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Everything posted by Soji47

  1. [quote name='The Professor' timestamp='1291413654' post='702355'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]This movie has been in development for a [i]very[/i] long time. It has been completely revamped several times, and each version was screened for test audiences. Yes, the final product is probably more action-oriented than the original concept, but it's also very reminiscent of the Silver Age of Disney. Just think of it as Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty, but with a bit of Aladdin thrown in to round out the target demographic.[/quote] [font="Book Antiqua"][size="2"][color="#0000ff"]Although it does have the "Disney Classic" feel to it, I feel its truly a shame that [i]The Princess and the Frog[/i] became the last of the "hand-drawn" era. Especially since [i]The Princess and the Frog[/i] had a relatively obvious Neo-Disney component. I do agree that [i]Tangled[/i] was very reminiscent of the Disney of Olde, but I'm thoroughly disappointed that it was not chosen to bring to close one of the arguably greatest chapters in animation history. It had it all: the unlikely romance, the Disney-evil villain -often portrayed as a monarch-, amazing music, even the token animal counterpart for the protagonist.... But I digress. You're right Ace, Disney is taking the proper steps to a sound generation of movies. But I wonder if it can hold. Disney has had a firm monopoly on making extremely old fairy-tales child friendly and entertaining for audiences of all ages and genders (my movie-going party consisted of three other late-teen gentlemen all of whom admitted to being near tears during the film). My only question is: what fairy-tales are left for Disney to recreate? Or will they simply start making them up from here?[/color][/size][/font][/font]
  2. [quote name='SarahPatricia' timestamp='1292899533' post='703018'] I'm not really sure what my first manga was. Maybe it was Naruto. .... [size="1"]or maybe not [/size] [/quote] [size="3"] [/size][font="Book Antiqua"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]Oh gosh... Naruto... Although it wasn't my first manga (actually, it was my third) I remember how awesome I thought to was. Anyway, my very first manga was actually RuroKen. I'm still convinced that Watsuki is a freaking genius.[/color][/size] [/font]
  3. That's just how it works. Lol, if you remember correctly, I ended up on the streets and without internet for a long time. ;P

  4. [font="Book Antiqua"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]I just finished [u]Jane Eyre[/u], and I was very please with it. I'm a bit of a sucker of classics, but i never got around to reading it. But one day I was ranting about Heathcliff from [u]Wuthering Heights,[/u] when my girlfriend compared me to Mr. Rochester from [u]Jane Eyre.[/u] I, having never read it, was completely lost and definitely concerned about the comparison. So I read it, and loved it. Like most classic novels by British authors, the book starts off slow, giving what seems to be too much background about the primary protagonist. But Charlotte Bronte seamlessly transitions from back-story to main story, and with the skill that only an angsty British author can muster, the plot picks up and the reader finds themselves riding Bronte's well-written cart following Jane Eyre's level headed (but emotional) roller-coaster of "desire -vs- sense". I definitely recommend it for anyone with a taste for British drama. Even fans of Stephanie Meyer's [u]Twilight[/u] series would enjoy it.[/color][/size][/font]
  5. [font="Book Antiqua"][size="3"][color="#0000ff"]I used to be on the OB years ago, and I don't know if its still around, but Desbreko's fan club is totally OB[/color][/size][/font]
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