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Everything posted by LoneWolf/TML
No bad... Not bad at all... I would like to know why Faye is in it though. Is it because she tried to stop Spike from going to kill Vicious before the final time? (From when Spike said that quote...) Nice over all job...
[i]Back at the Training Center... Zi was going through all the training programs in the database. None of them were much of a challege. When a final slash, he destroyed Magma Dragoon for the eighth time. He was getting a bit bored... He desided to get a systems scan to make sure nothing was wrong... He was still haunted by that dream...[/i]
[i]When Zi was brought back online, he could feel new power running through his body. Doctor Cain ran a few tests to see if everything was in order, then he let Zi leave. Zi noticed his body was no longer the white unit he was so used to, but it was now black with ice-blue trim. Zi headed to the Training Center to test out his new armor.[/i]
[i]Zi reported to Doctor Cain as Zero had said. He didn't think Zero would let him upgrade himself. He entered the Upgrade Center.[/i] [B]Dr. Cain:[/B] Ahhh... The prototype Zero unit, Zi, right? [B]Zi:[/B] Yes. I have come to be fully upgraded with my armor and E-Chips.... [i]During the time he was "off line", or asleep, he was haunted by dreams of every Mavrick Hunter coming to kill him...[/i]
OOC: And I almost didn't get to post... IC: [i]Zi had been in the Training Center ever since he had failed to act when the HQ was attacked. He had trained day and night. And now he desided it was time to come out and have a talk with Zero. He called Zero on a near by computer.[/i] [B]Zi:[/B] Zero, I must request to upgrade my armor and get my E-Chip for I am sure I could act better with them... [i]Zero looked to be thinking this over before he answered...[/i]
OOC: God, I'm away for a while and this thing goes wild.... So were all in The Mire and I've seemly disappeared in a sense.... IC: [i]I awakened in The Mire, not sure of how I had gotten there. I had no idea of time while I was "asleep". I desided to look for anyone within this place, my weapon ready in my hand...[/i] OOC: And I can't think of what to say afterwards for I have other thing on my mind at this time...
[B]Name:[/B] Zi [B]Type:[/B] Maverick Hunter [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] O-Sabre, a Beam Sabre, Red in color, Upgradible [B]Capsules:[/B] [B]Head:[/B] Z-Armor. Black with ice-blue trim. Increases Energy Output. Adds room for one more E-Chip. [B]Body:[/B] Z-Armor. Black with ice-blue trim. Increases Def. Adds room for one more E-Chip. [B]Arms:[/B] Z-Armor. Black with ice-blue trim. Increases Attack Power. Adds rooms for two more E-Chips. [B]Legs:[/B] Z-Armor. Black with ice-blue trim. Let's him Hover and walk on spikes. [b]E-Chips:[/b] [B]Omega Sabre:[/B] Adds to the O-Sabre's power. Makes it ice-blue in color. [B]Jumper:[/B] Let's him jump higher and longer. [B]Speedster:[/B] Makes him faster. [B]Omega-Buster:[/B] Adds to the O-Buster's power. Makes the shots ice-blue in color. [B]Appearance:[/B] Looks just like Zero, only he's white. The gem in his forehead is ice-blue. [B]Bio:[/B] Made as an experiment to make a Maverick Hunter like Zero, Zi looks up to Zero like a big brother. His power is lower than Zero's, but he can come close to matching Zero in combat. He is in X's unit.
