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Felix the Cat

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Everything posted by Felix the Cat

  1. Meh, this negativity was directed mostly at people who take the trend much too far (in the first video at least. I mean, disability status? Really?). I didn't see the negativity in the second one too much, really, I mean they all said they'd at least look into it (except for the old guy who just said America's a free country but whatever) and the 3rd one just made me laugh. RANTING about MLP but they apparently like Care Bears. Mhm. Totally not being 100% prejudiced there. Also, they said the exact same stuff as people who are actually now bronies so I found it hard to take them seriously and, in fact, did not.
  2. omfgthatpandaistoocute.


  4. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1308348537' post='708006'] I love having the day off with nothing to do but enjoy it. <3 [/quote] That's the life.
  5. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1308133375' post='707981'] I will burn those pants when I get home. For now, they are in the fire pit in the backyard. [/quote] You could also wash them?
  6. [b]I ACED MY EXAMS TODAY!![/b] [b] [/b] Just sayin'.
  7. Today, I swear I'm not doing an- Oh, wait, exams coming up.

  8. [font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]Since I thought up a second... "ending" to the newest GFP, I thought I'd OH SO EXCLUSIVELY post it here :3[/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2] [/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2][img]http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/1812/intuitioniguess2.png[/img] [/size][/font]
  9. [quote name='fujyoshi' timestamp='1307050978' post='707803'] I've been traeting my acne wit lemon juice I hope that doesn't cause me to get a sunburn >< [/quote] Sunburn? No. Irritated skin, most likely.
  10. [quote name='Elle Jay' timestamp='1306961365' post='707763'] [color="#556B2F"][size="3"][font="Times New Roman"]I'm glad to be alive and safe[/font][/size][/color] [/quote] Yay for being alive!
  11. [b]Layer Cake.[/b] [b] [/b] Ahem... "IT'S SO FLUFFY, I'M GONNA DIE!!!"
  12. [quote name='OMNOMNOMALY' timestamp='1306881918' post='707730'] [font="Garamond"]YOU DUKERDURR[/font] [/quote] Cock-a-doodle-doo?
  13. So we were having a little cat/dog discussion on chat and this is what I immediately thought of: [IMG]http://gallery.gosi.at/d/16951-1/funny-pictures-cat-says-he-is-mans-best-friend.jpg[/IMG]
  14. "Democracy is just a bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people." I've come to love this quote.

    1. James


      Great quote, but whoever said that apparently hasn't lived without democracy. ;-)

    2. Felix the Cat
  15. [quote name='Midget Ninja' timestamp='1306481200' post='707611'] h.....also does anyone know what could cause a lower eye-lid to start pulsating/twitching? because this has been happening to me all day [/quote] It could be caused by lack of Magnesium. Try to eat a banana or two, or take a magnesium pill.
  16. [quote name='The Professor' timestamp='1306229421' post='707572'] [font="Comic Sans MS"][url="http://www.collisiondetection.net/mt/archives/2011/05/lets_get_this_p.php"]Stuff like this[/url] makes my frustrating inability to get to bed at a decent hour worth it.[/font] [/quote] I approve of this.
  17. Somewhere over the rainbow, Skittles are made.

    1. CaNz


      So that is where they built a factory? pretty vague location.

  18. You're not having the best of times lately, are you?
  19. HAI MI-...LILLY

  20. I once got 3 Digimon toys as a kid because I couldn't choose and the waitress was getting pissed off. XD
  21. Boring gala? Invite honour student and her teenage friends to wreak havoc.

  22. Through two exams, tomorrow is break and thursday math. I feel like without the break I'd been broken by tomorrow afternoon. x.x YAYS for 2/3 written crap being done, though!
  23. Well it's true though. The "for girls" in cartoons and other kids shows has made them into a huge blob of yuckiness for all the boys and pretty much the entire rest of the human population since neither mommy nor daddy want to watch fluffy unicorns going on adventures in strawberry land while riding on cotton candy clouds and singing songs about how happy they are that princes and princesses get along so well with their daughters.... Or they're just generally horrible - Such as this Strawberry girl one - don't know her name or them Barbie movies. [You can probably tell that I'm not too fond of girl cartoons, or most chick flicks for that matter. Emphasis on most.] This show has kept the unicorns but ditched the overall mushy uber cutesy stuff that would make the average person puke rainbows and gall and replaced it with stuff pretty much everybody can enjoy because you see all the hidden wrongness as soon as you're older and enjoy it twice as much 'cause your little sister/brother has no idea why you're grinning to yourself so widely. For example, they did a good job of combining rainbows with helluva awesome action, making the sonic rainboom: [img]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/720/mlpfimep1649.png[/img] Also known as "orbital friendship beam". Edit: Is this unbelievably cute or just annoying? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk9ZWJEuL_4[/media]
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