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Everything posted by KaizerG1

  1. Nice, man! I've still got to finish Assassin's Creed 2, but my data got erased and I was just getting to open all the seals below the Villa, and I just have not started it again. Want to look into AC: Brotherhood though. One game I've been playing that I can't get enough of is this still-in-beta phase game for the PC called [b][url="http://www.worldoftanks.com/"]World of Tanks[/url][/b]. The concept of the game is simple, as is the gameplay, but the mechanics and replay value for it are amazing. You start off in your garage with a junker pre-World War II tank and work your way all the way up to on-paper-only prototype monstrosities from all sides of the war. Games are 15 vs 15 player team battles where you engage in fierce firefights with your fellow tankers and try to outwit, outmaneuver, outthink, and outgun your opponents. The more you play, the more experience and credits you get to unlock more tanks, tank destroyers, artillery guns, or upgrade your current tank. It's a great action game with a lot of depth to it and if you love multiplayer action games with replayability, or you are just a big World War II/tank buff like me, World of Tanks is the perfect game for you! I would love to see some other otakuites out there on the field! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! :)
  2. Thank you very much for your input, Tentacle. I made a very rough outline of the picture itself in Photoshop, and I have attached it (subject to changes, MAJOR changes). Just so you (and anyone else who would like to see) can get a better idea of what I am shooting for. In the end it will be a two-row group picture, the major characters front and center, the major-yet-less-frequent characters front and sides, and the minor characters in the back. I noticed that the back row is rather vacant and only occupied by a few people, so the RKO members should fit in there nicely. In the finished product, the characters will be slightly more detailed than in the outline XD The resolution of the draft is pretty big, but I figured if it was bigger it would be easier to scale down to other resolutions as opposed to scaling up. Also, if you look at the picture, are there any major characters, besides the villains, I am leaving out (excluding ones from the manga, since I have not read the manga [yet ])? If there are, let me know and I will put them in. And that last bit about the "Bloody new year" is a pretty clever touch. I may have to incorporate something clever like that at the very end. Thanks for your input, and I hope you will like it when it is done (hopefully before christmas)! --KaizerG1 [attachment=14948:Christmas outline.jpg]
  3. Hello, everyone! I have been on TheOtaku for a little while now...a really little while, and I tried logging in here with the same info but apparently the two sites are not directly connected. Anyways, call me KaizerG1 or Greg. I used to watch Anime when I was a kid and I think I'm getting back into it now that I am older. My current favorite is Trinity Blood. I like to learn about World War II and the military and such, play video games, surf the internet, hang out with friends, work on cars, and spend time with God. I really like this site, as well as theOtaku.com, and I anticipate making this one of my more-visited websites. Thanks, everyone, and I look forward to seeing you around! --Greg
  4. Hello, Otaku community! I had a few questions regarding a wallpaper I am working on for Christmas, and I wanted the input of the community just to see what you guys thought. It is a Trinity Blood-themed wallpaper wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. 1) What are the best sizes for the wallpaper itself, in terms of resolution? I am already making one that is 1440x900, since that is a pretty common size and is also my own, but what are other common sizes it should fit on (16:9, 16:10, 4:3, etc.)? 2) (For people who are fans/have followed of the series) I am going to fit most of the main characters from the series onto the picture (like a group photo per se), but I am debating whether or not I should include the RKO/Contra Mundi characters in it (Dietrich, Isaak, and Cain). I know that they are the "bad guys" of the series, but I also want to convey that "Merry Christmas, [b][i]everyone[/i][/b]!" atmosphere in the picture also. I am just not sure what I should do in that regard. 3) Should I write the whole "Merry Christmas" deal in the Gothic-style font that Trinity Blood is commonly associated with, or should I stick to the classic, calligraphic cursive instead? Thank you guys for all of your input. I don't know how much feedback I am going to get for this, but anything I do will be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone! And oh yeah, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and happy whatever else you may be celebrating around this time of year! --KaizerG1
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