[i]I had caught up with two Elves heading in the same direction I was, but I had stayed back a bit so not to be seen. I had guessed they knew they were being followed, for they kept halting and looking back, as if to see me. They did not. After a while, the path headed down a hill. They had stopped just ahead, so I hid behind a somewhat large rock. I was leaning on it when the dirt gave way. I fell and rolled down the hill with the rock. When I opened my eyes, I had a blade at my throat...[/i]
[i]I had left the group behind, they were only slowing me down. They kept talking about their plan to reach Midgar. I, on the other hand, already had a plan. I guessed it was most likely Vukodlak's plan as well. I would sneak on to a ship to Junon. This sounded like a surefire was to get there. I had left a quickly written note telling the others they should try some thing similar. Then I had slipped, unoticed.[/i]
[i]I made it to the village of the young Human whom was said to have "The Sword". My sources had said his name was Kieth Star. I asked around until I found where he lived. When I knocked on the door, I was met by a scared sounding voice...[/i] [b]???:[/b] Who's there?! [b]Ryuujin:[/b] I am the Dragon Warrior, Ryuujin... Is there a Kieth Star here? [b]???:[/b] What if he is?! [b]Ryuujin:[/b] I would like to talk to him... And I fear someone will come after him... [i]I waited, not sure if I would be trusted...[/i]
[i] I was starting to get a little annoyed. First, my horse's heart gave out, then I was attacked by several Orcs. Finally, I made it to the "camp" where my "quarry" should have been. I was too late to catch up. The "campsite" had signs of three being there, so I knew I was searching for more than one person. But I had run into a bit of a problem, I knew not where they went. I guessed they where all Elves, since they left no signs of where they went. I desided to head to Milanhost, I needed to get some information....[/i]
[i]It was past night, I already knew the one who should have pasted did not. I knew that he or she had taken a different route. I knew he or she was an Elf....[/i] [b]Ryuu:[/b]Well, well... Some things going on here... I'll bet it has some thing to do with The Mire... [i]Since I had no reason to stay were I was, I desided to find this Elf and see just what was going on. I packed my things and then I jumped on to the only horse I had, and headed to where this Elf went...[/i]
OOC: Little bro, clean up your posts a little... (Yes, mykee31 is my little brother...) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IC:[i]As I walked out of my village, I noticed the young warrior Ken training. I walked over and watched. After a while, he noticed I was watching and stopped.[/i] [b]Ryuujin:[/b]If you really want to test you're skills, come with me... [i]Without another word, and without seeing if he was following, I went my way...[/i]
[i] Today, of all days, seemed somehow strange. I did not understand how this could be, for everyday was the same, uneventful. No Humans dared to come near my "home". Most feared me, others were sickened by the very sight of me. Few were the Humans that wanted to "befriend" me. Back to the subject, I could "sense" that someone was heading my way, but not from the Human Territory. This being was coming from the Lake Of Matakra, heading to The Mire. I did not know why anyone would go there, but I knew this person, whomever it was, would past by my resident. I would wait for this being to come, and then deside what to do...[/i]
[b]Darken:[/b]Heh... What do you know? I WAS right... [i]Phoebie shot me a look like this wasn't the time to mention that... She was right...[/i] [b]Darken:[/b]No one could have lived after that.... No one... [b]Phoebie:[/b]It's like Ryan said... The Reisitence is dead... [i]I healed Ryan and then started to walk off...[/i] [b]Darken:[/b]You guys coming? We gotta find Vukodlak, then we gotta go to the place where the Anti-Materia was being made... [i]They gave each other confused looks as I was walking away, then they hurried to catch up.[/i]
[i]I had recieved word that a Human may have "The Sword". I desided to see if it was true. I set out for where this Human was reported seen last...[/i] [b]Ryuujin:[/b] Hopefully "The War" won't start again... But, what will happen, will happen...
Name: Ryuujin Age: Unknown Description: Fully clad in new, black "Dragon Armor". His body is all black. His eyes are blue. Biography: He knows nothing about his past. He is a warrior at heart, and can seem emotionless at times. He is highly respected by warriors in the dragon race. Race: Dragon Magic: (None) Weapon: A reinforced Mithril sword with a dragon engraved on the blade. Skill one: Ancient Hidden Power-Transfroms into a "Dragon Beast". It takes him two days to recover from using it. Skill two: High Arc Dragon Breath-A super powerful "breath attack". Said to have been used by the Dragon God.
[b]Darken:[/b]The Gold Saucer isn't safe any more.... [i]Phoebie and Ryan look at me as if the same thought just came to them.[/i] [b]Darken:[/b]I just want to know a few things.... What class are we now? What can we do? And, do we have any leave time?
