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Everything posted by Ravenstorture
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]When you say chin, do you mean a labret (through your lower lip) or actual chin, meaning through the bottom of your mouth under your tounge through your actual chin behind the jawbone? The second one is a rather recent invention of deep peircing, which goes with a few others such as collarbone (someone mentioned it before) and achillies tendon, straight through the hand, and between the radius and ulnar in the forearm. Personally, I don't trust any of these piercings... beauty is meant to only be skin deep. And they are dangerous. But you probably didn't mean that... I used the terminology to bring the subject up.[/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, I've posted this before... but anyway. I have my ears done but I never wear anything in them, looks bad. I have my nose done (ala) and my navel, which is stretching because I wear too heavy jewellery. I want six surface piercings down my spine, Harlequin tattooed on my hip and whatever designs I come up with everywhere else. [/color][/font]
RPG The Children of Loloth (Maturity Restrictions Enforced)
Ravenstorture replied to Raiha's topic in Theater
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Iolanthe inspected her chambers and decided they were to her liking. Simple, dark, and warm... a large, fourposter bed, polished wooden flooring and rich carpets as a centrepiece. There was a bed, a dresser with a mirror, a wardrobe and a few bookshelves to fill in the gaps between the furniture and the windows, all swathed in thick, deepgreen velvet. There was one at the back of the room that was in fact a set of french doors opening into a balcony. So the freedom was there afterall. Flying in the day, however, could get her into trouble. She ate some fruit and sat on her bed, waiting for the maid. The maid had no tounge, and didn't know if this was the same for the other maids. Measuring Iolanthe, she came back with a large purplee velvet dress and robe after a while that was slightly too large for Iolanthe, but hadn't been fitted. It covered everything but her face. Iolanthe waited, on the bed, until she heard the sound of the iron grate swinging back again.[/i][/color][/font] -
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, I go to a school with 1000 people in it... apparently that's not much. It's a hick school, expensive boarding type, that attracts all the country people, you know... the pigshooters... So, anyway. The majority is that type, and then there are about twenty other people, who are completely insane. That's the group I belong to, and I consider myself an elite in that group. As I see this group every day, and quite a few of them populate this forum, I may get kicked tomorrow but we'll just see how it goes... ...Downlands. It's [b]US[/b] against [b]THEM[/b]. Every now and then some of them come down to stare at us, and pay out the Harlequin for being such a god, but apart from that, they stay up there in the school, and we stay down in the miniture forest in the front of our school. Where it's dark. They call us the Lawnies, due to the fact that we are on a Lawn. No, we don't call them the Cementies, although that would be rather amusing... we call them the A crowders. Occasionally the Hicks. But some would argue they are a different group... I don't care, they all give me the same scathing look (because I'm better than they are) so they are the same to me. [/color][/font]
The eternal Question " How the hell do women think?!"
Ravenstorture replied to a topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by XBebop [/i] [B]Time Money Women: Time x Money Women = EVIL [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Doesn't it go something like Women: time x money Everyone knows time = money Therefore, women = money x money = money squared And as money is the root of all evil, sq. root($squared) = evil Therefore women = evil. Wow, I really had to dredge up those old algebraic index laws for that one. I'm evil without the money, and these days, in quite little time.[/font][/color] -
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time (oh look, a camp amoeba!) and not just in humans, either. It's becoming an issue these days because people are starting to realise you might just get away with feeling for your own sex. Now people know that feeling that way isn't necessarily wrong, and [i]that's[/i] when they take to the streets... Gay people march in gay people marches all the time. And good on them. I don't think it is as effective, however, because people expect a minority to support themselves. What I want to see is straight people marching for gay rights, white people marching for black rights, and people who can hardly speak their first language to hear about the Preservation Of Dead Languages Society, and say, "Hell yeah! I'm up for some of that!" And march down the street, yelling stuff out