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Mr. Maul

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Everything posted by Mr. Maul

  1. Sounds like fun! Let the bribes and death threats begin!
  2. Here's one from the Simpsons: Girl:"Cool, you live at a party house." Homer:"I get knocked down, but I get knocked down again, you ain't never gonna knock me down! I take a whiskey drink, I take a chocolate drink, and when I gotta pee, I use the kitchen sink!" Keg flies through window. Homer:"Hey, were'd my keg go?" Lisa:"Uh, oh! Mom's not going to like that." Girl:"Who's Mom?" Lisa:"Oh, um, that's what we call the gay guy who lives with us." LOL, I love the Simpsons.
  3. Yeah. I was hungry at the time. Does anyone one want to give it a try?
  4. Did anybody else love the fact that the ringwraiths were looking for someone named Shire in the land of Baggins? I thought it was one of the funniest parts!
  5. I found this Lord of the Rings parody on the internet while looking for pics. The language is a little rough, but otherwise, it's down-right funny! Just go to htpp:/kribu.net/lotrp.html
  6. I am poetically challenged, and if there are anymore out there like me, then feel free to post away. Here I go. How does the wind blow, The sun shine, Thine garden grow? Simple, I'm sure the answer is But don't ask me, because I is not knowing the answer um, something that rhymes with answer.(where's a good rhyming book when you need one?) This poem has gone on long enough, I guess I'm not made of rhyming stuff, But the stuff I like, I'm sure to try, A great big slice of cherry pie! Cherry pie, in the sky, I could lie, or just die, for cherry pie, in the sky, Why,Oh, Why,Oh, Why? I wish I could rhyme like an ancient bard, And not like some big retard, Rhyming Bard, Big Retard, Why,Oh, Why,Oh, Why? I repeat again for emphasis, And I hope to no offense, This poem has gone on long enough, I guess I'm not made of rhyming stuff, A great big dollop of marshmallow fluff, Fluff, stuff, buff, tough, Why,Oh, Why,Oh, Why? I like trees, oak and spruce, But what I like more is chocolate mousse. oak, spruce, chocolate mousse, Why,Oh, Why,Oh, Why when I try to rhyme dessert is all that comes to mind, Why,Oh, Why,Oh, Why? Well that's the best I got in me, kinda wierd, ain't it?
  7. I hate all this slang stuff too. I totally hate it. It could be worse, though. We could all be talking in bianary: 0100101101001011011010010010 0101100101010110110100011101 1001001110100101011010101010 1001010100101001001111010101 1001010101100101010101011001
  8. A large, black raven soars through the dark night. The only light comes from the city below. The raven cicles, slowly spiraling down as if it has spotted prey. It lands in a darkened alley, not making a sound. Suddenly, the raven changes, as if it is morphing into the showdows around it. Then it is no longer visible, but a tall, shadowed man steps out of the darkness where the raven once was. A man jogging by saw what happened. Jogger: "Who are...what are you?" Man: "I am Zorius, please, help me." Jogger:"How can I help you?" Zorius:"I...I need...YOUR SOUL!" Zorius lunged at the jogger, placing his hand over his face, while chanting. The jogger screamed, and then collapsed, motionless, to the ground. Zorius dissapeared into the shadows once more.
  9. I love Avril. I also love rock and some rap. I hate slipknot 'c ause half the time you can't tell what they're saying. But I love their vdeos.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]That's not neccessarily true either. In terms of computers (since it's a subject most are familiar with) a geek is one who works mostly with the internet, knows how to work it, how to manipulate it, etc. A nerd knows more about the computer itself rather than the internet. Of course the definition of both do not rely on technical knowledge. Nor are they neccessarily insulting.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Those were just the short versions of the definitions. I just didn't want to take time to type that much. And I agree with you.
  11. Oh. Well I am just appalled. Or something. Yeah.
  12. We talked about this in health class. My teacher's funny'cause he gets all guruish when he talks about stuff like that. You should hear him talk about time travel... Any way, they'll never legalize it.
  13. They were father and son. One had a knife. They said the coach made an obscene gesture at them, but the coach is denying it. I know about this 'cause I'm listening to it on the news right now.
  14. I don't kow what an ecake is, but it sounds good. PM me, zidane11, when the party is going to start.
  15. Are we still talking about the books? Oh, and Boba, that B.H. site is sweet!
  16. My friend bought three decks and three booster packs, but he doesn't really know how to play! I find that quite amusing.:laugh:
  17. I love the internet. My social life on the internet far exceeds my real life by about 99% I don't care what other people think. My friends are Magic playin'-gothic-paranormal believin'-RPGing-freaks; just like me. Most people believe that the words geek, dork, and nerd all have the same definition. Not true. Geek- One who lives on the computer. Nerd- One who role plays, or plays card games(magic,yu-gi-oh,etc) Dork-The layman's definition for all three words, the classic dork-Steve Urkle. Everyone's popular in their own group.
  18. Actually it's a camera trick.
  19. I wached that special on street magic. The floating is a sham! Now I'll never know how to float.*sigh*:(
  20. All the guys at my school are either growing their hair out, or getting a fro.
  21. "Friends don't let friends get mullets." -My T-shirt
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