interruption of speech by a third, uninvolved party.[/i] Man: I said, "What did you say?" Elairith: Oh, sorry... [i]Two misdemeanors in the space of a minute, Elairith found herself trapped at the table and turning bright red. Mayu suppressed a laugh into her breadroll, and averted her eyes from Elairith's lethal gaze.[/i][/font][/color]
  7. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Iolanthe: And now how does it seem? [i]He didn't answer. Smiling, Iolanthe sat up and shook her head, taking out her hair and massaging her scalp. Through the curtain of her hair she checked this creature out... hard to explain to herself, but she liked it. Wynnard had placed her things on the end of the slab and she redressed herself, standing and stretching her wings before replacing the cloak. Her wings didn't fit into the room, so she had to walk over to one side and stretch them one at a time, turning to do the other. They still didn't fit, and this made her annoyed and claustraphobic.[/i] Iolanthe: So, you didn't answer. How does it seem? "Well. Everything seems fine." Iolanthe: You know your way around this building? "Not really, but I'll be willing to try." Iolanthe: Well, my keeper has run off somewhere and I am not in a good mood with him. I also need to get outside. Could you help me with this, oh large black thing without a name? "My name is Kynjaka. Yours?" Iolanthe: No, my name Iolanthe. [i]Smiling, she strode out of the room and waited for her new found aquaintance to follow, searching for Wynnard. His plump form appeared down the hall, and he spotted her as she was turning to catch up with Kynjaka, who walked out of the room and straight down the hall. Wynnard probably yelled something, but Iolanthe didn't think it mattered. She could live without a fancy room and expensive bed, and she could accept no freedom if it was going to be fun. Iolanthe could not have fun on her own.[/i][/color][/font]
  8. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]They stood still for a minute, the thing staring at the ball of flame as if to reconsider it's choice of victim. Sighing, it sheathed the weapon and relaxed, going to turn away and walk off. Raeven had seen that it was a male human, rather unshaven, unclean, and untidy. Incredibly malnourished, too.[/i] Raeven: You wanted some food, didn't you? [i]The person turned back and squinted a bit, as if the question was difficult to answer.[/i] Person: Basically, yeah. Sorry about that whole... attacking you thing. [i]At this point in time Vyrim retracted the flame and stood, arms crossed, slightly behind Raeven, signalling that it was time to move on. The man attempted to do so, but Raeven caught his attention yet again.[/i] Raeven: Well, we don't have any, but I could sure use some. I'll help you hunt for something, ok? [i]Vyrim gasped in incredit at Raeven as she walked to the person, demonstrating pointless and dangerous displays of affection and empathy. They introduced each other and walked off into the forest, leaving Vyrim, exhasperated, on the edge of the sand. Not quite sure how to respond, he lay back down and went to sleep.[/i][/color][/font]
  9. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The city was old, and these parts of it rather unkempt. Maya was glancing around nervously an awful lot - but then again, Elairith didn't blame her. Some of the creatures passing them didn't look very friendly, but a lot of them were nephilim, like herself and Maya. Suddenly, Elairith saw a sign she recognised. It said food on it, and it reminded her that she hadn't eaten for a number of days. Led by her nose, Elairith peeled away from the stream of people and walked into the tavern. Maya followed. The food looked horrible, but tasted excellent. Whether or not that was just because she was hungry, or had lived off church food her whole life, she didn't know. She didn't care. Not bothering to keep an eye out for her companion, Elairith bought food, said grace, and ate. She was finished in two minutes. Maya, looking slightly amused, picked at a bread roll. [/i][/color][/font]
  10. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Ananda: I say we... [i]torture[/i] him for information, and then keep him for later. Jaudiar: Sounds good to me. [i]Knives removed, the boy's eyes darted from side to side but didn't give away any intention of leaving. As if testing this, Ananda stood back from him and waited. The boy didn't move. Scared, or wise? [/i] Jaudiar: Why are you not leaving? Boy: Why would I? Jaudiar: Well, you're losing your freedom. Boy: I had none anyway. [i]Jaudiar turned to her sister and smiled.[/i] Jaudiar: Looks like we don't have to torture him to get him to speak after all.... [i]Ananda laughed and reached out, grabbing the boy's neck and using it to thow him on the ground. He lay there, quivering in response. Jaudiar felt slightly disgusted by this behaviour, but didn't show it. [/i][/color][/font]