as they learn about it. I'm not gay, I'm white, and I live in a first world country, but my mother and I have been marching in just about anything that's gone down the street lately. And I have had people who don't go into my catagory stick up for what I believe in, too. It's a wonderful feeling. In this thread we've had people from all walks of life supporting homosexuality, and homosexual marriages in or out of the church, whether or not they are christian, catholic or zoroastrian. Gives me a warm glow to think that people who may feel sick at the thought of same sex marriages still support it, because they value the variety of life in the world. In fact, I was reading the college record book today and stumbled across something rather intelligent - forming gentle relationships with others shows your love of god in others. That doesn't apply to me, but it really helps in an issue like this. I've just realised that this post really doesn't say that much at all... Oh well. It's a few lines long, it's not spam.[/font][/color]
RPG The Children of Loloth (Maturity Restrictions Enforced)
Ravenstorture replied to Raiha's topic in Theater
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Wynnard's house was beautiful, an old, stylish piece in a well-kempt neighbourhood. The house was large, clean, and warm, and quietly rustled with the work of small housemaids. Just humans in long black dresses and strange, starched hats. Wynnard waved his arms around meaninglessly as he mumbled about things they drifted past. Iolanthe liked the high ceiling of the livingroom, the back wall of which was divided into two floors with a marble staircase joining them in the middle. Everything was majestic, and smelt of money. Sweeping lines and curled woodcarvings, twirling patterns in the carpet. Iolanthe srtetched her wings and, beating them once or twice, lifted into the air and explored the space further. This room had enough space for her to pace about in lazy cirles. Wynnard, staring up at her twisting form, didn't seem to mind. He waited patiently before she went to the ground, halfway up the stairs.[/i] Iolanthe: It feels so good to fly again... Wynnard: I don't mind you doing so. People in the city may get scared if you do it during the day, however. Iolanthe: If I'm your slave, why so much freedom? Wynnard: I expect good performance in return. [i]Iolanthe detected the warning in his voice and noted it. He seemed satisfied they had reached an agreement and continued up the stairs, through more rooms with more maids. Another staircase, this time straight into the wall and not a quater of the size of the last one. It lead up into a library of rich, dark colours, thick tapestries and soft leathers. The roof was low, in comparison to the rest of the rooms Iolanthe had seen, and painted with a intricate scene of the heavens at night. At the end of the room there was another stairway, pushing up in between the bookshelves and straight into the wall as did the last. The orientation of this stairwell was perpendicular to the last, to the right of it. The stairwell they were standing at the top of seemed the only way into the room, save for three bay windows on the far wall, all presenting magnificent veiws of the upperclass neighbourhood. Iolanthe, by this time, was feeling at a loss for words. [/i] Wynnard: I shall leave you here. Your room is at the top of those wooden stairs. I shall send a maid in a few minutes with a measuring string, she will be able to outfit you with some clothes. Iolanthe: When am I next needed? Wynnard: There is some fruit on the table in your room - eat some. Your first trip to the Gaming Arena is tonight. You will need to cover most of your body - wings included. Iolanthe: Wynnard - Wynnard: I don't care. Shut up, go upstairs, eat your fruit, wait for the maid. [i]With this he walked back down the stairs, turning at the base to pull shut an ornate metal grate and lock it behind him. Iolanthe sighed and weighed the pros and cons of the situation - finding herself in no position to complain. Her freedom was, at the moment, still there. Enough to keep her sane, at the very least.[/i][/color][/font] -
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Elairith felt around in the darkness, feeling only lifeless stone and the tangle of the strange girl about her. She was sore, but well. The fall had been broken by some kind of magic - like thick air. Elairith stood and reached up, her hands brushing on the solid mist like a blanket above them. The girl stirred and shook her head, feeling about her in the pitch black. Elairith moved onto the walls, it were as if they were in the bottom of a hole. The walls were of black stone, and rough, with a few footholes leading to the surface. Around, around, around... Elairith was by this time sure she had circumnavigated the area completely. Dropping her hands and turning to the centre, she found she could see now with the soft light only barely making it down this far. The girl stood