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Felix the Cat

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Everything posted by Felix the Cat

  1. Oh.. so you work for me. Good girl, have some more bargains.

  2. Well guys, here I have some pretty Before/After pictures for you. And no, it's not in german: [url="http://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/jordskjelv-i-japan/bilder.php"]http://www.vg.no/nyh...apan/bilder.php[/url] Edit: [url="http://www.abc.net.au/news/events/japan-quake-2011/beforeafter.htm"]http://www.abc.net.a...beforeafter.htm[/url] Here's some more, some of the pics are the same but there's other ones too, I'd recommend checking out both links.
  3. Would you like a Nintendo DS with Pokemon Black for the low price of.. your SOUL. Muhaha.

  4. I just remembered.

  5. No thank you, watching Flynn fly onto a horse's back like from waaay high already (mentally) did that.

  6. Hurrrrr....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Puppet Mistress

      Puppet Mistress


    3. Korey


      I thought you were frickin Gavin. Why you troll me dog.

    4. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      Y U NO check profile page? :P

  7. That, if my eyes haven't entirely failed me, is [b]World Destruction[/b], yes? edit: - well since I've received chat-confirmation from Des I'mma put a new one up :3 - Now I don't know how many of you have seen this but IF you have, you'll know this scene: [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x244/Felixdw/Screenshot2011-03-12at34044PM.png[/IMG]
  8. You are perverted.

  9. Shred on, shred off. The Shredder.

  10. I'm Otaku-bored.

    1. Ellerby


      I'm the Otaku-Lord.

    2. Lyndy


      I'm Otaku-Adored.

  11. This is my current background. I like it because it's simple and too flashy BGs make me sick to my stomach. [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x244/Felixdw/Screenshot2011-03-08at74239PM.png[/IMG]
  12. [quote name='Ducky' timestamp='1299527128' post='705529'] Your face doesn't make sense. [/quote] NO U!
  13. [quote name='Lilt' timestamp='1299523653' post='705527'] [b]I'm curious what Pokémon Black means then.[/b] [/quote] It means the exact same thing, only on the other polar opposite, which doesn't make sense but 'cause it's Pokemon it does!
  14. [quote name='OMNOMNOMALY' timestamp='1299341983' post='705493'] [font="Garamond"]I also find that milk exacerbates it so stay away from dairy if you can because whenever I have tea with milk or just milk or whatever my throat gets ridiculously sore. Eat oranges![/font] [/quote] If you have a sore throat drinking milk or eating yogurt or other milk products (hard cheese is ok) is the worst thing you can do, miss. Just so you know.
  15. [quote name='Magus' timestamp='1299313985' post='705489'] Thanks, although resting might not be possible. Then again all I really do is go to work, come in, play a game for a little bit and then sleep so that might not be as much of an issue as I thought. [/quote] Next to the water (and I'm sure you're allowed to take a bottle to work.) you should also try to drink some warm drinks, especially tea, whereas it doesn't matter which tea, really, but herbs usually are the best. In addition to that you should eat a lot of hot soup, preferably chicken, trust me it works.
  16. I JUST GOT THE LAST!! COPY OF POKEMON WHITE! WOOOOOOOO In other news, I'm still addicted to Guild Wars.
  17. would really love to stay in bed all day.

    1. Elk


      Same here :(

    2. SunfallE


      Turn into Lazy Cat then. :p

    3. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      I am a lazy cat. But Molly is lazy dog so it would be a ripoff.

  18. I'm in ur wall, stealin' ur ... well ... I'll get to that part later. :V

  19. [quote name='Jeje' timestamp='1299129165' post='705448'] [color="#556B2F"][size="3"][font="Times New Roman"]I disappeared for a year right after I made my account! :I[/font][/size][/color] [/quote] What, you too? o_o
  20. Exactly, it'll disintegrate your soul! D:

  21. I find it funny that the Be Nasty Day is the same date as the Working Women's day :P Also I'm looking forward to the 22nd.
  22. I don't know. Maybe you can tell me?

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