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Everything posted by Soji47
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]But what about Wimpy?!?! Look at this beast!!! [url="http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://kerryosborne.oracle-guy.com/files/2009/05/wimpy.jpg&imgrefurl=http://kerryosborne.oracle-guy.com/2009/05/ill-gladly-pay-you-tuesday-for-a-hamburger-today/&usg=__x_u9Pwl5TNeg-v-kZD_wBGWjDf4=&h=425&w=310&sz=37&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=XZ85WmXgP_8_2M:&tbnh=136&tbnw=99&ei=bdUzTe-SMoy8sQPT0M3ABQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwimpy%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D573%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=385&vpy=80&dur=1675&hovh=263&hovw=192&tx=114&ty=156&oei=OqIzTauKA43ksQOuht2yBQ&esq=9&page=1&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0"][img]http://kerryosborne.oracle-guy.com/files/2009/05/wimpy.jpg[/img][/url] Who wouldn't want to jump his bone?[/color][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]But CaNz, his deformity is a testimony to his strength!!! I mean, he has overcome BPA poisoning and probably even a stroke. Who knows [i]how[/i] many bar fights the man has been in, and -despite his haggard appearances- he still manages to win the girl! [spoiler]Lucky bastard[/spoiler] [/color][/font]
[quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1295114264' post='703916'] It has spinach in it! that means its healthy! :P [/quote] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"] Yes, and here's the spinach spokesman, Popeye the Sailor Man. Popeye? [url="http://http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_JPQxpOxvt28/SwWb_pbejLI/AAAAAAAAAQQ/IC4ma2IrSss/s1600/popeyedm1211-228x352_jpg.jpg&imgrefurl=http://i-am-z0e.blogspot.com/2010/12/nostalgiaaaa-d-part-1-xd.html&usg=__sb7SrB7IDg-M7DVKAEbEUq1vVbY=&h=352&w=228&sz=23&hl=en&start=70&zoom=1&tbnid=rxpWLfxuWYBd2M:&tbnh=133&tbnw=85&ei=EnAyTf_sPIuasAP5-aG9BQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpopeye%2Bthe%2Bsailor%2Bman%2Bcartoon%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26imgrefurl%3Dhttp://i-am-z0e.blogspot.com/2010/12/nostalgiaaaa-d-part-1-xd.html%26h%3D352%26w%3D228%26sz%3D23%26ndsp%3D22%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D573%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1311&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=415&vpy=129&dur=0&hovh=279&hovw=181&tx=117&ty=176&oei=CHAyTfHLHYzGsAO9qY2wBQ&esq=5&page=4&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:70&biw=1280&bih=573"][url="http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_JPQxpOxvt28/SwWb_pbejLI/AAAAAAAAAQQ/IC4ma2IrSss/s1600/popeyedm1211-228x352_jpg.jpg&imgrefurl=http://i-am-z0e.blogspot.com/2010/12/nostalgiaaaa-d-part-1-xd.html&usg=__sb7SrB7IDg-M7DVKAEbEUq1vVbY=&h=352&w=228&sz=23&hl=en&start=70&zoom=1&tbnid=rxpWLfxuWYBd2M:&tbnh=133&tbnw=85&ei=EnAyTf_sPIuasAP5-aG9BQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpopeye%2Bthe%2Bsailor%2Bman%2Bcartoon%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26imgrefurl%3Dhttp://i-am-z0e.blogspot.com/2010/12/nostalgiaaaa-d-part-1-xd.html%26h%3D352%26w%3D228%26sz%3D23%26ndsp%3D22%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D573%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1311&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=415&vpy=129&dur=0&hovh=279&hovw=181&tx=117&ty=176&oei=CHAyTfHLHYzGsAO9qY2wBQ&esq=5&page=4&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:70&biw=1280&bih=573"][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_JPQxpOxvt28/SwWb_pbejLI/AAAAAAAAAQQ/IC4ma2IrSss/s1600/popeyedm1211-228x352_jpg.jpg[/img][/url][/url] Enough said.[/color][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Death is a funny thing, mostly because of how uncertain its. No matter what you believe, death is the threshold between what you know, and what you don't. I personally believe in an after life, my friend believes that nothing comes of our consciousness after our demise, but I will be the first to admit that I haven't the foggiest which is true despite my faith. I think the reason that these "end of the world" plots merit so much attention is because of the general fear caused by what we don't know. We, as people, are desperately curious of all things that we don't understand, and the cause of our death is no exception, I feel. I myself don't care much about how I'm going to die, but I'm the only member of my immediate family who feels that way. I guess the short end of my opinion is that death is a ridiculous thing get so caught up with,as more than likely we'll each die differently. But even if some Armageddon does rain down and destroy us all, I sincerely doubt that that that knowing or worrying about it is going to do us any good at all[/color][/font]
[quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1293973939' post='703557'] Oh yeah, and she is a cute girl and I am single... what do I really have to lose. [/quote] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Dude, that's the best setup ever! And the video game loving!!! Booyah, CaNz. Booyah I had a thing like that happen when I went to New Orleans this summer. She's cute and funny, and kinda nerdy. It sucked that we couldn't see each other more while we were there. She lives in Indiana, and I'm going to go visit her in February! How long do you have with her?[/color][/font]
[QUOTE]13 International Skeptics Day 13 Make Your Dream Come True Day[/QUOTE] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"] Does anyone else appreciate this? Anyone?! PLEASE APPRECIATE THIS!!!!!![/color][/font]
Funtime Thread of Humor and Mirth (and Junk.)
