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Felix the Cat

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Everything posted by Felix the Cat

  1. The only bumper sticker I don't mind is "Baby on Board", however if that baby is 6 years old already and they STILL didn't remove it, that can piss you off.
  2. I feel like a wrung out rag.

  3. I am finally remembering just why I despise maths so much.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horendithas


      Because you're lazy?

    3. SunfallE


      Math is goooood for you. Seriously, it is.

    4. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      No, because I wasted over an hour trying to find out why that problem didn't work out like it should. Sadly without success.

  4. Naw, Granny has multiple re-occurences so you should keep it up!
  5. APPLEJACK! Obviously. With Fluttershy as second favourite, ever since she became badass.
  6. Mawatteiru* I believe but yes, you are quite correct.
  7. They will probably lengthen the lesson plots if they run out of ideas, such as making them 2 or 3 episode "arcs".
  8. I think it's to push the focus a lot more on friendship lessons which they are, whilst trying to be subtle about it, also trying to enforce and Twilight always has to send an "assignment" of her lesson to Princess Celestia. And I think that's just easier to do with short episodic storylines instead of a longer plot, since you can develop the characters much easier. [size=1][i][color="#C0C0C0"][Please excuse my bad english today I've had to sit through a 4 hour long english exam with about 3-4 hours of sleep and my linguistic ability is therefore quite limited.][/color][/i][/size]
  9. That was my opinion as well, I found it pretty lame that they basically eradicated Nightmare Moon from the series that quickly. I mean it made the start unbelievably awesome but I was a little disappointed that the action-y mood was entirely gone afterwards.
  10. I must say, you've got Rarity down.

  11. Well I might as well, I have 3 cats. Name: Caillou Gender: M Age: About 5, I guess? Don't ask me about breeds. It's a CAT. Likes: Food and quiet Dislikes: Other cats, everything when he's pissed off Pictures: [attachment=15098:IMG_0611.jpg] Name: Niño Gender: M Age: Not even 1 year yet, we don't know the exact age but our neighbours dog found them abandoned in the forest last autumn and they were tiny. Likes: Being pet, his sister, food, attention Dislikes: Most cat food Pictures: [attachment=15099:IMG_0636.jpg] [attachment=15100:IMG_0629.jpg] Name: Naela Gender: F Age: Same as Niño Likes: Food, being pet, sometimes being left alone Dislikes: Being pet when she doesn't want it Pictures: [attachment=15101:IMG_0645.JPG]
  12. [img]http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/2163/screenshot20110327at956.png[/img]
  13. I watch Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy and My Little Pony.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Magus


      I hear a lot of bad stuff about Ergo Proxy which eventually kept me from watching it all the way through

    3. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      It could have had a bit more action, seeing that it was about a Cyberpunk girl with a badass gun and suit but it was very enjoyable.

    4. Puppet Mistress

      Puppet Mistress

      Ergo Proxy was brilliant from the Vincent point of view. That's who I've always assumed the main character was... but, sigh. Vincent's character is still top-notch.

  14. [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1301192413' post='705980'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Honestly, as much as I give Ace grief for liking this show [playfully of course], I find it absolutely no different from guys watching romantic comedy, slice of life, or magical girl anime. [Although there may be some justification for that last one. *cough*] And on the flipside, it's no different from girls watching shows targeted to boys, especially shonen anime. I think the only reason people are really going WTF over it, outside of the fact that it's My Little Pony, is because it's an American cartoon. [/font][/color] [/quote] Well one thing about the "girls watching boyish cartoons/anime" is that most guys actually like that since they can talk about the stuff they like to watch too, whereas I haven't come out the closet about watching MLP to my friends yet for it'd be weird. :P Also, since anime producers have noticed that boys obviously like little girls with magical powers riding around on broomsticks and killing monsters, most Magical Girl anime nowadays are directed at boys or are at least unisex anyways. The only ones directed at girls that I could think of from the top of my head would be Card Captor Sakura (though I have my doubts on that one) and DoReMi.
  15. This would be [b]Bakemonogatari[/b] I believe?
  16. [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1301162595' post='705962'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Something that I just now noticed...[/font][/color] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Can you actually view videos on The Hub's site, Felix? I figured it'd be region-locked, but if it's not, then that's definitely different. I'm watching episode 10 right now. Reproducing by puking. I'm not sure what to make of that.[/font][/color] [/quote] I believe I can, I didn't actually try since I've seen 20 already. I can access the site itself though so maybe it isn't. Anyways, it's amazing how much of the usually cute stuff is really really wrong if you stop and think about it for a second. PS: [font="tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica"][size="1"][i]She's an evil enchantress And she does evil dances And if you look deep in her eyes She will put you in trances Then what will she do? She'll mix up an evil brew And she'll gobble you up In a big tasty stew So...watch out. [/i][/size][/font] [font="tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica"][/font] [font="tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica"]I'm still loving it.[/font]
  17. So like I've watched this episode now! :D Much thanksgiving-ish except with a good ending. [img]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x244/Felixdw/epic-show.jpg[/img] PS: Isn't it spelled "Gryphon"?
  18. I couldn't find Episode 21 D: The Hub doesn't have it yet either! I want MOAR Pony! Also... More racism than this? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TkOfhCK4Zo[/media]
  19. [img]http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh21/Shadesknight/tumblr_lekd80fH041qfkm1ko1_250.jpg[/img] Nothing you can do about it.
  20. How dare you! I posted that pic on chat yesterday! D: Lolnoitsfine. Edit: SO MUCH PONY IN THIS THREAD!
  21. Just finished episode 20 of My Little Pony. I can't wait for the next one!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Puppet Mistress

      Puppet Mistress

      Ewww, smelly Applejack ;D

    3. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      Eek it's a muddy cucumber monster!

    4. Puppet Mistress

      Puppet Mistress

      Wash your hooves.

  22. [quote name='Stephanie' timestamp='1300942324' post='705888'] Okay, so, here I am, stuck, because I'm trying to declutter my room [aka: get rid of stuff I never use] and what do I find? Most of the stuff left in my room is books and papers, all of which I am actually using. BAH. [/quote] I know a similar situation! When I clean up my room there's always a bit of junk but ALSO a lot of stuff that I MIGHT still need, such as papers, etc so I don't really want to throw it out, which, in some occasions, leaves my room really messy.
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