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About Evil-Sheep

  • Birthday 09/14/1985

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  • Occupation
    Unemployed.. not my fault I broke 10 plates in one day in McDonalds!

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  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]*pulls his shorts down* You're Chily Willy the Penguin. (... I'm bored.) [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] lol, took the descreption + words right outta my mouth... ^^
  2. I find wobbuffet funny 2.. I would toss weezing aside.. his smoke-screen is crap, annoying, stupid, and pikachu will beat any of them in 1 hit anyway so what's the difference? oh weezing's voice is SUPER-ANNOYING 2
  3. I got missingno and it f-ed up my game... dont get it!!
  4. I'm glad things sorted up, good for you!:p
  5. lol.. nice, do you have any other stuff like this?
  6. Hmmm..... I guess my weirdest thing is not exactly a thing... For over 2 weeks, I started sleep-walking, getting naked and sleep on the living-room couch! and I had no Idea i did that.. 2 weeks!!! thats awfully... weird... oh god.. reckoning it's embarrasing 2!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo]1 word. Messy but besides that i have, 3 final fantasy posters, 1 breath of fire one, a bed with countless stuffes animals occuping half of my bed, i have a tv(with vcr), radio, cd player, phone, dresser, desk, big thing that my tv goes in, snes, nes, PSX, (i have 2, one downstairs with my gcn) and well, stuff making it messy..[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] 9 words here, extremely messier than any thing you guys call messy :D I onyl have 2 FF posters and tons of weird "aliens" posters.. including "take me 2 your dealer" one (for whoever knows those things) and the usual stuff, desk drawers, very bad bed (and thats VERY bad..) SNES and well.. a broken (did you know Coke ruins PSX?!) PSX.. :)
  8. best movie i've ever seen.. seen him for 16 times (lol Are you sure we're not dating queen asuka? :D ) Anyway, for the ones that didnt watch it yet - do it!!!! you wont regret.. Ohhh i wanna see it once more! just once ! :devil:
  9. James, mind explaining again what's the difference between V4 and the default? guess i'm using the default right now :D Edited after realising myself: Oh my god the V4 one is like.. totally psycheledic! how can you guys even see with it? default for me.. even after understanding what's V4 :D
  10. [COLOR=darkblue] [B]I think love is the best thing you'll ever expirience, and I tasted both sweet and sour sides of it. When the sour part appears, it's best to think about the next sweet side you will encounter In your life, and finally, it will usually end on the sweeter side.. evne though the process will be painful, very!![/B][/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rach [/i] [B]1. either way, it sucks. 2. merciful. 3. my bf and/or a big pizza. 4. no contest: anime 5. games, a new dobok, all the cd's i want, buy the parts to make a catapault, a laptop. :cool: [/B][/QUOTE] hahaha I wouldnt let your bf see that you have a problem decided to take either him or a PIZZA to an island :-D
  12. Hopefully I posted this msg on the right forum, if not I'm sorry! I'm not sure trivia will work good here but i guess trying never hurts anyone, please cooperate thanks. 1. what are the names of the 2 demons rampaging the earth and skies of the "new world" (after kefka destroyed the old one)? 2. What's the name of the relic that gives a character the ability to use magic twice in one turn? 3. what's the name of the strongest sword in the game? how do you get it? 4. what is the name of the Esper that can teach ice fire and lightning? 5. what weapons can Locke weild? 6. What's the name of the RIGHT statue? is it goddess death or ragnarok? thats all for now, hope you enjoy :) hope it works..
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] I enjoy playing the following sports: basketball, rugby, strip skiing, football, skeet surfing, swimming, ultimate frisbee using the blade of a circular saw, tennis, mud wrestling midgets, and golf....oh did I mention dynamite fishing?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Did we mention that playing a sport once in your life doesnt count as doing sport? get real.. :therock:
  14. Here are 5 questions, hope you cooperate and answer them, thanks in advance. 1. What's worse, drinking problem or gambling problem? maybe both of them are just as bad ? 2. What's better (finally a "positive" question :laugh: ) being merciful or being generous? 3. Who//what will you take along If you have to travel to a far island all by urself? 4. what do you prefer, Anime or sit coms? (comedy series) 5. If you had tons of money, what are the 5 first things you would have bought? Hope you cooperate, i'm anxious to see your replys!
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