  11. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]God bless those imaginary amulets... [i]The girl suddenly seemed elated about something. She gasped for a while, stuttering, laughing... and then speaking. [/i] Girl: I'm fine... I'm... wonderful! Elairith: Behold, there is speech. Girl: I, um... don't know what happened... but... Elarith: But you're not complaining? What is your name? Girl: My name is Mayu. Elairith: My pleasure, Mayu. As you have demonstrated, I need not identify myself to you. Mayu: Where are we? Elairith: I have no idea. I'm assuming you are the same? Mayu: Yes, I've not a clue either. I haven't been around much anyway... Elairith: Well, apart from the monastary I grew up in, this is the only other place I've been apart from the forest, and a brief sighting of Corus. Mayu: What shall we do, then? Elairith: Um... shall we walk? [i]It seemed a good idea, so the pair tentatively walked out the front door and along the street, turning left into a vein of street that seemed to spiral into the center, lower part of the bowl. What would happen once they got there, however...[/i] OOC: Lame, I know, but I'm not in the mood for interesting dialouge or letting this RPG die. [/color][/font]
  12. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Raeven: I love you too... [i]Vyrim transferred the flame to the sand, heating it beneath the first layer so it wouldn't sap their body heat during the night. Lying down together, they carved a soft bowl in the sand and curled up together, Raeven falling asleep to the feeling of her love's breath in her hair. A hundred paces away, in the thicket of ferns, eyes watched. Intelligence hung behind those eyes, and cold hatred. Slowly, silently, the beast approached the couple, sniffing the air and cutting his trail with a long, thin blade...[/i] OOC: Don't kill him/her. I want another charecter.[/color][/font]
  13. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Oh dear. I have just begun school again and will not have time for this... will try, would rather die than miss this round. I'm taking this very seriously, so please don't count me out. I'll give it my best shot to be in on time.[/color][/font]
  14. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]If it's got a doof doof thingy at the back, and isn't too poppishly crappy, I can scream and dance and jump up and down and thrash to it for eight hours solid. I'm a great fan of that kind of stuff, whatever name it goes under, and people make me feel ashamed when I tell them. Harlequin, Butterfly, Jesus Chicken hates techno. I love it, and can't wait until I'm old enough to go clubbing in Australia. [/color][/font]
  15. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Iolanthe got bored with the rasberry after a while... it had developed an annoying pattern and there were more interesting things to look at in the room. Like the big black thing, which had walked in the gate and was standing over her lying in the long grass. In fact, Iolanthe speculated, the grass might be so long she may not be visible to the thing. How exciting. Iolanthe lay very still and pressed herself into the grass, waiting a while. The creature still looked down over her. Then, unexpected by everyone including Iolanthe, she sat up quickly and shouted "Bleah!" at the thing, surprising even herself and shrieking a split second before her initial yelp. The thing didn't flinch, rather smile, revealing teeth. [/i] Iolanthe: I didn't think you'd see me through the grass. Did I scare you? Thing: Yes, you are scaring me a little. Are you ok? Iolanthe: Bored. My rasberry is adopting a particularly uninteresting pattern. Thing: I see. [i]Iolanthe decided that it would be at this point she should try to stand. Swinging her legs over the side and looking down, thousands of feet down to a valley of broken glass, she yelped again and placed her feet back on the table. The fact that the open medow she was lying in a minute ago was now a dank cellar didn't phase her.[/i][/font][/color]