there, as if accusing her of getting them into this mess. Sighing, Elairith leant back against the wall. It shifted beneath her slightly, as if getting comfortable... before caving away entirely. Shrieking, she tumbled backwards and flailed forwards with her hands at the same time. The girl reached forward in the nick of time and again, grabbed her hand as Elairith once again managed to fall into something where the other end was a complete unknown. The next thing Elairith saw was the girl landing lightly on her feet in the middle of a richly furnished room, tapestries on the walls and a delicate musical instrument, like a harp, near the bay window. Curtains drawn. Elairith lay on the floor, in a heap. righting herself, she began to swear, but then realised the door to the room was open.... and beyond, more buildings.[/i] Elairith: Well, would you look at that... [i]Walking forward as if drawn to the door, she realised that the room must be the front entrance to the building. When she reached the door and peered out, a gasp was pulled from her throat almost without her noticing. The girl followed, as if in as much wonder. The structure was on a raised area of ground, on the outskirts of a city of some sort. The odd jumble of structures lay cramped in a bowl of black stone, the edges steepening into walls and then a huge domed roof, with thin chains holding walkways close to the ceiling. Looking to the left and the right of the portal, Elairith saw that this house was joined in a great line, all perching precariously on the rim of this bowl. If this wasn't startling enough, she noticed as her eyes followed round a great hole in the wall, not leading into a tunnel, but what appeared to be yet another huge cavern. From the ceiling hung lanterns close to the roofline, but as the white light reached the walls it paled into a deep blue. Crystals, stalactites and a whole assortment of geological oddities adorned the rock, as well as a strange species of fungus and a white-leaved sort of vine. Water trickled from above continuously, gving the place the air of a great, inverted garden water feature. Or a fairy land. Or hell, speculated Elairith, as her mind wandered back to the delicious paintings in the monastary. A cerulean hell.[/i][/font][/color]
RPG The Children of Loloth (Maturity Restrictions Enforced)
Ravenstorture replied to Raiha's topic in Theater
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic] Voice: Welcome to Menzoberranzan, my dear... [i]Iolanthe stared glibly at the plump Drow before her. She thought this race had some kind of inbuilt pride of their species... she would never let herself be in anything but immaculate condition. Whoever this person was, so far, he hadn't earnt her respect. Opening the cage door, he offered her a hand stepping down. Not being dignified beyond logic, she took the hand and was sure to release it when she was steady. He didn't manacle her, but then again, she knew she wasn't going anywhere. Looking around, she saw nothing much.. a street. Just a small part of a large city, perhaps, but this section was within it's own gigantic cavern. Noting her surroundings, she stood there, bored, as her new-found friend checked her for damage. [/i] Man: How do you feel? Iolanthe: Pissed off and rather energetic. You? [i]The man laughed and bowed.[/i] Man: Milady, my name is Wynnard and I'll be your keeper for... oh, I don't know. How long do you think you'll last? Iolanthe: I don't have a clue, mainly because I don't know what it is you expect me to be doing. Wynnard: What? You haven't figured it out yet? How much do you know about our people? Iolanthe: Little. Wynnard: Well, Drow love a brawl. Only one thing they like more... is one that they don't have to participate in. You see where this is heading? Iolanthe: I think you're going to imply that I've got something to do with fighting? Wynnard: I like you, no assumptions, and a sober outlook on life. Sorry to say this, but your pessimism is about to come true. Your life will be very unenjoyable from now on, and probably short too. Iolanthe: You're not sorry at all. Get it out and tell me already. Wynnard: Well, my dear, you are as of now a Gladiator. Part of my team, but my team only consists of Humans. Dragourets are a rarity, these days, hard to catch. [i]Iolanthe smiled. She believed him when he said her life was going to be hell, but now she wasn't so sure. [/i] Wynnard: I was very excited when I heard that they had brought a Dragouret in. I got dibs on it straight away... and here you are. Iolanthe: My name is Iolanthe. You will call me Iolanthe, not "my dear", or "my lady", or anything else you might find yourself yelling in the heat of passion. I've nothing to live for, now, so if you want me to stay alive, treat me well. Wynnard: Oh, don't worry, you scratch my back, I'll scratch... your... nevermind. All I ask is that you please the crowds, and do your job. Iolanthe: Which is? Wynnard: Oh? Not sure of the title Gladiator? You kill people for