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zelda's hero

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  1. ONE OF THE CRAPPIEST THINGS ON THIS PLANET...ARE PPL LIKE THE FRIGGIN IDIOT THAT STARTED THIS GOD FORSAKEN THREAD! i am a 15 year old, american, and i don't need to be hearing crap like that, on a board like this. i know i'm a newbie here, but i have a lot of respect for this board already. it's ppl like that dumb...whatever he is, that takes down the integrity, and the respect a board like this has. frankly, i have a gay uncle, and he just recently moved to sanfrancisco, into the middle of one of the biggest gay districts on the planet. and u wanna know mostly why??? huh? do ya?? IT'S BECAUSE OF PPL LIKE THE ANTI-GAY IDIOTS, WHO CAN'T KEEP THEIR *AMN MOUTH SHUT! i am frankly glad that the hell-sent person that started all this is banned. and if you are reading this...i hope you find it in your heart, and in your common sence to forgive yourself, and to start looking at gay ppl in a better perspective. i hope you can learn to cope with the fact that alot of ppl on this planet are gay. sincerily, me.
  2. where do i find the key to open the huge metel doors in death mountain? if you can help, plz pm me, or post up! thx.:toothy:
  3. dogma was like, way kewl! "what are you doing??" "i'm taking my pants off, you said if we only had 5 minutes to live, you would have sex with me" lmao!!! but realistically, my favorite part is when jay asked chris rock to tell him something about him. "you jackoff more than anyone else on the planet" "everyone knows that!" "yeah, but you think of guys when you do it" *silent bob backs away* roflmao!!! that was the funniest movie!! to me, it's right up there with space balls!!!:laugh:
  4. ok, i know that last theory was a bit screwed up...but here's another one. i believe that in that one zelda, where link finds the guy in the basement of the castle...i believe he's just a really good friend of the family, possibly a guardian that was set to keep link and zelda safe for awhile. ganon shows up, and when the guardian learns that zelda is in trouble..goes off to try and save her. (this is where link comes in) link finds the old guy down in the basement, and before he can say much anything important (this is the part that sux so much) he dies. now, what is interesting to me is...in all the games before OOT he was never kept safe in the kokiri villiage. this of course weirding out the whole line of zelda's. this has to prove that the dying guy in the basement of the castle cannot be links father, but most likely a guardian.:toothy: hey jcgoudy, feel free to help me out here:whoops:
  5. actually, i think it is very talented that you can play those in real life. takes alot of practice, and of knowing how to play a guitar...i think it's really cool:whoops:
  6. hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! i cannot believe that they would say that!! a spaceship??? and being able to blow up the villiage?? hahahahaha!!! that is too hilarious! lmao! they were obviously :alcohol: or :smoke: lol, maybe both.
  7. ok, i have to go with jcgoudy. i do think (because otherwise it's such a huge freakin coincidence) that [I]most[/I] of the zelda games flow together in one continuous story line. there are just too damn many things that fit together so perfectly. also, my theory is, is that zelda's dad is one of the gods. this would explain why there are so many loose ends about zelda's geneology. but, i'd like to hear things that can improve my theory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ funny things; space balls- "did you see anything?!?" "no sir! i did not see you playing with your dolls again!" fave smiley; :butthead:
  8. yeah, i know what yur talking about. but i just really didn't like it. i have played the first one, and i am really looking for it. zelda has always had a huge staple in the game systems for me. i love it. p.s. my mom runs a guinney pig rescue shelter, if you would like to make a cash donation, please pm me. thx alot.:tasty:
  9. link leaves his town (kokiriki villiage) and as he's leaving, he comes upon some interesting news..."link the king is on the verge of dying... if he dies, the whole kingdom will fall apart. only if you find the golden heartpeice will he live. please help us, u must find the golden heartpeice and get it to the king as soon as possible" (continue)
  10. *link enters the griffindoor common room* wow, we just got here and i'm already looking forward to the trip to town. i already know what i'm gunna buy....i gotta get my hands on a new broom. *stares off into space for a while* hmm... funny things; spaceballs- "did you see anything?!?" "no sir! i did not see you playing with your dolls again!" fave smilie; :butthead:
  11. hey, i returned the game, mostly cuz i thought that the graphics and gameplay blew chunks. thx for replying though!!:wigout:
  12. thx for showing that clip of the new zelda. now i know what everyone is complaining about! the new graphics make that game so undesireable it's not even funny. i thought that OOT was probobly one of the best games i've ever played, and even though it is on n64, i think the graphics are WAY better than that of the new game cube "zelda". the maker(s) could have done a way better job. this really dissapoints me. my rating for the game cube version has got to be....hmmm...how to discribe it...:butthead: feel free to argue with me. even though i probly won't care.
  13. hi, i am a new member here, and i really badly need some help!! i just bought "link" (part 2 of the zelda's) for my old nintendo system, and i can't get anywhere. it says the candle is in the palace, but it's not there. plz help me out, thx.:toothy: funny things; space balls- "did you see anything?!?" "no sir! i did not see you playing with your dolls again!"
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