  16. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Iolanthe lay still on the ground as the medicated dart seeped up into her head, making her happy with the things that were happening. Such things as being slung over a shoulder, marched into the dark... being thrown on a wooden slab and ranted at by Wynnard...[/i] Wynnard: You stupid *****! First of all, a fight is meant to be a fight. You don't just drop a guy, its not fair. Another thing - when another person walks into the arena after you, you fight him. You don't stand there and chat, and make freinds. Thirdly... [i]Iolanthe blew a raspberry at the ceiling and watched it float around infront of the funy man's face. Wynnard sighed and pulled the dart from her leg, inspecting it and finding it to be the strength used for a full grown man, not a small female drow. She was off her face.[/i] Wynnard: I'll repeat this and continue when you've come down. I hope this stuff doesn't kill you... Iolanthe: Where are you going, my pony? I love you! [i]Coupling this with a few waves of her hands, as if to clear the air of cobweb, Wynnard swore loudly and stormed out. Iolanthe chuckled to herself and continued to chase the raspberry, which was morphing into a little tiny ball of twine.[/i][/color][[/font]
  17. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Iolanthe turned, her wings pulled in as small as she could make them, pressing them against her back like wrinkled skin. The figure walked out from the doorway and stood in the shadow of a support, watching her. She watched back. She imagined her skin to be blinding in the light, and if she kept facing him, he may not notice her wings. Minutes past. Iolanthe concentrated on making herself appear small, fragile, scared. The minute audience shuffled, whispering. A door slammed and another pair sat down behind her. The sun had now shifted so that she stood in shadow. Feeling the rush of cold, Iolanthe tensed. Her assumption proved correct - the figure took this time to walk out slowly towards her. He was very tall, very muscled, and completely covered in armour. They stood face to face a second or two more, and Iolanthe laughed and threw her dagger on the dust, at the sight of his armour. The opponant chuckled under the layers of metal. A bond was formed. More minutes past. Iolanthe stood there, looking up at the mazing structure of the building. [/i] Opponant: Been here before? Iolanthe: No, actually, I've been living on the surface until today. Opp: You know you're here to kill me. Iolanthe: I know. Opp: This is a hearing, isn't it? No roaring crowds? Iolanthe: Yeah... so I've been told... [i]A pause.[/i] Opp: It would be a pity to get killed on a hearing. Iolanthe: Why's that? Is your life worth looking forward to? [i]The opponant thought for a while, and sighed. [/i] Opp: No, I guess it isn't. Iolanthe: Good. [i]With this, she reached up and removed the opponant's helmet while he looked over her head. It was a man. Startled, he glanced down to see that she was only a girl, a child, small... frail... gloriously sexy. She wasn't wearing a shirt, either. Suddenly, the battlefeild was gone and they were alone, him and her, the prospect of having her sweet flesh pressed against him near enough to taste. Iolanthe turned and bent, jumping off one leg and kicking the man in the face as she semi-cartwheeled and picked up her dagger, landing on her feet. The kick had been enough to throw the gladiator off balance, but not to injure him. He reached for his sword, taking far too long to draw it. By the time the tip of the blade had cleared the scabbard, Iolanthe had continued the turn and leapt forward, latching onto his upper torso with her legs and driving the dagger blade as far as she could into his left eye. It was over in seconds, and Iolanthe released him has he fell backwards into the dust. The audience sat still, silent, shocked. This was not a fight, it was a flash. No good, too short. Iolanthe wasn't watching their disgusted faces, she was looking into the well of blood at her feet. Crouching over his chest, she removed the dagger from his eyesocket and began hacking at his neck, removing the head within a short while. Then, taking the bleeding mass into her arms, she sat with it in her lap and began peeling off the face, making a long incision around the base of the skull and removing the scalp. That done, she ripped the remaining flesh off with her nails and teeth, and jumped up, continuing the movement into the air until she was level with the couple who had arrived late. One of them was not drow, sitting back and watching with interest. The other, a regal looking woman, stared into Iolanthe's eyes with lethal warning. This must be the priestess.... ...the crossbow bolt twanged free of the weapon in time for Iolanthe to pull back the skull and hurl it, as hard as she could, into the monarch's head. The shock of pain to Iolanthe's thigh stole the pleasure of seeing how the woman would react, as she stared into the retreating sky, hurtling to the ground for the second time that week.[/i][/color][/font]
