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Mr. Maul

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Everything posted by Mr. Maul

  1. Originally posted by Boba Fett: "Do you mean Boba getting his own little set of armor ?" I can just picture that. *Hee Hee* Jango Fett: I will call him Mini Me!
  2. YODA KICKED BUTT!!!!! It was sooo funny when Yoda just got done fighting, and then he picked up his walking stick. :D C3PO as a battle droid was funny too.
  3. Originally posted by Boba Fett: Well, I would have got to go to the midnight showing, but it was bookied. So I am seeing a later showing at 3am. I'm going to the midnight showing tonight hopefully if they're not sold out. I was going to go as a Jawa, but I'm going to go as myself( Mr. Maul).
  4. You awake. Darkness all around you. That smell. That all too familliar smell... ...of Zerg. Death would smell better.
  5. All the jedi get a bad feeling. Like a disturbance... ...in the force. :devil:
  6. Easy questions. Be very detailed in your answers. Episode 1 vehicle quiz. 1.)Name the three types of shells used in an ATT. 2.)Who manufactured the Sith Infiltrator? 3.)What type of fuel dose Sebulba's podracer take? 4.)How many escape pods does the Republic Cruiser have? :worried: :demon: :laugh:
  7. In my RPG, I, the game master, gets to decide everything that happens. Your character can be anything, or one, that you wish. There are no permanent settings. The scenario can change rapidly. There is no limit on settings once you start playing. Your stats change constantly throughout the game. Here is an example level 1 character: *EXAMPLE STATS* John Doe HP:1000 MP:100 Spells:Fire 1, Ice 1, Bio 1 Experience:1250 Poison:0 Inventory: Long bow, Dagger, Shield You start out by choosing a level(1, 2, or 3). Level 1 start out with 1000 HP and 100 MP. Level 2: 1200 HP and 200 MP. Level 3 with 1300 HP and 300 MP. You have no experience at first, but the longer you, you play, the more exp. you gain. You choose 3 weapons of offence and defence. Please be realistic, remember, if it were real, you'd be carring your items, so no tanks or jets or anything like that. If you're level 1 or 2, you only get 3 spells. Level 3 gets 4. Your choices are fire 1, 2, and 3, Ice 1, 2, and 3, and Bio 1, 2, and 3. In order to get a 2 of a spell, you must have a 1, and to get a 3, you must have a 1 AND 2. Bio 1 adds 1 poison mark to the creature you attack. It does 10 damage each turn. Bio 2 does 30, but you have to use 1 first. 3 does 60, but you must have done 1 and 2. Spells of 1 cost 50 MP, spells of 2 cost 100, spells of 3 cost 150. Despite all the rules, the game actually is easy and fun to play. Post a reply to play. :devil: :excited: :toothy:
  8. I would have posted all my quizes right now but I lost my master copies. :flaming: I will post them once they are found. :excited: :: :
  9. Who wants to play my Star Wars RPG? I know I should be posting this under RPGs, but I thought I'd bring it here instead. PLEASE REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :excited:
  10. I've seen the trailer for Episode II SEVERAL times and there's still something that I havn't been able to figure out. Anakin says something refering to Fett, but he says it too fast. He calls him something other than Boba. TELL ME WHAT HE SAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe Boba himself can help me. :flaming: :drunk: :devil: :therock: :(
  11. I've seen the trailer for Episode II SEVERAL times, and I still havn't figured out what Anakin says. He's talking about Fett, but he doesn't say Boba. WHAT DOES HE SAY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Maybe Boba himself can give me an answer. :flaming: :drunk: :devil: :therock: :(
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