money and entertainment. Unfortunately, you kill for my money and everyone else's entertainment. Iolanthe: Not so sure about that... Wynnard: Hmm? Well, you be good and we'll see what we can do. [i]Wynnard hadn't understood her last comment, but she kept it to herself. She knew all to well about Gladiators, she had secretly dreamed of becoming one, but had never thought she would live to get underground. Now that she was here, she felt secretly content, in the underdark... no one in her last life had enjoyed her love of killing. Here, everyone would... wonderful. She must only put up with this silly little man in the meantime. Wynnard had picked up a stachel from the side of the road and was now waiting for her to follow him. She did so, and they walked in silence for a few hours while Iolanthe stared around at the cityscape, which, as they passed through a portal to the next cavern, heightened and stretched into more majestic buildings. Wynnard caught her staring.[/i] Wynnard: This, by the way, is the Great City. Menzoberranzan is the biggest of them all, they are all small fare compared to she... Iolanthe: Where are we going? Wynnard: My place. It's not far from here, but I don't like picking up my property from outside, in case people cotton on to what is happening. Iolanthe: And what is happening, Wynnard? [i]He checked to rebuke her for addressing him by his name, but looking up at her dangerous face, which was about a head and a half taller than him, he let it slip.[/i] Wynnard: Well, I'm not allowed to keep my Gladiators in my residence... they need to be kept in cages underneath the Gaming Arena. It's a big suburb, near the oldest part of the city, called the Heart. Iolanthe: So, there are gladiators staying with you? Wynnard: Um, no. They are kept in residence in the Gaming Arena, not in cages but in secure residences, because I just happen to be obscenely rich. Hence you coming to me first, and not the Val'Shagress. Iolanthe: And why am I not with them? Wynnard: Two reasons. One, you are probably the most expensive thing I own right now, but that won't last, I've got a couple of beds coming in from Grialth on the next moon. Grialth are renouned for very very good, very very expensive furniture production. So we'll be eating rather modestly for a while, I'm afraid my... Iolanthe, wasn't it? Iolanthe: Yes. Next reason. Wynnard: Next reason... you're female. Iolanthe: Wynnard, with all do respect, I find you repulsive. I would rather eat glass than... Wynnard: No, no... I would never do something like that. Dear god, credit me with at least [i]some[/i] intelligence... I respect women, and I would like your company. I don't know much about your kind, either. If you would prefer to live with the others... Iolanthe: Why two beds? Wynnard: One for me, one for you. Iolanthe: I'll take my chances with you for now, thankyou. [/color][/font] -
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]They have the Daily Show shown in Australia too, but it's not on every day so Jon warmly refers to it as the Weekly Daily show (with Jon Stewart). Although I've only seen it a few times, I love it and think it is hilarious. I like the personal way he interveiws his guests, and the moments he shares with the audience. *insert appropriate concluding statement here* [/color][/font]
RPG The Children of Loloth (Maturity Restrictions Enforced)
Ravenstorture replied to Raiha's topic in Theater
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The rest of the journey was a bit of a blur. Iolanthe got the impression most of the other prisoners resented her, whether because of her sex, wings, or thier bleeding ankles was something she wasn't sure of. After a while, however, the cart lurched to a stop. They had been travelling for a few days, and had not been fed. Iolanthe usually only ate a few days at a time, and wasn't too fussed. She was fussed, however, when she realised the place at which they stopped was not their destination - rather a quite forbidding looking gatehouse. The gate wasn't very long, about fourty paces, in an arc. Both edges ran into a rockface. The fence and gatehouse guarded something... from the looks of the giant, gaping, black hole in the stoneface, it was a portal to the underdark. Iolanthe stared into the sky for a while, the place where she belonged. She promised herself she would see it again soon.... The cart lurched forward again and soon they were in pitch darkness. A line of torches against one wall guided the driver in a certain curved direction, until the apparent tunnel opened up into a platform of some sort, bordered by torches. The platform was raised on the side of the track, and fell away on the other side. Strange creatures stood on the platform... suddenly, Iolanthe understood. The people who had captured her were slavers. She was being taken as a slave by the Drow... considering trying her escape trick again, she gave herself a mental shake. She was tough before now, she could be tough afterwards. No