[i] I was tired of sitting around, doing nothing, so I got up and went to what was left of the tram. I'm not sure what I was looking for, I guess I was looking for an answer to what had happened. What I found would be hard for most to believe. I found the remains of a "Mako Freak", as they were called. It one was different from what I knew them to look like. This one had wings, it was small, it was...[/i] [b]Darken:[/b]A new breed.... They're mutating.... [i]When I told Ryan of this, he was as dumbfounded as I. I don't think he would have believed me if I hadn't brought the thing to show him...[/i]
OOC:I guess I can't call you "friend"... Any way, I'm here to role play... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Ryuu Jin Axelous (Hardly ever uses his last name.) Age: 21 Race: Human Appearance: 6' 4" with long white hair that seems elven, dark blue eyes that seem to glow. He's always wearing an all black outfit, complete with a long sleeve shirt, some-what baggy pants, steel toe boots, and a cloak, all of which is infused with defencive magic. He always has his sword on his left. Bio/History: As a little boy, he was infused with magic as part of an "experiment". He ran away, only found, half dead, by a Dragon Clan. He was raised by this Dragon Clan for half his life. After he left the clan, he befriended an Elf. He was inturn trained by this Elf. Being infused with magic, he is shunned by most Humans because he is "different". His life span has been increased from the infusion. He has the ability to use many forms of magic. He has set up a home on the edge of the Human Territory, near The Mire. Spells/Abilities Blaze: Ryuu fires a shockwave of contenrated Fire energy. Freeze: Same as "Blaze", only it's Ice energy. Gust: A shockwave of Wind energy. Landslide: A blast of Earth energy. Bolt: A shockwave of Lightling energy. Elemental Blade: Ryuu gives his sword a elemental "charge" for a short time. Blessing of the Dragon: Heals wounds of whomever it's aimed at, but it takes a lot out of Ryuu to use. Calling of The Dragon: Ryuu summons all his power to call forth a dragon. This takes everything he has and more. He has to rest for a day afterward. Starting Position: On the edge of the Human Territory, between The Mire and the Lake Of Matakra. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOC:I hope this is fine with you....
[i]I got up and dusted myself off. I went over to Ryan to see if he was okay. He had a deep cut in his leg with metal in his leg. I cleaned the gash as best I could. Then I used the Cure 3 spell on him. He came to after a while. I went to look for anyone else that could be saved, I found no one because they all ran... I went back to Ryan.[/i] [b]Darken:[/b]You alright? [b]Ryan:[/b]Yeah... What happened up there? [b]Darken:[/b]You mean the tram? I don't know... It was acting up, and, the next thing I know, boom... [i]We sat there, waiting for the "clean up" crews to get there...[/i]
[i]I watched Ryan jump off the tram. I knew it was no use, but I didn't stop him. Any way, it wasn't long before we got to the Gold Saucer.[/i] [b]Darken:[/b]You guys should get off... I'll go back and get Ryan... [i]Every looked at me like I was crazy.[/i] [b]Pheobie:[/b]We should all get off, Ryan can get on by himself. [b]Darken:[/b]You don't understand... I need to talk to him... Just go! [i]It took them long enough, but they finally got off. Then the tram headed back down...[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]The tram was moving slowly for some reason or another, but I thought nothing of it. I think it was just a few feet away from the Gold Saucer when it happened.... I was the only one on the tram, no one wanted to go down, plus I told everyone not to get on the tram. More over, my katana told everyone not to get on the tram... Any way, the darn thing was making all kinds of noise, shaking, etc. when, suddenly, I heard a loud BOOM. I knew what had happened as soon as I heard it, one of the engines blew up. The blast sent the tram rocking forward, right at the ground. Luckily for me, the tram stayed on the cables. I cut the door open and waited until I had a chance to jump. I took it. I landed with a roll, the blast had sent me past the first few tents. I looked up to see Ryan, I guessed he ran before the tram hit... [/i] Darken:Ow... They need to fix that... OOC:Sorry for double posting...
[i]I was getting a little annoyed with the fact every one was just standing around, making plans for things we had no way of doing at the moment.[/i] [b]Darken:[/b]Not to be pushy or anything, but, shouldn't we head to the tram? And shouldn't we plan all this out when we have a means to do so?
[b]Darken:[/b]It won't work.... [b]Ryan:[/b]Huh? What do you mean? [b]Darken:[/b]The anti-magic... Pheobie's wasn't the only one to get away.... [b]Pheobie:[/b]How do you know? [b]Darken:[/b]I was there... Where do you think I got infused Mako? Besides, the "Children of Mako" are not just magic....
[i]As anyone could guess, all our minds are on what just happened...[/i] [b]Darken:[/b]We're not getting paid enough for this BS.... [i]I paused for a few seconds...[/i] [b]Darken:[/b]The fact we're not getting paid at all may have some thing to do with it... [i]Still no reaction. I just saw it best to shut and think like everyone else was. Everyone that is, except for Ryan and Kabuki, who kept eyeing me and "Mister Personally", a.k.a, Vukodlak for some reason...[/i]