Hello, Otaku community!
I had a few questions regarding a wallpaper I am working on for Christmas, and I wanted the input of the community just to see what you guys thought. It is a Trinity Blood-themed wallpaper wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
1) What are the best sizes for the wallpaper itself, in terms of resolution? I am already making one that is 1440x900, since that is a pretty common size and is also my own, but what are other common sizes it should fit on (16:9, 16:10, 4:3, etc.)?
2) (For people who are fans/have followed of the series) I am going to fit most of the main characters from the series onto the picture (like a group photo per se), but I am debating whether or not I should include the RKO/Contra Mundi characters in it (Dietrich, Isaak, and Cain). I know that they are the "bad guys" of the series, but I also want to convey that "Merry Christmas, [b][i]everyone[/i][/b]!" atmosphere in the picture also. I am just not sure what I should do in that regard.
3) Should I write the whole "Merry Christmas" deal in the Gothic-style font that Trinity Blood is commonly associated with, or should I stick to the classic, calligraphic cursive instead?
Thank you guys for all of your input. I don't know how much feedback I am going to get for this, but anything I do will be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!
And oh yeah, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and happy whatever else you may be celebrating around this time of year!