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Mr. Maul

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Everything posted by Mr. Maul

  1. I've always wonder, what is Animal crossing? It sounds cool, but I've never played it.
  2. My fave Yu-Gi-Oh quote is, "Uh, Joey, I don't think you're supposed to cook the candy bars." "Shutup, I know what I'm doing."
  3. It sounds to me like a rip-off of dungeons and dragons, but I'm going to watch it anyway. Don't get me wrong, but I like Yu-Gi-Oh.
  4. ***********SPOILER************ Well, not really. Does anyone have any Ep. III spoilers?
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trumen [/i] [B]Now this is the [B]SIMPSONS TRIVIA CHALLENGE[/B] here I will take 15 contestants. I will start the questions and then someone else will give questions and so on for about 10 times then I will take over again. Also, if you miss 5 questions in a round you will be taken out and I will have try out for a new contestant. The winner will be determined by how many you got Correct at the end. The prize for a winner is that you qualify for the next CHALLENGE. Now here are the questions.... QUALIFY ROUND 1. What did Homer say in the tryouts for Mr. Burn's part his movie instead "Excellent"? 2.(Warning easy) What is Homer's catch phrase? 3. Who was Homer referring to when he said "I should have read that book by that wheel chair guy"? 4. What is Homer's real middle name? 5. What is Marge's maiden name? 6. Where did Homer find the body of Smithers, Sr.? 7. What is Bart's full first name? Now the it is also based on time to reply. [/B][/QUOTE] 1. Dunno 2.D'oh! 3.Stephen Hawking 4.I know it starts with a "J" 5.I know, but I forget. 6.In a drainage pool. 7.Bartholamue
  6. 1. What did they bang together to make horse hooves sounds? Coconut shells 2. What was the first question that the bridge troll asked Arthur? What is your name? 3. What did the old woman that Arthur harrassed about a shrubbary beat with a stick? A cat 4. Finish this name: The Knights Who Say ___! NI! 5. What stopped them from getting the grail in the end? The British police 6. What was the terrible monster that guarded the cave? The killer rabbit 7. What was the castle called that Galahad found and entered? Castle Anthrax 8. Name two other Monty Python movies. Flying circus and some WWII movie 9. Who won the fight between the Black Knight and Arthur? Arthur 10 . Did they ever go to Camelot? No __________________
  7. I've done somethings before. I've climbed out of a window, broken a chair, broken a coathall, printed a thousand copies of the word "stupid" in comp. class. I'll have to rember more and post again.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I am [b]Jenna[/b]. It is a [b]Celtic-originated[/b] name meaning [b]white spirit[/b]. That is the first time I have ever found a meaning for my name, normally I steal the meaning for Jennifer and pass it off to be mine :p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Your last name is Winter, isn't it?
  9. Lalaith Ril, you get 30 magic, 15 strength, 20 vitality, 25 dex. BondFanatic, you get 15 magic, 25 strength, 20 vitality, 30 dex.
  10. The prince of darkness and all that is evil has sent his evil minions to wreak havok and destroy all that is good. All have perished into his vile clutches, all except for six. These six fled, and have been in hiding at the small rouge encampment just outside their own town, killing all evil that has tried to destroy them. Finally, they deside that they must rise up and defeat the three evils. :devil: :devil: :devil: Keep info in your sig!!! Name: Class: Age: Gender: Weapon:x3 Spells: I'll let you know when you sign up. Level: 1 Gold: 100 Dexterity:Same as spells Vitality:" " Magic: " " Strength: " " I'll be the game master( so this will be played differently than other RPG's on Otaku) no controling other peoples character. this game will take longer than other games, so hang in there!
  11. You're all wrong. Wrist Cutter- I wasn't talking about this thread. Endymion-It's not my computer. James-I tried to go back, but there was some stupid error message. RicoTranzrig-This computer doesn't have WP. Mystic's Knight-Yes, the thread was important. Semjaza Azazel-I copied, but it didn't work. As I said,You're all wrong.
  12. Don't you really get p***** off when you spend a really long time making a thread, and when you go to submit you have to sign in again and you loose all that work? Is there someway to fix that?
  13. I play percussion. I can sorta play "Chop Suey" on set. I also play piano.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]I dont understand what this is really about,Im not hip to the big brother stuff. Can someone fill me in? [/B][/QUOTE] are you even in big brother? If you are, I'll fill in.
  15. Mr. Maul

    YOUR music!!

    System of a Down Bowling for Soup OKGO The Vines Puddle of Mud Blink 182 Sum 41 Linkin Park Gorillaz Red Hot Chili Peppers
  16. System of a Down rocks. That's all I've got.
  17. Is anyone gonna try to guess mine!?!?!? It's on page 5.
  18. Sex isn't the answer, sex is the question, yes is the answer. Or is that too rude?
  19. I'd do everything I'd ever want to do.
  20. Don't cuss at a teacher, just do what I do and make fun of them behind their back. It's a lot more fun and it's safer.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]eee!! here's my favorite uh.. oh yeah!!! there's a couple, a man and a woman, and they were driving in a car. the man stopped to get gas, and told the woman to lock all the doors, close all the windows, and make it impossible to let anyone in. then she had to search every inch of the car to see if there was anyone there(there wasn't). she did this successfully. the man went in to the gas station and got in an argument with the manager. he eventually was forgiven, but he had t do some work casue he had exploded his burrito in the microwave and done some damage. he thought that his girlfriend would be fine, and since she was kind of sleepy, she might take a nap. the work took even longer than he thought. he came outside, and went to his car. the woman was dead, there was a stranger in the car. what happened? i probably left something out that could make multiple answers, but there's only one that i now of that isn't like"someone broke in anyway" or"she didn't spot the burglar inder her seat" or something. [/B][/QUOTE] I've got one sorta like that which probably has the same answer, but anyway, the police got a call from the owner of a gas station. He was at work late at night, and he had just sold a finely dressed man five bags of softener salt, each weighing fifty pounds. The man asked the owner if he would help him carry the bags out to his car. The owner said yes, and so he helped him. The owner told the man good night as the man locked his car and rolled up the windows. The owner went back inside the gas station's store, because there was another man inside looking at an aisle with batteries. The car started to back out just as there was a loud crash, the power went, and all the lights went out. A gunshot rang out. When the power came back, the owner saw that the man with the salt had been shot. When the police got there they discovered that there was no bullet hole in any of the windows(which were all up), and that there was no gun, or trace of any firearms, besides the one bullet, in the man's car. The doors were locked the entire time, and there was no one else in the car with him. How is this murder possible? Oh, and genkai_yyh, you can't answer, just incase our riddles have the same answer.
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