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Puppet Mistress

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About Puppet Mistress

  • Birthday 08/16/1994

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    Up a bung hole
  • Occupation
    On and off DJ
  • theOtaku User Name
    Puppet Mistress

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  1. Why couldn't Grease have the storyline Grease 2 did? The love story between the two main characters was so much more... inspiring. Never give up on true love! Better than, a guy likes trashy girls, so be a trashy girl! -Grunt-.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sangome


      While I've not seen either movies, I know the gist of it, and I agree with Chibi. There's a stark difference between "compromising a few details" and completely changing every facet of your personality in order to better suit their needs. A person who truly loves you will love you for who you are. They may call you out on some of the more concerning aspects of your life, but they'll still love you anyway.

    3. Puppet Mistress

      Puppet Mistress

      Exactly, at least in Grease 2 the love story was so much more... I don't know, I can't explain. But the boy, shot down at first by the girl, spends the ENTIRE MOVIE trying to be something she'll love but is still the smart, charming, and slightly nerdy foreign student! She wanted a "Cooool Rider" so he learns how to ride a motorcycle. He doesn't start treating every girl like trash and totally munching her face (like all of the other T-Bird type guys do, can't ...

    4. Puppet Mistress

      Puppet Mistress

      @Chibi: The songs and supporting characters from Grease 2 sucked, but the main conflict and love interests were so much better than the first one... partially due to the fact that I'm a softy for sexy Riders *o*

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