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Everything posted by Starslayer

  1. Bleach seriously needs to get itself started again. This is insane it's become so slow. The manga has never been this bad in terms of pacing. It's building up slowly but once we see what it is I have a feeling it will be underwhelming . At least it's begun to raise suspicion about [spoiler] Urahara[/spoiler] If he becomes an antagonist that would be quite a twist
  2. Yakuza is NOTHING like GTA GTA consists of driving and shooting which Yakuza has none of. Also this game isn't like the masterpiece that is the Shenmue series. The combat is very simplistic not like the virtua fighter engine they used in Shenmue. Yakuza is a great series though. Incredible graphics and the Japanese voice acting are great.It's a fun series and there lots of sidequest and the plot is also good and compelling. I love Yakuza but it's not even a poor mans Shenmue. It's doesn't have the attention to detail , the depth of combat , mystery , and exploration that Shenmue is famous for.
  3. Actually the title Bleach came from the Nirvana song of the same name Kubo is a huge Nirvana fan hence Bleach
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