need to panic because your air has been taken away... she was stronger than humans, and probably Drow. But she had only heard, not seen them... Chains were attatched to the top of the cage and it was lifted, swinging up over the platform where it was dumped. The doors opened at the end, and drow swarmed in, checking each potential slave and painting a number on the bare chests of some. A drow reached Iolanthe, and stopped, surprised. He took a crude, wooden whistle from around his neck and blew once, alerting those around him. People noted the species variation present and congratulated a particularly nasty looking drow on the end of the platform... slaver. Iolanthe spat, and got backhanded as a reply. The cage was picked up again and dumped back onto the cart, before it rumbled away into the dark tunnel. Iolanthe was not on it, however... she had her own, personal cage now, and this was placed on the other side of the platform, on another cart. After an infuriating wait and three more carts bearing cages, she was driven off into the pitch black, completely alone, and feeling rather special.[/i][/font][/color] -
RPG The Children of Loloth (Maturity Restrictions Enforced)
Ravenstorture replied to Raiha's topic in Theater
[font=gothic][color=darkgreen] "Nice little thing, ain't she?" [i] a voice muttered, barely audible over the rattling of the bamboo cage riding precariously upon a heavy cart. Iolanthe could tell she was caged from the even patterning of sunlight, dappling the inside of her eyelids at rhythmic intervals. The only other thing she could discern without opening her eyes was that there were others in the cage with her, her wound had been dressed, she had broken nothing in the fall, and the cart was completely devoid of any type of suspension or hygeine. Rubbing her face, Iolanthe awoke to her new world and sat up. She was indeed in a cage, and the people sharing it with her were all young males, all chained to eachother. This observation caused her to look at her own feet.... ...an ear-shattering scream ruptured from Iolanthe's throat as she beat her wings furiously, shooting straight into the air and pressing against the bars of the mobile cage, and in consequence, pulling those attached to her into the air as well. Iolanthe's screaming died to a desperate sob, tears streaming down her face and neck as she reached through the bars to her lost freedom. Within a few moments, her strength died with her spirit and she collapsed onto the pile of disgruntled boys, dumped in her descent. Feeling the familiar touch of warm flesh beneath her, Iolanthe groped for a plausible hold and clutched at the figure beneath her, hugging whoever he was tightly as she cried out her last pangs of agonising realisation that she may never feel her precious freedom again. [/i][/font][/color] -
RPG Harlequin, Ravenstorture and a now empty barrel (mature content)
Ravenstorture replied to Ravenstorture's topic in Theater
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven cried with joy and resumed the kiss they had started on the way down the mountainside. It didn't finish until the sun had lowered past the horizon, making the sand pleasant to walk upon again. After they had regained their breath, Raeven held him tightly a while before getting up and looking around.[/i] Vryim: Where to now? Raeven: Home. No shortcuts this time.[/font][/color] -
RPG Harlequin, Ravenstorture and a now empty barrel (mature content)
Ravenstorture replied to Ravenstorture's topic in Theater
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Raeven hung there, amazed. If only her training had gone that well... well, it had on a couple of times. Vryim turned and faced her.[/i] Vyrim: You know what goes on here. Tell me what happens if you need another instructor? [i]Raeven laughed. [/i] Raeven: It's not meant to happen, so there is no real procedure. I've done that only once, and the consequence was one month without sunlight. Vyrim: Ah. So, what now? Raeven: As you're not a guest, they will probably kill you. I don't know how. [i]Vyrim walked to her and let her down. She lay on the floor, regainin her strength. [/i] Vyrim: This is a blessing in disguise, you know. Raeven: How so? Vyrim: We were walking here. We got a lift. Raeven: We were not meant to get in this way though... Vyrim: Why did you want to come back? Raeven: I wanted to destroy this place. I wanted it gone. I couldn't have done it on my own, though... I thought you might help. [i]Vryim laughed, stretching and walking to the doorway. He was thinking about something, something distant. He didn't hear her at first.[/i] Raeven: My love? Vyrim: What? Raeven: I said, let's get out of here. [i]Vyrim walked back to her and helped her up.[/i] Vyrim: And how do you plan on doing that? Raeven: Preferrably through a large hole in the wall. [i]Raeven walked to the door where a guard stood, carving something into his thumbnail with a dagger. When he saw Raeven, he stood and walked over, menacingly. Raeven, motioning for Vyrim to get back, lay on the floor at the Guard's feet as if for a display of respect. She seemingly misjudged the distance, however, and her head lay between his feet. While the guard was busy keeping an eye on Vyrim, Raeven quickly bit hard into the guard's achillis tendon while cutting the other with her nails. He dropped the dagger, cutting Raeven's hip. Quickly, she grabbed it without moving her head and severed the tendons in the guard's knees. He crumpled forward and Raeven slithered forward, escaping just in time. Then, wiping the blade on her thigh, she motioned to Vyrim and ran down the hall, the first obstacle to her dream overcome.[/i][/color][/font] -