Soji47 replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in General Discussion
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Does that Walrus remind anyone else of [url="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_UGDaXw2Vetk/TMJjSboMfYI/AAAAAAAACAI/sW7MIFuwmWE/S350/Kenny_G.jpg"]Kenny G[/url], or is it just me? I mean, if you squint your eyes and cock your head to the side, and then kinda erase his hair... yeah, totally Kenny G[/color][/font] -
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]My New Years resolution is kind of a two part thing. The first thing I'm going to try and change is how serious I am. I take myself WAY too serious. Part two is me not taking offense so often, These are things I really struggle with, and they make it difficult to make and maintain friendships at any level. I want to be a fun guy to be around, which is surprisingly difficult when I can't relax and be easy going. God bless my friends who do stick around despite my far-to-serious-disposition. My other resolution is me getting back to the Dojo and [s]getting my procrastinating butt back in gear to kick some international black belt butt[/s] start training of the Ozawa Cup down in Vegas. And test for my Second Degree... Yeah, I should do that.[/color][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]To be honest, this is the first that I've heard of [b]both[/b] stories being influenced by an earlier cultural concept. Although its fairly common for anime to be influenced by Shinto/Buddhist ideas, or early Japanese culture and legends, I doubt that [u]Kimba[/u] was influenced by these factors, as there are no lions native to Japan. I will admit that I'm unfamiliar with early stories form both China and India, but I think its safe to rule out a Chinese influence on [u]Kimba[/u], based on the nearly uniform distaste that the Japanese have had for the Chinese and their culture for so long. It does seem possible for an India-based influence to be a contributor to [u]Kimba the White Lion[/u], I don't believe it plausible... Given that Osamu Tezuka and Walt Disney did have some sort of professional relationship and respect for one another -- which involved Disney training Tezuka's animators to use colour-production for [u]Kimba the White Lion[/u] and Disney granting Tezuka the rights to put [u]Bambi[/u] in manga form -- its seems to me that Kimba is a more likely influence for [u]The Lion King[/u] than anything else. And as I stated above, it doesn't seem very likely to me that [u]Kimba the White Lion[/u] is influenced by and early-cultural story, Japanese of otherwise. Because of how different the two stories are, I doubt that [u]Kimba[/u] has much, if any, influence on [u]The Lion King[/u]. No, I still stand by it being an original concept.[/color][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]The sad truth of the matter is that there are almost no original story concepts left anymore. They are either adaptations of something or another, or so close to a similar concept that the two will always be compared. But I find that you're right, Mistress Duck. There is a large amount of concepts left to be explored by Disney and their anthropological story-butchers. [/color][/font] [quote name='Dragon Warrior' timestamp='1293514465' post='703376'] The Lion King was literally ripped from a Chinese story with, I believe, the same name. [/quote][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"] I must admit that I feel a little skeptical that the concept was ripped off of a Chinese story; a sensation I base off of [b][url="http://www.lionking.org/text/FilmNotes.html"]this source[/url][/b]. (see "ORIGINS OF THE PROJECT")[/color][/font] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Actually, I'm under the impression that [/color][/font][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"][u]The Lion King[/u] was one of (if not THE) first Disney movies that was an original concept.[/color][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]My curfew was more for my parents than for me. They would be passed out ten minutes after I was "in bed", then I had free reign to do whatever. Yep, I suspect that bedtimes have been secretly for parents since the dawn of time.[/color][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]My New Years will be rather simple I think. I'll go to work, I get home from work, I'll open a can of Coke and play Black Ops until I get so angry that I crush the controller in my hand. The I'll go to my friends party, where I will indubitably be the only sober individual. Then I will return home and pass out, probably cursing the fool who thought that giving beer to teens was a good idea. But lets call that plan "B" What I'm hoping for is to be able to see my girlfriend after work, and then start an epic Nerf War with a bunch of my friends[/color][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Disney has done quite well with "princess" concept and, like most successful groups, probably won't the the concept rest until its beaten, broken, bruised, and more "B" words that I don't even know. My point being, I would not be surprised to see more princess-type movies being released by Disney. My bet is on The Peasant's Wise Daughter as the next release in this particular Disney sub-genre.[/color][/font]
[quote name='Horendithas' timestamp='1293242106' post='703250'] [color="#4b0082"][font="Arial"]I have decided, though I think this was a given, that hormones are of the devil. Yes it's exciting to be looking forward to having a baby... but at the same time I positively [i]HATE[/i] mood swings.[/font][/color] [/quote] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"] I've never been pregnant myself, as I'm 20 and Male. But I can recall well enough my mother's pregnancies, thinking something along those same lines... And now it CHRISTMAS TIME!!!!!!!!! The holiday itself holds little meaning to me in the way of family, but I'm definitely stoked because its a chance to hang out with friends i don't normally get to see often. And tomorrow it looks like I'm going to go see [u]Due Date[/u], so I'm definitely double stoked. I'll probably even spend a good portion of my day wasting hours of time I'll never get back playing MineCraft! Yay for holidays that mean no work or school!!! Yay!!![/color][/font]