  18. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The doors were opened slightly when Iolanthe got there. Wynnard had left her a few turns back to sit in the audience. Slipping through the doors, she was blinded momentarily by the lights, big torches in polished silver bowls that she'd not seen her last visit. Instead of roaring crowds, however, there were only twenty or so people in the stands. The announcing scribe slipped out another door in the side, and Iolanthe was left alone in the arena. She stood, staring up at the distant ring of faces for a while, before spreading her huge wings and ascending to their level, floating there and staring at them. They almost seemed disinterested. Iolanthe, dissapointed, reached the ground once more and sat, picking at her toenai. It was another few minutes before the door opened again behind her.[/i][/color][/font]
  19. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Iolanthe found herself collared once she hit the ground. The doors, already open, jerked past as she was yanked quickly down the hallway. Confused as to the treatment, she understood as a sea of faces appeared. She was property now, and needed to act like it. The journey went on and on into the thick wall of the colossal building. By the time Wynnard halted, Iolanthe's white neck seeped blood and flecks of iron from the shackles. She was shoved into a room, and into a chair. The door was shut with Wynnard on the inside.[/i] Wynnard: Sorry, keeping up appearences. You took it well. [i]Iolanthe stared up at her captor, looking dissapointed. He looked away, and she smiled.[/i] Wynnard: So sorry, Iolanthe. I'll warn you next time. Iolanthe: Nevermind. What now? [i]Wynnard looked around the room, excited. It was bare save for a chest in the corner and a couple of chairs. Walking to the chest, Wynnard opened it and pulled out a clump of cloth, dumping it on a chair. Iolanthe found, upon further inspection, that the wad was in fact items of clothing - ones like she used to wear. Some were rather good, too.... Wynnard looked back from his rummaging in the trunk and motioned for her to put them on. Iolanthe stripped to her bare skin and placed her clothes on her chair. Then, selecting a black strip of cotton, she folded it in half lengthways to make a thinner strip and then passed one end around her back, under her wings, and around the other side. Then, crossing the ends, she pulled each strip over one breast and around behind her neck, tieing it off. Then she adjusted the parts covering her breasts so they were decent, and supporting. Finding another strip of cloth identical to the last, she wrapped it around her hips twice and tied it off at the side just in time for Wynnard to turn around again and hand her some armour. Two arm braces, studded black leather. He held out other stuff, but she rejected everything but a short dagger, which she shoved into her skirt. The collar was still on her neck, the length of chain short enough to hang to her navel. Wynnard looked her up and down, and smiled. Her hair still hung loose, however, and she ripped a thin strip off her skirt and tied it into a tight bun on her crown. She was ready... [/i][/font][/color]
  20. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I love you so much, you are a god, and this proves it... Lauryn, a great lover and critic of poetry simply wept when she read it. Then she wept when she didn't read it, and laughed when I pinched her on the arm. Hard. So, anyway, praise from both a public and a privately educated person. [/color][/font]
  21. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]My previous post said I didn't wear earrings... I haven't for about five years... Well, stupid stupid me, a school function approaching, I decide to open them up again. One slipped through, so did the other, but I was using a nosering as I didnt have any earrings, and so had to borrow my friend's earrings to put in. Second time I tried to put something through the left one, it has swollen a bit and the hold shrunk terribly. Took me half an hour to get the little bastard through. But I did it, and I feel so strange... Perhaps I should go to this school function with my nose chained to my ear. That would be cool. [/font][/color]