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The girl took her back into the forest. Elairith found herself thinking of the hole, and sure enough it came into sight within the next few seconds. The girl seemed scared of it, but Elairith stood at the edge of the chasm, staring down. The forest fell silent, just before a gust of wind. But in that period of silence, Elairith thought she heard something... The girl heard it too. She grabbed Elairith's hand and yanked hard, showing surprising strength. Elairith was pulled right back a good few paces, just before something... someone... scrambled out of the hole. It was a Vahnati. Like kris... taller, paler, and looking rather embarrased that the ungraceful act of escaping the hole was witnessed. Rather than show a little wrath, however, the Vahnati merely snorted in an elegant kind of way and walked off. Elairith made the decision then and there - she was jumping into that hole. The girl decided otherwise, and needed to be shaken off before hand. To Elairith's despair, it was not an option. So Elairith leapt anyway...[/i] OOC: If you don't like it down there, Sage, just leap the hell out of there. But I am in this RPG for the mushrooms, so to speak...[/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Mmmm... I am unsure, but I have a few ideas that I would like to happen. Such as the Cupboard Theory... when you die, you go to a cupboard... more like a walk in wardrobe. And, if you're really careless, a wearhouse! In this whatever is everything that you have ever lost, from parents to cats to paperclips and homework. Everything is in a huge heap in the middle, and there are shelves everywhere. You have to sort everything and put it up into the shelves... once you do that, you walk back out into the Nirvana Of Your Preferance... In my place would be my scottish jumper, about five cats, three younger sisters and a younger brother and a leg of ham. We lost a leg of ham once... mum thought it must have been stolen but I knew better! But now for something that I don't like. People who focus on what happens after you die should be shown, immediately, as punishment for not realising where the REAL heaven is - here. Anyone who has ever seen anything so beautiful it made you cry should know that death is nothing to be feared, and should know that there is no place better than where we are now. Jesus's Kingdom on Earth was a subtle hint saying, "Guys... it's time to stop bombing each other and plant some ******* trees, ok?" (Sorry for that taste of Raven's Interpretation of Holy Texts.) I don't like what we're doing now to this place, and I am not concerned with what happens when it is our time to give somethin back to the planet (your nutrients). Like some messed up compulsory environmental recycling scheme... Say no to cremation![/font][/color]
RPG The Children of Loloth (Maturity Restrictions Enforced)
Ravenstorture replied to Raiha's topic in Theater
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The sun beat harshly down upon the yellow mustard-feilds Iolanthe was hiding in. She was sick of demons. Sick of merchants. Sick of neighbouring villages who wanted more than their fair share of whitewash. Sniffing the air, she smelt smoke from her razing village, but no sweat. No one followed. So, without a scrap of caution, she stood up, her distinctly non-yellow form standing out in stark contrast to the hip-high harvest she stood in. Immediately, people standing on the edge of the village saw her and began running. This, she had expected. But there was something she had not expected... for them to be running slowly, limping as if chained. She didn't expect them to be armed with anything more than pitchforks, and she didn't expect them to be anything but simple village folk. Suddenly, the idea of a good fight left her mind and she was faced with two options. Stand ground and find out why her friends and family were being attacked again (fatally, this time, it looked), or leave and find another place to stay. Although she chose option two, spreading her wings and leaping into the smoke tainted air, they chose another option entirely. Iolanthe could fly incredibly well, but with a crossbow bolt through her shoulder, she didn't even bother.[/i] [/color][/font] -
Location, location, location--Where are you from?