[quote name='The Professor' timestamp='1293262602' post='703258'] [font="Comic Sans MS"][spoiler]There's a card from the movie [b]Enchanted[/b] in there. I now have a pocket-sized picture of Amy Adams I can carry around if I so desire.[/spoiler][/font] [/quote] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]First-off, that's not creepy [i]at all[/i], Ace. As for me, I am actually really pleased with what I've gotten so far, but I do have one more gift-opening day. My Christmas haul includes [u]Sonic Chronicles: Dark Brotherhood[/u], a five-string Ibanez Bass Guitar and proper accessories,[u] Ghost Busters[/u] for the Xbox (in a round-a-bout way), and the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe. These are my most pleasing gifts so far, but I will probably give a more full list sometime after tomorrow[/color][/font]
[quote name='Dragon Warrior' timestamp='1293246177' post='703253'] Even so, if they're stretching the term [i]princess[/i] this much, then there are plenty more stories where this could work such as Little Red Riding Hood. [/quote] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Although it seems unlikely that Disney would tackle Little Red considering that the [u]Hoodwinked[/u] duo are still visible in the rear-view mirror of Films Come And Gone. Not only is the red-hooded film concept still relatively recent, but as I recall it wasn't a very successful concept, relative or otherwise. But perhaps that's due to the parody-like tone that [u]Hoodwinked[/u] and its counterpart held.[/color][/font]
[quote name='Dragon Warrior' timestamp='1293206726' post='703232'] Way to be with Jack's Mannequin and Frank Sinatra. You have a lot of good ones on there. I just recently found Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground myself... what an odd sort of band... but that's what I like :] [/quote] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Yeah, the odd ones are the best ones. A fairly odd/ mildly creepy artist is Mika; "We are Golden" and "Boy Toy" are a couple of his *ahem* more interesting songs. Then there's Marit Larson, who's primary odd quality is her nationality: Norwegian. And then there's always The Presets. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE The Presets[/color][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]When I was 16, I really wanted a car, and I asked several times for one. But my parents shut me down every time. Eventually I got over the disappointment; that is, until my sister received a car for her 16th birthday. It makes me sad in my soul, but such things build character. Right?[/color][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Well... I'm not exactly new, but I might as well put my name in. I'm Soji47, formerly Sojiro47. I used to be a member two years or so ago, lost all of my contact info and such, as well as a stable internet connection, and fell away as it were. Anywhozzle... I'm back, and kind of a different person, so... New enough? The place has changed a lot since I left, and there's a ton of new names floating around, and i hope to get to know as many of you as I can. I'll be around, so hit me up. Later then[/color][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]I've got this thing for Claudio Sanchez, the lead vocalist for Coheed and Cambria, so naturally some of bands follow that trend. [/color][/font][list][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Coheed and Cambria[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Shabutie[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Prize Fighter Inferno[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Minus the Bear[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Jacks Mannequin [/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Muse[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Antsy Pants[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]The Black Keys[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Michael Buble[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Frank Sinatra[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Placebo[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Joy Division[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]She Wants Revenge[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]David Bowie[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Queen[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]DAFT PUNK[/color][/font][*][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Arcade Fire[/color][/font][/list][font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Its not the complete list, but it probably consists of the grounds I listen to most frequently [/color][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]This lesson I learned the hard way... Do not hold a small cast rehearsal for a play at your house and invite your significant other to watch if there's even a [b][i]remote[/i][/b] chance that you'll end up working on the kiss-scene. DON'T DO IT[/color][/font]
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"]Yeah, that was definitely the biggest nail in the Naruto Coffin... Don't get me wrong, I liked the main story. But there reached a point where it felt like there was more filler than plot. Sort of like... well... yeah... There anime is the only thing that comes close. However; I will admit that Naruto holds a dear place in my heart,[/color][/font]
I spent last night choreographing for a local High School's musical... I was up untill 5 this morning... 6 hours of fishing through contemparary dance? Never again
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One of these days you and I need to get together and choreograph a gang war.
Well Chibi, like most tragic stories, it started with a girl. And Ace, it would be the greatest gang war since Westside Story!!!!!!