  22. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Wynnard turned at the sound of a door slamming somewhere, and motioned for her to get down and replace her cloak. [/i] Wynnard: People are beginning to arrive... the fight is in two hours. Iolanthe: The fight? Wynnard: Your debut on stage... only veiwed by a select few, mainly counsellors and a few head keepers. You know, to prove yourself. Iolanthe: Can I ask you a question? Wynnard: Sure, go right ahead. Iolanthe: What am I meant to do, in this fight? Wynnard: Well, fight him, maim him if you can, and kill him after a while. Please the crowd. Iolanthe: Hmmm... is there anything that isn't allowed? Wynnard: No sex, no hiding. Everything else is on the cards. [i]Iolanthe smiled to herself. This life was going to be fun..... [/i][/color][/font]
  23. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Their paths seemed to wind upward, Iolanthe trailing behind the plump drow as he waved his arms around crazily whilst pointing out various things along the way. Suddenly, they were outside, the hallway opening up into an alley with stone buildings on either side, windows and doors barred. These, Wynnard explained, were the living quaters for the gladiators. Some of the others, belonging to poorer keepers, lived further along the road in open walled prisons, it seemed. The men were fantastic, muscled and tall, dark, angry, panting with inexhaustable bloodlust. Iolanthe's heart quickened at the scent of a fight. Wynnard turned right, and right again, the alley closing up again as it was thrust into the wall of the Arena. This hall was not carpeted, but cobbled, and seemed to be in greater use. [/i] Wynnard: This is the gradual path to the actual arena, where the fights take place. Exciting, isn't it? [i]He didn't wait for an answer as they pressed on through the hall, rooms opening up on either side with all kinds of things housed inside. [/i] Wynnard: Everything is arranged perfectly... The gladiators run out of their rooms and through here, getting ready along the way. The passage could be five hundred or a thousand paces long, depending on what you needed in the fight. No armour, barehanded fighting all the way up to a whole battilion against ten chariots. Lions, tigers, dogs, bears, even an elephant... all from above, of course. Locals like the lizard fights. But a real rarity... dragourets. I'll show you why. [i]They reached a set of huge doors. Wynnard walked to the side and pulled a lever, the hydraulics moaning under their feet as the doors swung outward. The arena was massive, the biggest structure Iolanthe had seen from the inside. It looked so much bigger from where she was standing... thousands of rows of seats, stretching up and into the darkness. She felt dizzy.[/i] Wynnard: Most of the tickets are cheap because it's hard seeing anything. Dragouret fights are special - and really rake in the doe - because most of the fighting is done in the air. So everyone can see... [i]Iolanthe pulled off her cape and soared into the space above her. It was truly gigantic, and even bigger once veiwed from above. She looked down and saw the fine sand of the floor tinted brown and red with blood... she belonged here.[/i] [/color][/font]
  24. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]They had started walking a few hours ago, in no particular direction, it seemed, although Vyrim insisted he knew where he was going. The desert was horrid to walk through, but Raeven was used to it and walked infront of Vyrim to disturb the hot sand for him. Being incredible, however, he didn't seem to mind. Raeven hoped to reach the end of the desert by dark, however, they didn't make it. It was within sight at dusk, though, so they continued to walk, planning on stopping at the edge of the sandscape.[/i][/color][/font]
  25. [color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]They took a carriage to the Gaming Arena. Wynnard stopped the coachdriver early, and they stepped out into the odd, lustrous life of the Heart. Odd creatures wandered the streets of all classes, some in fashionable rags, some in fine gowns and coats. Iolanthe was helped out of the fine coach by the driver and waited for Wynnard on the cobbled sidewalk. They strolled as he talked.[/i] Wynnard: I thought I would take you there on foot. It is rather a nice walk, and you may need to find your way here if I ever need to drop you off in a hurry. Iolanthe: Hmmm.... Wynnard: Staring at the shops, I see. Anything interest you? Iolanthe: Not really, I've just never been in the city before. Wynnard: Oh really? Well, I'd never have expected that. [i]They walked in silence for a while more, turning a corner so that the huge rounded building was in sight, Iolanthe fluttered her wings and recieved a nasty zap from her keeper. She looked at him disdainfully and kept her back still, the giant building towering over them as they decended a staircase across the road, into the depths of the street...[/i][/font][/color]
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