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Puppet Mistress

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Everything posted by Puppet Mistress

  1. [font="Trebuchet MS"][color="#4b0082"]My favourite is most definitely Rarity. Don't ask why, I just... meh. Rarity *o*[/color][/font]
  2. [quote name='The Professor' timestamp='1301357794' post='706037'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]British colonials. [b]Pocahontas[/b] is a notoriously historically inaccurate movie, so I'm not surprised you couldn't quite place the accents. I'm pretty sure one guy was inexplicably Scottish.[/font][/quote] [font="Trebuchet MS"][color="#4b0082"]Yeah, I couldn't remember if the fat greedy asshat was the one who said, "For Spain, For Glory, For Gold!" or if it was from some other- The Road to El Dorado. The voice had a similar timbre, but Cortez was little more... er... you know... homicidal.[/color][/font]
  3. I have tea... and some House... feeling better!

    1. CaNz


      Yay! Tea is what the doctor ordered.

    2. Puppet Mistress

      Puppet Mistress

      Actually, the doctor ordered a heart monitor for me and it hasn't gotten here yet B(

  4. [font="Trebuchet MS"][color="#4b0082"]I'd like that, I really would. By the way, watched episode 21 today... I got a bit of a Pocahontas feel from it, I don't know why. But the way the chief and Applejack's cousin fought with each other just reminded me of the "Savages" and theeeeee... Spanish? Or were they English? They didn't really sound either or look either. -shrugs-[/color][/font]
  5. [font="Trebuchet MS"][color="#4b0082"]What I might be saying next might be a little bit off, but considering the fact that Twilight Sparkle sends a report to Princess Celestia every episode is a little bit of an overkill. I'm not sure that they'll have enough "friendship" lessons at the rate they're going, maybe give a couple of episodes (literally no more than two) for each lesson because I predict they're going to get a bit redundant and lose some of the qualities that put it above a good 90% of other kid's shows. But again, I digress.[/color][/font]
  6. [quote name='Felix the Cat' timestamp='1301314278' post='706015'] That was my opinion as well, I found it pretty lame that they basically eradicated Nightmare Moon from the series that quickly. I mean it made the start unbelievably awesome but I was a little disappointed that the action-y mood was entirely gone afterwards. [/quote] [font="Trebuchet MS"][color="#4b0082"]Yeah, it was pretty damn anti-climactic, it was almost as if Nightmare Moon went through puberty or something... she got over everything that fast... -rage- [/color][/font]
  7. [font="Trebuchet MS"][color="#4b0082"]The one thing that I thought would've been a pretty smart move would be continuing the "Nightmare Moon" portion of the series for a couple of more episodes since Nightmare Moon was a great opportunity to be an all-around tortured antagonist, maybe put her in a view episodes here and there, or just have a longer story for her... it seemed to be solved with a rather cliche technique... but, I digress. Submit to Rarity. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csPPqdbcVwM&feature=related[/media] Submit.[/color][/font]
  8. =/ needs to watch episode 21 of MLP still.

  9. What can I saaaaaaaaay? It's an aaart ;D [That one was on purpose]

  10. What makes you say thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? :D

  11. [font="Trebuchet MS"][color="#4b0082"]That is completely ridiculous how the damn trolls got to our videos, Ace. Where is the justice in Equestria?![/color][/font]

    1. Sangome


      I'm taking way too long lawl

    2. Puppet Mistress

      Puppet Mistress

      I'm just one to want to finish something as fast as I can... because I hate waiting. But the faster I go, the more I have to wait for new episodes!

    3. chibi-master


      It's a great feeling, huh? Well, other than the waiting for the next episode to come out.

  13. Flutterguy, that's some sexy timber. ;D

  14. I've been sucked into the Pony World... lord help me. RARITY. :DDDDDD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. chibi-master


      Welcome to the herd, new brony.

    3. Dovahkiin


      ..........oh god ._.;

    4. Puppet Mistress

      Puppet Mistress

      brony? ._.

      I'm going to be addicted... f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-foreeeeeeeeevveeeeeeeeeeeeer?

  15. Alex: Gay Right are suppressed! | Josie: There are other ethnicities that are being suppressed! | Alex: Did you just say that homosexuality is an ethnicity?

  16. Oh lookie again! Name change, thanks to MOI. I'm totally soaking up every bit of that. All, MINE. -smacked-

  17. Why is this world being invaded by prancing ponies?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. chibi-master


      'Cause they're fantabulous?

    3. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      Because you love to see them.

    4. Puppet Mistress

      Puppet Mistress

      Because they burn my eyes :D

  18. D: Whoever called you worse is a jerk!

  19. :o For a second... I thought I wrote "Chubby Pony" on your wall, so I'm glad I didn't :D

  20. no problem sugar :p

  21. you're a twerp .___. so stop derpherping on ma page! :p

  22. My signature makes me laugh. Ohhhh Chibi.

    1. chibi-master


      I'm goofy like that.

    2. Puppet Mistress

      Puppet Mistress

      Wonderfully goofy I might add :D

  23. [font="Century Gothic"][color="#008080"]Pfffft, ridiculous. But Ace sure does look... dreamy eyed...[/color][/font]
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