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  1. Please bear with me, I never got to see the rest of the Dragonball series and I have seen Chaozu and Tien for the first time in the reruns of Dragonball Z. What exactly is Chaozu? He doesnt look human? Is he alien? And is Tien human? Thanx, :nervous: kyono
  2. If Yamu and Spopovich had a device that can measure energy, why didnt they pick up the fact that Goten and Trunks BOTH transformed during their match? Even if they didnt watch it, surely they would've heard the uproar and checked it out? That has always bugged me. I know their energy isnt nearly that of Gohan and the other Z fighters but still......
  3. yeah, it does suck, but did you notice that during the tournament that Shin (the supreme kai, excuse my crappy spelling) made the comment that Gohan was "still the strongest fighter in this tournament". Then again, Shin underestimated alot of things.
  4. Has Cartoon Network ever shown the entire original Dragonball series? I would like to see the episodes with Freeza, Cell and the androids, were these ever shown? I thought I briefly saw a part of one of those episodes when I wasnt interested in Dragonball (I was flipping thru the channels), now I could kick myself! I dont want to have to go and keep renting the episodes! And, if these episodes were aired, do you think there is any chance they will air them once again before continuing the series with Dragonball GT? Why do I miss all the good stuff? Kyono
  5. I am a relatively new fan of Dragonball and Dragonball z, (last couple of months). I watch it on the Cartoon Network but they keep showing the same episodes!! On DB it is from when Bulma meets Goku until the epsode when Krillen,Goku and Bulma find the pirate treasure and then they start over again! And on DBZ it starts with Goku on snake way thru the world martial arts tournament when Vegeta blows himself up trying to kill Majin Buu!! This is making me crazy, does anyone know if and when they will show the other episodes or if they are shown on another channel? Any info is appreciated! (Sorry if these are old questions, but I am new here) Kyono
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