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Everything posted by Morbo
[quote name='Lawliet' timestamp='1308772382' post='708085'] What's so special about the how my match turned out? [/quote] I want to know who's streak has ended. Edit - ha already beat me to the answer. :P
Did you get your match with kei sorted out white? Or has it now been officially set in stone that it was a no show DQ?
[quote name='Lawliet' timestamp='1308753587' post='708074'] I'm ready for round 4! [/quote] I can't wait to find see the outcome your match. On a side note, message sent to Ol Fighter but no response yet.
[quote name='Lawliet' timestamp='1308535815' post='708029'] I didn't breed for IVs and I only EV trained two of my guys. I wasn't sure if other people where doing that or not anyways and if not I didn't want to crush everyone since this is just for fun. [s]I'm thinking maybe that's why Morbo is winning all of his matches by such a wide margin.[/s] [/quote] :( I don't even know what IV breeding or EV training is... I didn't even know what a pseudo-legendary or Uber Pokemon was until this tournament[b]... [/b]I was really surprised that White lost by default, I didn't know he disappeared from the site aswell. I hope he doesn't stay gone or this tournament will get a little easy with all the free wins being handed out.
Hope it all gets fixed soon Kei, I'm rather looking forward to the next round.
I see one problem already with this Wii U, quite a few of the launch titles are ports of games that are going to be at least six months old by the time the Wii U launches (Arkham City, Battlefield 3 et al). The touch screen really needs to bring something new to the table with regard to those games to make people fork out for the console and £40 for the game when they can get it for around £15 on the 360/PS3.
I don't want to sound like a bad sport here, but waiting a week for someone to be DQ'ed is really going to slow everything down. I mean I know that at least 2 of our Matches have already taken place and I'm sure the third has been planned to take place during the next few days, if not its taken place already. What I'm saying is this is going to take a total of 7 weeks if we wait each time, maybe we should post when all other matches have taken place and give say, 24 hours for last match to state they have a date arranged, this can be done by PM if they prefer. If they have a date then fine, but if not it's slowing everything down. Maybe this can be introduced after this round, because lets face it if you haven't shown for 2 weeks your probably not going to, or you wouldn't want to start at a 2-0 disadvantage.
[quote name='Lawliet' timestamp='1307277527' post='707857'] I'm not a she! [/quote] That made me lol. Your match up with Fighter should be a good one (if it takes place) your both evenly matched in terms of type.
[quote name='SiCk CaNz' timestamp='1307107265' post='707817'] I hope Ol' Fighter comes back eventually.. I was counting on him beating Morbo. [/quote] O.o I didn't know I was the one to beat
[quote name='Lawliet' timestamp='1306876271' post='707721'] I'm ready for the second round! [/quote] Seconded! Lets get it on!
[quote name='ThAt guy' timestamp='1306396764' post='707604'] So whats the rule on Move Lists? I get that your pokemon can't change... but I think it would be even worse if you could TM up your pokemon before a battle. I doubt anyone here would be cheap enough to try that, but I figure an official ruling might be in order. [/quote] I utilise TM's, especially since in Black and White they can be used over and over. I see no harm in using TM's if you spent time trying to afford them or find them. (my team has TM's)
[center][img]http://www.apoliticus.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/bestdragons_puff_03_10.jpg[/img] [/center][center] Just to confirm, Team Dragon is: Dialga Druddigon Altaria Kingdra Flygon Haxorus Friend code: 4212 4208 9191 [/center]
[quote name='White' timestamp='1304101204' post='706936'] [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"] You would make you're own banner after I offered to make them. v.v NOW I HAVE TO GO MAKE MINE COOLER THAN YOURS. /nerdrage[/color][/font] [/quote] /Cheeky: umm can i haz cool banner? :D
I have just realised that the start date is going to be the weekend I'm at the London MCM Expo (the UK's only major anime expo), so if its okay with Commander Kei I can do battles with anyone who is ready. I'm In Las Vegas from April 30th - May 11th so any other dates are good for me!
Junior from R.O.D. got me for a bit. [img]http://images.wikia.com/readordie/images/1/16/Rod04_59.jpg[/img]
[quote name='The Professor' timestamp='1302947728' post='706618'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]Druddigon Altaria Kingdra Flygon and, of course, Haxorus. [/font][/quote] Well that's my team now. Along with Dialga
[quote name='The Professor' timestamp='1302947728' post='706618'] [center][img]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n72/Aceburner85/ani-gant-stare.gif[/img][/center] [font="Comic Sans MS"]You're allowed one Legendary, Pseudo-Legendary or Uber-tier Pokemon. A Pseudo-Legendary is any 'mon with a base stat total of 600 or more that isn't specifically defined as a Legendary. The only thing on this proposed team that doesn't fall under any of those three categories is Haxorus. So basically, your options (along with a single one of the five above that aren't Haxorus) are: Druddigon Altaria Kingdra Flygon and, of course, Haxorus. 'Tis a limited spread, to be certain, but Dragon as a type is kind of broken as all hell. Although you might be able to make the case to include a Zweilous, since it doesn't even evolve until four levels after the tournament's cap.[/font] [/quote] [color="#000000"]Good god I didn't know they plastered Dragons with so much red tape, (also i never looked up the pseudo thing only uber and couldn't see any restrictions so apologies, and well new list to come I guess) [/color]
[quote name='The Professor' timestamp='1302503962' post='706431'] [font="Comic Sans MS"][s]Hydreigon[/s] Haha even I'm not that much of a bastard[/font] [/quote] Haha.. I am. Dragon Team: Dialga Dragonite Hydreigon Hoxorus Garchomp Salamence Friend code: 4212 4208 9191
Why hasn't dragon been cross off yet? I wanna be the Dragon type!!
I've changed my mind again I'll take Dragon type and make the best of a bad situation. Just for my records I have it down as the following are classed as only 1 allowed in my team: - Latios - Latias - Rayquazza - Palkia - Dialga - Giratina - Reshiram - Zekrom - Kyurem Which leaves my other 5 picks to be out of the following? - Dragonite - Salamence - Garchomp - Hydreigon - Kingdra - Haxorus - Flygon I feel spoilt for choice.
[quote name='Kei' timestamp='1302472027' post='706423'] [font="Tahoma"][color="#000080"]Regarding the matter of the Psychic slot: Morbo, Gome did claim the Psychic-type to me over at theO Chat about two days ago. However, since she NEVER POSTED HERE (*pointed look*), that slipped my mind and I forgot to update the roster. Is there any way you would be interested in another type? Or would you like to maybe take the Psychic-type in the Doubles tournament (though the start date for that has yet to be determined)? Regarding the Legendary/Uber question: Legendaries, pseudo-Legendaries, and Ubers being what they are, it seems unfair, to me, to have them just be usable all willy-nilly. Therefore, I will make a stipulation that each team is allowed the use of one Legendary/pseudo-Legendary/Uber, as long as it fits their type roster. [/color][/font] [/quote] Meh. I was gonna pick Dragon as a second but the lack of non uber/legend makes it terrible. I guess I will just step out as the other choices are my least liked types. :( and after i spent the last 2 days researching and picking Psychic Pokemon
I would like to claim Psychic type. My team is yet to be decided. EDIT: Question- are Legend pokemon are allowed?
Got to play a demo Nintendo 3DS today. It messed with my mind e.e