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About drysy

  • Birthday 12/16/1983

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    i like wrestling and dragonball z
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  1. im an aussie but i live near newcastle and im just getting into cowboy bebop, ordering the whole series soon. I also like robotech, gundam and dont mind a bit of dragonball z.
  2. The most recent games i have finished were ShenmueII. This was one of the longest games i have played,the ending was pretty good and it sets the stage for the rest of the series,it wasnt that hard but it was very long. The other game was dead to rights and i finished that pretty quickly, there were a few hard bits but overall it wasnt that challenging, the end was a bit dissapointing to me. I have also finished spiderman, halo and robotech battlecry
  3. I was wondering if anybody knows when they are airing the new episodes here in australia, The last one they had was when vegeta sacrafices himself to kill buu. By the sounds of it we are pretty far behind the rest of the world.
  4. drysy

    Old School

    I have not heard anything about this movie but ill keep my eyes peeled
  5. the stupidest fight i was in was when i was about 14, Me and my mate were mucking around boxing[we had boxing gloves] when i accidentally steped on his foot and punched him to the ground,i took the gloves off and started chanting like i had won the world title and the next thing i knew my mate threw me into the side of his house and it was on. after the fight i rang up my olds to come and get me as i was rather pissed off but about 15 mins later we were best friends again and still are today 7 years later
  6. im looking forward to halo2,dead to rights and wwe raw ruthless agression
  7. It has to be jack archer from the new robotech game, He flys a plane that can turn into a robot and then to a hybrid of plane and robot How cool is that
  8. drysy


    i have been watching zoids cc in the morning and i have been following the storyline.However i missed about a weeks worth of episodes and when i watched it this morning everything had changed van was with fiona wearing a different uniform and moonbay and ervine were not there,the last episode i saw was where van beat those 3 guards in the zaber fangs. Could someone please fill me in on what i missed THANKS
  9. im from a little coastal town of n.s.w,australia called forster. though it is prenounced foster, its about 4 hours drive from sydney we have heaps cool beaches,lucky as it gets up to about 35 degrees centigrade. Its a hot spot for tourist and our population dramaticly swells over our chrismas break
  10. My next xbox game will hopefully be robotech battlecry or wwe raw is war .I dont really buy many pc games as i cant use the mouse and keyboard very good
  11. I was thinking of getting the movie but i read on a site that it is just a recap of some of the series does it have different charachters or mechs or is it the same as the series I just wanted to know if it would be worth getting as i am a big macross\robotech fan
  12. I was wondering if anybody knows where i can buy a copy from. I have looked for it on web sites but cannot find it anywhere, i know it has to be imported but any help would be much appreciated thanks
  13. Thanks rick ill have a look for the other ones you mentioned. i found parts 1+2 and bought them and i liked them better than the other one, the yf 19 kicks but, well with isamu piloting it anyway. Oh burn up w was what it was called thanks queen asuka Where would i find the other animes you mentioned
  14. I have just finished watching macross plus on dvd and it left me in awe especialy the veritechs they were smic. :) I actually stumbled onto it accidently today when me and my mate were in our local k mart store when he was showing me the new dvds that were just in and one of them was macross plus part 3 and 4 and i wasted no time in purchasing it Now all i need is parts 1 and 2 and then look for other cool animes. My freind has gunsmith cats,evangelion and another called burnout something:confused:
  15. my old dog used to run around in circles chasing her tail every time she sat down And my new dog has a little race track and sometimes he just starts running around the yard and he looks like he is insane or something because he keepts running for about 5 minutes and then just stops and sits down
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