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Felix the Cat

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Everything posted by Felix the Cat

  1. Well, the topic title is boring as hell and probably says a lot (or not, for that matter) so I'm just going to explain a bit for safety. As some of you know I'm more of a chat than forum-person (sorry guys!) but since I like the forums as well and I want to keep them in the back of my head I thought I might just make this thread. In the thread itself I'm going to post some of my [b]horrible[/b] doodles of recent chat events (or just random stuff that I could imagine would happen so basically noone is safe of my tablet pen :D) that were funny, notable, whatever partly to entertain you guys and also to eventually improve my tablet skills. ;) I got the idea from a doodle of Edo-chan I created today [img]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x244/Felixdw/acedo.jpg[/img] but yeah that's not all that important. Here's the first "introductory" doodle: [attachment=15007:chadoodleno1.jpg] In this picture: SunfallE, Kei, Adam, Edo-kun, Ace, Desbreko -> it should be clear who they are, at least to some people. Anyways, I'm not going to make any promises such as "I'll post one daily/weekly/monthly" but I hope I'll have the time (and brain) to keep you "updated" about the chat. Also, you're all free to participate as well, of course :D That's it from me...for now.
  2. I've only just finished playing New Super Mario Bros. for the Wii, trying to get more star coins and access to the BONUS LEVELS! :D In other news, I've recently bought Mario Galaxy, which rules, except for the horribad camera angles and also I've played Pokemon Crystal!
  3. I think it would be good to post more on this but my brain's all dried up.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lyndy


      You didn't say your brain is /always/ dried up. You didn't even specify at all when your brain /is/ dried up. From how you worded it, you made it sound like it was dried up at present tense. And from what I said, I said you brain was always dried up. Sorry for being an stupid blonde. =)

    3. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      I love how you put "an" there to make a point :3

    4. Lyndy


      Wow. I was tired and getting ready to leave to go to school when I typed that. So *a. And to think I was trying to be serious.

  4. Well what I REALLY hate is when I'm in a big room with a LOT of people who are standing so close to each other that I can't get out. Actually.. I guess you could call that claustrophobia :P Well a real pet peeve would be something especially my english teacher does well. We're sitting at a test, trying to concentrate and she keeps on TALKING. Now I have this bad habit of listening to people when they talk so I CAN NOT concentrate! (Though I still get the highest scores on test in my class, truth be told) I hate that and I hate her for it o^o "Oh and don't forget to add an F or a T, don't put little crosses there." (<- Me thinks "It SAYS so on the frickin' sheet now be quiet or IMUNNAKILLYEW!")

  6. Sadly not, I have nothing smart enough to say for it to be on the forum.

  7. Personally, I believe that the big problem with e-mails is, that you'll usually have to wait for a couple hours or days (depending how often said person checks their mail) to receive a reply and, even though it is inapplicable for business deals and the likes, for which e-mails are still more practical, it is quite comforting to know you're going to get a reply within the next few seconds or minutes, wouldn't you agree? Also, how is TEXTING, as the word already implies, deviating from the written word? I mean I do understand that people tend to use linguistic shortcuts such as "lol", "hbu" and many many others but since that only happens in informal conversations? Another thing that amazes me is that schools and parents blame their children for not writing properly whereas they should be the ones to teach them. Isn't that quite hypocritical? If you're a teacher and you can't teach your students, at least under the circumstances of them not being heavily dyslexic, how to read and write properly, wouldn't that imply that you failed them? Just throwing that in there. Also it most certainly is not true that people are becoming less social, since where there used to be phone calls, now applications like Skype and MSN (which features calls) are more popular than ever and a lot of people do like to call or video chat. I believe it simply broadens our variety of socializing. After all I've got a lot of IMs and texts with friends asking me to meet them in town, go to the movies, etc. It is so stereotypical for people to just put the blame on facebook, texting and IMs to cover up their fear of change and though change might not always be good, the world surely isn't supposed to stay the same forever on. Edit: About the thing with not being able to write with your hands. Don't you have to write your essays by hand? Or written tests at school? I know I do, and though I have horrible handwriting I don't see how it is possible to lose an ability you get drilled into your head the many many years of being in school.
  8. Why is your name wrong? D:

  9. Just to throw this one in the game, [b]Shinryaku! Ika Musume[/b] is probably one of my favourite anime this year, not 'cause it would be outstanding in any way but simply because it's so damn funny! Plot: [i] The story revolves around Ika Musume, a humanoid squid who came from the sea to conquer humanity, because of the natural disasters caused in the sea. However, as she destroys the wall of a beach bar, the owners make her work off the costs of the damage and as such a quite interesting plot unfolds. [/i] Here's a pic: [img]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x244/Felixdw/zero-raws-shinryaku-ika-musume-01-efbc88tx-1280x720-x264-aac-mp4_snapshot_24-15_2010-10-06_22-29-42.jpg[/img] What I especially like about this anime is the original presentation of Ika Musume as clueless girl from the sea, basically learning about the human world and trying to handle things she's never seen before, based on her memories of the sea. Also Ika Musume reveals some funny and pretty awesome powers along the show that make it a whole notch funnier Aaannnd the topic is up for discussion!
  10. Hmm. Likeable villains. Truthfully I've always liked Itachi but he turned out not to be a villain in the end. Also I like Ulquiorra. He is a villain but of the cool kind. As in, he's got some honour and a lot of style. A bit "The Godfather"-ish. I sadly watch a lot of anime where you can't quite make out who is a villain and who is not such as Baccano or Black Lagoon and also a lot that do without one (Lucky Star, etc. etc. mostly comedies) so yah.
  11. This is a bit morbid so don't click it if you don't have a lot of humour: http://www.explosm.net/db/files/Comics/Dave/comiccoldoneone.png Content from Explosm.net
  12. has the best bag of tricks EVER.

  13. And that one insanity.

  14. Well I'm Felix, my username is the "fault" of the chat people who kept calling me cat 'cause of my name - So basically, I'm not entirely new but I am indeed new on the boards. Err I enjoy anime/manga [b](DUHH!!)[/b], art, literature, my aikido classes :D (gonna start kendo soon too) and I sorta fail but sorta not (as I like to think) at playing guitar! Music I like would be.. well I like some stuff from every genre but what I listen to most is indie, alternative, hard rock, punk rock, metal and pretty much everything that involves a guitar. That's it for now?
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