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Puppet Mistress

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Everything posted by Puppet Mistress

  1. your picture looks like a butt from far away. :D

  2. A bung hole, is NOT your butt hole.

  3. My two best friends on theO have broken up. I think I'm going to cry.

  4. That's what he said.

  5. [font="Century Gothic"]Yeah, I know this for a fact :D [/font]
  6. heyy, how's your GETTINGYOURASSOFFMYFACE going?

  7. something about this book isn't right, be it the incest, the raping, the molestation, or the fact that the girls husband doesn't have a name. I'll never know.

    1. Morbo


      Oh your reading your own autobiography. I guess someone would eventually.

    2. Dovahkiin



    3. Puppet Mistress

      Puppet Mistress

      Oh har de har, I'm going to ignore you Dave.

  8. [font="Century Gothic"][size="3"]Pfffft, Felix, you have too much time on your hands little Felix monster.[/size][/font]
  9. How come no one can ever remember the lyrics to the El Dorado song that goes, "El Doraaado..." -cough cough-

  10. Listening to a song about guiding Satan's steady hand... I like [say Anything]

  11. Wow, I forgot about the OB... eh.

  12. "I was quite sure... after he told me he loved me... without a doubt! That face that he made... he was... a... terrorist.

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