Ravenstorture replied to Baron Samedi's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic] Sorry, Baron. There seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding... I live in Australia not grey-blob-land. *laughs insanely at pointless cruelty* Oh dear, I laugh at the funniest things. But there are more of us over HERE, so it only stands that YOU both have to move. Two plane tickets are less expensive than twenty. Twenty? I got nineteen, but I've missed someone. Oh, and don't worry about it Harlequin. Cloricus isn't talking about Cloricus, he's talking about another person who he signed up as before he signed up as himself. So who have we got so far? The "Toowoomba Fifteen" (gah, what a horrible title.) As there are only really six who count, let's call it the "Toowoomba Six"!!! No, wait. I'll start again. So who have we got so far? Me, Harlequin, Cloricus, Liam, TUN, Rae, Fall, James, Warlock, Duo Maxwell, and that guy in Brisbane who's name evades me because he changed it, And of course those [i]other guys[/i] who have chosen to live[i] over there[/i] *laughs again at cruelty*, Rain and Baron Samedi. Plus all the other people in Toowoomba, Enigma being one of them, yes, we haven't forgotten you even though you only wiegh fifty kilos or something stupid like that. Stop being such a pushover!! Is that all?[/font][/color] -
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Elairith: You again. [i]The strange girl smiled, and the wave of sickness and anger inside Elairith was washed away by despair.[/i] Elairith: I don't care who you are... I don't care who it is, someone take me to where I can die in peace.... [i]She didn't seem to understand, but she did lick Elairith's face. Elairith recoiled, more shocked in the strage feeling it awoke inside her. She needed to be with this person. Although Kris had been kind, he was far too heavy to carry. Elairith plucked a sprig of jasmine from a nearby groundsprout and placed it on his chest, hoping he would understand. The girl didn't seem to understand, taking Elairith's had and dragging her away from Kris. She didn't mind, he life belonged to no one now, and she welcomed whatever was to come.[/i] OOC: Sorry, Jack.[/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic] Name: Iolanthe Qu'riad Species: Dragouret Age: 692 Rank: Gladiator Appearance: Grey skin, small build. Long silvery black hair, usually tied up in a bun. Blue eyes, no whites, and large pupils. Wings are blackish- green, leathery and worn from combat. Likes to wear skimpy clothing, as to flaunt the lack of armour to her opponents. The opponents, however, are mostly men, and are put off by her lack of sufficient clothing for other reasons. Although her build is small, certain other parts of her are not. Weapon: Two kris blades, smooth, polished obsidian- heavy and easy to use through momentum. Sharp teeth and thick nails - wounds opened by the latter tend to fester. Bio: Fights in the cages to sate her need of blood. Resents captivity, and one day will take her revenge. [/font][/color]
RPG Harlequin, Ravenstorture and a now empty barrel (mature content)
Ravenstorture replied to Ravenstorture's topic in Theater
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The door opened again, and Raeven was ripped from the wall by her neck. The shackles cut her, but came away from the wall easily as her assailant had fed some force into the walls before he came in. Her hands, however, slipped right through, breaking both her thumbs. Raeven went limp as she had been trained to when someone was dragging her. She made the mistake of thinking he was going to right her when they made it to the anti-chamber, but she was wrong. It earned her not a kick to the shoulder, as she anticipated, but a ride on her captor's shoulder. She was relieved and lifted her weight with her gift as a show of thanks. He made good use of where her backside was in relation to his face, but she was glad anyway. Closing her eyes to pass the journey swiftly, opening them once she found fresh air on her face. They were in the Central Courtyard, a huge open area where assembly was held. She still didn't know where they were going, so she closed her eyes again. Her captor suddenly dumped her on the floor again, rather harshly, and she opened her eyes to see an elder peering out of a window, and understood. She twisted once the elder was gone, standing easily and running to keep the deathgrip on her throat worse by being dragged by it. Looking up into the face of her captor, she saw it was Drienl, someone she shared a dorm with last year. He smiled at her and tripped her, dragging her across the red dirt once more. He was very, very tall... non-human ancestors. Her ankles were the only thing touching the ground. Once they had passed the glare of the open courtyard, and into a cooler hallway, Dreinl swept her up into his arms and hugged her tightly. She laughed and struggled, he was far too strong to put force into her bones. He put her down and she stretched, flipping backwards till her hands touched the ground and bringing her legs over, standing again. Then, as she heard footsteps, she stood obediantly still as Drienl swept her up again and over his shoulder. She went limp, appearing unconcious. The footsteps faded and they were alone once more.[/i] Drienl: Where the hell have you been? Raeven: Around. I didn't like it here. Drienl: We all thought you were dead... they usually just assassinate escapees. Raeven: I think I'm something special, though... [i]He laughed with her.[/i] Drienl: You definately are. And from what I've heard, you've brought someone in with you. Is he anyone special? To you? [i]Raeven went silent. Drienl knew where he was taking her, and fell silent also.[/i] Drienl: Well, don't do anything stupid. You are an amazing fighter, and I don't want you to leave without getting everything you can from this hell. Including your man, you hear? [i]She clutched at his back, nodding against him.[/i][/font][/color] -
