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Everything posted by Morbo

  1. Been playing Skyward Sword all weekend. After i got over the initial shock of remembering the wii isn't no PS3 for graphics I set about getting used to swing my arm for sword play. My arm is pretty worn right not but wow its a great game! It flows well just like one would expect, Its Zelda of course! The story is great, Zelda is much more central to the story unlike twilight princess. Anyway back to playing!
  2. [s]I'm sorry, I have never even looked at competitive rules, I just went with what was explained to me here for these rules. If its the case my team is a cheat then I'm sorry, I did not know. I will accept to be removed from the tournament if everyone thinks this. [/s]was a response to a post that is now removed for some reason
  3. Hey, how did i get a victory last week? Has Muuh backed out fully?
  4. Excuse me. However I did remind you I am way from home until next tuesday 25th October. I am using Mollys internet right now, however I will not have access to any internet again until I am back. This was previously agreed in the orginal thread, if its the case of being DQ'ed again for taking some time off I'll rather not be involved. Thank you.
  5. I'm not fussed, the bye week will work out well for me, considering i cant battle for a week. I just want to get on and accept my beating
  6. Hey, Just a reminder about my Holiday from the 13th to 25th. I will be unavailable due to being in a different country. Any battles I can do when I get back to catch up, or do them this week, whichever is better.
  7. (Is English) I like something simple like Salad Cream, made by Heinz here in the UK...
  8. [s]*continues to lurk until the last minute* ;D [/s]Okay so my team will be: Rayquana Archeops Togekiss Gliscor Ninjask Scyther Friend code is: 4212 4208 9191 I'm preparing for a thorough thrashing this time!
  9. Been replaying Breath of Fire 3 for PS, i only recently found out my PS3 could play PS games... OMG I love this game, I just can't name the exact reasons why
  10. Lyndy! Your hair is all Black and stuff.... No bad blondie!!! :P How you doing?

  11. I wanted to get a verdict on this now. I'm on holiday 13th October - 25th October, I'm sure I could have my battle before I leave, however I will be unable to make any battle the following week as I will be in various places in America. I wanted to know if it would be possible for me to have 2 battles the week before or week after I get back? I would hate to have a loss due to visiting another country...
  12. Damn you MITA being quick of the mark. I'll take Flying for this time around.
  13. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1310857496' post='708435'] Anyways, this was a really fun tournament... it is just too bad it is gonna be over after this next match... It kinda sucks too because no matter what I do, I still am probably not gonna win.... I guess I have to hope Lawliet trips on a banana peel or something.. [/quote] Dont you mean I have to hope that, since your going down to me ;D Also I see what you mean about changing types and reserving them. In the mean time I'll prepare a new dragon team and start looking into other options. I'd love a rematch with Lawliet once it get an EV trained team :D [quote name='Kei' timestamp='1310851658' post='708434'] [color="#000080"]It's going to be the same as it was when I started this one: the sign-up thread will go up and it will be first-come, first-serve. [/color] [/quote] Also i don't want to be bitchy or nit picky... but i asked for psychic in this thread first, but was denied this due a different way of picking a type... Just saying is all
  14. [quote name='Kei' timestamp='1310191082' post='708304'] [font="Tahoma"][color="#000080"]Yes, I plan on continuing the tournaments. There will be another next in game Spring (read: September). Registration will open in two weeks. [/color][/font] [/quote] Would it be possible to reserve the dragon type again now? I'm already looking into reworking my team using EV training now i know about it. I've learned alot and i'm pretty much going to use the same team again (due to lack of selection), however way stronger i hope.
  15. What he's trying to say is that he owned me, because I didn't come out the stocks swinging like i should have! That's 1 mistake I'm not gonna make against you CaNz!!
  16. Whey! Only 18 hours (est) until round 6 is announced! CaNz or Lawliet you better prepare for some PAIN >:D
  17. I've already pre-ordered the limited edition Uncharted 3, I loved the first 2 games. My original PS3 died half way though my play through of Uncharted 2, within 1 hour I had a new one just to finish the game. This is probably going to be my only full price game purchase this year. I'm looking forward to Arkum City but i'll wait for the price to come down.
  18. [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1309375789' post='708211'] [color="#9932cc"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]So lately, I've been playing catchup with great games I never grew up with. The first two in the foray have been [b]A Link to the Past[/b] and [b]Super Metroid[/b]. [For the record, yes, I did have an SNES; it was my first system. I just never played much on it outside of Super Mario World, the DKC series, Street Fighter (when I was allowed to), and Toy Story. :P][/font][/color] [/quote] Oh My that takes me back. The SNES was my second console and I loved A link to the past, the DK seires and super mario world. A link to the past I remember spending hours upon hours getting every upgrade and item. Fantastic game. I have recently played and fully obtained all the trophies for Infamous. I found myself compelled to get everything that game had to offer, even second play though I enjoyed it. I have just downloaded a few demos, Rush n Attack (yeah because i played the NES original), sonic 20th anniversary remake and uncharted 3 multiplayer demo. Well rush n attack (i only realised about 2 hours about its a play on Russian attack) was pretty good, much more than just the 2 options of stab and jump like the original. I might look into the full game. Sonic 20th anniversary I will get this game once the full version is available, its the first sonic but with better graphics and music revamped but exactly the same. Love it. Uncharted 3 demo, I tried to play this but due to lack of other players i could not. I'll wait a day or 2 for more people to download it. I'm really looking forward to this one.
  19. [quote name='Kei' timestamp='1309216651' post='708176'] [font="Tahoma"][color="#000080"]Anyway, hopefully more people will sign up for the next one. We had more people sign up, but since they had to drop out for various reasons... Yeah. [/color][/font][/quote] Yeah it's entirely 'someones' fault...*glares at GOME*
  20. I know it seemed a bit harsh, but i think some of you got unlucky with your type choices while white got lucky. 2 of you in this tournament are weak against his type. However if there was a ground, fire or rock type in the tournament, they would have been trashed by you. Or Grass, bug or fighting in Kei's case. I'm just saying it sucks we didn't have an entry for every type to even things like your match out.
  21. [quote name='Lawliet' timestamp='1309197454' post='708167'] I'm just sad that my undefeated streak might not endure such a one sided battle. [/quote] You didn't hear me saying that against my ice opponent [img]http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/7466/smugu.png[/img] (ultimate smugness) :P
  22. [quote name='Lawliet' timestamp='1309121243' post='708138'] Lies! You can get STAB thunderbolts that are super effective on 3 of my dudes... so it's essentially 3v6. Also you are using a legendary!!! [/quote] I had to ask Kei this morning what STAB was. Also, I'm sure you have a few good electric killer moves up your sleeve...
  23. Ol' Fighter has not replied to my messages. Please feel free to move to round 4 when the week time limit expires.
  24. Is going to watch Akira in a cinema next Saturday! This should be good!

    1. CaNz



      I am so jealous...

    2. Akieen Cloud

      Akieen Cloud

      Must tell how it is.

    3. Shinmaru


      Oh, nice! I would kill to see that in a theater.

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