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Felix the Cat

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Everything posted by Felix the Cat

  1. How do you like this one? [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x244/Felixdw/Linkusig.png[/IMG]
  2. I. dislike. school. THERE I SAID IT!

    1. Horendithas


      And yet you get to keep attending it. ENJOY!

    2. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      Only 32 more school days until I'm done. Not counting weekends, holidays and finals.

  3. /b/.

    1. Lyndy


      I prefer /hr/ and /bg/.

    2. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      I don't like /b/, this is a hommage to your "goes to 4chan" :] -> Correction: I sometimes like /b/ for memes.

    3. Linkukun


      I wonder if the internet police are gonna come arrest you for talking about /b/

  4. [center][size="2"][b]"SMILE!!!"[/b][/size][/center][center][size="6"][b][img]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x244/Felixdw/vlcsnap-2011-01-27-18h41m44s126.png[/img] [/b][/size][/center][center][size="6"][b] [/b][/size][/center][left][size="2"]And yes, that was a hint.[/size][/left]
  5. Fairy Tail. I'm fairly sure. Bad puns aside, yeah. This is Lucy and (fake) Salamander.
  6. Well I gots an avatar for you: [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x244/Felixdw/squirtlesquad.jpg[/IMG] Need to an image for the sig :/
  7. I hate it when people type in shortcuts such as "u", "r", "n" and the likes. Whereas I don't mind it if people don't do it a lot, it catches my eye, and therefore bugs me even more, when people use "u" and "your" (not "ur") in the same sentence because it's like.. Hmmm I can't even explain. It just annoys me I guess?
  8. This was a hard one. Time Bandits, I'm pretty certain of it. "Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger."
  9. Question: Is it okay to post an anime movie picture as well? This is a series though: [IMG]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x244/Felixdw/Bshot.jpg[/IMG]
  10. Great Teacher Onizuka? I'm pretty sure.
  11. Was I just poked?! :o

  12. I have returned from France! Slightly better at french but totally exhausted! There is NO feeling like being home. Really. [attachment=15032:home.jpg] Edit: Oh yeah. In this picture: Lyndy Lou(p), Midget Ninja aka. Chee Roxs, Morbo et moi.
  13. Prince of Space, damn that one's old! "Time to nut up or shut up."
  14. Groundhog Day? "Why is the rum always gone?"
  15. Planet of the Apes. Now for an easy one: "'What' ain't no country I've ever heard of! They speak english in What?!"
  16. is in France, stealing your baguettes.

    1. Ducky


      NOT MY BAGUETTE. D: Take the snails, no one cares about those.

    2. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      But neither do I.

    3. Boo


      I'll be in France from next week on :V

  17. Your picture of Link kinda looks like he was gonna NOM something big instead of yawn, sometimes. I think I might be hungry.

  18. I tend to OCD on using the :P smiley, however, except for that one, I hardly use them. I'm more of a text person, saying "lol" even in the most inappropriate situations (and not even finding something remotely funny), as well as using "...". You might find me SOMETIMES using the :D, D: or ._., though it's usually only in reaction to another person using smileys.
  19. You guys answer all that way too fast -_- I actually KNEW a couple of the anime but was always like an hour too late! D:
  20. So, this is one of the things I've noticed: Gome sometimes has weird connectivity issues that basically clone her! Since that is sometimes quite hilarious, here's my newest doodle inspired by Gome like an hour ago! :D [attachment=15021:differentsidesofgome.jpg] In this picture: Sangome, Sangome 2112, Sangome 9786, Sangome 4432, Sangome 6534 aaand Sangome 4521 Yay :3 Chee I'll get to yours sometime, don't worry xD
  21. You were sucked into chatty madness I see.

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