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Jaudiar didn't know what had happened to thier newfound allies, but it scared her. She wasn't quite used to this feeling of apprehension all the time... the forest closed in to a tunnel again, and the light dwindled and failed. It was pitch black and yet the horses continued, at a canter. Jaudiar found herself thinking that this would be an ideal place for an ambush, and sent a mental warning to Ananda. The strong feeling passed to her half sister, and they slowed the horses to a walk.[/i] Ananda: What will we do if we're cut off? [i]Jaudiar looked up... she couldn't see anything. Dismounting, Ananda followed and waited with the two horses as Jaudiar motioned for her to stay put and slipped through the wall of the forest. It wasn't as thick a few metres in, and there was no one to be seen. She returned to her sister and slipped under her horse, pressing her lips to Ananda's ear. [/i] Jaudiar: Let's make a catch of our own. I'm feeling rather... lonely... [i]The sisters giggled as they led the horses through the forest wall. Ananda fixed the tunnel lining and then followed her sister back about twety paces, where they lay close for the warmth, and silent for the wait. It wasn't long before the first footsteps were heard.[/i][/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Corus wasn't worth the walk. In fact, it was more getting in the way of the place at the moment... Elairith was dissapointed her journey would have to continue from here. She didn't think about her former home, who would starve without this city. Completely void of emotion, she turned to Kris and smiled weakly at him.[/i] Elairith: I think I might go and check out what's down that hole. Kris: You won't like it. Elairith: What? You've been there? Kris: It's where I came from. [i]Elairith, confused and slightly angered by the dishonesty of the world, turned and walked back across the plain. She didn't bother to see if he followed. Apparently, he did. Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she turned and looked up to his face. The sun was behind his head, making him look like a deity. Emotionally fucked, Elairith collapsed into his arms and fell into a agonising sleep. He began to carry her somewhere. She didn't care where.[/i] [/font][/color]
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]Elairith stopped, looking at Kris. He had stopped and was staring behind them. Turning, she saw a small figure hidden low in the undergrowth. Elairith looked at Kris again, he was still relaxed, but not moving. She didn't know what to do. Suddenly, the figure flexed and jumped straight up in the air, landing on a branch high above. Kris swore softly, obviously not having any idea what had happened. But Elairith knew. Walking to the base of the tree, she flexed in the same way as the figure and jumped. She needed to jump twice to reach the height the other person had jumped to, because of her human blood. Landing on the branch with the other, she smiled and got into a comfortable position. The other person, a girl, was petrified.[/i] Elairith: Hello! How exciting. I've never met another Nephilim before. [i]The girl sat there, not saying anything. She glanced nervously at the man on the ground. [/i] Elairith: That's Kris. He's half... some strange word. [i]Still nothing.[/i] Elairith: Care to join us? We don't know where we're going. My name is Elairith, by the way. [i]A pattern began to form with the repies Elairith was recieving.[/i] Elairith: Well, just please yourself then. But it's good to see another of my kind. [i]Elairith leapt from the branch, spiriling down in a splotch of white and black. Kris gasped and prepared to change the earth for her landing, but she landed perfectly on tightly bent legs. [/i] Elairith: She doesn't like to say much. Or she's too scared... But she's nephilim, like me! Isn't that great? Kris: Wonderful. I had no idea that's what you were, you don't look like it at all. So, where is it you said you've heard of? Elairith: The city our food comes from. Corus, I think. Kris: Just over the hill... [i]They set off, the edge of the forest in sight.[/i][/font][/color]
Location, location, location--Where are you from?
Ravenstorture replied to Baron Samedi's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Well, it should be obvious why no one else lives in Melb, James. There is no such place. :tasty: Another reason why no one lives there is because you and Warlock do. Doesn't seem to strange now, does it? Heh? I go to Canberra a lot now. I might be able to drag my sorry behind to Melbourne... and maybe, just maybe, drag Harlequin's there as well. But we all know that the reason YOU live in Melbourne is because you don't WANT a big otaku get together! Yeah, don't give me that cross eyed look. If you ever find yourself heading north for a few days, even if only a bit, tell me and I'll laugh at you... I mean.... Seriously now, I am actually very interested in meeting you. But it would be well worthwhile coming up to Brisbane for a day... at least five of the fifteen of us could meet you there. And that other guy who lives in Brisbane... come on, you know who you are.... ...obviously...[/color][/font]